Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Regal Kitchen Pro K6743 Breadmaker Bread Pan


Thanks though Stefania Frau delay for the compliments to my little blog .... but
............. Francesco Cossu, Nicholas Manca, Mario Vacca, Alessandro
Pusceddu ....... ............. ....... who contributed
...... written and massively images with the creation of the blog.


those who want to contribute to the blog with massively images and written
here my e-mail:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Denise Milani Niple Slip

Ortuerese DOC

The imagination, innovation, research and not least the professionalism

the qualities that contradistinguono internationally Chef Mario Vacca

Ortuerese DOC, here is a little autobiography

dell'estroverso "Master of the Kitchen"

I, Mario, was born to Ortueri, a small town in the heart of Sardinia, in 1952La my passion for cooking is so strong that at thirteen he left for Milan and attend the hotel school, "The Three Pillars" which pursue the diploma of master of the kitchen with the 'enable all' At that time early education to work in the best hotels in Alassio where I learned the secrets of the trade. After school work steadily for several years at the Grand Hotel Mediterranee in Alassio, in the meantime I teach at a hotel school locale.In this hotel captivates the post of Chef de Couisine Executive.Volendo increase my experience I choose Berlin as an ideal, open-minded city where the nouvelle cuisine is my nascendo.Grazie experience will be chosen for a television series in the first local station RIAS, SAT1 today. Back to work at the local hotel school and work in the most famous hotels and restaurants Berlino.Il president of the Italian Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro know me best Italian cook Germania.Durante in a pastoral visit of the Pope in Berlin, is chosen as Executive Chef for the evening of GREAT GALAPartecipo the Olympics and World Kitchen vinco il terzo posto con medaglia di bronzo tra 32.000 cuochi del mondoun premio forse,da questo momento molte altre televisioni si interessano alla preparazione e alla presentazione delle portate e spesso il mio nome compare in trasmisioni in prima serata.collaboro con diversi giornali locali e i quotidiani, collaboro con il Corriere della Sera ed il Tempo.Ho scritto i due libri uno in tedesco uno in Italiano"Etwasanderes" e "Qualcosa di diverso".Nessuna presunzione ma continuo con metodi miei con la mia cucina creativa innovativa a caloria calibrata

testo estratto dal sito di Mario Vacca