Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thesis Statement On Murder

wolves in the magazines of Saul of February 23, 2011 - Toads, true Bioregionalism, Living with Care, Knight $ Bertone, wild boars and pigs, Anguillara ... The magazines

Care, dear,

approaching the breeding season for frogs in each .... a toad may lie Prince Charming, so also this year launched a campaign to save toads from being crushed on the roads. Read the explanations and the program: http://paolodarpini.blogspot.com/2011/02/salviamo-rospi-e- frogs-dallo.html

On the topic above Mannello Vincent writes: "You know, strangely I happened three times in three years to save time and also a risk with the skin. But that good feeling I felt. One big one, looked at me as well! And I'm not an expert ..... We do what we can. With "My

rispostina:" Thank you for the "triple" Help! (Each of us is inside the other and the other is within us) "

Econews writes:" Global warming and floods: Bacchiglione peak in November. "The human factor" title "Nature" on newsstands, by the way the recent floods (Australia, Pakistan, Danube, etc.) narrated in great detail by newspapers and TV (the 'rise a few degrees of temperature or some centimetro degli oceani, invece, ormai non fa più “notizia”). E allora (Rubygate permettendo) parliamo di alluvioni. Continua >>> http://www.eco-news.it"

Scrive Caterina: “Ieri sera sono stata da Mara, a cantare i mantra, ero in forma fisicamente (sarà stata l'antiginnastica) e tranne un po' di male al sedere, sono stata bene. Sono arrivata a casa neanche stanca. Ti ho pensato molto mentre cantavo e "meditavo". Ero vicina a Nelly, una "ragazza" di cui un po' ti ho accennato, è un'amica anche di Marco e Valeria, che voleva venire all'incontro del giorno della nevicata...... poi mi fa: "mi interessano molto le cose che fa quell'associazione di cui mi programs have sent ....... "And I" but that the vegetarian club? "She" is "and I said" but we are still us, Paul is my partner, etc.. etc.. "So says the love the celebration of the equinoxes, solstices, etc.. then I said that I would send any number of magazines and that if we want to enter the nell'indirizzario ...."

My rispostina "I'm happy ..." The ecology of deep

not assume a return to primitivism but identifies current conditions of advanced society the opportunity to rebalance. The continuity of our society, as a species, requires a key evolutionary , a global vision by which open our minds to the awareness of sharing the planet with life experience ... Continue:
http://www.circolovegetarianocalcata.it/2011/02/22/bioregionalismo-qui-ed-ora-la-vera-attuazione-dellecologia-profonda-si-realizza-qui-in-questa-stessa- Company /

writes Anthony D'Andrea, of Living with Care, "karo Paul, I thought of my speech for the party of the precursors (Treia 7 to 15 May 2011), I would call him: The son of a domestic revolution Troy (me) to Treia. And the subtitle: The latch to open to another possible world. With practical demonstrations and interactivity with the public. ...... By (Antonio D'Andrea). As for meetings of Kalka each must give written contribution during the festival, in my opinion, you have to collect and layout as the previous issues (which oversaw Silvia) and myself will put on the site and then play it on recycled paper. But I could see a meeting in Kalk because that is where the club was born a vegetarian. Hello "My

rispotina:" Dear Anthony, fits the theme of your speech and say yes to all to write something for the meeting of Treia, but I do not have the electronic means to do the work in graphics, layout, etc.. Perhaps you could do Daniela to live with joy. I'm also hoping that you will make us a flyer. Let's hope so .. Ah, for the moment I can not organize anything in Calcata ..! "

Antonello Ricci writes:" As a cultural policy for Viterbo? All interested parties are invited to attend. Coordinator: Fulvio Ricci - Association of the stone in the pond, Thursday, February 24, 2011 16.30. FOUNDATION CONFERENCE ROOM CARIVIT Via Cavour 67, Viterbo. Speakers: Franco M. Cordell - President CARIVIT Foundation, Carlo Galeotti - Journalist, Marco Mancini - Rector of the University of Tuscia, Filippo Rossi - Director Caffeine Festival; Arnaldo Stones - Journalist "

Ettore Colombo writes of reforms:" The Background. Private meeting between the Prime Minister and the cardinal who has sought and obtained assurances on bioassay, Catholic schools and adoptions. The bogeymen of hierarchies, "Fini appointed leader Della Vedova, Casini is too weak," the Democratic Party awards to gay civil unions and thinks "... - Continue: http://altracalcata-altromondo.blogspot.com/2011/02/il-cavaliere-ed-il-cardinale-assieme.html

Antonio Pantano writes: "I read, almost always, but travel - because of the "Systems", involving me (I assume that he was the only Italian who has denounced the prosecutor's office a judge for the negligent performance of his duties, and the action, slow pede, "proceeds"!) - your magazines. The closed today, taken by Brecht, is "vague." Ezra Pound he core of his mammoth work - deliberately silenced, today, or "tainted" - with "The real enemy is 'ignorance', fact that leads many to take seriously a stupid fool, collocatosi on a white horse to 250,000 euros, which mocked - even, and especially - wrongly quotes - the anthem of Goffredo Mameli (Italian became the official anthem only 10 years ago!). The "idiots" by Carmelo Bene, who "see" or "not see" the Virgin Mary. But I do not know how to look beyond your nose, and beano with nonsense Sanremo, or the "vagaries" of some rich peasant who pays consenting females! Ignorance passively accepted, calling for a renunciation of a "true human nature," that is, by vocation to vegetate in the name of a quiet life until the inevitable meal worms, after decades of "obedience to superior alli." Best wishes from veronesissimo ... "Raffaella Rosa

writes:" 12th Seminar of the Convivio Romano, Rome 25, 26 and 27 February 2011: The world's spiritual and eternal life. Hotel dei Congressi, Viale Shakespeare, 29 - Rome Info @ f.liverziani Eur-roma.it convivium "writes Charles

Council:" Dear, it is not true as alleged that the absence of predators has increased dramatically in the number of wild boars, hedgehogs, rodents and other herbivores, because predators usually obtained only a small proportion of prey populations, so that the elimination predator has no effect on the number of prey. So it is not true that the number of prey is regulated by the number of predators, but rather the opposite is true, the number of predators is regulated by the number of prey. So it's not even true that the number of porcupines, deer and rodents have grown dramatically, because most of the animals has a homeostatic mechanism which limits the number, and it works as follows: the growth of the population reduces the amount of resources (especially food and space) available for each individual, so that population growth slows and then stops at a value called "carrying capacity", as fertility diminuisce enormemente quando un individuo è meno nutrito. Che gli animali siano troppi è un'invenzione dei cacciatori per giustificare la loro attività. Gli animali selvatici si regolano da soli! Un'eccezione potrebbe essere costituita dal cinghiale, ma per un motivo differente: sono stati fatti ripopolamenti di cinghiali con esemplari della razza dell'Europa orientale, più grossa e più prolifica del nostro cinghiale maremmano, ed anche con cinghiali ibridati con maiali. Infatti il maiale è più prolifico del cinghiale, come tutti gli animali domestici sono più prolifici dei loro antenati selvatici”

Mia rispostina: “D'accordo caro Carlo, in effetti nelle mie affermazioni pensavo proprio ai cinghiali imported for a public clarification on your comment, at the same time there is to say that Lazio are wolves were exterminated from all time (the last wolf was done on dry Soratte the early twentieth century) and as you know the shepherds have the right to go armed again today ... Well so goes the world, "writes

Fefè Publisher: Friday, February 25 - 17 hours. Library Elf / Bracciano Lake (Rome). Corso Umberto I, 5 (center). Reading, chatting with the natural balance of Authors philosophy, zodiac and psychoanalysis with Paola Mazzetti, Giovanna Rotigliano, Leonardo de Sanctis, free admission. Info: 06.9968363 "

is the end, yes it is vero! Vi saluto, Saul/Paolo


Pensieri poetici del dopo Giornaletto:

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
Antonio Machado (Nulla dies sine linea)


"The true self is a form of eternal bliss only; it is a form of eternal love. Due to that love of true self only everything is precious to us. Love is not separate from that true self" (Sri Ramana Maharshi)



El amor es un periplo infinito
Hacia las lejanas estrellas.
Con toda certeza el amor te llegará,
¡Nunca es tarde para amar!
El amor no conoce borders. Love is sacred
more despeocupado,
Love has thousands of faces,
Love is infinite!
Everyone wants to be loved,
Love is found in a location near you,
Love is in our blood,
And yet, we die without love!

(Adolf P. Shvedchikov)


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