Monday, November 3, 2008

Los Hombres De Paco Season 9 Streaming

routes Ortueri

...... The house was located in the district of Sa Pira Fiano, a district of Sa Court 'and Susu, the Court above, as it was and still is referred to as half the village who have domain share the other half, Sa Court' and Josso, the Court below ...... ... In the house where Constantine had seen the light in reality there was little light, because they lack filters, even on sunny days, through the tiny finestre.Di night then we are content to live in the glow of the flames of oil lamps, at least until, in 1936, broke into the country, icy avenging those shadows, the electric light ...

phrase from the novel "Sa enna 'and s'anima" by Nicholas Manca (George Ariu Publisher)

Ortueri via Amsicora

Description from:
Amsicora or Ampsicora
was a patriot and military Sardinian , leadership of the anti-Roman revolt of 215 BC. In the writings of Roman Biography

Ampsicora is said was the richest among the owners of the land of Sardinia at the time was divided into two parts: the coastal area and the vast plains
campidanese , open to trade and cultural relations with the Phoenician and the Carthaginian (Phoenician), and most mountainous interior and, in the central part of the island, inhabited by viewed, Sardis, fair and contrary to the massive presence of foreigners, and that while tolerating the Carthaginians, not just tolerate the Roman presence.
Despite being passed over two thousand years, is alive in the memory of many older inner areas of the memory of a brave warrior who fought fiercely against the Roman conquest, differing enough to tell what part of the ancient Roman sources. Despite the importance of this character in the history of Sardis, is rare in Sardinia
dedicategli find monuments or streets, apart from the old Cagliari stadium and some peripheral way.

Ortueri via Dante

(Photo courtesy of Veronica Succu)

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Savoia

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Garibaldi

Ortueri via Savoia

(Foto gentilmente concesse da Veronica Succu)

.......Ortueri e le sue campagne........


view Montigiano Soriga

Niola: Vineyard Pietro Antonio Succu


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