Sunday, December 28, 2008

Iraqi Dinar Blog Spot

Racing Calendar - 2009 Provincial Championship,

For those who want to start running in 2009, here is the timing of the first races scheduled in the new year:
  • Sun 4 / 1 - Picedi of Polpenazze (Exhibition Centre) - Cross Country Competitive Hinterland valid as the 1 st test Golden Cup 2009 - Start 9 am - 5.5 km Adults - The program also includes a non-competitive walk of 7 km
  • Mar. 6 / 1 - Bedizzole (San Vito - Two Swans Restaurant) - Cross Fidal valid as the 1st race Provincial Championship for Fidal Company - Registration deadline hours 8.45 - Departure MM45 categories and over: 9.15 am - Followed by the other men and the, last, all women (along with students and junior men) - Leaving at 9 am also planning a non-competitive walk of 9 km (org. Hinterland)
  • Sun 11 / 1 - Lonato (Sports Centre Lonato Two) - Competitive and Non Hinterland of 11 km - Start at 9

*** The Golden Cup is a special individual ranking provided by the circuit this year Gardesano Hinterland (Felter) and replaces the old Super Cup in 2009 provided for 9 trials (the first 4 / 1 to Picedi of Polpenazze) on various soils (second cross, mountain races 2, 3 and 2 on the road to the track). Main change this year is that all races will compete for the final score in the program, without any exclusion of evidence , with an obligation, however, participate in at least 7 of the 9 races scheduled to enter in the final standings. It competes with chest and categories "Hinterland". A provision for additional information.


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