Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rca To Usb Cable Radio Shack

The magazines of Saul of February 21, 2011 - Caramel Viola, Pseudo-environmentalists, Sant'Innovazio d 'Internet, Garibaldi Valley, Carpe Diem, T'ai ... The magazines

Care, Cari, Cara writes

Viola to Rebirth: "For some years been working to this day despite the extraction, certainly different from mine, and since they are always anti-fascist and communist believe ...." - Next: / 2011/02/20/carmelo-r-viola-a-rinascita-ecco-le-ragioni-di-un-possibile-commiato /

Enzo Parisi writes of Rete di Ecologia Profonda: "Caro Saul, come vedi la nostra rete muove i suoi primi passi, e deve dare una idea corretta di ciò che vuole essere. Come avrai potuto vedere non sono ancora molti quelli che mandano messaggi, mentre tu invii, gentilmente, il tuo giornale quotidiano. In questa situazione il giornale sembra essere l'espressione della Rete e non vorrei trarre in inganno i lettori. Ti pregherei quindi di sospendere l'invio alla Rete del Giornaletto di Saul, inviando invece articoli, come hai già a volte fatto. Nel testi che inviamo cerchiamo però di stare lontani dalla politica, perchè la nostra è una associazione filosofica, che rispetto alla politica si pone ambiziosamente sopra. Sono sicuro che comprenderai, ti saluto caramente" My

rispostina: "Dear Enzo, I have gone before .. in fact I was I realized that the comic is too qualifying for Deep Ecology Network, as it already has its own line ... So I agree your advice tomorrow and stop sending the magazines to the list of Saul. will, like you suggested, to send texts more "neutral" or specific articles to share with other members of the group, hello and good luck! "

Econews writes: "Unification of Italy, the epic of the 1000 Garibaldi:
were all" intellectuals "Bossi's great-grandparents." You hear all the dialects of Northern Italy, most people are educated " The reporter noted poet Cesare Abba. Garibaldi obviously excited especially the educated class. In fact, almost all were young (very young) Padani: students, lawyers, doctors and engineers (33 were Italians, one woman) was the ruling class in Italy at that time. And 'what emerges from a recent search for Gabriele Bianchi .. More>>> "

Joseph Altieri writes: ".... but we wanted to find a Greenpeace GMO labeled? Go find the GMO products are not labeled! Thanks to the threshold of intolerance! Enough of these pseudo-environmentalists to put it mildly stoned by people who collect money in good faith and militants in good faith tell us that we think their environment ... In fact, look how we are reduced! Directly activate the territories not delegated to any ecological direct action spread card Montebelluna for actions against GMOs, "writes

Sant'Innovazio from the Internet:" Indignation and desire. These days we are witnessing a sea change in a continent around Europe, which also overlooks the Mediterranean. With a courage, decision, perseverance, a dignity that is incredible to see the little progress made on our land instead of over decades of rooms along the way social progress, many African nations have quickly earned a role as a primary value democratico cui oggi non si può non far riferimento...” - Continua:

Scrive Vincenzo Mannello: "Obama da solo batte 130 nazioni che, all'Onu, avevano condannato Israele per la politica sugli insediamenti nei Territori ed a Gerusalemme! Il solito veto Usa, contro tutto e tutti ma, sopratutto, contro la verità sulla violenza e sul razzismo, ha dimostrato quanto sia fondata la certezza che, chiunque sia, il presidente degli Usa è stato, è e sempre sarà un complice della politica israeliana...."

Scrive Adriano Rebecchi: "...quello che sta accadendo in Libia sta Throwing in Italy at the panic, because our "forward-looking politicians, businessmen, economists have not studied the history, but only as a lucrative business and make easy money, without looking at the color of money, even when it was red blood. Thus, the geopolitical playing by alleged statesmen who are deemed to have given credence and trust for decades, a predator that everyone knew was a ruthless dictator, convinced Italy to ensure energy sources and benefits (for themselves) and, in order to obtain all this, have seen fit to rectify the colonial dispute with Libya giving the robber dictator € 5 billion compensation (sic), making ridiculous excuses for an Italian presence which made a rich and fertile land barren and desolate poor and agreeing on a substantial pile of contracts (also promote their businesses!). Now all these people, who have welcomed Gaddafi to Rome with honor once reserved for kings and emperors, are panicking and do not know how to explain the fierce wind of the rebellion that shook the Arab world. They do not realize that it is they who have done just as the "fool" of the Gospel that built the house on the sand ... "

Rita De Angelis writes:" Dear Paul here is a piece of happiness everyone revenues its second needs and lifestyle, important to think more of themselves. Good Day " -the-joy-that-rises-from-spontaneous-small-things /

Catherine writes: "... yesterday I was at the market of chickens and birds, where I collected opinions, complaints and stories, who is happy and optimistic and who sees everything black, each in the morning he puts on his glasses personal and see life in its way, then that is not even his, this morning those who wanted to talk all had a few problems ... who had a heart attack, was made, but look with optimism and good drive in the future, and he has his critics still work and everything and everyone who is tired of breeding birds - and even those who are beautiful and more than seventy years, it still bea ... "

Donaudi Gianni writes:" Two years after the death of young percussionist, Francesco Alviti, a concert to remember: it will run the Grosse Messe k 427 Mozart, February 23, at 21 Church St. John in Ceccano "

Open Letter - When animals are to pay ....
I come from a place, the park Treja in Lazio, where the absence of predators has increased dramatically in the number of wild boars, hedgehogs, rodents and other herbivores, the same thing happened in different areas of Emilia Romagna and other northern regions such as the excess of deer has become a serious impediment to the cultivation of fruit trees and vegetables. The blame for these disasters, however, and leads the man who nearly exterminated completely engulfing the wolf and the fox so the ecological balance. And shotguns are not enough to restrict the redundancies caused by this "political" intervention in the mechanisms of the unhealthy nature. Now I live in Marche, Macerata province, and some days I'm reading the local papers of vandalism done to animals, or were found dead bodies and severed heads wolf hanged foxes. It did not surprise me ... because ignorance dies hard, especially when we realize that we ourselves are destroying the habitat and life with our foolish choices. With our factory farms, with the excess consumption of meat and waste made of it (just see how much food remains are gettati ogni giorno nei cassonetti). Così, mentre nelle Marche impunemente si coprono ettari ed ettari di terreno fertile con migliaia e migliaia di pannelli solari a terra, un'operazione che porta alla desertificazione di ampi territori ed al disastro ecosistemico, ecco che si ritiene opportuno "castigare" un lupo od una volpe.. per aver compiuto un dovere bestiale.... Vorrei però dire agli ignoti "giustizieri" che non sono le volpi ed i lupi a far danni ai loro allevamenti.. ma il comportamento umano.. Infatti è più probabile che i responsabili siano torme di cani abbandonati e rinselvatichiti, che non hanno più alcuna paura dell'uomo... il che ci fa capire fino a che punto abbiamo rovinato il processo vitale della natura.... Paolo D'Arpini

is approaching the date of March 6 that will be held in Treia the 8th meeting on the Chinese zodiac and on I Ching, we will discuss the meaning of the hexagram T'ai, peace, which is connected to the archetype of the Hare (or cat). The meeting is free. Continue:

Well, well now we're done, Regards, Paul / Saul

... ......

poetic thought of the after magazines:


The stones are born on these first steps, among which we have hidden protected sheltered.
Stones for the first shelter for the first hut, stones for the first sound of the first weapons
Stones do not forget to report losses for the first graves.
Stones stones to adorn the neck in the sun to heat the stones on which lay the sea to hunt for food
Stones to play ... circular stones to travel
the first stone and stone wheel ... the first signs to venerate stones
writing ... stones still together.
stones, sand and stones of our houses where we live ... stones are stone monuments
skyscrapers and roads where lies the bed to dream where we walk to meet

foundation stones resistant to wind and stone bracelets
where the river flows and where the sky rests. Fire stones stones indicate
stones to carve stone for the shadow and challenge for throwing stones.
Along with a group of people each from a different culture
from a place other than their own world, I picked up signs and symbols
Paths always with the tip of the stones on the skin or scratched
and impressed other soft materials that welcome . From stones
those signs have emerged UNITED
and reflected back to the magic stones.
photograph reproduced on the memory works
acrylic ink photo paper so that ... continuous contact
persevere without unnecessary boundaries of race and racism
From hot stone to the one that I recognize human art.

Massimo D'Andrea.


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