Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Colorful Cast For Leg


... tomorrow you change "home".
You can find us at:
All my best wishes for a happy new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Much Horsepower Does A 351m Have

January 17 - Feast of 'free publicity

will take place on 17 / 1 (Saturday) the annual Athletics Day Brescia. During the prizes will be given on the 2008 racing season.
Our group will be awarded under the brilliant second place in the Provincial Championship for Fidal Company - Cat Lovers.
At the individual level, for the results achieved in the Grand Prix Felter Sports (track events) will also be awarded:
  • Claudia Pelizzari (1 Cat TM)
  • Matteo Colombini (2 ° Cat TM)
  • Alberto Piceni (3rd Cat TM)
  • Loretta Catarina (1 ^ Cat MF35)
  • Cotton Federica (3 ^ Cat MF40)

The meeting will be held at the 'Technical Institute Auditorium P. Levi Via Bombs (!!!) in Sarezzo starting at 15.30. Participation is open to everyone.

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Athletics: Race Miguel

Hardly any of us go there: there is a crisis, Rome is not very close, but never know that someone reading this post is the will, this year or next. And then (the site of Friends Runners-case) ...
Ten reasons to run for Miguel in Rome, Sunday, Jan. 18, at 10, Water Sorrel.
  • Why Miguel Sanchez was a good guy, because he loved life, that dream with athletics, he has written a wonderful poem, because it was in Argentina, one of 30 000 people disappeared, yet sometimes you feel able to meet him downstairs, on the circuit of his race.
  • Because the shirt Miguel never disappoints ...
  • Because this year there has also invented a card game called ...
  • because running gives a hand of pure adventure Papaluca Pino and his run for solidarity from Moscow to Rome, from Amman to Baghdad. The Race Miguel released his diary. You can buy a pair of shoes or a suit used. Pino will bring the proceeds to Korogocho, a slum of Nairobi, and in an orphanage in the Andes in Peru.
  • Why the way, all around the Tiber, well, well, not bad.
  • Because there are a lot of steps before and after. Friday 16, for example, at 18, the Casa Argentina, a tribute to Osvaldo Soriano, the great writer of the world's longest Penalty
  • Why segnachilometri are very sweet, with melon Ladispoli school children, the most multi-ethnic of Italy
  • Why travel we are often poisoned too. So sometimes it takes a Sunday when I'll kill you not to chase personnel. Then that many staff have done the same ...
  • Why those coming from outside Rome can make contact with the organizers to find a place to sleep without fainting in Rome
  • Because if the first nine have not convinced there is also the site , where you sign up up to 24 of 13 January.

One last thing, his poetry:

For you, athlete

For you know that cold,


of triumphs and defeats,

than not, they are not.

For you who healthy body,

the wide body and a big heart.

for you that you have many friends,

many grandparents,

cheerfulness adult

the smiles of children.

For you who do not know, nor frost, nor sun,

nor rain nor grudges.

For you, athlete,

that traversasti towns and cities,

States joining in your move.

For you, athlete,

who despise the war

dreams and peace.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

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We are now at the end of the year period than ever this year as it lends itself to the accounts. We have a new year and a life (sports) new.
leave home in Europe, where we spent months together fantastic and exciting. Until the last day we were proud and honored to wear the red and white shirt and on this we do not fear any denial. The good times have far exceeded quelli un po' più grigi e tutti quelli che hanno vissuto questa avventura, sono convinto, ne sono usciti arricchiti a livello sportivo ed umano.
Inutile ripercorrere oggi le ultime settimane del 2008, con gli screzi che le hanno caratterizzate, che ci hanno portato ad intraprendere nuove strade. Quello che è stato è stato.
Salutiamo, in qualche caso con rammarico, chi ha fatto scelte diverse dalla nostra e voltiamo pagina, buttando dalla finestra, visto che siamo a Capodanno, i cocci vecchi.
Noi ripartiamo con rinnovata lena ed ancora più entusiasmo ed energia.
E cambiamo casa. In tutti i sensi : NUOVO GRUPPO, NUOVO SITO .
La nuova "casa" è ancora in costruzione e prenderà vita solo con l'anno nuovo. Intanto potete già farci una prima capatina, visitandola al seguente indirizzo :

Il vecchio sito (che continuerà a restare in vita a memoria perenne - o almeno fino a che Internet lo consentirà) è stato sicuramente tra i più consultati, apprezzati, criticati e .. copiati tra quelli dei gruppi podistici della nostra provincia. Perchè anche il nuovo continui a restarlo, ma soprattutto perchè continui a rappresentare un prezioso contributo alla vita del nostro gruppo, chiedo a tutti voi un aiuto non solo a livello di partecipazione (mai mancata), ma at the level of ideas. I'd like to know what you expect, what you would like it to be treated, what was more developed, what to leave out, if something is missing. I will be happy to accommodate, if possible, the needs of all.

Iraqi Dinar Blog Spot

Racing Calendar - 2009 Provincial Championship,

For those who want to start running in 2009, here is the timing of the first races scheduled in the new year:
  • Sun 4 / 1 - Picedi of Polpenazze (Exhibition Centre) - Cross Country Competitive Hinterland valid as the 1 st test Golden Cup 2009 - Start 9 am - 5.5 km Adults - The program also includes a non-competitive walk of 7 km
  • Mar. 6 / 1 - Bedizzole (San Vito - Two Swans Restaurant) - Cross Fidal valid as the 1st race Provincial Championship for Fidal Company - Registration deadline hours 8.45 - Departure MM45 categories and over: 9.15 am - Followed by the other men and the, last, all women (along with students and junior men) - Leaving at 9 am also planning a non-competitive walk of 9 km (org. Hinterland)
  • Sun 11 / 1 - Lonato (Sports Centre Lonato Two) - Competitive and Non Hinterland of 11 km - Start at 9

*** The Golden Cup is a special individual ranking provided by the circuit this year Gardesano Hinterland (Felter) and replaces the old Super Cup in 2009 provided for 9 trials (the first 4 / 1 to Picedi of Polpenazze) on various soils (second cross, mountain races 2, 3 and 2 on the road to the track). Main change this year is that all races will compete for the final score in the program, without any exclusion of evidence , with an obligation, however, participate in at least 7 of the 9 races scheduled to enter in the final standings. It competes with chest and categories "Hinterland". A provision for additional information.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Watch Bangbros Films On Line


Publish Fidal Provincial Championship final standings for 2008 Society for Amateur and Masters.
As already mentioned, we have achieved a brilliant second place immediately behind Paratico Athletics. The third step of the podium, the Rebus Gussago.
Of note, among other things, the great girls from our first place finish in the women's half marathon rankings.
In other categories, with victories for the CSSR Brescia male solos, to the Atl. Valtrompia female solo and in the ATL. Rodengo Saiano in Youth.
Complete rankings can be found on the website of Fidal Brescia.

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numbered sealed vials of serum

Charon. Picture of Dore .


vial of serum 137.

I died. I find myself in a room in an old building with walls humped, mildew stains and peeling whitewash in part. I do not know as I entered, I may have waited his turn. Perhaps the shift è stato la durata della mia vita. Fatto sta che sono solo in questa stanza troppo grande nella quale mi sento come nel deserto. Sono nudo e mi vergogno. Il silenzio mi avvolge, amplificato da gocce d’acqua che cadono dal soffitto e rintoccano dentro bacinelle già semipiene. Di fronte a me, molto distanti, due impiegati seduti a un tavolo. Dietro di loro un'imponente porta di legno che sovrasta la loro piccola scrivania. Uno dei due sbadigliando mi chiama per nome e cognome. Lo sbadiglio gli deforma il volto e il suono delle parole. Rimango fermo, esito. Allora allunga un braccio e dal pugno chiuso – con le nocche rivoltate verso l’alto – distende l’indice e poi lo richiude nel pugno. Sembra piuttosto una sorta di bidello o di portinaio bored of her duties. Baffettini down, drooping, measured and the hair oil with a reckless attempt to cover Rivoltini pitiless baldness. Forehead wrinkled parallel, sad eyes as one who has overcome years of malarial fever, bad teeth and yellowed. It 'clearly a poor man, a kind of proletarian, used to live by their wits. He repeats the gesture of the finger three times without staring or talking to me. And 'the clear sign that I have to get closer. I arrived in front of the table but still do not look at me.
The other, his head lowered, is writing - I think my personal data - in a Registron parchment. Noto several grease stains in large pages scritte a mano, cancellature vistose e correzioni sbilenche sulle righe. Alterna la scrittura dei miei dati con continue divagazioni sulla Gazzetta dello Sport, la sua faccia mi rimane spesso nascosta dietro il giornale.
Ora alza lo sguardo e mi fissa, ma solo per un istante.
Assomiglia a Nino Manfredi, ha un tic in un occhio, la barba incolta da almeno cinque giorni, una vecchia giacca con i gomiti laceri e stropicciata.
Viene, a questo punto, richiamato dal primo, con un marcato accento palermitano.

- Minchia a vuoi finiri i lieggiri stu cazzi i gioinnàli? Aviemu a Caruollu .

Allora con un certo fastidio alza gli occhi e mi squadra annoiato da capo a piedi. Mette di lato il giornale.

- Camurria.

Noto ora le sopracciglia scandalosamente folte, occhi lucidi e acquosi di alcolizzato in un viso smunto, le guance incavate, il naso adunco.
Capisco che sono i custodi dell’aldilà.
Capisco che il mio aldilà è popolare, scalcinato, guitto.
Dopotutto non mi è finita male. Il mio tribunale è formato da un san Pietro e un aiutante che sembrano usciti da un quartiere malfamato di Palermo.
Non ci sono angeli alati con spade, né santi ieratici.
Forse i miei giudici saranno più comprensivi.
Più umani.
Forse perfino Dio – oso pensare – è scalcinato come loro. E come me.
Anche se mi manderanno all’inferno I swear I feel more relieved.
least God is not bourgeois.

would have been a boring God sitting on a throne, with the hosts of angels playing trumpets and crowds of souls who sing songs.
blessed I get on my nerves and I am hopelessly out of tune from birth.
Apart from that I do not agree on this business of singing praises to the God and master of the universe. I am rather on the part of workers who bosses me.
Thank goodness then that the ushers are these two run-down afterlife that seem non-professional actors of the films of Cyprus and Maresco. A variant of Franchi and Ingrassia.
A little while ago he scratched his head in a fit monkey: his dandruff is lifted into the air and fell with snow, and the other for a moment before had stood up from his chair and left hip from a fart, visibly relieved face.
But - I still think - if heaven is boring then I'm in hell?
Or God reigns over hell?
This explains the evil of the world.
But then - I'm throwing in bunches of speculations and consequences - if God is God reigns over hell Satan? O God, Satan is actually the owner sat in his golden throne with all the souls kneeling slave and worship him? Either God is both God and Satan, as we who are both good and evil? God is perhaps
PICARO a semi-literate - as those two - that was able to abolish hell.
In fact I wonder if God is merciful mercy, God is the father of all men, how could a father ordered his children to eternal punishment in hell? I would never do that with my children? There can be a father so horribly vindictive.
says, but in reality it is we who create hell and we condemn ourselves alone with our sins bales.
Maybe God was able to abolish that hell is heaven. The first because obviously boring and no fun with a king's court that the pimps extreme praise for eternity, the second because, ripeto, nessun padre potrebbe punire i propri figli fino a condannarli alle pene eterne.
Il purgatorio? Mah, mi sembra un improbabile regime di mezzo, un compromesso: una specie di soluzione democristiana, insomma. Tutt’al più – penso – il purgatorio è la vita sulla terra; invece nell’aldilà sarebbe una sorta di prolungamento ingiustificabile per una mente divina, una sanatoria edilizia, una cosa così. Forse inferno, purgatorio e paradiso sono solo nella nostra mente. Forse che dopo una vita vissuta, dopo la vecchiaia – per chi ci arriva –, la malattia, la perdita delle illusioni e infine la bara, chiunque, anche il più cattivo – che già ha pagato con il peso dei suoi sins on his conscience - has no right to rest in eternal nothingness, without anyone's shit fuck the most?
But I realize I'm already turned sour, too heavy. Then I look in a mirror and tell myself in the face

Laugh, prick, laugh and go!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why Head Itches When Eat Spicy Food

2008 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ... Altitude


Monday, December 22, 2008

Who To Call About Abortion In Montreal

race snowshoes snowshoes in

pane, the elevation of the race (9.3 km) Excursion of the '11 / 1. As you can see, it's nice challenging, but we are born to suffer. And then, as you would like to be better looking after the race?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Quotes About Recovering From Surgery

Folgaria 's January 11

Please note that places are still available for the trip in the next Folgaria January 11 (see previous post). The initiative may also participate in family and carers.
Hurry to sign up: you can do it through comments, calling Valter Chiocci or by contacting the Secretariat of the Group.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is It Possible To Get Line Drawing Out Of Rhino

Christmas Dinner 2008

The meeting for the Christmas dinner is set for tomorrow at 20 19/12 at Ristorante La Vedetta (Via Panoramica).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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With Fidal and Fiasp already on holiday, for those who want to compete is not that good with his circuit Felter Gardesano Hinterland. Here are the races scheduled until year-end:
  • Sun 21/12 - Garletti Calcinato (Calcinatello) - Competitive and Non-km 11 - Depart at 9 am Sorriso Trattoria
  • Fri 26/12 - Soprazocco Gavardo - Competitive and Non-km 8 - 9 am Check the trout at Trattoria
  • Sun 28/12 - Puegnago d / G - Competitive and not "weight" of 10 km - Start at 9 am Show Room Felter Sport

** In response to a question last week, Fidal has confirmed that the bib to be used for the races next year will be the same already used this year, even when changing society.

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Latest Photos races

In Photo 2, you can find some photos of the Cross of Nistisino, taken from the site of the New Athletics, Sulzano.
From this link, however, you can access the photo of "" for the Marathon of Reggio Emilia:

Monday, December 15, 2008 Indir

Communications Secretariat

Who were to have a e-mail address is kindly requested to supply it by sending an email to:
The request is to facilitate the task of Mauritius, which will alert close the expiry of your medical certificate.
*** This week the Secretary of the group will be open Wednesday from 16.30 to 18, again at Forrest Gump. We invite the stragglers to hurry to sign the 2009 membership.
Last hours to reserve the social dinner on Friday evening. Hurry.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Avoid Socks Slipping In Shoes

Results: Half of Casalmaggiore

Casalmaggiore (CR): 7 edition of the Marathon of Saint Lucia. In the race for us, the two large fruit and vegetables, and colong Maestrini. We greet with pleasure the return to racing after a year of Colo to say the least troubled. Complete rankings on

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Results: Cross Nistisino

was held this morning in Nistisino Sulzano, the first edition of the Cross of the stables, the last round of 2008 for Fidal Company. On a very challenging course, made even harder by the rainfall of recent weeks, there have been notes happy for the athletes of our team.
the race for the Men's Over 45 categories (three rounds, each of about 1750 mt.) Behind winner Brioni (Fal. Guerrini), second place to Alex June 6th and for Loda Angelo 13th for the increasingly surprising Valentino Vecchi. In the same battery, good for 4th place Ranieri Baini with us next season.
In the race for the youngest, however, fifth place, with one race comeback, Andrea Dallas. Behind him, good evidence for Francesco Ciardi and David Dancelli.
Finally, the test female (2 laps), Monica Baccanelli fourth position, preceded by Perosini, Lorenzoni and Saottini. Excellent 14th place (3rd class) for Pres Marco De Falco.
Company Rank: 3rd and 4th in the women in the male. Complete rankings on

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Results: Marathon Reggio Emilia

by excellent all, with a special mention for the good Maghini Luca, to whom the Baro is attacking "football -virus "and can tweak their staff established after only 15 days ago in Florence. Complete rankings on

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Scorpio Lost Interest

Cross Nistisino: Information Calendar

Friday, December 12, 2008

Swott Analysis For Salon

Akira アキラ

( it. Akira アキラ )

Manga: color and b / w, Japan, Kodansha , 1982 , drawings and story by Katsuhiro Otomo

Anime: color Japan, 1988 , written and directed by Otomo Katshuiro

Length: 124 min .

Genre: Cyberpunk

Who does not know Japanese culture can not deeply understand Akira. For the average user, it might be a story among many, yet another iteration of cyberpunk, one example among many of how a kind of science fiction has caught on much in vogue at the time the print media and on the big screen. Nothing could be more superficial. Akira coexist and live together in all fifty years of Japanese history prior to the work at the same time layered in a complex visual narrative-only, a chasm that has opened unprecedented media and artistic, in which many others are deeply involved, revolutionizing the way of manga and anime in Japan, and the way in which the West against this world without equal.

Generation Akira

Akira is a revolutionary cry.
fundamental break point in the production of Japanese manga Katsuhiro Otomo's masterpiece is the merciless portrait of our times, through a different way of seeing things. It 's a world where teenagers are now without a guide, are common to themselves, are organized in sub-cultures and sub-companies, which dominates the law of the strongest - the classic example is the vision of the future of the school Otomo , a worrying point at which the arrival of this seems to aim at.
This way of representing the near future by Otomo, is a clear sign from the author of social revolution. Japan is a country embedded and frozen in extremely rigid social conventions, that affect all relationships between people, encrypting gestures, words, even the looks. It 's a world apart, that Westerners often do not understand, or underestimate widely. Compliance with these rules is essential, and values \u200b\u200bsuch as honor, respect for the elderly, its usefulness in the context of the development of the country, are of fundamental importance. Even those who rebel in Japan is ordered with composure.
The vision of a future in which social conventions in Japan have given way to a wild anarchic structure in which no value has more importance than simple law of survival, is somewhat unsettling to a world like the one just described above.
Inhabitants di Neo-Tokyo vedono la loro città invasa da truppe di teppisti, che qui vengono mostrati come capaci di aggirare ogni tentativo di ricostituire l'ordine. Sono arbusti spinosi cresciuti sotto i semi dell'anarchia post-bomba e post-moderna, annegati in un mare di tecnologia a buon mercato che li libera da molti vincoli prima impossibili da abbandonare. La gioventù di Akira domina la società giapponese in netta contrapposizione alla rigida struttura del passato, rappresentata dai militari, qui visti come massima autorità, addirittura al di sopra dei politici, che solo apparentemente sembrano manovrare le vicende. 
Kaneda e Tetsuo, i due protagonisti assoluti della vicenda, sono due teppisti, senza prospettive, senza illusions, deeply addicted to their lives without law and morality, drug addicts, even in full control of their lives, some more than others.
Kaneda Tetsuo seems to understand most of the rules of the road, and seems to see a minimum of honor, duty and sense of brotherhood, or the traditional values \u200b\u200bof Japan lost in the ruins of a crumbling world. Tetsuo for this can not be a true leader, a ruler, albeit with a result of any physical potential to be.
The scene of the school at the beginning of the film, it is the essential element that allows young viewers to understand how Japan could be the world tomorrow, and the elderly as his mistakes could afford. From this point of view, Akira marked the beginning of a new generation of fiction, where perhaps the idyllic vision of a Japan that ignores the current crisis to propose a watered down version of the future, is clearly stepped on, hit the bike red Kaneda. Although others had walked this path, the clash of generations in Akira is physical, as a direct stomach. Soon the future becomes the Akira possible future not only of Japan but all over the world, opening a gap between generations and between cultures, investing as a hammer all over the world, making a sudden appreciation of the art of manga in the eastern rest of the planet, and the message that these artists can convey, conveyed mainly by the powerful apparatus of the soul-visual media.
dovetails perfectly into this vision of social devastation, prologue that sees the nuclear apocalypse invest the capital of Japan - the only nation that has been, until now, to suffer the wounds on their skin. The war, dark spectrum of the Japanese world, because it linked to a glorious tradition of the ancient world, but also a painful and tragic outcome in the modern world, hanging over everything, bringing to memory through strong images of devastated landscapes and immense explosion black the first pages, a story that still hurts, that hangs over all i Giapponesi. 
Aprendo così Akira, Otomo ci fa subito comprendere che questo è un manga che parla degli errori del passato, che li vuole affrontare, finalmente, per porli davanti agli occhi di tutti, per smettere di far finta che non esistano. E' un manga adulto, che non scenderà a compromessi, che affronterà temi difficili, come l'etica sulla manipolazione genetica, sul confine tra la tecnologia e la coscienza d'essa, sulla fragilità di un sistema politico ormai vecchio e imbolsito, e sulle difficoltà dell'uomo di convivere in una società multietnica e multiclasse, senza vivere in uno stato di conflitto sociale perenne. 
Quella di Akira è una comunità allo sbando, that is so blind that they can not understand his own limitations, to understand the situation now that we got out of hand for too long. A world that relies indirectly at the hands of young people with no future who inhabit it, who try to make on its own in any situation, even when it comes to saving the world. The adult society has turned its back on them now, and you just have to roll up their sleeves and think that you can do better with what you have. Young people are simply out of control here because the previous generation did not give them the right foundation to grow in a healthy, conscious that every action has an impact on their world, and every act of destruction is a crack on a system precarious that is about to give. The everlasting reminder of cyberpunk, here caught in its vital essence from Otomo and adapted for his country, speaks a language more comprehensible through the mesh of the plot of Akira, and conveys its message through the visual element, which affects the degradation of the post-urban and the paucity of a spiritual society that is now the victim of unbridled consumerism and the god of money that now seems to have finally convinced the Japanese to end their endless quest for excellence of religious dogma.

A new system
Akira card
The visions of high school "director" Otomo, where tables were already perfect for a view of the storyboard His experience as an entertainer - close to media and then confirmed with the making of the film on - jump off, for them, uncomfortable paper, to fill our field of vision with a new overview of the art of making manga. Otomo delights us and we anguish with its typical views of palaces, towers, vegetation, concrete nightmare of urban mega-cities of today and the future, the claustrophobic architectural creatures of our own oppression, that dominate us and suffocate us, seemingly unbeatable giants who enjoy mocking us from above.
The visual impact is enormous, when the entire metropolis of Neo-Tokyo takes shape before our eyes, with everything in its place, the great detail in the waste paper in the streets. It 's a place for the soul, purely literary, the classic cyberpunk metropolis miscegenation and interests, dominated by corporations, but also a powerful and frightening mix of today's models, the cities within which we live, the melting pot of cultures and traditions in which we are immersed nth power, with a sudden exponential in its exasperation as the future moves away from us.
Otomo takes us through the streets on motorcycles Kaneda, from the standpoint of the lowest in the hierarchy, the ruthless social pyramid, and there is the cross on the run, as if the industry could suffocate suffocating anguish dell'agorafobia by any minute.
The characters are alive and raw, without scruples to act, because those who remain behind and lost, who stays firm simply falls apart. Everyone works to accomplish its purpose, and the streets of each character intersect with each other, creating a lively fresco where the plot lines proceed in a dynamic and exciting.
Kaneda seems the only one who wants to lift ourselves out of this layered plot, but can not, because it must respond to one's pride but also yours, unexpected sense of duty. Just what, one of the unique characteristics of the average Japanese, their tradition, which comes up by surprise in a reckless and anarchic as Kaneda, Otomo tells us that he sees light at the end of the tunnel. Kaneda Tetsuo must stop, because it somehow feels responsible for his actions. It 's a member of his band, and despite all the powers of scary that it has, Kaneda it is still the boss, supervisor, and must stop. The bond that unites them, that of brotherhood and friendship, then, forces him to love him with even greater determination to block the road at all costs.
His stubbornness is commendable and surprising, and leads the reader to wonder what that kid could do if only society would allow him in which he lived - a return to the reflection on the mistakes of its previous generation, which has cut legs.
Tetsuo, however, is the same portrait of the degeneration of the world of Akira, which from a low parveneu suburbs, territories owned motorcycle gang, becomes the rule of God on earth, in a steep climb the steps of the hierarchy which consists of 'incredible, vertiginosità and verticality.
La follia di Tetsuo è anche quella dell'uomo che dal nulla diventa troppo potente, senza passaggi intermedi, ma soprattutto quella di chi ha talmente tanta rabbia in corpo da confondere la necessità di cambiamento con la volontà di stravolgimento dello status quo che, sotto forma di potente desiderio nascosto, attanaglia tutti gli uomini, ma che dev'esser controllata per non sfociare in un tremendo atto di distruzione totale. 
La contrapposizione Kaneda/Tetsuo rende il manga Akira un'opera magistrale, dai toni epici, che verrà ricordata nei decenni a venire.

A new world
Akira screen
The transposition of film Akira has in itself perhaps the serious wrongs against narrative of 'original work, as it informs a narrative line cut in many places, a technical necessity. E 'but also an opera hall, as he opened a highway which has since been subjected to every artist who has made the largest adult entertainment on the big screen. Hence it is clear that some cuts were needed, and that just took away a storia che è, e resterà, di grande respiro, adatta per sua natura ad una trasposizione su grande schermo. 
Prima di Akira, il mondo occidentale pensava che in giappone si producessero "cartoni animati" alla stregua dei lavori di Nagai di due o tre decenni prima. Opere leggere, forse emotivamente coinvolgenti, ma sempre dedicate ad un pubblico infantile - anche se, e qui si apre un'altra riflessione incompatibile in questo ambito, essi ignoravano che anche le opere di Nagai avevano per obiettivo un pubblico vasto ed eterogeneo in Giappone, e di conseguenza andavano rilette a diversi livelli di comprensione. 
Quelle persone, ovviamente, si sbagliavano. 
Akira ha avuto l'effetto di una nuclear bomb on the world of animation world, turning to run its kind in an art form absolute and independent, with a maturity and its obvious. After Akira the world of animation has become aware of their abilities and their untapped potential and began to dare more.
One of the key points of continuity after Akira was the film Ghost in the Shell, a true spiritual heir of this work, which has finally opened its doors to the world of Japanese animation.
The opening scenes of Akira are shocking even to the big screen, and bring alive the fear of war, nuclear, the crisis in the world of the future that is rooted in our current system.
The action sequences have all been faithfully transposed, as Otomo has always written on paper as a frame cartoons, featuring high visionary film, which proved very easy to transpose to the screen, with a continuity and integrity rarely seen in a passage from one medium to another. Kaneda's bike seems so pierce the screen, becoming an icon unique in the world, as his jacket, which is also red, with two-tone pill printed on the back - a powerful symbol of the everyday consumer applied to drugs, now a reality common drug in the world of Neo-Tokyo.
In closing, the final scenes, real tests of the Apocalypse, have become part of animation history and the collective imagination, and perhaps have never been replicated more, in their visionary force, because too powerful the passion behind their construction and artistic force that have sanctioned the claim beyond the dogma of belonging to a parent.
Akira, Olympus major world icons of animation, movies on the big screen, but especially science fiction, becoming a work-quoted, and stimulate new technologies - from the CGI, the prerecording - which will all be detected and strengthened by his successors, including Western.
A proposito di questo, c'è da dire che ancora oggi Akira ha mostrato di aver segnato particolarmente la cultura occidentale, soprattutto quella americana, dove il film ha avuto un impatto tremendo, dato che in Europa si era più vicini alle opere d'animazione giapponese, per via di una più aperta mentalità artistica in questo senso. 
Oltre alle varie citazioni americane di Akira fatte da più artisti, è di questi giorni la notizia della realizzazione futura di un live-action targato USA, che, se da una parte si macchia d'essere superfluo e per nulla complementare ad un'opera già completa e alta come Akira, se non altro ci dimostra quanto l'impatto di questo lungometraggio d'animazione giapponese changed the vision of this kind was the former American society.

Akira is all this and more. Akira is the cry of a lost generation, a desperate plea for help, the bitterness of one who seeks redemption and then feeds on the anger, the awareness of being hopeless, the criticism of all that is man today, the culmination of a society in decline for too long.


Akira Official Site



Album on web:


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Binoculars Used In Bourne

winter Fidal 2009

Fidal Brescia ha pubblicato una prima bozza del calendario gare valido per i primi 3 mesi del 2009. Poche le novità e moltissime le conferme per quanto riguarda le corse riservate alle categorie Amatori e Masters.

Si inizia, come al solito, con una classica :

  • Mar. 6 Gennaio - Cross di Bedizzole (1 ^ prova valida per il Campionato Provinciale di Società di Cross).

A seguire :

  • Sun January 18 - Cross Borgosatollo (2nd Test CPS Cross)
  • Sun February 1 - Cross Desenzano (Monte Corno) - (3rd round CPS Cross)
  • Sun February 15 - Cross Gussago (4th Test CPS Cross)
  • Sun March 15 - Brescia Brescia Marathon and Ten - Do not apply to the PSC
  • Sun March 22 - Brescia Chiesanuova - Corritalia - Travel by road is not valid for the CPS
  • Sun March 29 - Half Marathon Cellatica (1st race Half Marathon CPS)

Recalling that the pectoral Fidal to be used next year will be the same this year (do not throw it, then!), We note that the above timetable is still in draft and that any changes will be immediately notified.