Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hair Styles For Petite Women

The magazines of Saul of February 25, 2011 - Inner peace, Fabrizio Light, critically, to kiss Ghedaffi, non-violent women, OGM harmful .. The magazines

Care, dear,

Caterina Regazzi sends us a beautiful story, peppered with his thoughts on the topic of peace .. starting with our relationship with animals, and which ends with these words of wisdom: "Life is joy, hard work, hope, love, sadness, feelings There are and there should be all, like a beautiful kaleidoscope, you never know what can happen, but we do know that whatever happens to you is what you live "- Read all about it: http://paolodarpini.

Donaudi Gianni writes: "Our editorial staff is small close friend poet, writer and journalist and Lightweight for mail artists FABRIZIO the death of beloved father .. "

Gianfranco Paris writes:" I have signed ... Gaddafi in Libya's army is brutally killed thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators. This week, the UN and the EU will meet emergency sulla Libia e potrebbero decidere di congelare i beni del regime, istituire una zona di non sorvolo e adire i tribunali internazionali. Chiedi all'ONU e all'UE di agire ora per fermare il bagno di sangue: “

Scrive Lea: “Amatissimi, è già da tempo che si tiene un gruppo di preghiera a casa mia, il giovedì dalle 21 alle 22, e questa sera sarà dedicato a sostenere i nostri fratelli libici sottoposti ad un feroce massacro. Vi invito tutti ad unirvi a noi, se possibile nello stesso orario, o a dare vita anche ad altri gruppi di preghiera a sostegno di un'umanità che ne ha sempre più bisogno, affiancando la preghiera alle azioni everyday because we derive more strength and consistency with the values \u200b\u200bto which we refer. That the light illuminates your steps! Heart to heart, "writes Frank

Free Manco:" Lack of critical sense and 'THE MOTHER OF ALL THE TYRANNY ... At the root of all tyranny is ignorance of the people, the lack of critical thinking and analysis of its individual components "- Continue: evolution-as-social-human-could-be-fooled-if-he-a-healthy-and-mature-way-critical /

Rebecchi Adrian writes: "Up" "or" Google " typing "Kiss Berlusconi, one can see the sequences of the shameful kiss made by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Bedouin robber and criminal Libyan Gaddafi during his last visit to Italy. The movie is highly recommended to serve 315-320 fools and opportunists who occupy the benches of the Italian Parliament, as well as managers of large Italian companies that are enriched in the face of the Italian people and the skin of the Libyan people. A future memory, "writes Catherine

Regazzi, by sending a written Peacelink Umberto Mazzantini ... taken from a much longer article on the massacre in Libya: "It is astonishing that this slaughter is faring in the deafening silence associations, organizations, agencies increasingly engaged in the front row when you have, commendably, to defend the rights of oppressed peoples around the world. To date we have had no reports of convictions, neither high nor low, by anyone. No demonstrations, no peace flag on display, no anti-war march. No darts for Cain. Yet, on the contrary, the protesters are trying to get rid of the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, one of the bloodiest dictators of the last century. It will be fatigue, will be the resignation, but for the dead in Libya is heard a deafening silence. "

My comment: "... blame the anti-war ... what is the point? Mica has a power decision-making .. And who are these "peace" ... people like you and me and nothing else, are not a lobby ..... and do not do business with anyone except by God! I do not want to play the part of the "I told you so ..." but do you remember when it was in Italy Ghedaffi many beautiful short articles I wrote about the "moron ... Chebaffi dictator." and his companion "cavalier Archon "...? Have fun if you like "

Sini Beppe writes:" Supporting women's movements in countries where popular mobilizations are underway against despotic regimes: only a leading role movements of women can ensure that the movement of struggle, when and where able to break down i regimi criminali, saprà realizzare ordinamenti rispettosi dei diritti umani di tutti gli esseri umani. Solo un ruolo dirigente dei movimenti delle donne può garantire esiti nonviolenti alle lotte popolari..."

Scrive associazione Italia-India di Torino: “Teatro Superga Via Superga, 2 - Nichelino (TO)- Sabato 12 Marzo 2011. ANTICA OFFICINA DEI MIRACOLI e ALBERTO FORTIS in concerto di beneficenza. Tel. 011.6800726 -”

Scrive Antonella Pedicelli: “Caro Paolo, l'appello di Marco Bracci non poteva passare
"inosservato"..con il cuore, il pensiero e l'azione..sicuramente qualcosa si può realizzare! Allora, intanto se Marco o i familiari della ragazza vogliono dare Have a look on facebook, there are many pages where you really read the stories in our country, revealing the strength and sweetness of solidarity ... On the page of a lady of Ardea: Lella Mingardi, I found this interesting Decalogue .... "The associations of relatives of patients in coma and vegetative state (people who daily touch the pain and suffering) have in recent days signed a set of guidelines for patients who live more or less the same condition in which he lived Eluana . Here it is: 1) No discrimination based on age, physical health and / or mental health, 2) patients who can not decide to be safeguarded and protected, and 3) any medical or welfare should be a help to life, 4) the protection of the patient must take precedence over all other interests, 5) nutrition and hydration are likely due; 6) the patient is entitled to the best medical care and rehabilitation; 7) research on vegetative states should be encouraged and supported; 8) the family has a right to a correct and complete information and must have free choice of place of treatment; 9) the family has the right to be protected and assisted in the process of care and disability; 10) associations must be accepted and support on behalf of families throughout the journey. "However, thanks to Mark for sharing his love of this concrete help"

Moheny writes: "I agree with Stephen Panzarasa circa la presenza dei lupi sulle nostre montagne, anche da noi sono aumentati, tanto che i pastori ci hanno messo in guardia consigliandoci di non uscire dalla strada maestra, per non disturbarli nel sottobosco. Noi siamo sotto il Nuria, Cicolano”

Scrivono i Comitati Difesa Ambiente: "A Reggio Emilia e a ROZZANO (MI), sono stati inaugurati due nuovi ristoranti ROADHOUSE GRILL, che fanno parte del Gruppo Cremonini. Ricordiamo che il gruppo Cremonini, come testimoniato da inchieste di REPORT (Rai 3) e come sostenuto anche da Beppe Grillo, è un'azienda che nel corso degli anni si è distinta per una serie di azioni poco pulite.... (omissis...) Tra l'altro la carne bovina utilizzata in Italia dai Mc'Donalds, è provided by the Cremonini Group. Additional Info: "

Giorgio Vitali writes (commenting on Article" or a thousand Milleproroghe Filth " trap-Thousand-pork-here-as-the-banks-can-steal with impunity-the-Italian-/) "rightly pointed out that the population of heads katz is distracted by the (enviable) licenses the premier, while the harassed have just tried to raise his voice. that the system would immediately respond to the onslaught of harassed (which are still one-third of the Italian population, even if they have filed a lawsuit against the banks ... 20 million) was to be expected. THAT SYSTEM IT HAS DONE IN A WAY SO CI Square One must understand that they too are fruit. Perhaps we should Toccata THE END (the one that gives to one who, having decided to commit suicide, and having ascended the tower looking down and try dismay). Still can not see myself as while the majority of harassed does not have the courage of the extreme choices. That in this case it would ...."

Joseph Altieri writes: "Senior Scientists of the USDA sent to the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States Tom Vilsack a message of" emergency "on a new pathogen of soybean plants and Roundup Ready GM maize could be responsible for high rates of infertility and miscarriage spontanei nel bestiame..." Continua:

Siamo proprio arrivati alla frutta... e per oggi vi lascio, ciao Saul/Paolo


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

"The true self is nothing but ceaseless awareness. Understanding that awareness as a form of true self is the purpose and aim of self inquiry.
As long as the thoughts of duality and differentiation are there, the practicer can continue self inquiry.
Once attaining that state of true self, there is no need for inquiry. At that time, in that awareness, there is no meaning for that question of who is having That awareness. That awareness will
remains real as well as awareness only "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)


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