Monday, February 21, 2011

Quotes For 3rd B;day Party

Saul of February 22, 2011 - Men's animal nature, March 8, 2011, meeting to Ospitaletto Marano, Middle East, Franco Farina

Care, honey, Scrive

Gabriele, comment la lettera "It sono gli animali pay", "Hail Paolo, with chi dobbiamo prendercela? Legislator non molto il sew AVEVA e grazie alle vostre provided osservazioni e alle denunce if può che il rapporto uomo perfezionare-animali environment. Questo è stato disastro Annunciata without Dagli 90s (to my memory). I hope that each of us can do our part. And you're already yours. Unfortunately there is no time to lose the law and the bureaucracy do not always coincide with the times. A hug and good luck ... "

rispostina Mia:" Well, my dear Gabriel, the awareness can help ... you think? Although the balance between man and nature animals can not be achieved by laws and sneaky .. must start from within each of us, hello and thanks for writing "To

on 8 March this year we will be at Spilamberto (Modena), for business, living the experience of the encounter between the masculine and female. Approaching the fateful day I think useful to examine those aspects of women's culture that have contributed to the development of our human civilization. Then you should read: e2% 80% 9cdonna-man-humanity% e2% 80% 9d /

Alexander writes: "Dear Paul, I miss you. On either side of the entrance door of the prison cemetery near St. Stephen Ventotene there were two beds, enclosed by a low iron railing composed of the following text: ANY TIME ANY PLACE ALL CONDITIONS ARE WELL SUITED TO OPERATE. If you send me is a great phone. A warm embrace and grateful "My

rispostina: "Dear Alex, I like to know that in football there's you there, that somehow brings forth a speech ... I know you left the last of the Mohicans ... Well, I hope that football can maintain its glorious name .. not only for the label but also for the substance! The phone is ... 0733/216293 Good Life! "

Katia writes, about the oil GM:" Ah! Altieri nice, I had thought the same thing ..... That's no surprise to read on a label inside a product is a GMO? E 'perfectly in order! It would be illegal if in response to the presence of GMOs (and soybeans in Italy is almost entirely imported and transgenic) that were not declared! " Antonella

writes: "Dear Paul, happy evening! Forgive me for this period of silence
, one day I will tell you everything, walking. I send you the first "review" of my pupil, on a tasting of organic jam, given to us by the one company that, until now, has ignored my call a few weeks ago and sent us their products precisely organic jams! So writes Marina at my request, after the good snack in class: "Dear Prof., his idea of \u200b\u200binaugurating the workshop on" taste "with the taste of organic bread and jam, I was fully satisfied and allowed me to develop a kind of "plan" alternative to the food part now my store of life, educational and otherwise. The jam on the house Agrirape (but why is it called so?), Has rekindled in me the memory of the jams that were made by my great-aunts house in Abruzzo, a little girl when I was still in the grass. I was excited to embrace those days and especially the idea of \u200b\u200breliving flavors but I now view. As trivial as it may seem the Profs, I felt good because the bread smeared with jam has a very high symbolic value! So, they are welcome at other times like this. I thank the people who have allowed us to "enjoy" this colorful food taste finely aligned to my memories! I noticed that the jam was nicely spread, which does not tally with those of the supermarket that appear thickened with a kind of glue binder of dubious and strange texture! But why do we preclude such pleasure "genuine"? Who knows ..... Thanks Prof! "

Franca writes:" According to Community imminent introduction of all the herbal medicines and should be treated as being subject to new procedures to control the cost far higher than those of the majority of producers (excluding, of course the great food and pharmaceutical industry). It is therefore necessary to act urgently and in many. We need 35 million signatures to stop this attack to human health and the right to free choice of therapy. Subscribe to this very important petition takes just two minutes! Signed: "

announced the next meeting of the Italian Bioregional Network - Ospitaletto Marano (Modena) 18 and 19 June 2011 - The theme and Bioregionalism Natural Nutrition:

Elsa Morante wrote: "The head of the government repeatedly sullied during his career of crime that, in the presence of a honest people, they would have deserved the condemnation, shame and deprivation ogni autorità di governo. Perché il popolo tollerò e addirittura applaudì questi crimini? Una parte per insensibilità morale, una parte per astuzia, una parte per interesse e tornaconto personale. La maggioranza si rendeva naturalmente conto delle sue attività criminali, ma preferiva dare il suo voto al forte piuttosto che al giusto. Purtroppo il popolo italiano, se deve scegliere tra il dovere e il tornaconto, pur conoscendo quale sarebbe il suo dovere, sceglie sempre il tornaconto. Così un uomo mediocre, grossolano, di eloquenza volgare ma di facile effetto, è un perfetto esemplare dei suoi contemporanei. Presso un popolo onesto, sarebbe stato tutt'al più il leader di un partito di modesto seguito, un personaggio un po' ridiculed for his manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and shameless. In Italy he became the head of government. And it's hard to find a more complete Italian example. Admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good father, but with many lovers, he uses those whom he despises, surrounded himself with dishonest, of liars, the inept, profits; skilled mime, and should take effect on an audience vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, you always imagine to be the person who wants to represent. "(Elsa Morante)
Whatever you thought, the text of 1945, includes Mussolini ...

Armando Writes: "We were few, Sunday 20 February this year, exploring knowledge of the caves of San Famiano in Faleria ... but it was worth it. As a possible future local government nor the shadow .... but we we brought a little light .. " Continue:

Giorgio Vitali writes: "On 1 March at 15.30 in the Hall of Columns Chamber of Deputies (Via Poli 19) a group of young researchers, coordinated by Luigi Mercuri, presented her work: "Turkey, a Mediterranean and international actor." Partecipano l'ambasciatore Turco Hakki Akil e l'ex ambasciatore italiano in Turchia Scarante. Il PSIAI, pontificio istituto di studi arabi e d'islamistica (i padri bianchi del recente film sul martirio di quattro di loro in Algeria ) tengono , ogni primo semestre a cadenza quasi mensile, incontri culturali nella loro sede di viale trastevere 89 a Roma, oltre a interessanti corsi di lingua araba"

Ed ancora ecco lo stralcio di un commento di Giorgio Vitali sulla situazione in Italia, Nord Africa e Medio Oriente: "...le forze in gioco si muovono su piani per lo più occulti. Ed è lì il loro vero gioco. Colgo l'occasione per ricordare che il sottoscritto aveva preconizzato da tempo il fallimento dell'operazione Fini. Il fatto that our "friends" have not found something better to destabilize Italy shows that they are losing the last chance. They believed, independent futurist, who stood behind the Fini USA / Israel, the operation was successful, and they would have acquired a character or loss of vision. At this point we stop, not before saying that the situation of nordafrika clearly reflects the Chinese presence in the Horn (with all the consequences of the case) "

And now we turn to poetry and art ... You learn something in the fantasy world the painter Franco Farina:

And with that I greet you, yours truly Paul / Saul

... .....

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"Who does not know the truth is a fool, but who, knowing it, calls it lie, it's a criminal" [Bertolt Brecht]


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