Sunday, February 27, 2011

Va Disability After Cmp

Saul of February 28, 2011 - State school, primary PD, Debka, poisonous food to pets, immunity, private Vatican .... The magazines

Care, cari,

scrive l'insegnante di scuola pubblica, Antonella Pedicelli, a commento delle dichiarazioni di Silvio Berlusconi sulla qualità della scuola pubblica in Italia:
“Silenzio e umiliazione, così voglio "intitolare" il mio breve messaggio di stamane Paolo.. sono delusa, profondamente delusa dall'ennesimo intervento del Presidente del Consiglio in una sede pubblica. Un attacco feroce il suo, contro il lavoro di una categoria (quella degli insegnanti) che non merita parole così incisivamente umilianti! La scuola "pubblica", per fortuna, con tutti i suoi pro e contro, rimane una "bella cosa", una valida opportunità per "tutti"...chi sono quei tutti? Per chi è "fuori" al contesto scuola quotidiano.. quel tutti, forse ha un valore relativo, ma ti assicuro che "esso" ha un valore ben più ampio....mi viene in mente ora la mia esperienza, come docente di scuola Primaria, al Trullo (un quartiere di Roma piuttosto "difficile" e "crudo"..), un anno per me intenso e piuttosto' al Trullo la "scuola pubblica" dove insegnavo era una specie di "isola felice" per tutti quei bambini che, spesso, avevano un reale bisogno d'aiuto...non mi dilungo in questo racconto, perché, credo sia arrivato il momento di "toccare con mano" certe situazioni e, per chi ne ha voglia e volontà, "andare", cercare, vivere le storie che vengono raccontate sui giornali! In quella scuola la mattina, noi insegnanti, spesso, "facevamo lo shampo" ai bambini ROM che frequentavano le nostre lezioni... Quel "tutti" di cui parlavo all'inizio rimane un valore, un grande e unico valore su cui non si "deve" assolutamente infierire, al quale si "deve" rispetto e onore.... e soprattutto RISPETTO si deve ad un lavoro "pubblico" che io spero, un giorno, possa raccogliere una comprensione forte e vera da parte di tutti!”

Mia rispostina: “Cara Antonella, queste dichiarazioni out of my head but made a knight by the institutional context
Silvio Berlusconi once again show how necessary regulatory and physical examination on the real mental and emotional capacities of those people who intend to hold public office ... "He continues:
http: / /

And yet on the culture involved in the dot friend Danilo D'Antonio: "Universities then become a catalyst to forge the continuous human development and social evolution of that, aware of that change that represent the very meaning of the word culture ...." He continues:

Scrive Benito Castorina: "Ad Aprilia le primarie del PD si fanno con la compravendita delle tessere così la selezione avviene con sistemi peggiori di quelli mafiosi perché non si uccide una persona, ma un intero Paese. L’Italia, i popoli del mediterraneo e il mondo hanno bisogno di ben altro, Lascio nella memoria un’amore finito e mi resta la speranza che qualcuno accolga la proposta che le coalizioni si ridefiniscano in Governo e Proposizione, unico modo per far emergere i creativi e superare una mediocrità sconvolgente..."

A commento della lettera soprastante scrive Giuseppe Altieri: " selezione politicians is the will of the maneuvers of the Bilderberg Group .. Reconstructed from the base, close the left and save your children, especially from pesticides and GMOs "

News Group Iris writes:" On March 3, the Academy of Leviathan, together with the Foundation CARICIV, presents the 2nd public meeting gannet whales Tyrrhenian Sea - monitoring cetaceans between Civitavecchia and Sardinia. Among the research findings is confirmed by the Tyrrhenian central area of \u200b\u200bhigh population density of cetaceans and the presence of populations of Cuvier's beaked whale (dolphin rare in the Mediterranean). They have also been several sightings of whales just off Civitavecchia. Info "

Giorgio Vitali writes about the facts Libyans: "WHILE THE USUAL BALLS THAT MISSISTI usually called, I can not see through the crotch, THE FACTS IN THE GEOPOLITICS unfolds before our eyes. A website of news intelligence confirms: French soldiers landed , British and Americans in Benghazi by HMS CUMBERLAND. They are the vanguard of a landing in force which seems to be associated with Egypt: - News of The Debka Israeli source is the 14 February 25 and has the exclusive "

Additionally intervenes on Libyan Vincent Marinelli, who writes:" Humanitarian Intervention in western Libya? No thanks, especially if armed! We know what he means the West for "goodness": Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan have taught him well the whole world. With heartfelt thanks and Al Qaeda members. The beautiful film Africa Addio guilty only to highlight faults and virtues of colonialism, however, was prophetic about how he would have reduced the 'Africa (rightly) free. That should be able to solve their problems without external intervention, particularly "humane" and in particular the West. Just to avoid the world hate us even more. And finally, forgive me the kind readers, we may never know why the democratic Western governments do not intervene, even in words, China, North Korea, (ex) and Burma, in my opinion, even Israel? Thank You "

The food ready for our pets is often a tasty meal just for the manufacturers, that the shadow of strategies appropriately masked move around a billionaire businessman. One would wonder to be involved, for once, were not the same multinational notorious for the exploitation of natural resources and human unconditional, since the pet food industry is just one branch and the landing point of a global marketing strategy, designed to optimize profits .... Continue:

writes Animalista born: "Hello, Saturday, March 4 at The overrunning (The Bag district) in Ivrea (TO), there will be a debate on animal experiments. There will also be a documentary, a vision of a small exhibition on the theme and various material. Introduction to Green Hill campaign stop and call for expression of the following day in Milan. Offer will be followed by a cocktail prepared by Tecla Free & Jlenia. FREE ADMISSION AND GRATEFUL! Info "

Castorina Benito writes:" The immunity becomes a standard warranty for the honest (remember the story of Enzo Tortora!) If the candidates are controlled by a Board of Trustees of the parties that they Put in the list, composed from a number of members not less than 12, who go to jail immediately, when the certainty of the crime is detected, while there should be elected at the end of the mandate. In a country where laws bipartisan allow notaries to misrepresent with impunity, for banks to practice usury, do not amnesties from the moment the law is enforceable, but a few years earlier to allow the recurrence of crimes, a civil case exceed 15 years, and so on, must protect and defend the honest and hardworking. Parliamentary immunity without these guarantees, it becomes a way to avoid jail "

Submitted by Angelo Saracini a petition for the control of public debt:
"Following the example Greek initiative for the establishment of an independent commission to effectively control the greek government debt after the intervention of the International Monetary Fund in Greece and after a steady deterioration of social conditions and also because of Italy's economic inappropriate behavior of a political class to give positive solutions for the future of the nation and especially to the younger generation. Petition Italian: "

Here, last but not least, another salacious comment, came from Rino Tripodi on declarations of school anti-Berlusconi e2% 80% 9cil-called Prime Minister- silvio-berlusconi-save-itself-the-eyes-of-vatican-destroying-the-cultural-pluralist-of-the-public-school% e2% 80% 9d /

Well, well ... this time we sfangata Hello, Paul / Saul

... ..............

poetic thought of the after magazines:

One type creates its cage to protect themselves;
and then at the end of the cage, is his prison.
And in the end put:
"Dedicated to those who are free to communicate
and does not need cages."
(Franco Farina)

... ..

"Learning Which is auspicious, Which Can Be Acquired beckons attention even from the low-born. The Supreme Dharma can be learnt even from a Candal, and even a bride can be accepted from a family of ill-repute, if she is a jewel of a lady. " (Manusmṛti 2.269)

Blues Saraceno Best Of

Saul of February 27, 2011 - Alex Zanotelli, the collapse of Pompeii, health Vegetarian, nuclear treacherous, new therapies Valentano

Care, cari,

scrive Stefano Panzarasa: "L'amico Enrico Del Vescovo ha organizzato un interessante incontro con una persona straordinaria, Padre Alex Zanotelli, che io ho avuto l'occasione di incontrare sempre grazie ad Enrico in un'occasione analoga cinque anni fa e in seguito ho composto una canzone "Non sono d'accordo!" dedicata a Zanotelli sul tema dei problemi dei rifiuti tossici nel napoletano di cui lui si è molto interessato in questi anni (una versione breve di un'altra canzone "Ricicla" ascoltabile su La canzone la canterò dal vivo con il mio nuovo gruppo "Insalata Sbagliata" in occasione dell'incontro. VENERDI 4 March, 18:30 Grottaferrata (RM), Abbey S. Nile. SAVE COMMON HERITAGE, THE WATER IS NOT 'A PRODUCT! "

Luana De Rossi writes:" ... Pompeii collapses and no one lifts a finger ... "And indeed, one wonders what good has been the unearthed 'ancient city, preserved under the lava of Vesuvius for two thousand years, if then his destiny is to end up in scraps under the eyes of institutions that should protect it ..? But it is a metaphor ... it means that the culture of Pompeii collapses in Italy ... Well, read it all: e2% 80% 9cla-metaphor-of-collapse-of-pompei- that-means-collapse-of-the-culture-in-Italy-% e2% 80% 9d /

Free Manco Franco writes: "Dear friends, I intend to implement a project consisting of a collection of stories from people who had adopted the vegetarian or vegan diet have eradicated some diseases. This documentation will be of great importance to the vegetarian cause. The eyewitness accounts are in fact the most tangible evidence and convincingly of our way of life. We are looking for people who are so willing to be interviewed to make the DVD claiming the benefits they have gained by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. The questions are simple to be met, namely: state age, profession, the city where they live, the diseases they were subject and benefits. Much better would be to have evidence through medical records. Please consider the enormous importance that can have this project. I therefore call on those who were willing to join the initiative to tell me their names so that an operator can interview where you want to. Looking forward to your communications sending greetings dear "

the Citizens' Network explains:" It is not the first time we explain "who we are." A new movement and, above all, innovative, must be continuously reconsider, you must continually put question and must reflect on their role and their "mission". To explain to himself and to others. The Citizens' Network was born for a specific purpose, a "target time", after the 2010 elections, Lazio, then decided to continue on its way to aggregate, even beyond the elections, groups and individuals who want to change society; is finally ending its reorganization to form an organized network to national and local groups put in constant communication and different thematic into account the specificities of each. This first phase of reorganization will end today, is no accident the day before the great assembly opened on 27 February 2011. Info "

writes in The Way the World:" TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS FROM CHERNOBYL ... AND MORE. Invite to express its indignation with an action of civil protest, and non-violent mass towards NUCLEAR FORUM ITALIAN "- Continue: -to-lying-del.html

Antonio Pantano on the proposal to delink from the Treaty of Amity Italy-Libya: ".. release from covenants on business, there are" before "and civil law" will lead to lucrative reimbursements for those who will appear (and inflate accounts with bogus supporting documents) have been damaged by events Libyans. "Previous" materialized after the 2nd World War, just to be "Italian businessmen that they appear to have lost in Libyan (s overseas territories) sites and activities (also never started), and, in the consociational regime (which we gain the necessary bribes), they got "rich compensation," complained to the Italian State, that is oblivious to U.S.! Who today - to "smoke" - pretending to break away, the businessman has already reference (right / left) will collect between 2 / 3 years, the "compensation". Let us, rather, the list of who did business in Libya between 2008 and today! And you will see that cash out ', especially banks enjoy doing ... "to further clarify

ALL THINGS ..... Giorgio Vitali writes:" What about freedom of information, often believed that a news , published in a periodical, is already so. Actually .... we need to see that the law and the law as if he understood. In a country of illiterates (genuine but most of trip) trust the movement of ideas is a big mistake. The policy needs to be done in another way, as claimed by the great Tito Livio Cianchettini (1821-1900) Director of Pouring. Who had coined the fateful motto: DEATH TO Capezzano! Be given the death to widow, then, with great triumph of carnival floats. Like those who march in Rome, the Fori Imperiali, in these days ... "writes Simon

Mingolla:" Dear Paul, I'm happy that the postal service this time it worked! I would like you to spread Friends of readers of magazines Saul initiative that we plan to Valentano (Vt) for next weekend, which, thanks to the availability on both days of March 4 and 5 of the medical team carry out two upcoming information sessions open to all (for reasons of space in the room is necessary, however, reserve a seat by calling the toll free number 800 770 273 in office hours) "DRUG INDUSTRY: Known for PROTECT. NEW THERAPIES AGAINST PAIN (AND MORE) NO USE OF DRUGS." Continue:


writes:" Thursday, March 3 at 17.30 hours at the office of 'Vegetarian Association Animal Asti piazza 5 / Rome, lecture Dr. Giorgio Fabretti, Professor Anthropology University La Sapienza Rome on the theme:
"fruitarian, META IDEAL HUMAN NUTRITION" The man's return to its original power will save him from disease and hunger. The speaker will answer questions from the audience. Free admission

Parolin Luciano writes: "The selection of parliamentary candidates must start from the base. We are tired of paying for the wrong choices of our leaders who do not want PREFERENCE. I think, next to the Libyan problem, we can find a little 'space for a discussion of ethics and morality of PD. Thank You "

Street, close to the comic books today and I greet you, Saul / Paul

... ......

poetic thought of the after magazines

abscesses Chaos Chaos / leprosy hope
smollicature of dreams / spiral of exhaustion
requisitions of consciousness / insights vacuum
groppi full of anxiety / reversion of life
thin and delirium / mental diversions
nucleation violent / Underworld's infamous
devise atrocious /'s recantation and breaking
tides tired of one another and
/ sharp of distress.

Pino Balzano

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jvc Subwoofer Mini Din Connection

The comic Saul February 26, 2011 - Libya behind the scenes, banks and debts, the decree milleproroghe, Bioregionalism in the city, outside the Forex

Care, dear,

Libya behind the scenes. While "someone" proposes direct intervention of the British commandos in Libya, that could change the balance of power in favor of the rebels, the bishop of Tripoli says the quiet is broken only in the evening .... Monsignor Innocenzo Martinelli, a Franciscan, Bishop of Tripoli: "The foreign ministry has asked me to go, I rest and remain the sisters ...". The interviewee said: "The situation is calm the media has to tell lies. Gunshots are heard only in the evening and night." ASCA The agency has published the testimony of the bishop of Tripoli, which will certainly asked to speak before the Holy See .. - Continue with commentary by Giorgio Vitali: chi-ha-interest-in-possession-of-the-oil-and-gas /

Antonella writes: "Dear Paul, I know that your prayers I always say, than
words, written or spoken! Con tante persone è necessario sostenere uno sforzo, a volte sovrumano, per tentare una qualche "comunicazione" ...con te....respiro....e non sai quanto ciò possa riempirmi di vita. Ti ringrazio per aver scelto "l'apertura" e la condivisione, per aver aver creato in te un giardino dove ci si può riunire e discutere con gioia di Tutto! A presto!

Scrive WSI (Wall Street Italia): "Per i Paesi europei in crisi a causa del debito troppo elevato, il peggio deve ancora arrivare. Lo dice Axel Weber, presidente uscente di Bundesbank e membro del consiglio direttivo della Bce. ''Facendo il paragone con una maratona, i Paesi problematici hanno fatto finora forse i primi 15 km''. Per Weber, le vere difficoltà arriveranno when holders of private debt - banks, funds and companies - will be called upon to shoulder their share of losses on investments. It 'a scenario well known to the bond market but on which governments, banks and politicians lie, manipulate, misinform "writes

Antonio Borghesi:" ... the Berlusconi government has "placed trust" or better on the decree Milleproroghe Mille Filth ". No longer count the times that this has occurred in this legislature. And this time is worse than the other ...."

Gioia writes: "On the afternoon of February 23 has gone off in Genoa Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi. An unbridgeable void in a collective pain invaluable. A woman who changed my life and the lives of millions of sahaja yogis teaching the beauty of meditation, I made a few years in the service of others. Stay with us, Sri Mataji, still help us down the path of the spirit ...."

Saturday, February 26, 2011, with moderator Andrea Miglioranzi, held a conference in Verona, "Out of Forex to end the crisis" the 16 : 30 at the Convention Center Hotel San Marco (Via Longhena, 42). Pantano Antonio, said: "The real tax evaders in Italy ... the banks do not pay taxes, evading taxes, create budgets and artifacts not true, and NEVER have issued receipt or invoice for the costs extracted / debited to the customer-subjects! .. " and continues:

Troglotribe writes: "Hello Paul and thanks for the invitation to Treia for the Feast of precursors (7 to 15 May 2011)! Now that we live so close to the party surely will come, so we can greet Antonio D'Andrea. Maybe we can bring our creative publishing and make a feast, what do you think ? Meanwhile we update our information tables in Macerata hoping you could pass us. The information tables (with the support of the association Isa vegan campaigns for animals) will be held in the Centre at the beginning of Via Garibaldi near the gates Macerata from 15 to 20 hours on the following Saturdays: February 26, March 26, April 30, hello, and Fabio Lella "My

rispostina:" Beloved, and Fabio Lella, as I am happy that you come ...! It's good for your intervention on 8 May afternoon together with Antonio (either before or after )...? If you want to take your publishing agree, however, considered that the internal space (in the new home of the club) is not very big, so just a little .... banchettino maybe you can bring even a small selection of books in the headquarters of the Media, home to the Round Table of May 7, I do not know if a meal is shown ... however, there are tables available. Ah, you are also vegetarians (Or vegan)? I did not know, great! I'll be waiting "

Castorina Benito writes:" After reading my article friend writes to me from the U.S. "What a staggering turn of world events. How thrilling for the Successes and the Possibilities, how heroic for what is unfolding in Libya. Now the Saudi Kingdom is starting to stir ... and how about Wisconsin, even the U.S. is stirring, finally, again. Where will this journey take us all ... so Powerful That no one can say, other Americans Than seguro else has to pay more for gasoline - Madonna, el price for freedom "

Archeotuscia writes: "On Friday March 4 at 17:00 Coronas at the Conference Hall of the Prefecture of Viterbo, in Piazza del Plebiscite, the historian and journalist John Faperdue Viterbo, will hold a conference entitled "Ferento - Carthage of Viterbo." The subject matter will range from Etruscan Ferento (Front) to its complete destruction in 1172, through the Roman Ferento with the likes of Flavia Domitilla (Vespaziano wife and mother of Titus) and Salvio Otho, Roman emperor for little more than three months. Admission is free "

Agernova Communication: Prof. Giuseppe Altieri will present a conference report" Vending Manager - Rome, February 25, 2011 Palazzo Marini as European consultant Consumers (h 15) on issues related to GMOs and pesticides to the request for an immediate ban "

Having lived for many years in an urban context (I was born and raised in Rome and I've lived in Verona for more than half my life ), and having also tried an experiment to re-house a small abandoned town, Limestone, resulting in an attempt to restore-or at least begin a process of community-ideal (I do not know what happened ...), I can say that especially my case "bioregional" took place in a social field "citizen." But be careful, being a citizen does not mean living in a city but a means to identify with "body" of human civilization .... - Continue:

writes Catherine: "I did my walk, I chatted with Mrs. Miles and her husband , local food and our natural environment, checked into the pool, the presence of moorhens, picked up a long piece of firewood, dried leaves collected in the garden and raked the lawn ........ the arm and the mind, from theory to practice bioregional

...." Over and out and greet you, Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

"My heart will never seek Another Heart, Or
Another flower smell, Knowing You.
love Your heart's field has made a desert waste;
No other love grows In That Place Than Yours! "
(J. Rumi)

... .......

Confusing Love liquids / stay inside with Put them all together
/ obscure navigation
feel alive and dripping / wet hands.
(Pino Balzano)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hair Styles For Petite Women

The magazines of Saul of February 25, 2011 - Inner peace, Fabrizio Light, critically, to kiss Ghedaffi, non-violent women, OGM harmful .. The magazines

Care, dear,

Caterina Regazzi sends us a beautiful story, peppered with his thoughts on the topic of peace .. starting with our relationship with animals, and which ends with these words of wisdom: "Life is joy, hard work, hope, love, sadness, feelings There are and there should be all, like a beautiful kaleidoscope, you never know what can happen, but we do know that whatever happens to you is what you live "- Read all about it: http://paolodarpini.

Donaudi Gianni writes: "Our editorial staff is small close friend poet, writer and journalist and Lightweight for mail artists FABRIZIO the death of beloved father .. "

Gianfranco Paris writes:" I have signed ... Gaddafi in Libya's army is brutally killed thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators. This week, the UN and the EU will meet emergency sulla Libia e potrebbero decidere di congelare i beni del regime, istituire una zona di non sorvolo e adire i tribunali internazionali. Chiedi all'ONU e all'UE di agire ora per fermare il bagno di sangue: “

Scrive Lea: “Amatissimi, è già da tempo che si tiene un gruppo di preghiera a casa mia, il giovedì dalle 21 alle 22, e questa sera sarà dedicato a sostenere i nostri fratelli libici sottoposti ad un feroce massacro. Vi invito tutti ad unirvi a noi, se possibile nello stesso orario, o a dare vita anche ad altri gruppi di preghiera a sostegno di un'umanità che ne ha sempre più bisogno, affiancando la preghiera alle azioni everyday because we derive more strength and consistency with the values \u200b\u200bto which we refer. That the light illuminates your steps! Heart to heart, "writes Frank

Free Manco:" Lack of critical sense and 'THE MOTHER OF ALL THE TYRANNY ... At the root of all tyranny is ignorance of the people, the lack of critical thinking and analysis of its individual components "- Continue: evolution-as-social-human-could-be-fooled-if-he-a-healthy-and-mature-way-critical /

Rebecchi Adrian writes: "Up" "or" Google " typing "Kiss Berlusconi, one can see the sequences of the shameful kiss made by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Bedouin robber and criminal Libyan Gaddafi during his last visit to Italy. The movie is highly recommended to serve 315-320 fools and opportunists who occupy the benches of the Italian Parliament, as well as managers of large Italian companies that are enriched in the face of the Italian people and the skin of the Libyan people. A future memory, "writes Catherine

Regazzi, by sending a written Peacelink Umberto Mazzantini ... taken from a much longer article on the massacre in Libya: "It is astonishing that this slaughter is faring in the deafening silence associations, organizations, agencies increasingly engaged in the front row when you have, commendably, to defend the rights of oppressed peoples around the world. To date we have had no reports of convictions, neither high nor low, by anyone. No demonstrations, no peace flag on display, no anti-war march. No darts for Cain. Yet, on the contrary, the protesters are trying to get rid of the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, one of the bloodiest dictators of the last century. It will be fatigue, will be the resignation, but for the dead in Libya is heard a deafening silence. "

My comment: "... blame the anti-war ... what is the point? Mica has a power decision-making .. And who are these "peace" ... people like you and me and nothing else, are not a lobby ..... and do not do business with anyone except by God! I do not want to play the part of the "I told you so ..." but do you remember when it was in Italy Ghedaffi many beautiful short articles I wrote about the "moron ... Chebaffi dictator." and his companion "cavalier Archon "...? Have fun if you like "

Sini Beppe writes:" Supporting women's movements in countries where popular mobilizations are underway against despotic regimes: only a leading role movements of women can ensure that the movement of struggle, when and where able to break down i regimi criminali, saprà realizzare ordinamenti rispettosi dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani. Solo un ruolo dirigente dei movimenti delle donne può garantire esiti nonviolenti alle lotte popolari..."

Scrive associazione Italia-India di Torino: “Teatro Superga Via Superga, 2 - Nichelino (TO)- Sabato 12 Marzo 2011. ANTICA OFFICINA DEI MIRACOLI e ALBERTO FORTIS in concerto di beneficenza. Tel. 011.6800726 -”

Scrive Antonella Pedicelli: “Caro Paolo, l'appello di Marco Bracci non poteva passare
"inosservato"..con il cuore, il pensiero e l'azione..sicuramente qualcosa si può realizzare! Allora, intanto se Marco o i familiari della ragazza vogliono dare Have a look on facebook, there are many pages where you really read the stories in our country, revealing the strength and sweetness of solidarity ... On the page of a lady of Ardea: Lella Mingardi, I found this interesting Decalogue .... "The associations of relatives of patients in coma and vegetative state (people who daily touch the pain and suffering) have in recent days signed a set of guidelines for patients who live more or less the same condition in which he lived Eluana . Here it is: 1) No discrimination based on age, physical health and / or mental health, 2) patients who can not decide to be safeguarded and protected, and 3) any medical or welfare should be a help to life, 4) the protection of the patient must take precedence over all other interests, 5) nutrition and hydration are likely due; 6) the patient is entitled to the best medical care and rehabilitation; 7) research on vegetative states should be encouraged and supported; 8) the family has a right to a correct and complete information and must have free choice of place of treatment; 9) the family has the right to be protected and assisted in the process of care and disability; 10) associations must be accepted and support on behalf of families throughout the journey. "However, thanks to Mark for sharing his love of this concrete help"

Moheny writes: "I agree with Stephen Panzarasa circa la presenza dei lupi sulle nostre montagne, anche da noi sono aumentati, tanto che i pastori ci hanno messo in guardia consigliandoci di non uscire dalla strada maestra, per non disturbarli nel sottobosco. Noi siamo sotto il Nuria, Cicolano”

Scrivono i Comitati Difesa Ambiente: "A Reggio Emilia e a ROZZANO (MI), sono stati inaugurati due nuovi ristoranti ROADHOUSE GRILL, che fanno parte del Gruppo Cremonini. Ricordiamo che il gruppo Cremonini, come testimoniato da inchieste di REPORT (Rai 3) e come sostenuto anche da Beppe Grillo, è un'azienda che nel corso degli anni si è distinta per una serie di azioni poco pulite.... (omissis...) Tra l'altro la carne bovina utilizzata in Italia dai Mc'Donalds, è provided by the Cremonini Group. Additional Info: "

Giorgio Vitali writes (commenting on Article" or a thousand Milleproroghe Filth " trap-Thousand-pork-here-as-the-banks-can-steal with impunity-the-Italian-/) "rightly pointed out that the population of heads katz is distracted by the (enviable) licenses the premier, while the harassed have just tried to raise his voice. that the system would immediately respond to the onslaught of harassed (which are still one-third of the Italian population, even if they have filed a lawsuit against the banks ... 20 million) was to be expected. THAT SYSTEM IT HAS DONE IN A WAY SO CI Square One must understand that they too are fruit. Perhaps we should Toccata THE END (the one that gives to one who, having decided to commit suicide, and having ascended the tower looking down and try dismay). Still can not see myself as while the majority of harassed does not have the courage of the extreme choices. That in this case it would ...."

Joseph Altieri writes: "Senior Scientists of the USDA sent to the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States Tom Vilsack a message of" emergency "on a new pathogen of soybean plants and Roundup Ready GM maize could be responsible for high rates of infertility and miscarriage spontanei nel bestiame..." Continua:

Siamo proprio arrivati alla frutta... e per oggi vi lascio, ciao Saul/Paolo


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

"The true self is nothing but ceaseless awareness. Understanding that awareness as a form of true self is the purpose and aim of self inquiry.
As long as the thoughts of duality and differentiation are there, the practicer can continue self inquiry.
Once attaining that state of true self, there is no need for inquiry. At that time, in that awareness, there is no meaning for that question of who is having That awareness. That awareness will
remains real as well as awareness only "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)

Reset Built-in Tsa Lock

Saul of February 24, 2011 - The Historical, spiritual help, Patanjali, a thousand dirty extensions, direct democracy, Lazio

Care, dear,

Castorina Benito writes:" Dear Paul, I send you a reflection on the historical moment in which we live. Or believing that they can we will be mere spectators overwhelmed by the wave that we should ride? An awakening of consciences will anyway!
I thank you with affection "- Continuous: -that-dobbiamo.html

Marco Bracci writes: "Dear Paul, I would use the magazines to make a call. An acquaintance of mine, who lives Rosignano Solvay (LI), my hometown, has a daughter aged 36, in a coma last year of 2009 due to a car accident. I was just yesterday to visit her and her mother told me that they have the help of ASL twice a week (to turn the patient, wash it, put it a bit 'in a chair, etc..) And others for a fee 4 days / week .. On Sunday do everything she and her second daughter. Unfortunately I do not think the situation will improve (in my opinion are the prospects of another Eluana, but love can do much, at least to the healthy), even if hope is the last to die, but the money and forces more and more scarce. Allow me, therefore, to address all your readers who live in the area, if any, to ask for their willingness to lend a hand to this unfortunate family. If someone is available, you can contact me for the first agreements. In the absence of material assistance, even a spiritual, through prayer, will surely help. Contact: "My

rispostina:" Dear Mark, I really hope that some readers respond to the call ... For my part, receive and transmit a big hug. Om Namah Shivaya! "

Panzarasa Stephen writes:" Dear Paul, I read quickly but carefully to the newspaper and I understand why you are asked not to send political articles to the Network for Ecology Deep ... Exactly what you mean? There is something about public life and our being on the planet and the place where we live in bioregional and ecologically profound sense that is not also political? Either you submit articles about Berlusconi or the PD? As for the wolves instead I'll note that there are indeed still in the Lazio region where I live, the Mountains Lucretili, are also increasing, fortunately ... Best wishes "My

rispostina:" Dear Stephen ... some ecologists are sometimes a bit 'strange, they say they are interested only in philosophy ... Political arguments "implicated" are on the magazines ... indeed it's environmental policy .. but there you are ... "

Replica Stefano: "Let us agree on one important thing: the" ecology "is not just a philosophy, or is something else (maybe even predictable). Ecologists have a vision and a practice at 360 degrees and know how to deal with all situations without the risk of going off topic. Perhaps it would be to clarify the meaning of the word once and for all, maybe someone will be offended as well but otherwise you can not make that word means ... Or we find a new ... "

Sauro Martella writes:" If you are vegan or otherwise attentive and sensitive to ethical and ecological VeganFest that is, please also give your contribution in promoting the event. You can help us in many ways, simply by distributing flyers in your area that we can send you along with directions on how to perform this task at best. If you also want to contribute to VeganFest (22/25 April 2011) contact: "

Cacomela writes:" V World Day of Slow: Challenging and altruistic. Matchday group created by ART OF LIVING WITH SLOW NGO to draw attention to the topic of a good use of people's time, in harmony with the environment. MONDAY 'February 28, 2011 from 19.30. At the conference room of the Park Center "THE fontanazza, Parco dei Sassi Roccamalatina for Guignard, Via Pieve di Trebbio 1287, Roccamalatina di Guiglia, Modena. Info.”

Scrive l'organizzazione The Word Community: "THE PATANJALI WEEK ORGANIZERS: Sri Vijay Tiwari (India), HHM Mahamandaleshwar Gayatri Devi-Emy Blesio (Italy), HHM Mahamandaleshwar Swami Suryananda-Amadio Bianchi (Italy), Acharya Hukumchand Shankushal (India), Smt. Laxmi Thakur Singhal (India). After finishing the present event and a lot of meetings decided the next Patanjali Week Celebration 2011, will be held from 18th to 25th October 2011 and you can subscribe now as a: Lecturer, Speaker, Expert, Teacher, Performer, Dancer, Musician, Singer, Doctor, Therapist, etc. Schools, Association, Organization, Editor, Artisan, Ayurvedic producers, etc. "

Rinco Dario writes:" Dear Paul, here is the text that we are, we Civic Network Italian, sending ......... the whole world. The text is a bit 'long, but we think the argument is, or should be, of national interest. We would like to hear from you even thinking about it. Thank you and hello "

My rispostina:" Dear Dario, the Italian Bioregional Network has often made reference to "direct democracy" as a form closer to the idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing bioregional deep ecology and in human society. At least that's my idea ... Anyway, in direct democracy should be added to the propositions bioregional so that it also takes account of the living "other" and the habitat ... "

Giorgio Vitali writes:" customary (or, rather, I try to follow) the vicissitudes of the world seeking enlightenment everywhere. And I am confident of hitting (or at least so far I guess ...) Why using the statistical method and the complexity of the problem you can not get each located in its natural environment. Now I wonder what's going on in the Mediterranean? Well you go to the water war ... "- Continue:

The decree" milleproroghe "or as they say alcuni “mille porcate” continuo a ricevere lettere di protesta e di allarmi a fosche tinte sulle trappole insite nel decreto, una in particolare riguarda la truffa contro i correntisti bancari che non potranno più far causa alle banche per indebiti addebiti... ma leggete voi stessi qui di seguito un testo che ho ricevuto dall'avv. Gianfranco Paris:

Che possiamo farci... anche oggi l'iter si è concluso... Saluti, Paolo/Saul


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

"When the Examined mind is, all types of mental Activities will subside on Their Own.
Investigating into the source of mind That is one more method. That Origin of Mind Called only as God, or pure true self awareness "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thesis Statement On Murder

wolves in the magazines of Saul of February 23, 2011 - Toads, true Bioregionalism, Living with Care, Knight $ Bertone, wild boars and pigs, Anguillara ... The magazines

Care, dear,

approaching the breeding season for frogs in each .... a toad may lie Prince Charming, so also this year launched a campaign to save toads from being crushed on the roads. Read the explanations and the program: frogs-dallo.html

On the topic above Mannello Vincent writes: "You know, strangely I happened three times in three years to save time and also a risk with the skin. But that good feeling I felt. One big one, looked at me as well! And I'm not an expert ..... We do what we can. With "My

rispostina:" Thank you for the "triple" Help! (Each of us is inside the other and the other is within us) "

Econews writes:" Global warming and floods: Bacchiglione peak in November. "The human factor" title "Nature" on newsstands, by the way the recent floods (Australia, Pakistan, Danube, etc.) narrated in great detail by newspapers and TV (the 'rise a few degrees of temperature or some centimetro degli oceani, invece, ormai non fa più “notizia”). E allora (Rubygate permettendo) parliamo di alluvioni. Continua >>>"

Scrive Caterina: “Ieri sera sono stata da Mara, a cantare i mantra, ero in forma fisicamente (sarà stata l'antiginnastica) e tranne un po' di male al sedere, sono stata bene. Sono arrivata a casa neanche stanca. Ti ho pensato molto mentre cantavo e "meditavo". Ero vicina a Nelly, una "ragazza" di cui un po' ti ho accennato, è un'amica anche di Marco e Valeria, che voleva venire all'incontro del giorno della nevicata...... poi mi fa: "mi interessano molto le cose che fa quell'associazione di cui mi programs have sent ....... "And I" but that the vegetarian club? "She" is "and I said" but we are still us, Paul is my partner, etc.. etc.. "So says the love the celebration of the equinoxes, solstices, etc.. then I said that I would send any number of magazines and that if we want to enter the nell'indirizzario ...."

My rispostina "I'm happy ..." The ecology of deep

not assume a return to primitivism but identifies current conditions of advanced society the opportunity to rebalance. The continuity of our society, as a species, requires a key evolutionary , a global vision by which open our minds to the awareness of sharing the planet with life experience ... Continue: Company /

writes Anthony D'Andrea, of Living with Care, "karo Paul, I thought of my speech for the party of the precursors (Treia 7 to 15 May 2011), I would call him: The son of a domestic revolution Troy (me) to Treia. And the subtitle: The latch to open to another possible world. With practical demonstrations and interactivity with the public. ...... By (Antonio D'Andrea). As for meetings of Kalka each must give written contribution during the festival, in my opinion, you have to collect and layout as the previous issues (which oversaw Silvia) and myself will put on the site and then play it on recycled paper. But I could see a meeting in Kalk because that is where the club was born a vegetarian. Hello "My

rispotina:" Dear Anthony, fits the theme of your speech and say yes to all to write something for the meeting of Treia, but I do not have the electronic means to do the work in graphics, layout, etc.. Perhaps you could do Daniela to live with joy. I'm also hoping that you will make us a flyer. Let's hope so .. Ah, for the moment I can not organize anything in Calcata ..! "

Antonello Ricci writes:" As a cultural policy for Viterbo? All interested parties are invited to attend. Coordinator: Fulvio Ricci - Association of the stone in the pond, Thursday, February 24, 2011 16.30. FOUNDATION CONFERENCE ROOM CARIVIT Via Cavour 67, Viterbo. Speakers: Franco M. Cordell - President CARIVIT Foundation, Carlo Galeotti - Journalist, Marco Mancini - Rector of the University of Tuscia, Filippo Rossi - Director Caffeine Festival; Arnaldo Stones - Journalist "

Ettore Colombo writes of reforms:" The Background. Private meeting between the Prime Minister and the cardinal who has sought and obtained assurances on bioassay, Catholic schools and adoptions. The bogeymen of hierarchies, "Fini appointed leader Della Vedova, Casini is too weak," the Democratic Party awards to gay civil unions and thinks "... - Continue:

Antonio Pantano writes: "I read, almost always, but travel - because of the "Systems", involving me (I assume that he was the only Italian who has denounced the prosecutor's office a judge for the negligent performance of his duties, and the action, slow pede, "proceeds"!) - your magazines. The closed today, taken by Brecht, is "vague." Ezra Pound he core of his mammoth work - deliberately silenced, today, or "tainted" - with "The real enemy is 'ignorance', fact that leads many to take seriously a stupid fool, collocatosi on a white horse to 250,000 euros, which mocked - even, and especially - wrongly quotes - the anthem of Goffredo Mameli (Italian became the official anthem only 10 years ago!). The "idiots" by Carmelo Bene, who "see" or "not see" the Virgin Mary. But I do not know how to look beyond your nose, and beano with nonsense Sanremo, or the "vagaries" of some rich peasant who pays consenting females! Ignorance passively accepted, calling for a renunciation of a "true human nature," that is, by vocation to vegetate in the name of a quiet life until the inevitable meal worms, after decades of "obedience to superior alli." Best wishes from veronesissimo ... "Raffaella Rosa

writes:" 12th Seminar of the Convivio Romano, Rome 25, 26 and 27 February 2011: The world's spiritual and eternal life. Hotel dei Congressi, Viale Shakespeare, 29 - Rome Info @ f.liverziani convivium "writes Charles

Council:" Dear, it is not true as alleged that the absence of predators has increased dramatically in the number of wild boars, hedgehogs, rodents and other herbivores, because predators usually obtained only a small proportion of prey populations, so that the elimination predator has no effect on the number of prey. So it is not true that the number of prey is regulated by the number of predators, but rather the opposite is true, the number of predators is regulated by the number of prey. So it's not even true that the number of porcupines, deer and rodents have grown dramatically, because most of the animals has a homeostatic mechanism which limits the number, and it works as follows: the growth of the population reduces the amount of resources (especially food and space) available for each individual, so that population growth slows and then stops at a value called "carrying capacity", as fertility diminuisce enormemente quando un individuo è meno nutrito. Che gli animali siano troppi è un'invenzione dei cacciatori per giustificare la loro attività. Gli animali selvatici si regolano da soli! Un'eccezione potrebbe essere costituita dal cinghiale, ma per un motivo differente: sono stati fatti ripopolamenti di cinghiali con esemplari della razza dell'Europa orientale, più grossa e più prolifica del nostro cinghiale maremmano, ed anche con cinghiali ibridati con maiali. Infatti il maiale è più prolifico del cinghiale, come tutti gli animali domestici sono più prolifici dei loro antenati selvatici”

Mia rispostina: “D'accordo caro Carlo, in effetti nelle mie affermazioni pensavo proprio ai cinghiali imported for a public clarification on your comment, at the same time there is to say that Lazio are wolves were exterminated from all time (the last wolf was done on dry Soratte the early twentieth century) and as you know the shepherds have the right to go armed again today ... Well so goes the world, "writes

Fefè Publisher: Friday, February 25 - 17 hours. Library Elf / Bracciano Lake (Rome). Corso Umberto I, 5 (center). Reading, chatting with the natural balance of Authors philosophy, zodiac and psychoanalysis with Paola Mazzetti, Giovanna Rotigliano, Leonardo de Sanctis, free admission. Info: 06.9968363 "

is the end, yes it is vero! Vi saluto, Saul/Paolo


Pensieri poetici del dopo Giornaletto:

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
Antonio Machado (Nulla dies sine linea)


"The true self is a form of eternal bliss only; it is a form of eternal love. Due to that love of true self only everything is precious to us. Love is not separate from that true self" (Sri Ramana Maharshi)



El amor es un periplo infinito
Hacia las lejanas estrellas.
Con toda certeza el amor te llegará,
¡Nunca es tarde para amar!
El amor no conoce borders. Love is sacred
more despeocupado,
Love has thousands of faces,
Love is infinite!
Everyone wants to be loved,
Love is found in a location near you,
Love is in our blood,
And yet, we die without love!

(Adolf P. Shvedchikov)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quotes For 3rd B;day Party

Saul of February 22, 2011 - Men's animal nature, March 8, 2011, meeting to Ospitaletto Marano, Middle East, Franco Farina

Care, honey, Scrive

Gabriele, comment la lettera "It sono gli animali pay", "Hail Paolo, with chi dobbiamo prendercela? Legislator non molto il sew AVEVA e grazie alle vostre provided osservazioni e alle denunce if può che il rapporto uomo perfezionare-animali environment. Questo è stato disastro Annunciata without Dagli 90s (to my memory). I hope that each of us can do our part. And you're already yours. Unfortunately there is no time to lose the law and the bureaucracy do not always coincide with the times. A hug and good luck ... "

rispostina Mia:" Well, my dear Gabriel, the awareness can help ... you think? Although the balance between man and nature animals can not be achieved by laws and sneaky .. must start from within each of us, hello and thanks for writing "To

on 8 March this year we will be at Spilamberto (Modena), for business, living the experience of the encounter between the masculine and female. Approaching the fateful day I think useful to examine those aspects of women's culture that have contributed to the development of our human civilization. Then you should read: e2% 80% 9cdonna-man-humanity% e2% 80% 9d /

Alexander writes: "Dear Paul, I miss you. On either side of the entrance door of the prison cemetery near St. Stephen Ventotene there were two beds, enclosed by a low iron railing composed of the following text: ANY TIME ANY PLACE ALL CONDITIONS ARE WELL SUITED TO OPERATE. If you send me is a great phone. A warm embrace and grateful "My

rispostina: "Dear Alex, I like to know that in football there's you there, that somehow brings forth a speech ... I know you left the last of the Mohicans ... Well, I hope that football can maintain its glorious name .. not only for the label but also for the substance! The phone is ... 0733/216293 Good Life! "

Katia writes, about the oil GM:" Ah! Altieri nice, I had thought the same thing ..... That's no surprise to read on a label inside a product is a GMO? E 'perfectly in order! It would be illegal if in response to the presence of GMOs (and soybeans in Italy is almost entirely imported and transgenic) that were not declared! " Antonella

writes: "Dear Paul, happy evening! Forgive me for this period of silence
, one day I will tell you everything, walking. I send you the first "review" of my pupil, on a tasting of organic jam, given to us by the one company that, until now, has ignored my call a few weeks ago and sent us their products precisely organic jams! So writes Marina at my request, after the good snack in class: "Dear Prof., his idea of \u200b\u200binaugurating the workshop on" taste "with the taste of organic bread and jam, I was fully satisfied and allowed me to develop a kind of "plan" alternative to the food part now my store of life, educational and otherwise. The jam on the house Agrirape (but why is it called so?), Has rekindled in me the memory of the jams that were made by my great-aunts house in Abruzzo, a little girl when I was still in the grass. I was excited to embrace those days and especially the idea of \u200b\u200breliving flavors but I now view. As trivial as it may seem the Profs, I felt good because the bread smeared with jam has a very high symbolic value! So, they are welcome at other times like this. I thank the people who have allowed us to "enjoy" this colorful food taste finely aligned to my memories! I noticed that the jam was nicely spread, which does not tally with those of the supermarket that appear thickened with a kind of glue binder of dubious and strange texture! But why do we preclude such pleasure "genuine"? Who knows ..... Thanks Prof! "

Franca writes:" According to Community imminent introduction of all the herbal medicines and should be treated as being subject to new procedures to control the cost far higher than those of the majority of producers (excluding, of course the great food and pharmaceutical industry). It is therefore necessary to act urgently and in many. We need 35 million signatures to stop this attack to human health and the right to free choice of therapy. Subscribe to this very important petition takes just two minutes! Signed: "

announced the next meeting of the Italian Bioregional Network - Ospitaletto Marano (Modena) 18 and 19 June 2011 - The theme and Bioregionalism Natural Nutrition:

Elsa Morante wrote: "The head of the government repeatedly sullied during his career of crime that, in the presence of a honest people, they would have deserved the condemnation, shame and deprivation ogni autorità di governo. Perché il popolo tollerò e addirittura applaudì questi crimini? Una parte per insensibilità morale, una parte per astuzia, una parte per interesse e tornaconto personale. La maggioranza si rendeva naturalmente conto delle sue attività criminali, ma preferiva dare il suo voto al forte piuttosto che al giusto. Purtroppo il popolo italiano, se deve scegliere tra il dovere e il tornaconto, pur conoscendo quale sarebbe il suo dovere, sceglie sempre il tornaconto. Così un uomo mediocre, grossolano, di eloquenza volgare ma di facile effetto, è un perfetto esemplare dei suoi contemporanei. Presso un popolo onesto, sarebbe stato tutt'al più il leader di un partito di modesto seguito, un personaggio un po' ridiculed for his manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and shameless. In Italy he became the head of government. And it's hard to find a more complete Italian example. Admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good father, but with many lovers, he uses those whom he despises, surrounded himself with dishonest, of liars, the inept, profits; skilled mime, and should take effect on an audience vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, you always imagine to be the person who wants to represent. "(Elsa Morante)
Whatever you thought, the text of 1945, includes Mussolini ...

Armando Writes: "We were few, Sunday 20 February this year, exploring knowledge of the caves of San Famiano in Faleria ... but it was worth it. As a possible future local government nor the shadow .... but we we brought a little light .. " Continue:

Giorgio Vitali writes: "On 1 March at 15.30 in the Hall of Columns Chamber of Deputies (Via Poli 19) a group of young researchers, coordinated by Luigi Mercuri, presented her work: "Turkey, a Mediterranean and international actor." Partecipano l'ambasciatore Turco Hakki Akil e l'ex ambasciatore italiano in Turchia Scarante. Il PSIAI, pontificio istituto di studi arabi e d'islamistica (i padri bianchi del recente film sul martirio di quattro di loro in Algeria ) tengono , ogni primo semestre a cadenza quasi mensile, incontri culturali nella loro sede di viale trastevere 89 a Roma, oltre a interessanti corsi di lingua araba"

Ed ancora ecco lo stralcio di un commento di Giorgio Vitali sulla situazione in Italia, Nord Africa e Medio Oriente: "...le forze in gioco si muovono su piani per lo più occulti. Ed è lì il loro vero gioco. Colgo l'occasione per ricordare che il sottoscritto aveva preconizzato da tempo il fallimento dell'operazione Fini. Il fatto that our "friends" have not found something better to destabilize Italy shows that they are losing the last chance. They believed, independent futurist, who stood behind the Fini USA / Israel, the operation was successful, and they would have acquired a character or loss of vision. At this point we stop, not before saying that the situation of nordafrika clearly reflects the Chinese presence in the Horn (with all the consequences of the case) "

And now we turn to poetry and art ... You learn something in the fantasy world the painter Franco Farina:

And with that I greet you, yours truly Paul / Saul

... .....

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"Who does not know the truth is a fool, but who, knowing it, calls it lie, it's a criminal" [Bertolt Brecht]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rca To Usb Cable Radio Shack

The magazines of Saul of February 21, 2011 - Caramel Viola, Pseudo-environmentalists, Sant'Innovazio d 'Internet, Garibaldi Valley, Carpe Diem, T'ai ... The magazines

Care, Cari, Cara writes

Viola to Rebirth: "For some years been working to this day despite the extraction, certainly different from mine, and since they are always anti-fascist and communist believe ...." - Next: / 2011/02/20/carmelo-r-viola-a-rinascita-ecco-le-ragioni-di-un-possibile-commiato /

Enzo Parisi writes of Rete di Ecologia Profonda: "Caro Saul, come vedi la nostra rete muove i suoi primi passi, e deve dare una idea corretta di ciò che vuole essere. Come avrai potuto vedere non sono ancora molti quelli che mandano messaggi, mentre tu invii, gentilmente, il tuo giornale quotidiano. In questa situazione il giornale sembra essere l'espressione della Rete e non vorrei trarre in inganno i lettori. Ti pregherei quindi di sospendere l'invio alla Rete del Giornaletto di Saul, inviando invece articoli, come hai già a volte fatto. Nel testi che inviamo cerchiamo però di stare lontani dalla politica, perchè la nostra è una associazione filosofica, che rispetto alla politica si pone ambiziosamente sopra. Sono sicuro che comprenderai, ti saluto caramente" My

rispostina: "Dear Enzo, I have gone before .. in fact I was I realized that the comic is too qualifying for Deep Ecology Network, as it already has its own line ... So I agree your advice tomorrow and stop sending the magazines to the list of Saul. will, like you suggested, to send texts more "neutral" or specific articles to share with other members of the group, hello and good luck! "

Econews writes: "Unification of Italy, the epic of the 1000 Garibaldi:
were all" intellectuals "Bossi's great-grandparents." You hear all the dialects of Northern Italy, most people are educated " The reporter noted poet Cesare Abba. Garibaldi obviously excited especially the educated class. In fact, almost all were young (very young) Padani: students, lawyers, doctors and engineers (33 were Italians, one woman) was the ruling class in Italy at that time. And 'what emerges from a recent search for Gabriele Bianchi .. More>>> "

Joseph Altieri writes: ".... but we wanted to find a Greenpeace GMO labeled? Go find the GMO products are not labeled! Thanks to the threshold of intolerance! Enough of these pseudo-environmentalists to put it mildly stoned by people who collect money in good faith and militants in good faith tell us that we think their environment ... In fact, look how we are reduced! Directly activate the territories not delegated to any ecological direct action spread card Montebelluna for actions against GMOs, "writes

Sant'Innovazio from the Internet:" Indignation and desire. These days we are witnessing a sea change in a continent around Europe, which also overlooks the Mediterranean. With a courage, decision, perseverance, a dignity that is incredible to see the little progress made on our land instead of over decades of rooms along the way social progress, many African nations have quickly earned a role as a primary value democratico cui oggi non si può non far riferimento...” - Continua:

Scrive Vincenzo Mannello: "Obama da solo batte 130 nazioni che, all'Onu, avevano condannato Israele per la politica sugli insediamenti nei Territori ed a Gerusalemme! Il solito veto Usa, contro tutto e tutti ma, sopratutto, contro la verità sulla violenza e sul razzismo, ha dimostrato quanto sia fondata la certezza che, chiunque sia, il presidente degli Usa è stato, è e sempre sarà un complice della politica israeliana...."

Scrive Adriano Rebecchi: "...quello che sta accadendo in Libia sta Throwing in Italy at the panic, because our "forward-looking politicians, businessmen, economists have not studied the history, but only as a lucrative business and make easy money, without looking at the color of money, even when it was red blood. Thus, the geopolitical playing by alleged statesmen who are deemed to have given credence and trust for decades, a predator that everyone knew was a ruthless dictator, convinced Italy to ensure energy sources and benefits (for themselves) and, in order to obtain all this, have seen fit to rectify the colonial dispute with Libya giving the robber dictator € 5 billion compensation (sic), making ridiculous excuses for an Italian presence which made a rich and fertile land barren and desolate poor and agreeing on a substantial pile of contracts (also promote their businesses!). Now all these people, who have welcomed Gaddafi to Rome with honor once reserved for kings and emperors, are panicking and do not know how to explain the fierce wind of the rebellion that shook the Arab world. They do not realize that it is they who have done just as the "fool" of the Gospel that built the house on the sand ... "

Rita De Angelis writes:" Dear Paul here is a piece of happiness everyone revenues its second needs and lifestyle, important to think more of themselves. Good Day " -the-joy-that-rises-from-spontaneous-small-things /

Catherine writes: "... yesterday I was at the market of chickens and birds, where I collected opinions, complaints and stories, who is happy and optimistic and who sees everything black, each in the morning he puts on his glasses personal and see life in its way, then that is not even his, this morning those who wanted to talk all had a few problems ... who had a heart attack, was made, but look with optimism and good drive in the future, and he has his critics still work and everything and everyone who is tired of breeding birds - and even those who are beautiful and more than seventy years, it still bea ... "

Donaudi Gianni writes:" Two years after the death of young percussionist, Francesco Alviti, a concert to remember: it will run the Grosse Messe k 427 Mozart, February 23, at 21 Church St. John in Ceccano "

Open Letter - When animals are to pay ....
I come from a place, the park Treja in Lazio, where the absence of predators has increased dramatically in the number of wild boars, hedgehogs, rodents and other herbivores, the same thing happened in different areas of Emilia Romagna and other northern regions such as the excess of deer has become a serious impediment to the cultivation of fruit trees and vegetables. The blame for these disasters, however, and leads the man who nearly exterminated completely engulfing the wolf and the fox so the ecological balance. And shotguns are not enough to restrict the redundancies caused by this "political" intervention in the mechanisms of the unhealthy nature. Now I live in Marche, Macerata province, and some days I'm reading the local papers of vandalism done to animals, or were found dead bodies and severed heads wolf hanged foxes. It did not surprise me ... because ignorance dies hard, especially when we realize that we ourselves are destroying the habitat and life with our foolish choices. With our factory farms, with the excess consumption of meat and waste made of it (just see how much food remains are gettati ogni giorno nei cassonetti). Così, mentre nelle Marche impunemente si coprono ettari ed ettari di terreno fertile con migliaia e migliaia di pannelli solari a terra, un'operazione che porta alla desertificazione di ampi territori ed al disastro ecosistemico, ecco che si ritiene opportuno "castigare" un lupo od una volpe.. per aver compiuto un dovere bestiale.... Vorrei però dire agli ignoti "giustizieri" che non sono le volpi ed i lupi a far danni ai loro allevamenti.. ma il comportamento umano.. Infatti è più probabile che i responsabili siano torme di cani abbandonati e rinselvatichiti, che non hanno più alcuna paura dell'uomo... il che ci fa capire fino a che punto abbiamo rovinato il processo vitale della natura.... Paolo D'Arpini

is approaching the date of March 6 that will be held in Treia the 8th meeting on the Chinese zodiac and on I Ching, we will discuss the meaning of the hexagram T'ai, peace, which is connected to the archetype of the Hare (or cat). The meeting is free. Continue:

Well, well now we're done, Regards, Paul / Saul

... ......

poetic thought of the after magazines:


The stones are born on these first steps, among which we have hidden protected sheltered.
Stones for the first shelter for the first hut, stones for the first sound of the first weapons
Stones do not forget to report losses for the first graves.
Stones stones to adorn the neck in the sun to heat the stones on which lay the sea to hunt for food
Stones to play ... circular stones to travel
the first stone and stone wheel ... the first signs to venerate stones
writing ... stones still together.
stones, sand and stones of our houses where we live ... stones are stone monuments
skyscrapers and roads where lies the bed to dream where we walk to meet

foundation stones resistant to wind and stone bracelets
where the river flows and where the sky rests. Fire stones stones indicate
stones to carve stone for the shadow and challenge for throwing stones.
Along with a group of people each from a different culture
from a place other than their own world, I picked up signs and symbols
Paths always with the tip of the stones on the skin or scratched
and impressed other soft materials that welcome . From stones
those signs have emerged UNITED
and reflected back to the magic stones.
photograph reproduced on the memory works
acrylic ink photo paper so that ... continuous contact
persevere without unnecessary boundaries of race and racism
From hot stone to the one that I recognize human art.

Massimo D'Andrea.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Glory Hole Manchester

Saul of February 20, 2011 - Grain of infinity, I Ching to Treia 27th Festival of precursors, water and arsenic, berluscones 2 AVA .. The magazines

Care, dear,

Naomi Longo writes: "Some time ago I think it was right to highlight the unnecessary Giorgio Vitali media campaign in which the media have bombarded the Italian population, which reserves to the Prime Minister and his private life Always be careful. The phenomenon of Berlusconi (Berlusconi, beautifully as I read the article) is helpful to distract attention from more serious events ... and perhaps even to grow the Italian people and all the intellectuals, who reached on the knowledge and against the various reflections on the matter, should admit as Mr Berlusconi is not a saint, but even then this virus compelling ... In politics, philosophy and other disciplines real do not work very well in the short time because they are not accessible to everyone, but if I allow myself a moment of reality and utopia on the premise that the universe is a single body moving in harmony and interaction with the rest ... resent so much with Berlusconi would be to have a constant stomach ache, a circle or head to a sprained foot? I do not go beyond and not within the substance of the question because I know nothing about politics but I think that wanting to tackle the world really Italian Berlusconi diagnosis could be endless ... Buonagiornata all "My

rispostina:" Remarks accettabilissime, dear Noemi ... Yesterday I happened to eye on an article the Courier in reference to the blow of Wikileaks ... The U.S. do not like Berlusconi but "choose" ... to safeguard their interests in Afghanistan but also to open a front on entering of GMOs in Italy ... That says a lot about the real intentions of the policy ... Ah other information, provided by the Messenger (even pages and pages) on the appearance of Benigni on TV (Sanremo), all devoted to the unity of Italy ... I would say an apparition pilot (given the cachet of 250,000 €) ... Well, maybe you better not interested in politics, hello "

writes Catherine Regazzi Boar on Earth faces a year Hare Metal:" The Boar basks of acorns and hazelnuts, and that other one need for survival. E 'should be an aging, has to learn kindness and good manners, to develop a framework of expression. Instead of "grunt" should express his emotions in a more polite ...." - Next: html

Announcement of the 27th Festival of precursors, which is held in Treia May 7 to 15 201: "Towards the end of July 2010 I left football," kidnapped "from my beloved Caterina Regazzi, and from August 3rd I taken to address Treia. Then I wrote an article "From a Treja Treia" in which he announced his departure from the shores of Treja moving, the river that surrounds Football, Treia mound, in the province of Macerata. Continue:

Panzarasa comments received from Stephen: "Dear Paul, I answer while as all ii'm making bread at dawn on Saturdays and I wait to finish the first rise. Meanwhile I am also uploading the first video on Youtube to Live with Care 2010 with Antonio D'Andrea, who teaches at dawn to do the laundry ecological ... (Do not you think a good example of multi-activity?). I read the article about Calcata and I got three of them want to participate because of the deep friendship that binds us now for more ... I wanted to suggest that my presence would have been a surprise in that it is a period that I can not move easily and then I want to live fully in the area where I live and not go too easily as it once here and there ... Then I read the end of the letter and I have seen already in the program ... Of course, knowing you could well imagine ... However, it remains possible for the surprise ... Best wishes "

Other Caterina Regazzi comment:" I read it, Love, but it's a novel! I already know what you think and what, perhaps, answer me, but when I read about this from your past with a capital P, I tremble at the thought. Or maybe not, maybe someone who has lived so also your current situation, it is a challenge (?) can be addictive. And what do you do you a life so simple, simple people: me, Dumi, Valeria, Crispian, Lucilla, Thomas, Claudio mason, Sonia, Gigetto the Mayor, when did you meet beautiful women and fascinating, as well as intelligent precursors and political philosophies of life like you, but they are quiet, do not worry, I love you for who you are NOW and what you're with me, not for what you have been (which always you). If fate would have it, we met at that time, there is a reason. And if love will be with us, as I wish, for the rest of our lives, we live what life holds for us. You and me. And who wants to be "My

rispostina" For what does it matter? My love ... we are all the same person said Luciano Laffont ... and stated Nisargadatta are one that looks like a lot .. Then my darlin 'Love is the need to feel uncomfortable .. and then it is only setting .. nothing more, the important thing is the experience that each of us is able to take home from the events experienced. Be calm and sure of yourself, you are the high point! I still wanted to do an overview of "fast" (I'm still 30 years) on the history of the club so that we perceive the sense of continuity here in Treia "

Sini Beppe writes:" The irresponsible charlatans da anni ci avvelenano costringendoci a bene acqua con una elevata concentrazione di arsenico (quando la più elementare ragionevolezza vorrebbe che nell'acqua potabile di arsenico non ve ne fosse né poco né punto) ormai smascherati tentano un'ultima frode, un'ultima soperchieria. Invece di rispettare la legge, ed attenersi quindi al limite massimo consentito dei 10 microgrammi di arsenico per litro di acqua (che peraltro implica già un ingerire veleno, ed è il doppio della soglia tollerabile secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, che fissa il limite massimo ammissibile a 5 microgrammi/litro), certi pubblici amministratori da mesi rinviano interventi necessari ed urgenti, ed adottano tre squallide strategie di ignobile mistificazione che si risolvono in danno certo per la popolazione ed in palese violazione della legge..."

Scrive Mario Romeo: “Un link per rispondere a Nicola Cospito!/note.php?note_id=185026681535411&id=125017774179718 “

Scrive Giorgio Vitali: “Caro Cavalier Saul Arpino (Alias Paolo D'Arpini), avendo notato  il tuo bell'articolo sull'argomento "berluscones", vi avevo risposto non ricordando che i commenti sono disabilitati. Lo rifaccio ora qui: Il caso è eclatante. Nel senso che, per qualsiasi studioso di sociologia e antropologia la cosa dovrebbe costituire un elemento più di conferma che study. We are immersed in a "system" that fully expresses himself ...." He continues: a-journey-in-gossip-and-the-joke-screen /

AVA writes: "Thursday 24 February at 17.30 at the headquarters of Vegetarian Pets Asti piazza 5 / a Rome conference of the dr . ssa Veronica White, Naturopath: BACH FLOWERS AND REIKI: THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF EMOTIONAL STATES. Fight the fear, anxiety and panic attacks through reiki and flowers. The speaker will answer questions from the public - free admission - Info Tel 06 7022863 "

E qui concludo pure oggi e vi saluto, Saul/Paolo


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

"Remaining in Silence does not mean shutting your mouth and not speaking any words.
That Serene Silence is a state, which is not influenced by your faculty of speech and its associated mind. Focus your attention on one single thought and practice that ceaselessly to find out the roots of that.
That stillness of silence can be attained with that single pointed devotion.
When that practice becomes a natural quality for you, then that will take you and transform you into that serene state of stillness.
The meditation in which there is no mental activity is called as Silent stillness. The Conquering Efforts for controlling and mind are Called as Meditation "

(Sri Ramana Maharshi)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sample Welcome Letter To Guests At Bat Mitzvah

Saul of the February 19, 2011 - Have a good trip berluscones, forest Fogliano, Monferrato in Milan, Citizens' Network in Rome, L'Aquila ... The magazines

Care, dear,

now only talking about" him "... do not take it anymore ... I keep getting dozens of emails every day, the pros and cons, in defense and offense. Silvio Berlusconi has occupied all the space the media can not know if this is his tactic to remain on the cutting edge. "Many enemies, much honor," said a leader who perhaps did less damage (the amount of devastation caused by the regime Berlusconi can only be determined in the future) than it did this get to the Italian people "chicken" or "Quail" (certainly not an imperial eagle) Arcore. - Continue:

Luana De Rossi writes: "The real Bunga Bunga .. . they all remembered the events of 2010 describing in their own way ... We Newspaper Namir we choose to do a detailed press release about the events that will soon present. But they can not miss the irony of fate, we decided to leave to our cartoonist BIMBO99 the task of remembering what has happened and we have lived. All politicians have been stripped of the visually and physically for what they did ... C'E 'EVEN THE PHOTO DELLA VERA MOGLIE DI BERLUSCONI uno scoop. SE VUOI VEDERE LE TREMENDE VIGNETTE DI BIMBO99 clicca sul link sotto riportato quando sei collegato ad internet: - successivamente clicca sulle frasi dell'anno e vedrai la vignetta dedicata... C'E' ANCHE IL MITICO THE ORIGINAL BUNGA BUNGA, poi Marchionne e La Russa da Casini a D'Alema da Tremonti a Maroni da Bondi kamikaze a Gianni Letta ... ci sono tutti anche politici internazionali. Buona visione e un augurio di lotta e passione, per scrivermi come sempre "

Scrive Antonio Borghesi: "E’ pervenuto alla Camera, dopo l’approvazione al Senato, il decreto cosiddetto “Milleproroghe” in teoria destinato a rinviare the entry into force of any law (but now there are hundreds of references) and in which they were strung treacherously a series of measures bullshit ... "

Marica Di Pierri writes:" We sign and spread the appeal to the citizens of L'Aquila L'Aquila mobilize to help collect signatures to validate the law of missing people's initiative on post-earthquake reconstruction and putting in homeland security ... " Continue:

writes Nicola Cospito: "For his performance in Sanremo, last night, Roberto Benigni paid its weight in gold, 250,000 € for thirty minutes. In him this gift are the ones who paid the fee RAI. € 250,000 to the face of the precarious, of licenses, cassintegrati of people who do not arrive later this month. In the face of yet another worker who, last week, remained unemployed, took his own life. In the face of cuts to culture, the real one, that Benigni does not know at all. It is not a reading on both sides of a corner of the Divine Comedy to convince us of its level on the stage, as in life, there is an abysmal mediocrity "

Martinotti Claudio Doria writes:" Presented in Milan on the volume of the publisher Monferrato Lorenzo Fornaca. It 'was an opportunity to enhance the Monferrato at a prestigious enclave English ... " Continua:

Scrive Franca Chichi: "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu! NON ARRENDERTI ! Qualunque esperienza o "dono " la vita ti mette davanti, per favore, NON ARRENDERTI.... perché la vita, comunque, val la pena di essere vissuta, troppo prezioso è ciò che portiamo dentro.... e che possiamo donare e vivere, sempre e comunque...... in "perfetta letizia " ed anche, con forza rigenerante e gioiosa e con la maestosità e l'eleganza che queste splendide parole ispirano...."

Scrive S. T.: "... vorrei chiederti un'informazione. Io abito a Vasanello ed in questi giorni hanno tagliato a plant without permission, they tell me to be secular. How do I make sure of what? There is a kind of census of the 'patriarchs'? "My

rispostina:" Dearest ST, the University of Tuscia, a few years ago, he surveyed the plants important site in the Province of Viterbo .. I know because I was present at the Villa Lina Ronciglione when census of some trees ... Informed the faculty botany, hello "writes Laura

Raduta:" Invitation to an experiment ... Direct Democracy, an Assembly "special." Sunday, February 27 in Rome, Italy from all over come together to dialogue and democratic debate around different people and groups theme: "Beyond the parties: the politics of the future, and proposed method of operation". General Assembly will be sponsored by a citizens' network that everyone can attend and / or participate. Info 328 \\ 8326581 - "

still the problem of cement and asbestos coverage of Barilla's factory in Melfi and the problem of oil from GM soy operative prof. Joseph Altieri, who says:" Barilla is not Italian but American and uses wheat with high rates of mycotoxins (moldy), caused by long storage at the lowest price possible ... "He continues: giuseppe-haughty-barilla-not-e-piu.html

Scrive Pietro Iannelli: "La fine del MONDO per l'immissione di OGM? Forse ha ragione, ma io la vedo in questo ambientalismo catastrofista, in queste associazioni ambientaliste che propagano terrore al fine di ottenere proseliti e ciurme di lobotomizzati con tamburelli e nacchere. Però, vede caro Paolo D'Arpini, la gente ancora in parte ragiona e alla sua fine del mondo contrappone l´equilibrio, la razionalità. Lei parla di occulto appoggio, forse vive nel medio evo Brucia feticci e streghe. Niente ricerca Ogm, ma soldi pubblici alla lobby di Capanna Mentre le istituzioni scientifiche languono senza quattrini e i nostri migliori biotecnologi emigrano all'estero, Mario Capanna riesce a spillare per la sua Fondazione Diritti Genetic use of the loan for a house in Ladispoli, in addition to € 20 million to renovate it ...."

Alessandra Vacca writes: "The two referendums are a serious threat to those who want to get easy profits from the water, not lack of pressure from the powers that be economic and political institutions, for this speed up privatization in the territories, while it is thought to delay the referendum last possible date, June 12, hoping to win the turnout. We do not agree. We believe that water is an essential commodity, to be managed in a public and shared by local communities. We think that referendums are a basic tool of democracy and participation. We think that, in the midst of economic crisis, is inexcusable squandering the money of the citizens. We urge the Government and the political forces and the institutional consolidation of the date of the referendum with the forthcoming elections. Respecting the sovereignty of the people, saving public money and avoiding the absurdity of finding themselves at the polls three times in a few weeks. Info "

Following the awareness campaign for the preservation of the forest of leaves (Faleria)
( 20bosco%% 20 sheets 20faleria% 20of%) think that the municipal authorities of that country has had second thoughts about the planned destruction ... also because of the bureaucracy that prevents forest cutting in the early period established by law (15 years have elapsed since the last "sfoltitura). However
to raise awareness, young people and also the directors (or future directors, since we are in pre-election period) here is the news coming to me by the friend of Armando Faleria Marchesini, which was a trip organized cognitive bioregional land in question, including over the woods even the famous Grotte di San Famiano ... - Continue: "

Uffah, today too close, it can not be more of this comic, hello, Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

the storm rose

Everywhere we turn in the storm of roses,
the night is lit up with thorns, and the roar of the foliage
so slightly above the bushes,
hours There follows at his heels.

(Maria Teresa Mandalari)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Penta Paints Colour Chart For Office

Saul of February 18, 2011 - Asbestos and labels, Sanremo, pastures free, vegetarian Essenes, cancer chemotherapy, Berlusconi head

Care, dear, writes

Benito Castorina, in regard to asbestos and labeling Melfi rejected by the EC: "Do not follow the wave that covers the visual, but ride it you'll see a vision "- Continue: Article

My comment above: "Spirit harmonious and just to get practical results. Benito has quietly expressed facts ... his pragmatic and proactive position I like ... we need concrete for concrete results, the fact remains that the complaints brought forward by Altieri (and others) are helpful to the cause. How do you say ... a blow to the rim and a barrel! "

Daniela Lombardi writes:" Through an email sent to my office printer, Giucas Box states: Dear Daniel, I can say with absolute conviction that the 61st will win the San Remo Festival 2011 Roberto Vecchioni "Let

ordunque animals graze freely in fields and factories shut the deadly GM feed ... If you want to learn more click here:

Mannello Vincent writes: "Yesterday the Rai Tg1 of 13.30 broke the news of the threats made by Rasnallah, leader of Hezbollah, Israel, and this returned to the sender with interest. Too bad the timing is exactly the opposite: Israel has announced a first intervention in Lebanon after Hezbollah has responded! And so it is detected by some newspaper radio earlier that he had properly reported the news. Not to mention the indifference with which there was talk of new Israeli killings in Gaza and the maximum normally attributed to the protests and threats against all Jews for the passage of two Iranian warships from Suez. Threats now faced by new (!) Masters of Egypt, the direct heirs of the former servant of Israel. Continues and compliments, I beg you, living the free information! The subscriber forced "writes Dr.


Free Manco Franco writes: "Before 1947 all the reports of the Essenes came from Pliny the Elder, from Philo, Josephus and Epiphanie. The telling fact was that the community of the Essenes Jewish religious derivation of this association in various places in Palestine on the shores of the Dead Sea since the 2nd century BC. and disappeared in the 1st century AD .. "- Continue:
http://www. /

Monica writes: "Tea is a Yorkin old found wandering on the Flaminia desperate and hungry ... all searches were vain and the owner now seeks adoption of the heart to spend his last years in a house instead of a kennel. Gets along with everyone, including females. Info 3385923120. Tea is 15 years old is deaf and almost blind

"Hello Paul, Alessandra Antonello Palieri's daughter, I wrote a comment under the article on treatments for cancer, but I accidentally deleted, had gone belly not I could rewrite it, however, the juice was born Antonello Palieri "rebellious champion of justice" killed by chemotherapy. I makes the idea on how I feel about it. I posted your link on my blog "Article referenced Alessandra: e2% 80% de-9cluigi -marks-and-the-spa-cancer% e2% 80% 9d-% e2% 80% 93-test-of-marcello-pamio-on-invasive therapies-and-on-cancer-invented /

Writes Gallery-Studio La Meridiana, PE Via Barsanti, 29 - Pietrasanta (Lucca): The SV is cordially invited to the inauguration of the exhibition of the painter Grace Leoncini "Models 2006-2011" - Edited by Lodovico Gierut - to be held on Saturday 5 March 2011 to 17.30 "

Gaia wrote: "Hello Paul, also happens to me sometimes do not open the link, also wanted to ask if that message to our friend Simon is Simon? Time is your friend Roberto (Enrica mate) gave me three books for you: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, The Life and Teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba and the guard and custody, the Church and the social worker, let me know if I can give them to someone who will come to Treia March 6 or if you can be up until May 7, the day of my appearance costs ... "My

rispostina:" Oh Gaia ... I'm glad you have finally given Roberto
those books ... I had promised them 10 years ago. Meanwhile, until we see you read them, are very interesting! Ah, yes, that Simon, was angry because of my article on Amritanandamayi, the Big hugs. Well, patience, will .. maybe ... See you soon, eh ...? The books will bring them to me when you come Treia. What should I get a ride with Benito Castorina and Giorgio Vitali Ilaria or come with? "

Raduta Laura writes:" Dear friends and acquaintances, I invite you all on February 27 in Rome for a meeting sponsored by the Citizens' Network is open to all those who wish to participate, individuals and groups, with their own proposals, with their identity and their culture. It will be a day of work for discussion and hopefully to mutual growth. Info "

Scrive Ciro Aurigemma: “La SRM Psicologia, ieri 17 febbraio 2011, ha ricordato i 411 anni dall'uccisione sul rogo del filosofo, scienziato e libero pensatore, Giordano Bruno, per mano dell'Inquisizione Romana. Prossimo incontro su Scienza e Dintorni a RIETI - Sabato 19 Febbraio, presso l'hotel Serena: convegno SCIENZA e... DINTORNI, ore 15 SCIENZA e/o MISTICA: ORIZZONTI COMUNI di Giulio Porrovecchio, Fisico; 15,40 UNA NUOVA IDEA DELL'ESSERE di Iris Borrelli, Filosofo; 16,10 L'INTEGRAZIONE DELLE SCIENZE di Ciro Aurigemma Psicologo; 16,40 DAL CONDIZIONAMENTO ALLA CONSAPEVOLEZZA di prof. Michele Trimarchi Neuropsicofisiologo. Ore 17,30 proiezione del film documentario OLOS "L'ANIMA DELLA TERRA" Ingresso ad offerta libera. Info:; Cell. 338.3120430”

Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: "Berlusconi invocherà un conflitto di attribuzioni contro il Tribunale di Milano per essere giudicato da un Tribunale dei Ministri. Per sollevare il conflitto di attribuzione, gli avvocati di Berlusconi devono scrivere al Presidente della Camera Fini (perché Berlusconi è deputato) e Fini deve chiedere un parere sul conflitto di attribuzioni alla Giunta per le autorizzazioni a procedere, che è a maggioranza centro-destra" - Continua:

Scrive Franca Valenti: “Avendomi il C.S.E.N. (centro sportivo educativo nazionale-CONI) entrusted to the organization of the holistic sector of the province of Rieti, I work for a project called Sport and Spirituality. Organize small meetings every 3-4 months with no means available to all volunteers. It's not really a mission impossible, but it certainly is tough. I noticed your fine efforts and I wish I could ask to be invited to suggest some Rapporteur, taking into account the above. Can you give me a hand in this regard? Thanks for all the magazines and "My

rispostina:" For the Sabine area I suggest you contact the lawyer. Gianfranco Paris ( or by geologist Stephen Panzarasa ( "Well

o male, pure stavolta possiamo chiudere, che ne dite? Ciao, Paolo/Saul


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

Not only by suppressing love,
Spontaneous, but also by perverse.
Enforcement of it, one is caught
In and consumed by all kinds of evil.

(Sri Ramana Maharshi)