Sunday, December 7, 2008

Best Graphics Monitor

Initiatives: Running with ciaspole

Just to change a little 'air and do a "group", the Board of BRESCIA MARATHON decided to organize a trip on the occasion of the 3rd edition of Schnearoaf, TRAVEL Snowshoe scheduled in Coast Folgaria (TN) the next 11 January , with organization organized by the local Fellowship of Schutzen .
Leaving at 10, are scheduled for a competitive race of 9.3 kilometers and 3.3 kilometers of walking with snowshoes.
is not a walk, but running in the mountains, "The track, in fact, leads the participants in the areas of World War I, spread a little 'Folgaria everywhere on the Plateau, and allows them to walk in the snow between trenches and fortifications. "
The bus trip will be made only raggiungimento di almeno 25 partecipanti.
Costo della trasferta : (viaggio a/r in pullman) : 22 Euro a persona.
Iscrizione alla corsa : 15 Euro, comprensivo di noleggio ciaspole, sia per la competitiva che per la non.
Chi volesse ulteriori info sulla corsa può visitare il sito
Adesioni al più presto possibile, recandosi in Segreteria negli orari di apertura, a mezzo commento a questo post, telefonando a Forrest Gump o al responsabile dell'organizzazione Valter Chiocci.


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