Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cevical Spine Bone Cancer

video "My country in uniform

A gallery of images accompanied by a wonderful song and Pierangelo Tazenda Berti, the video takes us to discover Ortueri, its most characteristic streets, your campaigns ... ........

............... shot August, 2008 by Veronica Succu who kindly allowed the publication on this blog.

good vision.

Title: My country

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dealers School Ontario


Ortueri Even as all the countries of Italy gave their
best young people to the "Homeland" in the various conflicts that have affected
, picture Ortueresi some in military uniform

year 1915-18 Peppe Cossu

(photo courtesy of Francesco Cossu)

brothers Musu

Loisiccu Musu

Aggiungi immagine

Francesco Casula and M. Anthony Faison in 1890

(photo courtesy of Anna De Serra)

Giuseppe De Serra "Paratrooper"

Beautiful Agony Daily Motion Play Lists

POEMS ... .... Poesies

A characteristic of the people of Sardinia is undoubtedly
their love of poetry in the folk tradition are "The cantadores" poetic improvisation with the heritage of Sardinia.
From France and get audience with pleasure send me some poems by Anna De Serra (daughter of Joseph and Peppino De Serra Casula) emigrants left many years ago.

Une caractéristique des gens de la Sardaigne indubitablement
amour est les eux pour la poésie, dans la tradition populaire nous trouvons "LES cantadores" the improvisation avec la culture de patrimoine poétique Sarde. De la
France et je je reçois publi avec plaisir quelques je Poesies envoyées of Anne De Serre, (fille de Joseph De Serre et Peppina Chase), Emigrants nombreux partis ans y a.

Bonu Mariantonia (Mantonnia)
(Ortueri, 08.24.1903 + 08.21.1983)

A Nittedda Dettori

Novas de te nd'appo dimandau
Ca parizas not die nde ischia
rispostu Man "is dead, take mine. "I cry
cun on choir addolorau
s'anima up to Lord asa intregau,
pusti of a painful maladie.
Baianedda in menzus pizzini
asa sa cust valle de lagrima Lassad
Fisti ona
rare and noble people of virtue possedias
to Nemos on saludu negaias
cun poveros and riccos fis kind
The estimate sa manna Trizza Biundo!
Cuddie Belles, on your candor
perdidu asa tottu in unu of color on your Massidda cuddas
and ruddy. Commentaries s'ada
never know dear mother who resigned
perdidu in a tie
not pay nor night nor day
sos OIOS does not dry podene
eppuru not trust a nemancu Annu
who as perdidu giovanu
Caru babbu your giamadu
ISSU Improvisation ada ispiradu
and your Fisti far and no ASA bidu
bit me please s'amabile Columbia! Pray to know who
torrede homeland
recumenterna and a Hail Mary
imbenugada recites in his right tomb.

Totton BONUS
(Ortueri 07/13/1929)

S 'emigrant

sun lamps bright days
Chi sas dana healthy consegnasa as'istiu
Funtana Pius rumoroso
The pay is trainu torradu d'ogni You laughed
providing sas alas timor
Tempus to come up with Su nde beniu
Mamma Sa Lu Controller premurosa
Infatti as prontu is to come up with. Folz
lu faghe a plaintive chorus
Ma sa l'a drop Nadu to emigrate
You capitadu punu so much Zenta
mountains and seas Bell lassare
Pro logos and bad fritto caente

Su russignolu

When chi under in Binza tribagliende
Unu cantu means accoradu
Est unu pizzuneddu innamuradu
Parede injection cumpanza Chilca.
S'armonia on Bilde ada incantadu
It seems for every Foza lambrighende
De unu Ramu as'atteru bolende
de Bona part on that day passadu. By now knows
day ch'es Passada
on sun coloradu tottu gold
On pizzoneddu ceases Cantada know. Eo
not cumprà on limbazu Insor
But such an idea in mind I know restada
Ca sos pizzones Puru door unu choir

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free Church Anniversary Templates

photo updates

New pictures in some posts have already been published:

2 photos in the post titled " Francesco Bonura "

photo in a post titled " FOTO..GIRANDO ORTUERI "

un saluto a tutti

Massimo Di Pardo


Monday, November 10, 2008

Congratulatory Message For Pregnancy


I cinque cognomi locali più diffusi a Ortueri:

(in percentuale)

ma non solo di queste famiglie è composta la popolazione di Ortueri,

some photographs "historical" remind us of other names Ortueresi

Chiccheddu Fais

(fotogentilmente granted Francesco Cossu)

Notary Francesco Casula

Crobu G. Antonio

G. Depperu


Stop Beeping On Digital Watches

From the website of the Parish of St. Nicholas Bishop Ortueri
Something about religious Ortuerese
Enlightened One, who in 1925 went on mission to China

Enlightened One year 1925

(photo courtesy of Francesco Cossu)

website address of the parish / Styx/1511/ortueri.htm

Cabiddu Enlightened One missionary in China and winemaker

Speaking of Our Ortueri means to speak of between ¡Illuminated (John Cabiddu). It was he, in fact, made in 1922 will, in his community of origin, the chapel in honor of the Virgin, a place of popular devotion for over 70 years. During the festival, held the third Sunday of September, we went by his brothers: Francis (1900) and Louis (1911), to offer, first hand, some news on this Franciscan who many villagers still live in the memory.
Your brother was the eldest of the family, as you remember it?
From an early age had to help the family. He worked so hard in the country. However, he never failed to attend mass. It was kind-hearted to everyone. So as not to leave another fasting, he would deprive himself of his food.
During the war of 1915-18 was badly wounded
He was joined by "a bullet in the mouth. He lost 26 teeth and had partially severed tongue. He stayed for two months with his mouth sewn and fed through a hole praticatogli by doctors . He suffered a lot. But he recovered.
was a miracle? What happened exactly?
He told us how one night he saw on the wall in front of his bed, a picture of the Addolorata, the next day, however, when you wake up there ' was more. He asked why the nurse had been removed and was told, amazement, that there never was such a picture hanging on the wall. Because it attributes his recovery to a particular intervention of the Virgin Mary.
ended the war is part of Sardinia, the works of Tirso and construction of the dam in 1921 to enter the convent of Orissa for the novice. It nourishes the heart a desire.
Verissimo: building, a sign of deep gratitude, a chapel Addolorata. In fact in 1922, under the direction of Giuseppe Cossu mason, they started work. Yet the two of us, along with our sister Sebastiana, working as unskilled workers. Within a month was built and there was a statue of 'Our Lady of Sorrows. The inauguration was a celebration for the entire country. The
31 luglio 1925 parte missionario in Cina insieme ad altri sette e vi resta sino al 1938.
Qurantatre giorni di viaggio per arrivare a Shanghai. Da qui risalirono il fiume Azzurro sino ad Hankow. Dal 7 ottobre viaggiarono in ferrovia sino a Laohokow ed infine, tra mille pericoli, giunsero ad Hingan il giorno 3 novembre, sede della missione.
E' vero che un giorno vostro padre ricevette una sua lettera un pò speciale?
Proprio così. Si figuri che chiedeva di inviargli una cassa con dentro tutto l'occorrente per mettere a dimora una vigna (is serros, su pudone, su serraccu, sa marra...etc), unitamente alle talee di nasco, niedda manan, oloppo e muscadeddu. cosa che nostro padre fece assai volentieri.
Fra Illuminato fece poi rientro final in Sardinia. He stayed first at Cagliari and Oristano. There he died in the Convent of St. Francis April 6, 1975.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Los Hombres De Paco Season 9 Streaming

routes Ortueri

...... The house was located in the district of Sa Pira Fiano, a district of Sa Court 'and Susu, the Court above, as it was and still is referred to as half the village who have domain share the other half, Sa Court' and Josso, the Court below ...... ... In the house where Constantine had seen the light in reality there was little light, because they lack filters, even on sunny days, through the tiny finestre.Di night then we are content to live in the glow of the flames of oil lamps, at least until, in 1936, broke into the country, icy avenging those shadows, the electric light ...

phrase from the novel "Sa enna 'and s'anima" by Nicholas Manca (George Ariu Publisher)

Ortueri via Amsicora

Description from:
Amsicora or Ampsicora
was a patriot and military Sardinian , leadership of the anti-Roman revolt of 215 BC. In the writings of Roman Biography

Ampsicora is said was the richest among the owners of the land of Sardinia at the time was divided into two parts: the coastal area and the vast plains
campidanese , open to trade and cultural relations with the Phoenician and the Carthaginian (Phoenician), and most mountainous interior and, in the central part of the island, inhabited by viewed, Sardis, fair and contrary to the massive presence of foreigners, and that while tolerating the Carthaginians, not just tolerate the Roman presence.
Despite being passed over two thousand years, is alive in the memory of many older inner areas of the memory of a brave warrior who fought fiercely against the Roman conquest, differing enough to tell what part of the ancient Roman sources. Despite the importance of this character in the history of Sardis, is rare in Sardinia
dedicategli find monuments or streets, apart from the old Cagliari stadium and some peripheral way.

Ortueri via Dante

(Photo courtesy of Veronica Succu)

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Savoia

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Savoia

(Foto gentilmente concesse da Veronica Succu)

.......Ortueri e le sue campagne........


view Montigiano Soriga

Niola: Vineyard Pietro Antonio Succu