Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vivitar 10x25 Digital Camera & Binocular Manual

Francesco Bonura

Francesco Bonura of "Tiracoa"

15/08/2008 Sassari (Francesco and Antonietta Bonu Bonu)

failed yesterday 21/10/2008 , after a few days in the hospital, my uncle Francesco Bonura, Ortuerese "doc", but for years living in Sassari and more specifically in the village of Li points,
A person "Uncle Frank" always willing, always cheerful everyone, who with his optimism and love for life, he managed to win "a bad bad" cancer.
But this time could not do anything to win this time, to steal his "desire" to live was the rudeness, the Failure to comply of the simplest rules of the road traffic in an accident caused by a young Sassari riding a powerful motorbike, oblivious to the lives of others. Hello Uncle

Following the article in the newspaper "L'Unione Sarda" of 14/10/2008

RETIRED Caught in a MOTO


Retired dying after being hit by a moto.Francesco Bonu, 85 Ortuerese but for years a resident of Sassari, was hit yesterday morning, at around 13 in via Pasek, Li nelquartiere peripheral points, and drown while crossing the street was a Honda 600, led by a young sassarese.L 'old was returning home for lunch time, when, arrived a few steps from her apartment, was hit by the powerful moto.L 'impact was very violent man was thrown to the ground after a flight of some metri. Immediatamente attorno al pensionato si è formato un capanello di curiosi.Qualcuno ha chiamato i soccorsi e in pochi minuti in via Passella sono arrivati un ‘ambulanza del 118 e una pattuglia della Polizia Municipale del distaccamento di Li Punti.Le condizioni di Francesco Bonu sono apparse da subito gravi ai soccorritori.L’uomo è stato caricato sull’ambulanza e trasportato a sirene spiegate al pronto soccorso dell’ospedale Santissima Annunziata di Sassari.Qui i medici, accertate le gravi ferite riportate dal pensionato a causa dell’incidente , ne hanno disposto il trasferimento immediato nel reparto di Rianimazione.Intanto in via Passella , a Li Punti , gli agenti della Polizia Municipalesono went ahead with the findings of the accident. fighters have recorded numerous witnesses and tried to ricostruireminuziosamente the exact dynamics of the accident. The agent must determine whether it was swept away when the pensioner was going through the pedestrian crossing, and if the motorcyclist was proceeding at a speed that hour elevata.A via Passella is one of the busiest streets in the ward Li Punti: dozens of shops, the doors of a bank, two supermarkets draw on that stretch of road dozens of people and cars. It took only a moment of distraction to touch a tragedy. (VG)

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Unfortunately, tragedy has taken place. Every year road accidents in Italy are only 8000 victims, an "emergency" road safety is an issue not long overdue.

15/08/2008 Sassari (Francesco Bonura, Carlo Di Pardo)


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