Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Much Horsepower Does A 351m Have

January 17 - Feast of 'free publicity

will take place on 17 / 1 (Saturday) the annual Athletics Day Brescia. During the prizes will be given on the 2008 racing season.
Our group will be awarded under the brilliant second place in the Provincial Championship for Fidal Company - Cat Lovers.
At the individual level, for the results achieved in the Grand Prix Felter Sports (track events) will also be awarded:
  • Claudia Pelizzari (1 Cat TM)
  • Matteo Colombini (2 ° Cat TM)
  • Alberto Piceni (3rd Cat TM)
  • Loretta Catarina (1 ^ Cat MF35)
  • Cotton Federica (3 ^ Cat MF40)

The meeting will be held at the 'Technical Institute Auditorium P. Levi Via Bombs (!!!) in Sarezzo starting at 15.30. Participation is open to everyone.


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