Saturday, December 6, 2008

High Cervix Before Menses And Pink Discharge

stop the slaughter of the road

Li Punti August 2008 (Francesco and Antonietta Bonu Bonu)

It is now almost two months after the death of my uncle Francesco Bonura (original Ortueri)
yet another victim of traffic accidents each year in Italy reap thousands of
victims. The funeral was held in
them points (Sassari) was tantissima gente , tanti venuti a salutare un concittadino, un amico , amato e stimato da tutti …sono passati quasi 2 mesi da quei tristi giorni ma le stragi su le strade del nostro paese continuano , in un’interminabile sequenza di lutti.
Riporto di seguito l’articolo del quotidiano “ La Nuova Sardegna” del 24/11/08 a firma del giornalista Luciano Piras per contribuire nel mio piccolo a non far calare l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica e delle istituzioni sul problema della sicurezza stradale.

«Fermiamo le stragi della strada»
Corteo dei families of victims to seek justice and safety
Luciano Piras.

in the picture a given event

NUORO. A silent procession to demand safer streets, faster processes and more severe penalties. A hundred people came from every corner of the island to send a clear message to the world of politics, institutions and especially the judiciary. They are the families of victims of road yesterday morning they marched along the Via Manzoni and Via Lamarmora. Stadium Frogheri walked up to the Court, a sentence without saying too much, leaving that to talk about were the many photographs of loved ones, especially youth, who have left the tarmac vita.In front row, the mayor of Nuoro Zidda Mario, with the tricolor flag, some component City Council and Francesca Barracciu, Mayor of sorghum and secretary of the regional initiative Pd.Una, yesterday, strongly supported by Giannina Piras, Pierpaolo Bandinu mother, much beloved in the city financier, who died over a year ago due to an accident still unclear. A story like many others, with regard to the nchiesta that followed. Not by chance the lady Piras have now joined many other mothers. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, relatives, however, asking simply justice. Thus, in the wake of the pain, but was born in Nuoro, the committee will then give life to the provincial section of the National Family killed on the roads. This partnership is already present in Cagliari, Sassari, Oristano and Bosa. It already promises to open other locations in and Barbagia Ogliastra.Intanto yesterday morning, immediately after the parade, was elected president of the Nuoro: Antonietta Zanzu, Orani, mother too overwhelmed by the drama of the incidents. She will be the next on December 1, to lead a delegation of family members that will be received by Vito Morra, president-elect of the Court of Nuoro. The same family, then, will a private face to face with the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, as soon as it will stop in Barbagia, as previously announced. He ssociazione to the victims of the street will ask that the organic reinforcement of the courthouse, sending Sardinian judges not to ask him about the transfer to other locations.


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