Sunday, February 15, 2009

Testical Woman Doctor

fotoracconto John Chase

During my ongoing research on Ortueri I found new information and pictures of past times ... love for their land. The

Ortueresi like all the people of Sardinia are proud of their origins of their traditions, but many were forced to emigrate for economic reasons, while never forgetting their native places. Published
so happy photos of Chase John emigrated about 40 years ago by Ortueri.

photos courtesy by John Chase were removed from the site of "SardegnaRadio" where our friend in "language" greets all the Sardinians in the world. Hello and thank you amigos

s'ospitalidade in situ on ostu bos and send photos and a Paris iscattadas in Ortueri in tempus passadu. Deo cussu sezzidu in sa photo de su cun amigos.Cussa bar on Berri es de su 1925.salude to tottus bois and Sardinian up mundu sos sos de cales APPO radunu s'atera IDUs on a day in casteddu s'auditoriu. A nos bider sanos

Giovanni Casula

friends at the bar of the country

foto gentilmente concessa da Giovanni Casula prelevata dal sito :

Chicu e amico
Foto gentilmente concesse da Giovanni Casula
Prelevata dal sito :

Loredda e amici

Foto gentilmente concesse da Giovanni Casula
Taken from:

moments of rest

Photo courtesy of John Chase
Taken from:

San Mauro, cabin for the feast

Photo courtesy of John Chase
Taken from the website: http:/

The search continues ............


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