Friday, February 25, 2011

Jvc Subwoofer Mini Din Connection

The comic Saul February 26, 2011 - Libya behind the scenes, banks and debts, the decree milleproroghe, Bioregionalism in the city, outside the Forex

Care, dear,

Libya behind the scenes. While "someone" proposes direct intervention of the British commandos in Libya, that could change the balance of power in favor of the rebels, the bishop of Tripoli says the quiet is broken only in the evening .... Monsignor Innocenzo Martinelli, a Franciscan, Bishop of Tripoli: "The foreign ministry has asked me to go, I rest and remain the sisters ...". The interviewee said: "The situation is calm the media has to tell lies. Gunshots are heard only in the evening and night." ASCA The agency has published the testimony of the bishop of Tripoli, which will certainly asked to speak before the Holy See .. - Continue with commentary by Giorgio Vitali: chi-ha-interest-in-possession-of-the-oil-and-gas /

Antonella writes: "Dear Paul, I know that your prayers I always say, than
words, written or spoken! Con tante persone è necessario sostenere uno sforzo, a volte sovrumano, per tentare una qualche "comunicazione" ...con te....respiro....e non sai quanto ciò possa riempirmi di vita. Ti ringrazio per aver scelto "l'apertura" e la condivisione, per aver aver creato in te un giardino dove ci si può riunire e discutere con gioia di Tutto! A presto!

Scrive WSI (Wall Street Italia): "Per i Paesi europei in crisi a causa del debito troppo elevato, il peggio deve ancora arrivare. Lo dice Axel Weber, presidente uscente di Bundesbank e membro del consiglio direttivo della Bce. ''Facendo il paragone con una maratona, i Paesi problematici hanno fatto finora forse i primi 15 km''. Per Weber, le vere difficoltà arriveranno when holders of private debt - banks, funds and companies - will be called upon to shoulder their share of losses on investments. It 'a scenario well known to the bond market but on which governments, banks and politicians lie, manipulate, misinform "writes

Antonio Borghesi:" ... the Berlusconi government has "placed trust" or better on the decree Milleproroghe Mille Filth ". No longer count the times that this has occurred in this legislature. And this time is worse than the other ...."

Gioia writes: "On the afternoon of February 23 has gone off in Genoa Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi. An unbridgeable void in a collective pain invaluable. A woman who changed my life and the lives of millions of sahaja yogis teaching the beauty of meditation, I made a few years in the service of others. Stay with us, Sri Mataji, still help us down the path of the spirit ...."

Saturday, February 26, 2011, with moderator Andrea Miglioranzi, held a conference in Verona, "Out of Forex to end the crisis" the 16 : 30 at the Convention Center Hotel San Marco (Via Longhena, 42). Pantano Antonio, said: "The real tax evaders in Italy ... the banks do not pay taxes, evading taxes, create budgets and artifacts not true, and NEVER have issued receipt or invoice for the costs extracted / debited to the customer-subjects! .. " and continues:

Troglotribe writes: "Hello Paul and thanks for the invitation to Treia for the Feast of precursors (7 to 15 May 2011)! Now that we live so close to the party surely will come, so we can greet Antonio D'Andrea. Maybe we can bring our creative publishing and make a feast, what do you think ? Meanwhile we update our information tables in Macerata hoping you could pass us. The information tables (with the support of the association Isa vegan campaigns for animals) will be held in the Centre at the beginning of Via Garibaldi near the gates Macerata from 15 to 20 hours on the following Saturdays: February 26, March 26, April 30, hello, and Fabio Lella "My

rispostina:" Beloved, and Fabio Lella, as I am happy that you come ...! It's good for your intervention on 8 May afternoon together with Antonio (either before or after )...? If you want to take your publishing agree, however, considered that the internal space (in the new home of the club) is not very big, so just a little .... banchettino maybe you can bring even a small selection of books in the headquarters of the Media, home to the Round Table of May 7, I do not know if a meal is shown ... however, there are tables available. Ah, you are also vegetarians (Or vegan)? I did not know, great! I'll be waiting "

Castorina Benito writes:" After reading my article friend writes to me from the U.S. "What a staggering turn of world events. How thrilling for the Successes and the Possibilities, how heroic for what is unfolding in Libya. Now the Saudi Kingdom is starting to stir ... and how about Wisconsin, even the U.S. is stirring, finally, again. Where will this journey take us all ... so Powerful That no one can say, other Americans Than seguro else has to pay more for gasoline - Madonna, el price for freedom "

Archeotuscia writes: "On Friday March 4 at 17:00 Coronas at the Conference Hall of the Prefecture of Viterbo, in Piazza del Plebiscite, the historian and journalist John Faperdue Viterbo, will hold a conference entitled "Ferento - Carthage of Viterbo." The subject matter will range from Etruscan Ferento (Front) to its complete destruction in 1172, through the Roman Ferento with the likes of Flavia Domitilla (Vespaziano wife and mother of Titus) and Salvio Otho, Roman emperor for little more than three months. Admission is free "

Agernova Communication: Prof. Giuseppe Altieri will present a conference report" Vending Manager - Rome, February 25, 2011 Palazzo Marini as European consultant Consumers (h 15) on issues related to GMOs and pesticides to the request for an immediate ban "

Having lived for many years in an urban context (I was born and raised in Rome and I've lived in Verona for more than half my life ), and having also tried an experiment to re-house a small abandoned town, Limestone, resulting in an attempt to restore-or at least begin a process of community-ideal (I do not know what happened ...), I can say that especially my case "bioregional" took place in a social field "citizen." But be careful, being a citizen does not mean living in a city but a means to identify with "body" of human civilization .... - Continue:

writes Catherine: "I did my walk, I chatted with Mrs. Miles and her husband , local food and our natural environment, checked into the pool, the presence of moorhens, picked up a long piece of firewood, dried leaves collected in the garden and raked the lawn ........ the arm and the mind, from theory to practice bioregional

...." Over and out and greet you, Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

"My heart will never seek Another Heart, Or
Another flower smell, Knowing You.
love Your heart's field has made a desert waste;
No other love grows In That Place Than Yours! "
(J. Rumi)

... .......

Confusing Love liquids / stay inside with Put them all together
/ obscure navigation
feel alive and dripping / wet hands.
(Pino Balzano)


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