Friday, February 18, 2011

Sample Welcome Letter To Guests At Bat Mitzvah

Saul of the February 19, 2011 - Have a good trip berluscones, forest Fogliano, Monferrato in Milan, Citizens' Network in Rome, L'Aquila ... The magazines

Care, dear,

now only talking about" him "... do not take it anymore ... I keep getting dozens of emails every day, the pros and cons, in defense and offense. Silvio Berlusconi has occupied all the space the media can not know if this is his tactic to remain on the cutting edge. "Many enemies, much honor," said a leader who perhaps did less damage (the amount of devastation caused by the regime Berlusconi can only be determined in the future) than it did this get to the Italian people "chicken" or "Quail" (certainly not an imperial eagle) Arcore. - Continue:

Luana De Rossi writes: "The real Bunga Bunga .. . they all remembered the events of 2010 describing in their own way ... We Newspaper Namir we choose to do a detailed press release about the events that will soon present. But they can not miss the irony of fate, we decided to leave to our cartoonist BIMBO99 the task of remembering what has happened and we have lived. All politicians have been stripped of the visually and physically for what they did ... C'E 'EVEN THE PHOTO DELLA VERA MOGLIE DI BERLUSCONI uno scoop. SE VUOI VEDERE LE TREMENDE VIGNETTE DI BIMBO99 clicca sul link sotto riportato quando sei collegato ad internet: - successivamente clicca sulle frasi dell'anno e vedrai la vignetta dedicata... C'E' ANCHE IL MITICO THE ORIGINAL BUNGA BUNGA, poi Marchionne e La Russa da Casini a D'Alema da Tremonti a Maroni da Bondi kamikaze a Gianni Letta ... ci sono tutti anche politici internazionali. Buona visione e un augurio di lotta e passione, per scrivermi come sempre "

Scrive Antonio Borghesi: "E’ pervenuto alla Camera, dopo l’approvazione al Senato, il decreto cosiddetto “Milleproroghe” in teoria destinato a rinviare the entry into force of any law (but now there are hundreds of references) and in which they were strung treacherously a series of measures bullshit ... "

Marica Di Pierri writes:" We sign and spread the appeal to the citizens of L'Aquila L'Aquila mobilize to help collect signatures to validate the law of missing people's initiative on post-earthquake reconstruction and putting in homeland security ... " Continue:

writes Nicola Cospito: "For his performance in Sanremo, last night, Roberto Benigni paid its weight in gold, 250,000 € for thirty minutes. In him this gift are the ones who paid the fee RAI. € 250,000 to the face of the precarious, of licenses, cassintegrati of people who do not arrive later this month. In the face of yet another worker who, last week, remained unemployed, took his own life. In the face of cuts to culture, the real one, that Benigni does not know at all. It is not a reading on both sides of a corner of the Divine Comedy to convince us of its level on the stage, as in life, there is an abysmal mediocrity "

Martinotti Claudio Doria writes:" Presented in Milan on the volume of the publisher Monferrato Lorenzo Fornaca. It 'was an opportunity to enhance the Monferrato at a prestigious enclave English ... " Continua:

Scrive Franca Chichi: "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu! NON ARRENDERTI ! Qualunque esperienza o "dono " la vita ti mette davanti, per favore, NON ARRENDERTI.... perché la vita, comunque, val la pena di essere vissuta, troppo prezioso è ciò che portiamo dentro.... e che possiamo donare e vivere, sempre e comunque...... in "perfetta letizia " ed anche, con forza rigenerante e gioiosa e con la maestosità e l'eleganza che queste splendide parole ispirano...."

Scrive S. T.: "... vorrei chiederti un'informazione. Io abito a Vasanello ed in questi giorni hanno tagliato a plant without permission, they tell me to be secular. How do I make sure of what? There is a kind of census of the 'patriarchs'? "My

rispostina:" Dearest ST, the University of Tuscia, a few years ago, he surveyed the plants important site in the Province of Viterbo .. I know because I was present at the Villa Lina Ronciglione when census of some trees ... Informed the faculty botany, hello "writes Laura

Raduta:" Invitation to an experiment ... Direct Democracy, an Assembly "special." Sunday, February 27 in Rome, Italy from all over come together to dialogue and democratic debate around different people and groups theme: "Beyond the parties: the politics of the future, and proposed method of operation". General Assembly will be sponsored by a citizens' network that everyone can attend and / or participate. Info 328 \\ 8326581 - "

still the problem of cement and asbestos coverage of Barilla's factory in Melfi and the problem of oil from GM soy operative prof. Joseph Altieri, who says:" Barilla is not Italian but American and uses wheat with high rates of mycotoxins (moldy), caused by long storage at the lowest price possible ... "He continues: giuseppe-haughty-barilla-not-e-piu.html

Scrive Pietro Iannelli: "La fine del MONDO per l'immissione di OGM? Forse ha ragione, ma io la vedo in questo ambientalismo catastrofista, in queste associazioni ambientaliste che propagano terrore al fine di ottenere proseliti e ciurme di lobotomizzati con tamburelli e nacchere. Però, vede caro Paolo D'Arpini, la gente ancora in parte ragiona e alla sua fine del mondo contrappone l´equilibrio, la razionalità. Lei parla di occulto appoggio, forse vive nel medio evo Brucia feticci e streghe. Niente ricerca Ogm, ma soldi pubblici alla lobby di Capanna Mentre le istituzioni scientifiche languono senza quattrini e i nostri migliori biotecnologi emigrano all'estero, Mario Capanna riesce a spillare per la sua Fondazione Diritti Genetic use of the loan for a house in Ladispoli, in addition to € 20 million to renovate it ...."

Alessandra Vacca writes: "The two referendums are a serious threat to those who want to get easy profits from the water, not lack of pressure from the powers that be economic and political institutions, for this speed up privatization in the territories, while it is thought to delay the referendum last possible date, June 12, hoping to win the turnout. We do not agree. We believe that water is an essential commodity, to be managed in a public and shared by local communities. We think that referendums are a basic tool of democracy and participation. We think that, in the midst of economic crisis, is inexcusable squandering the money of the citizens. We urge the Government and the political forces and the institutional consolidation of the date of the referendum with the forthcoming elections. Respecting the sovereignty of the people, saving public money and avoiding the absurdity of finding themselves at the polls three times in a few weeks. Info "

Following the awareness campaign for the preservation of the forest of leaves (Faleria)
( 20bosco%% 20 sheets 20faleria% 20of%) think that the municipal authorities of that country has had second thoughts about the planned destruction ... also because of the bureaucracy that prevents forest cutting in the early period established by law (15 years have elapsed since the last "sfoltitura). However
to raise awareness, young people and also the directors (or future directors, since we are in pre-election period) here is the news coming to me by the friend of Armando Faleria Marchesini, which was a trip organized cognitive bioregional land in question, including over the woods even the famous Grotte di San Famiano ... - Continue: "

Uffah, today too close, it can not be more of this comic, hello, Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

the storm rose

Everywhere we turn in the storm of roses,
the night is lit up with thorns, and the roar of the foliage
so slightly above the bushes,
hours There follows at his heels.

(Maria Teresa Mandalari)


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