Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Often Can I Give My Dog Olive Oil?

Athletics: Race Miguel

Hardly any of us go there: there is a crisis, Rome is not very close, but never know that someone reading this post is the will, this year or next. And then (the site of Friends Runners-case) ...
Ten reasons to run for Miguel in Rome, Sunday, Jan. 18, at 10, Water Sorrel.
  • Why Miguel Sanchez was a good guy, because he loved life, that dream with athletics, he has written a wonderful poem, because it was in Argentina, one of 30 000 people disappeared, yet sometimes you feel able to meet him downstairs, on the circuit of his race.
  • Because the shirt Miguel never disappoints ...
  • Because this year there has also invented a card game called ...
  • because running gives a hand of pure adventure Papaluca Pino and his run for solidarity from Moscow to Rome, from Amman to Baghdad. The Race Miguel released his diary. You can buy a pair of shoes or a suit used. Pino will bring the proceeds to Korogocho, a slum of Nairobi, and in an orphanage in the Andes in Peru.
  • Why the way, all around the Tiber, well, well, not bad.
  • Because there are a lot of steps before and after. Friday 16, for example, at 18, the Casa Argentina, a tribute to Osvaldo Soriano, the great writer of the world's longest Penalty
  • Why segnachilometri are very sweet, with melon Ladispoli school children, the most multi-ethnic of Italy
  • Why travel we are often poisoned too. So sometimes it takes a Sunday when I'll kill you not to chase personnel. Then that many staff have done the same ...
  • Why those coming from outside Rome can make contact with the organizers to find a place to sleep without fainting in Rome
  • Because if the first nine have not convinced there is also the site http://www.lacorsadimiguel.it/ , where you sign up up to 24 of 13 January.

One last thing, his poetry:

For you, athlete

For you know that cold,


of triumphs and defeats,

than not, they are not.

For you who healthy body,

the wide body and a big heart.

for you that you have many friends,

many grandparents,

cheerfulness adult

the smiles of children.

For you who do not know, nor frost, nor sun,

nor rain nor grudges.

For you, athlete,

that traversasti towns and cities,

States joining in your move.

For you, athlete,

who despise the war

dreams and peace.


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