Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Brazilian Keratin Ottawa

Rituals and religious Ortueresi "St. Nicholas"

The religious festival dedicated to St. Nicholas the patron saint of Ortueri, takes place Dec. 6

with a solemn procession, where the town's streets are the stage to the passage of the holy

and devotees, many of them on horseback wearing traditional costumes Ortueresi.

Eighth St. Nicholas officiating the following Sunday with a procession of wagons and oxen.

But the anniversary of the saint does not stop at December 6, in fact the third Sunday in May

calendar is the feast with dance, music and traditional songs.

Procession of the Holy
(pictured John Pusch-World Cabiddu)

riders in traditional costume (pictured Luke Frau Andrea Onali)

(thanks to Alexander Pusch Photos granted)