Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny Thing To Write On A Cast


refreshment center in the park del'Asino Sardo "Mui Muscas"
there you can book guided tours for groups , nature hikes
, and more ..............

a hot summer day "photo shooting ..." Ortueri August 2008

Photos ....... park .. . lando August 2008

refreshment center in the natural park of Mui Muscas

a hot summer day "photo shooting ..." Ortueri

Natalina and Antonietta Bonu Bonu "totonedda"

to Ortueri (between Via Fratelli Bonu and Corso Umberto)

At the gates of the country ....... Greeting Ortueri

(pictured son of Carlos Pardo Antonietta Bonu)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jpee Drugs Almee-1 Alprazolam Tablets

VIEWS OF Ortueri

Published gladly taken some photos of Ortueri Veronica Succu this summer.
Very beautiful pictures depicting the country into a "chiaroscuro" antiquing.


asinelli sardi  (ortueri estate 08)
foto gentilmente concesse da veronica  Succu


                                             Ortueri estate 2008

Vivitar 10x25 Digital Camera & Binocular Manual

Francesco Bonura

Francesco Bonura of "Tiracoa"

15/08/2008 Sassari (Francesco and Antonietta Bonu Bonu)

failed yesterday 21/10/2008 , after a few days in the hospital, my uncle Francesco Bonura, Ortuerese "doc", but for years living in Sassari and more specifically in the village of Li points,
A person "Uncle Frank" always willing, always cheerful everyone, who with his optimism and love for life, he managed to win "a bad bad" cancer.
But this time could not do anything to win this time, to steal his "desire" to live was the rudeness, the Failure to comply of the simplest rules of the road traffic in an accident caused by a young Sassari riding a powerful motorbike, oblivious to the lives of others. Hello Uncle

Following the article in the newspaper "L'Unione Sarda" of 14/10/2008

RETIRED Caught in a MOTO


Retired dying after being hit by a moto.Francesco Bonu, 85 Ortuerese but for years a resident of Sassari, was hit yesterday morning, at around 13 in via Pasek, Li nelquartiere peripheral points, and drown while crossing the street was a Honda 600, led by a young sassarese.L 'old was returning home for lunch time, when, arrived a few steps from her apartment, was hit by the powerful moto.L 'impact was very violent man was thrown to the ground after a flight of some metri. Immediatamente attorno al pensionato si è formato un capanello di curiosi.Qualcuno ha chiamato i soccorsi e in pochi minuti in via Passella sono arrivati un ‘ambulanza del 118 e una pattuglia della Polizia Municipale del distaccamento di Li Punti.Le condizioni di Francesco Bonu sono apparse da subito gravi ai soccorritori.L’uomo è stato caricato sull’ambulanza e trasportato a sirene spiegate al pronto soccorso dell’ospedale Santissima Annunziata di Sassari.Qui i medici, accertate le gravi ferite riportate dal pensionato a causa dell’incidente , ne hanno disposto il trasferimento immediato nel reparto di Rianimazione.Intanto in via Passella , a Li Punti , gli agenti della Polizia Municipalesono went ahead with the findings of the accident. fighters have recorded numerous witnesses and tried to ricostruireminuziosamente the exact dynamics of the accident. The agent must determine whether it was swept away when the pensioner was going through the pedestrian crossing, and if the motorcyclist was proceeding at a speed that hour elevata.A via Passella is one of the busiest streets in the ward Li Punti: dozens of shops, the doors of a bank, two supermarkets draw on that stretch of road dozens of people and cars. It took only a moment of distraction to touch a tragedy. (VG)

-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Unfortunately, tragedy has taken place. Every year road accidents in Italy are only 8000 victims, an "emergency" road safety is an issue not long overdue.

15/08/2008 Sassari (Francesco Bonura, Carlo Di Pardo)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Outfits For Lola Luftnagle


Serum pen
Picture of B. Carollo
numbered sealed vials of serum

In a village there is a huge square. Its boundaries are not known. You can see the beginning but nobody has ever come all the. Non si sa da quanto tempo esista e chi e perché l’ha costruita. È una piazza asfaltata perlopiù o lastricata; grande, smisurata come il mare. Il paese è piccolo, modesto, senza fabbriche, di circa tremila abitanti. Nel centro assolato e desertico della Sicilia. I ragazzi ci si avventurano a passeggiare ma hanno una specie di timore reverenziale. E se si spingono oltre li prende la paura e vogliono subito tornare a passeggiare nella piazza ma lambendo i caseggiati, o comunque tenendoseli a vista d’occhio. E’ come se avessero paura che un sortilegio li colpisse. Come se la stessa piazza fosse il risultato di un incantesimo inspiegabile perpetrato tanto tempo fa. Spulciando nella biblioteca del paese non ci sono notizie circa l’origine of the square. It seems there has always been. A sort of reluctant omission takes local historians who begin as usual with their books are the opening words reassuring Alqamah is a charming and busy town nestled at the foot of Mount Bunifat ... "but they care not to mention the place in question : as well not exist. All, in effect, pretend that the country does not exist and we never talk about in their speeches. Only children and children at a certain stage of their age, they talk animatedly, but then after a while, remove the problem and continue their lives forever. Only the fire of homes in some starry nights of old homes can sometimes be caused by the younger to win their extreme reluctance. Then some of the elders, they say, has let slip something, but everything is a mumbling, and there is no certainty. Some argue, for example, that none should be unknown to the center of the square huge because it could suddenly turn into a sea or a lake without borders and drown those who dared to venture far. Sometimes the truth is forwarded to someone at the bottom but never returned. Some simply went looking for him came back without finding anything and ended in a stubborn silence, or periphrasis logorrheic without actually explaining anything. What is certain is that enter the square, as you walk away unknown to the center from time seems to wrap you in a kind of magic for many of witchcraft. A few decades ago, he organized a real expedition, with carts, mules, dogs, tents and provisions. The expedition returned after two years and its only result was to find only skeletons of humans on the pavement infinite in all directions. And no one could say he arrived at the center of the square route or to have a precise amount, because you can not determine where is the center of an indefinite space in any direction, nor how much distance was traveled over the entirety of the square that remains completely unknown. One of the mysteries is the paving of the square, made of asphalt, paving blocks stone and other material poorer and more and more natural, like clay, then pressed the ground with straw, then simple dry stone increasingly disconnected. Here we must make a clarification. It is not that the square is not really measurable. We say that physically it is passable, but despite this, its substance remains mysterious and infinite. In fact, some of the vanguards of the caravans are exploring possible to reach a place where the asphalt ends and begins seamless campaign. A campaign barren, silent, burned and deserted. But digging beneath the rocky land where they grow only shrubs, mosses and lichens, it was discovered in a layer beneath a remnant of ancient Dry uneven paving stones. Many who claim to truth are not the work of man but of nature with its random rock sediments. Others argue that the square continues. Therefore we can not determine whether in ancient times nature has taken over the asphalt or other type of flooring and has just covered and concealed the square. Finally, some say that even if the square and began the campaign ended, it would be the same: those who can not be excluded that the original project did not include the fact his "innaturamento" in the campaign? Who says that the campaign is not part of the square? Purists of the maximalist thesis extension infinite reach of the square to postulate that it includes the original second project of its builders also the surrounding countryside, the sea, the mountains and everything, including heaven. Then there are those who deep thinking about who is or could have been the manufacturer of such a square. One? Many? And the reasons? The fact is that nobody in the village, however, like to talk about and all, I repeat, live if nothing had happened. Many remain at home until his death, others trying their luck trying to challenge the square. All eventually die in the attempt to follow it in its entirety. This square must surely bring a curse, however, because no one at the end comes back alive. Even those who live one hundred years in an attempt to cross die without knowing the boundaries. Many have therefore decided to worship the mysterious builder of the square. And while not known, claim to have faith in him and trust their lives to him. Others do not believe the majority live as if there were neither the square or the question of whether or not to believe anyone. I am one of those who in former times, when I was young, walked inside the plaza decided to follow it through. As thorough stretch out travel notes but now I see that these notes I have hindered or maybe you just brought me bad luck. I understand that he had fallen victim to the infection. Then I ripped all the sheets and the latter also previously written paper that I am writing will be the same. It 'best not to talk about that and go silent. So I'll never know the true nature and extent of this hidden place of mystery. Better not to think and live like everyone else. But the fact is that if one begins to address the problem then the passion leads him to venture into the square. And to be engulfed in the infinite vastness of its center. I write these notes and drop them in the middle of the square in the center of which (in the middle? Who knows ...) I drove many years ago with the only result that I was hopelessly lost like all the others. You do not see most forms of life, either vegetable or animal, the sky is just barely a breeze che presto si fermerà in un’assoluta bonaccia. L’alternarsi di giorni e di notti si è alterato e un giorno dura tantissimi giorni. O forse così a me sembra perché comincio a perdere la cognizione di me stesso e dei miei organi sensoriali. Ora camminerò in una direzione qualsiasi, solo, senza quasi più viveri, e senza speranza di trovare la via d’uscita. Non scriverò più e forse nessuno mi troverà mai. Vivo o morto che sia.


Un primo piano di una donna e di un uomo. Sono vicini, chiacchierano, si stanno seducendo, ridono. Lui socchiude a volte gli occhi luminosi. Lei risponde con colpi di ciglia rapidi; un smile of the lips just mentioned. Infinite distance from intermittent crackling and muffled expands nasal male voice of a mischievous melody of another era, perhaps there's an old gramophone gold somewhere. They are elegant in evening gowns. She is cleavage, a glittering pendant around his neck held by a thin gold chain. He, his hair and a flawless cast imbrillantinati, strokes her gently with the index of the humerus in a natural gesture as he continues to talk about fixing it. The very first plan takes on a meter and find that they are sitting on a red couch. It 's a classic baroque style sofa, with the makings of fine brocade floral white on a red background, the wood is dark, all carved and inlaid with mythological figures. Monsters, fauns, centaurs, Sylphs, Nymphs. Can I scan the microscope as the textures of natural wood. The couch is large and ancient. Here and there some little hole attests to the presence of termites. I can not follow the conversation, not because it is in Italian - I know who speak perfect Italian - but it's as if the words I'm getting distorted sound engineers from defects. As a buzz derived from a distortion of pronunciation, a kind of chatter. The more I concentrate more I can not catch the thread of the conversation. Only a few words I get perfectly distinct, and just a few words. The zooming is expanding again another meter and I see that the feet of lions head of the sofa are half submerged by sand. The wind, which now can be heard strongly in howling gusts - was due to the wind I could not follow the conversation? - Raises vortices of sand that accumulates on the ground around the foot of the couch and even on the large pillows. The two continue to talk lovingly pulled from the game of seduction and love-affairs by the rules of bourgeois conversation. The zoom extends to become a wide-angle and now I see the couch and the two conversing far away. They are alone, sitting on the couch in the middle of sand dunes. Miles of sand dunes and huge waves that run parallel to the eye. The sofa stands just in the cavity two among many other dune dunes. We are in an indeterminable point in the heart of the Sahara desert. The wind howls and raises a storm of sand. The sun seems planted with nails right in the middle of the air does not move an inch. The blinding light makes everything bright and without substance. Light to the extreme whiteness untenable.

the sofa with the two is on the tip of Everest. Extreme mountain peaks, ice. We can see very far side of a street without protection in a side of the mountain cliff to the abyss. Only a few yak was perched on the hooves planted almost up to them. His eye reflected in a convex distorted black and white sofa and the two continue to talk amabilmente del più e del meno.

Il divano rosso, il divano barocco con i due, è ora in una grotta sommersa in fondo all’oceano. Stranamente mi sembra naturale che possano respirare sott’acqua come se nulla fosse. Il divano è asciutto e anche loro. Le parole si sentono amplificate ed echeggianti nella massa blu dell’acqua. Ma si confondono con lontani ancestrali respiri di capodogli e canti di megattere in amore.

I due sul divano sono vivi? Sono morti? Sto forse sognando? In che modo io posso vederli? E’ un messaggio per me di qualche maestro occulto mandato da mie esistenze passate o future attraverso i sogni? Devo capire qualcosa? E cosa? Cosa può simboleggiare all this? Who are these two? I seem to be unknown. Will my distant ancestors? Or maybe my successors? Children of my children's children? I do not know. It could be the vision of my time living in the future? O in future lives? O in the past? The male could I possibly be in some other incarnation? So if we take the possible embodiments could be me the woman. It might even be the case that may be I am the woman is the man that they could be me in two separate existences. Two different lives to me that the vision can come together and talk. In this case it would be important to know what they were saying. But it is not given to know: Unfortunately, the conversation was indistinguishable. But it seemed a conversation ephemeral and illusory! But could it be that in the light of a conversation the two gallant me were sending me a message of vital importance, who knows. If I was him maybe she could be my soulmate? It could also be death? Death may come as a sensual woman to seduce me? Or was my guardian angel? Or was I both, as I said before, but maybe I was one of the enlightened Buddha returned to earth as perfect for me to talk with others who still had to travel kalpa and endless eons of karma to achieve them. In this case it may be that our identity is divided into plural identities of parallel lives? Of lives but they may break the veil of space and time within which they are flowing? Why the sofa was in such extreme places? Does this mean that the whole world is just a usual scenario of appearances? That our whole planet is a Chinese shadow theater? Perhaps the two were the principle male and female - yin and yang - the universe? Maybe that was God and the Virgin Mary? I'll never know even in part to answer these questions? And even if I could find these answers, who tells me that the other important questions were not completely different from those that I am doing?

Sunday, October 19, 2008 Dolls

mui muscas

New massively images

the nature reserve of Mui Muscas

to Ortueri (NU)

Donkey Mui Muscas

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Had An X-ray And Computer Virus

Calatubo sera sera, euthanasia of a castle

I write this note to aphorisms, almost Franti thoughts, as befits the description of a castle being destroyed.
Calatubo site is the oldest in the area of \u200b\u200bAlcamo, the most important ancient, continuous settlements from prehistory to early history, the Middle Ages.
was a center of culture Sicilian, Greek, Roman, Arabic ...
Idris in 1154 describes him as a great Arab farmhouse, full of life, with wheat fields well cultivated, with a seaport.
E 'abandoned, abused, stolen piece by piece, brick by brick, stone by stone, forgotten.
illegal excavations by grave robbers even with bulldozers. The necropolis
completely looted, Chancellor, the bones of the dead outraged when released.
He gave us fragments, Greek vases, cups ionic kilikes, skyphoi, amphorae, oil lamps umbilicate, Roman axes, handles with stamps of Rhodes, the eponymous magistrates, which indirectly reconstruct the streets of the Mediterranean wine, wheat, oil. There is a mysterious artifact
then, of course stolen and lost: a clay mask of the local production of the sixth century BC.
It 's a magnetic face has almond-shaped eyes that fix away, witch, a prominent nose and mouth posed as an enigmatic smile. It could be male or female, young or old, and fix the millennia, penetrates nell'oltretempo: is the face of a shaman elimo or the smile of Being original?
Castle Calatubo was superbly built on a rock cliff to be impregnable.
With a battle on the field was clear, but it was destroyed, almost razed to the ground.
Who designed it could not foresee the coming of an enemy so savage.
Castle Calatubo it has not fallen as a result of an invasion of the Vandals and the Visigoths, but the hand of a most terrible barbarian horde: ignorance el'inanità municipal bodies. Another more subtle invasion
therefore it has broken down, less sensational, less combative and more deadly. A snake
mocks the highway, erodes the weather, indifference sink it.
and dies in a melancholy euthanasia.
I'm tempted to applaud this ecstasy of abandonment: no poetry, symbol, retribution, fate, the eternal and bloody figure of Sicily.
sensual mysticism of ataraxia oblivion.
It 's the wry smile of eternity, the smile of the mysterious shaman uomodonna the form.
Sometimes a tiny delegation of penguins in suits climbed up the fortress, hastily celebrating a rite of empty words, ensures its heart to save the castle are councilors, mayors, ladies.
I tell you better than this theater il silenzio. Non parliamone più.
C’è almeno poesia in questa rovina senza ritorno, nel mormorare del torrente Finocchio tra una raffica di vento e l’altra nelle torri diroccate, in un’ape che sopra i fiori viola del camedrio sibila preghiere in voli trattenuti e improvvise accelerazioni circolari come un dervisci in estasi in una danza sufista.
Il castello si inabissa lentamente in una lotta impossibile contro l’eternità e cede alle ultime dolci invasioni: l’abbandono, le argentee colonie di assenzio, gli eserciti dell’ortica, della malva verde, le piante pendenti di capperi fioriti nei muri…
Cede anche all’oltraggio distratto di un pastore che da decenni vi dimora col suo ovile e forse non ha pensato di essere l’ultimo abitante di Qal’at awb, il grande casale arabo, l’ultimo signore del castello dopo una interminabile catena di nobili: … Berloni, Peralta, Duca di Bivona, Moncada, De Ballis, Papè, principe di Valdina…
Le pecore, le bibliche semitiche pecore.
Quella in fondo ad est, triangolare, è la “torre dei colombi”, sempre piena del loro tubare gutturale, come volessero comunicarci il segreto del castello con i suoni criptici di un alfabeto esoterico.
E questa di Sud ovest è (era, è crollata da due anni) “a turri d’u Re Biddicchiu”.
Il barone D. Nicolò Flugj Papè nel libro Calatubo di mons. Regina: "(...) under this tower is a secret tunnel. It was walled up at the beginning of the century by Prince D. Peter Pape following a serious accident to a young employee of the castle. It had come out of curiosity and was silent for ever, perhaps traumatized by the discovery of human skeletons: it was probably mortal remains came to light during the digging and deposited there. It was called the tower u Re biddìcchiu because according to legend, there was still a child being held at an early age, perhaps natural, Martin King. "
Better not go into the tunnels, they could overwhelm voices of ghosts, of Turks, the cries of "u re Biddicchiu" o il volto di medusa della maschera dello sciamano.
Dal castello tutto è magia, apparizione iniziatica, vertigine: il mare sembra una stoffa, le montagne onde improvvisamente pietrificatesi, le colline tappeti volanti.
Trent’anni dopo del geografo Idris, nel 1184, il pio pellegrino della Mecca, l’andaluso Ibn Gubayr, naufrago in Sicilia, partendo da Palermo e diretto a Trapani, arrivato a Carini, preferì la via interna e passò per Calatubo. Quindi sostò una notte in una borgata detta Alqamah, piena di mercati e moschee: “(…) Di là partimmo e dopo un breve tratto arrivammo al castello detto Hisn allamah (castello dell’acqua termale). Scendemmo dai cavalli e ristorammo i corpi con un bagno…”.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How To Make Arabbit Hut










Immagine di B. Carollo





August 30, 1998 Sunday Alcamo via Archimede 14

Way in an infinite hallway of a house, left and right panels of forefathers mustache, beards, sideburns, a Cardinal, I realize that the corridor is long out of sight, sound dim, slanting light filtered by consumptive side slits in the top row of pictures I see another then another and still others in twilight, you see the roof and perhaps all of the rooms are displays of faces, gestures, expressions busts of neglect, delay Hypnosis in front of a huge painting depicting a man sitting in a bed intent on putting on a sock at me and his eyes are alive, by the end of the corridor a naked fat woman advancing towards me, echoing on the floor the soles of his feet, as it approaches known to have a body with folds and masses of elephant meat hanging, strangely I can see it at the same time front and back, has an abnormal ass obscenely vulgar emphasized by a red thong, but a girl with a face divine ' aura of golden light, a whisper I reveals that it is the Madonna, cockroaches blacks with shiny shells come in a crack in the wall, my mother in front of a mirror combing her long hair teen, radiant light in the great room with nothing, nessun mobile, niente, solo lei che si pettina i capelli allo specchio e i muri irregolari di calce bianca delle pareti scrostate, in un’alcova interna della finestra colombe battono le ali e tubano, nella cattedrale luce discendente da vetrate rossoblu, santi, un prete dice messa, il resto della chiesa è penombra, da un organo note lontane, anche l’omelia è atona, le parole si distinguono con difficoltà, vanno e vengono, nelle prime file solo poche vecchie grinzose inginocchiate sussurrano preghiere, buio tutto intorno con chiazze di luce giallastre da ceri lumini e candele di cappelle delle navate laterali, lunghi colonnati, nelle volte affreschi di trionfi di Madonne con tripudi di angeli e allegorie, odore d’incenso jasmine mixed with holy water and mold, from the bottom of a dark flock invades the church, even the sound of bells around his neck was muffled up to fade away, only to end a silence you hear hooves trample the cartilage that marble is the basilica of Alcamo I see a centipede on a column of red marble which is a fossilized giant snail, ammonite, the basilica is now a crumbling ruin in the countryside, if you dig around you might find the ruins of an old city, Alcamo, even goats and their Semitic face amid the ruins of the dome and moldy scraps of frescoes, the sun blazes above, the olive trees of a print of Van Gogh - the first floor of my house while I'm sitting at my desk with lamp lit - begin to rustle under the breath of a breeze inside the picture, I see a glow down against the inside of a dark room, the sound of the curtain of vertical strips of clear plastic agitated by a slight wind out of a blinding light flattens things, fish Alcamo, polished tables of a bar of iron, light unsustainable old dressed in black, some with a black armband to play broom, to too much light hardly see anything, everything is without dimension, fluid continues, the sounds are amplified as in underwater world, my father died three years talking with the other two, looks at me, I only hear his voice in an unreal silence, go forward without recognizing, dopo un po’ un corteo funebre segue una carrozza trainata da quattro cavalli neri bardati, anch’essa è nera con pareti di cristallo e putti, arriva dal Corso, sta passando, si sentono solo le ruote e i cigolii delle molle, dentro la carrozza mi guarda una bimba triste e stupenda con ali bianche slanciate, stessa scena ma con dentro la carrozza milioni di topi che annusano per uscire, dentro la carrozza uno storpio – ha addome gambe e zoccoli di capro – sodomizza un angelo, domenica di sole, piazza Ciullo deserta, rondini volano basse controsole in cerchi, globi di luce abbagliante, una campana squilla a lunghi intervalli, vedo la piazza in un istante dall’alto e dal basso, nella piazza deserta una bimba vestita da prima communion to play I'll be back, pulling a skipping stone and reciting a nursery rhyme, in a process of film ideal, cramped closet without tile, a yellow lamp hanging by a thread full of dust and dung flies while the old hunchback Little House is a fellatio to a 12 year old girl accosted in the dark room, prof. Panella with glasses of literature circles and golden beard sessantottesca talking about art and the ultimate reality so twisted with another in a suit and tie you down the sidewalk of the Corso in April, suddenly in front of them a construction worker falls from scaffolding on the asphalt the fourth floor, a thud, died instantly, the other Panella still indifferent to discuss just throwing a glance distracted on the body and pass on without stopping, from a window I see the sea and a network of fishermen with fragments of human bodies caught sitting to repair hundreds of priests in black robes are lost in perspective, between the heads caught recognize some familiar faces forgotten friends, and acquaintances of military service and glimpsed through a second, far away on the waves of the sea in the night float a cathedral is the Basilica di Alcamo lit file waving lighted candles on the water, while the church is slowly pulled away from current with a priest bald head and thick neck lumpy along the central aisle and pray on their knees under the high cross, is very contrite, weeping and while we see that the buttons of the tunic comes out with a big penis and the veins in his penis out the button that almost comes under the neck, between graves in a cemetery crosses and marble monuments and a party with people dressed in bejeweled evening, the light red candles on the tombstones reverberant talking amiably, presentations are made, the cemetery is full, even the underground burial chambers are full, multi-file photos of the dead, I also go around each other looking for an acquaintance, Meanwhile skim reviewed the niches, and I realize that many faces are those of the party, among so many faces I find a plaque on my wall, I have no particular reaction only a slight surprise, during a Sunday in April you passeggiano gli alcamesi tutti nudi, poi un esodo di popolo che sfolla nudo in tutte le strade, in un letto un uomo e una donna scopano, si dicono frasi oscene mentre sono stravolti dall’eccitazione e sudati, l’uomo eiacula sul viso di lei urlando Porcaaa, infinita per le strade di Alcamo si snoda la Processione alla Madonna, una processione che stavolta durerà in eterno, alla quale partecipano tutti gli alcamesi di tutti i tempi, vivi e defunti, fantasmi diafani e zombi mezzo decomposti in mezzo agli altri impassibili, nella chiesetta di San Paolo davanti all’altare un prete celebra un matrimonio tra una novantenne e un bimbo, lei è vestita da sposa con un lungo velo bianco, ha branchie al collo e una mano palmata azzurra e squamosa, Tommaso Buscetta, sorry mafia, with irrefutable facts admits to having witnessed a meeting with Pope John Paul II kissing and Toto Reina, the Pope kneeling kissed the ring, during the jubilee, the Pope appeared at the window announced the canonization of godfather Bernardo Provenzani head of the dome, the crowd cheering the announcement, Bruno Vespa dedication ceremony, the transmission PortoaPorto making him sign with the ritual of Puncia a contract with the Italians, one morning the angels descend from heaven, if they meet in the streets of downtown old, are tall, silent and have huge wings, returning from a trip to discover that the country is completely empty and deserted, the doors are opened by and explore, everything has remained intact and silent in its place, there's just strange that some walls of stone houses, whitewashed dry or had one or more bright eyes, sometimes Alcamo is totally submerged by the sea, apnea swimming in the streets and the stairs of the houses, one day fall from the sky pieces of human bodies, chests, heads, hands, arms, two men are on a lift, do not speak, the other one looks down the law written close to the mirror, the car will not stop at any level, this is their eternal damnation, the streets are deserted in Alcamo, Alcamo wrinkled old man with a beret and a cigarette in his mouth without filter Alfa arrive in Piazza Ciullo, muffled sounds of organs, Christ seated on a bench, the old man stuck three feet away, the tip with a shotgun and shoots to kill him, approaches the body and spit screams in silence full of echoes Curnutu, Pezzu mmerda ri, Si cu nuddu mmiscatu components, in high eaves of old houses and old rotten baby move in the balance, I do not know where they are, there is total darkness engulfs me a loud laugh, in a richly furnished room in a building two men sitting in chairs before a fireplace are talking, at some point the landlord gets up and, motioning to wait a minute, shall enter into an adjoining closet, where another man sat crying in pain, her tears are channeled into special tubes transparent fino a un recipiente di vetro a forma di alambicco, con flemma riempie due bicchieri, torna nell’altra stanza, offre da bere all’ospite e continua la conversazione, invece che in un altro stanzino l’uomo che piange è in un angolo della stessa stanza e l’operazione dei bicchieri viene svolta davanti agli occhi egualmente indifferenti dell’ospite, vecchie vestite di nero col fazzoletto nero in testa sedute in cerchio davanti a un braciere recitano il rosario, vecchie nude con solo un orologio al polso recitano il rosario, nelle strade delle maggiori città europee una nuova pubblicità, in enormi cartelloni in mezzo al traffico un bimbo nero denutrito, pelle e ossa, grandi occhi incavati pieni di mosche e zanzare ai margini, a shiny gold watch on your wrist Solex, the message of the billboard says THE TIME 'PRECIOUS, a former elementary school teacher punishes a child in front of the class in laid, the class laughs, then chokes him, binds to the board and the corpse is acclaimed by the student body happy, rewarded by a delegation of ladies with a medal on the chest, the band played at full blast, attended by delegates from former combatants and helplessness of the country, post offices, the time is still, even the clocks block, white light from the windows, in the eyes of people lined up neatly bovine resignation, beyond the door an old man hunched and wrinkled naked with a cigarette a watch on your wrist e le ali è l’impiegato postale, in una grande stanza quadrata molte persone sedute aspettano, hanno sguardi spenti, metafisici, c’è una luce piatta, nessuno parla, fisso i primi piani di visi inespressivi, poi mi accorgo che in fondo c’è una porta aperta con un’altra stanza identica pure piena di persone e oltre quella un’altra ancora, le stanze si vedono in prospettiva, davanti all’ingresso dell’ultima stanza chiusa c’è un vecchio usciere con grossi vetri da miope che chiama le persone ad uno ad uno per nome e cognome, esitanti entrano dentro, l’ultima stanza è vuota senza finestre ma con una luce propria e un neonato che cerca di muovere i primi passi, dentro l’ultima room there is a naked old catarrh grins as he could, the penis's dangling limp along and inside there's a corpse in a bed, you see the new soles of the shoes and an old man standing count aloud slowly One two three four ... without ever stopping, into the last room there is an old whore lewd waiting customers, inside is a beautiful teenager that Madonna you look at a mirror, there are hundreds of doves cooing and flying banging hard on the wings, panting and their guttural sounds are a cryptic esoteric language that is deciphered by a court reporter sitting in a coffee table with the forearms of his jacket wrapped in a black silk as old newspapers, inside is full of vultures, everyone who enters is torn apart by their hooked beak, inside is the edge of a cliff, everyone who arrives without changing pitch and expression falls into the abyss, inside is an old high thin gray mustache, bags under his eyes watery, with a pinstripe suit, dapper, and bureaucratic-looking behind him a huge buffalo, the man with a solemn nod encourages you to get closer as the index to reveal a secret, when you're near the starting left a fart that invests obscene and lowers to the ground mutton, and began to writhe with laughter without being able to stop even the usher who peered from the door ajar toothless grins, then goes back serious and solemn - smooth bony hands with the old greasy black suit - includes a call to the call, I notice that in the old dress at the shoulder blades where there are two tears leaving two small chicken wings, two of twelve, during the 'deserted summer that made Alcamo, walking in the afternoon looking for something to do, are in the castle district, they get to talking and they walk a step, fall away from St. Joseph Barone, realize that a dilapidated house survived the centuries with a door eroded, scraped the wall, there is a sign that says SiVende dusty, the country seems to be a fatal abandoned village, do not pass cars or people, not having an old crippled and bent on his stick is swallowed up in an alley away, but the same old scene is engulfed by a wall away, eaten by the magnetized wall wicked curious decide to enter the house to see if there is the ghost of the turkish , push the door creaking open and turning on a single hinge, the other is no longer attached to the door and the frame worm-eaten, come closing the door behind him, silent shadows only two rays of sunlight cut through the dark showing a dust up to the third step, the smell of mold and piss on the stairs full of debris and hunting of doves, rise up, cobwebs everywhere, a black beetle hiding in a crevice of a step, the walls rotting fungi grow, after a flight coming in the one room and see a woman with a white veil and a pale anemic sounding a dusty piano and sings choruses Slavs, they see a group of old men sitting on the ground among the debris read ancient texts in Aramaic, they see a sad angel with wings of white feathers behind the glass window of the dusty bumpy look at the sky and count One two three four five ... not to move or stop, an old chant these words while I wander
Wizard Alcamo not a stretch
my old neighborhoods and suburbs seaport
my hands caught fire
sad processions of children praying in cemeteries
the red sun in the night (yellowed keys organ cathedrals of afternoons)
like a bonfire burst into a thousand syllables of fire around us

crows flying drunk some real die burned
rivers flowing into me
migrating birds inside me
solitude of courts ever seen in me

blue and red flowers have sprung
me in the eyes and wrinkles in my
grows a huge daffodil
but the hands are still on fire
sad groping
full of love in this room flooded with interstices

I get lost in distant lands unknown
of preexisting
a convent desecrated
inside me

too old abandoned in the desert

walking slowly with his mouth chewing sand

the track that will take me to the last

haven in Simurgh

The sky is a mirror that reflects me
at all times in all directions at the same time

useless and empty, and all have a caravan of gypsies
dirges ghosts
thoughts of dead babies and

At some point humans begin to exhibit strange behavior, you stripped naked in the streets, one commits suicide during a banal conversation about a football game suddenly jumping from a balcony on the tenth floor, I feel for few seconds while still quiet plunges his speech, two of them, and Scatton Ferrer, killing a student for no reason, TV news, tired of suicides with the tube in the exhaust gas of the car, pulled the stones from the bridges on cars running, mothers cut the throats of their children, give the news of the men who butchered dogs to bite, Silvio Berlusconi forced to leave the country to change nationality but was elected President of the USA, then an Egyptian papyrus reveals that thousands of years ago mankind adopted the surrealist revolution and the present life is the result of millennia of evolution that choice, even the can of Coke on this table is surreal, everything is surreal one God is real, the whole universe is a noumenon, an atom of my body is a body atom of the universe is an atom of the body that God has no body or no body, like an atom of my body does not know my body I can not know God or myself, there is no distinction between subject and object, between me and others, between one and all, between being and not being, between outside and inside, the demonstration of God is my erection, dark, light, light of the dark, a big laugh is behind us, told me in a dream Bunuel Add shots of the four elements of fire
Shooting Shooting Air (skies of sunrise, sunset ...)
Resumption of land (portions of areas Inland random objects in the foreground framed insistently ...)
Shooting water (rivers, sea, rain, puddles, water flowing in the gutter, the hole in the sink, in the large glass windows ...)

human re-re- Shooting things in motion
precarious and transient things (hair, rags on the street, pieces of papers, fibers, dust, a dialogue of any one day between any two random people ...)
Write-old photos and hourglasses
Everything passes and is not, everything is still and does not pass
Images of animals, clocks, mirrors, shadows and reflections in shop windows, to breathe, nude, chanted repetitions of numbers (states of numbers), repetition of principles (such as performances of the principle of non-contradiction, identity ...)
God's silence engulfs us. We swallow God with his silence. And scaracchiamo ground


July 7, 2000 9:40 am Scopello stacks

Two kids on my left hand's shadow on this ink, the pores of the hairs, grooves joints, heart beat, skin taut, the sea has voices buzzing, sweaty ciiv CIIP a sparrow voices of swimmers, move their eyes in their sockets, the Mediterranean huge water sinuous flanks of female, a young white woman costume strong body, energy for peaceful convent cell, from the warm embrace my shoulders, chin hair lace on his left arm, warm a snake I'm lying on the edge of the sea on a wall of perceptions, to my left the tuna fishermen of Scopello, green shutters open , doors ajar to vanidduzzu, silk curtains, veils bored, the bird now in a slot under the eaves point flickering in the dark, yellow canoe, the sun bakes me in your oven, go through the door of reality, I can not write, let disordered thoughts free bathed swam up to ship shape of rock salt in the mouth, nostrils water, a couple he latte hat with visor, with her blonde treccinemaglietta sings Lucio Battisti, drawl In a world that is ... a prisoner, yellow flowers of mimosa tree fallen on these steps, the yellow light in a dying wail of happiness that goes away, Van Gogh bleeds yellow maze of cracks in this wall, I sat on the steps, ants move forward like soldiers in a review in the battlefield after the fight, moving in a timeless stillness, the red head, a tuft of grass leaves to star in the shadow of the wall with purple stems and sway in the wind, a crack appears a family tree, the pulmonary capillaries, revealed by a haruspex ramifications esoteric, mystical dowsers in tunics embroidered with gold and silver called a synod to settle the signs of fate in crepa, re assiso al trono trasportato a braccia fin qui aspetta responso, si sacrifica una vergine in bianca veste di seta trasparente, energumeni la legano a un palo, danze a ritmo di sistri egizi e tamburi, epilettici vengono fatti cadere in trance schiuma bavosa alla bocca raccolta in vassoi d’oro con effigi di gesta d’Ulisse e interpretata lungamente da sacerdoti con lunghe barbe la vergine affidata al mare per placarne l’ira allontanata in zattera nuda in mare aperto pesce verrà la sverginerà e la divorerà per tregua non definitiva abbisognando sempre altre vergini mensili simultaneamente falange di adolescenti sul bagnasciuga nel rito collettivo esorcistico e propiziatorio si sparano seghe sborrate all’unisono, antichi rattoppi di calce, pace di ombre assorte, alti gabbiani sugli scogli sorvegliano il mare, gridano, il suono si perde nel fermento delle onde, del tempo, della memoria, delle immagini, del blu, della luce accecante del meriggio, degli orologi per sempre fermi, chiudo le palpebre per cercare di vedere qualcosa attraverso le ciglia, luminosità tenebrosa, questo albero è vicino a un’ancora erosa, ossidata scultura di Giacometti, l’albero ha la saggezza, sua apparente fissità, radici per una minima linfa, tronco immobile rami sottili foglie ancora verdi, luce vento brezza marina, contatto consapevole con l’energia secolare del marfaraggio, entro nella terra sotto la base oscura del tronco, aridità, respiro, fermo, I am the tree, I turn around, sleepy courtyard, still sitting on the marble steps straight lopsided endorsed among tufts of grass, leaves, ants, their backs against the wall, eyes at the floor of the court, pebbles, weeds that the top opens like a hand filament blonde, summer, part of the courtyard is lit by the sun, geraniums in the end we are sunk in the heat drunk, the other lies in the cool shade, rapt silence, a slim, iron fixed between two walls, the simple presence startled, a grateful closes another courtyard dominated by a mighty tree oblique who sleeps with his dead branches, a few surviving green tuft, higher still a huge slope of the summit rocks, cactuses palmenane parched stubble in calcinante time that passes, the undertow of the sea, next to the grate oxidized another crack in the wall stands as a petrified lightning, a patched with white lime, there are all the signs of time inconsistency in this forgetful, bees drink the mouth of a dripping faucet wall, a fig tree casts its shadow on the ground, the sea is strengthened, ruminating thoughts of my ex, figs are not ripe white flesh a sweet red spots in the country thirty years ago by my grandfather, I remember surfaced from the depths of oblivion, I climbed up a tree, cultivated fruit, tasted, the gesture of the hand that takes, I caress the rough leaf the back, happy, lonely, strange memories of disinterred naturalness, and sometimes as a child I had déjà vu also warning, sure that thing would have to be remembered, there was an aura around, I saw a door, the roughness of living a surface and are enchanted, a face of a passerby in the street that led away a shot of a swing door had resonances ancestral projections theological, Augustinian passatofuturo welding, I had the setting for the time past, present and lost for eternity found, the presence of death, enter the door of the moment, being, energy flow of an endless dream to be dreamed of an eagle or an eagle, drowning in the absurd, and is sweet to shipwreck in this sea, a white butterfly alights on the grass, the metamorphosis of the caterpillar, I try my metamorphosis setting the semblance of reality, one beyond pluralism and the apparent duality, a lizard climbs the wall stops at a waiting position carefully and view lamp off three feet above my body sitting, streetlight old country dirt and dust flies to poo concave dish with white enameled metal black exterior border, even in the corners of the streets at night guts of Alcamo still survive

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fearne Cotton Flexible


Carollo Baldassare

image Baldo Carollo


I wander in Alcamo
not my flight into the mountains passing the walls deform
piazza Ciullo I note in an old sea port ever
suburbs and my hands have caught fire
sad processions of children praying in cemeteries
the red sun in the night (yellowed keys organ cathedrals of afternoons lighted candles)
as a fire erupted in a thousand syllables
of fire around us fly drunk
crows some real die burned
rivers flowing into me
migrating birds inside me
solitude of courtyards ever seen

the room stacked breaths
councils invisible presences

blue and red flowers have sprung
me in the eyes and wrinkles in my
grows a huge daffodil
but the hands are still on
full of wisps of love groping

the room is flooded with interstices

things get hallucinations

explore unknown lands of distant preexisting

in a convent desecrated - inside of me
countless passages
salt of votive
dusty wedding dress
corpses hung

dirges clotted small windows to breathe

scale cliffs

stone walls

think saints stare at me in mute silence


chimes made from demonic

sitting on the floor at the foot of the walls
old tattered
recite sutras

whisper and waves of laughter
yell mantra


chant love songs and rhymes

remember a previous life as a camel
was too old and eventually abandoned in the desert I

then walking slowly with his mouth gnashing sand
followed listless
At last

oasis where I was born

the drums mie quattro zampe
i miei respiri furono sciamani


sabbia di clessidra


Il mare ha inondato piazza Bagolino
dentro il Bar Tiffany andirivieni dell’onda
siedono bevono è inverno sono immerso fra detriti
non sento freddo una piccola folla
attende l’annottare un pipistrello svolazza felici
come in un giorno di festa della Madonna
o di terremoto allegria displaced
I see the faces of everyone but family members do not recognize them
deformed monster nostalgia
embrace redundancy of reflections hangs a chandelier
last time dumb stone

castaway on a raft of shadows
held by

ropes of

words without meaning

and without memory


eyes of jellyfish


The openers' s steel on the glass table in its impassive

spends millions to nothing
years crumbles essay
inert passive atomic configurations
story does not touch the house does not belong to him, nor does it belong to
not hear the chatter of humans in the room no harm
the death over a
this conspiracy of silence flies at the speed of light
with the galaxies are moving away from all
and fly together, but maybe I do not know where
dragged by the current poor pin
hisses for a moment trembling in the darkness of the universe does not remain
nothing but a sad useless heroic
laugh in the face of God and do not touch the dead
placed the knife steel
glass on the table to the passage of time as a debris

laughs and fades