Sunday, February 27, 2011

Va Disability After Cmp

Saul of February 28, 2011 - State school, primary PD, Debka, poisonous food to pets, immunity, private Vatican .... The magazines

Care, cari,

scrive l'insegnante di scuola pubblica, Antonella Pedicelli, a commento delle dichiarazioni di Silvio Berlusconi sulla qualità della scuola pubblica in Italia:
“Silenzio e umiliazione, così voglio "intitolare" il mio breve messaggio di stamane Paolo.. sono delusa, profondamente delusa dall'ennesimo intervento del Presidente del Consiglio in una sede pubblica. Un attacco feroce il suo, contro il lavoro di una categoria (quella degli insegnanti) che non merita parole così incisivamente umilianti! La scuola "pubblica", per fortuna, con tutti i suoi pro e contro, rimane una "bella cosa", una valida opportunità per "tutti"...chi sono quei tutti? Per chi è "fuori" al contesto scuola quotidiano.. quel tutti, forse ha un valore relativo, ma ti assicuro che "esso" ha un valore ben più ampio....mi viene in mente ora la mia esperienza, come docente di scuola Primaria, al Trullo (un quartiere di Roma piuttosto "difficile" e "crudo"..), un anno per me intenso e piuttosto' al Trullo la "scuola pubblica" dove insegnavo era una specie di "isola felice" per tutti quei bambini che, spesso, avevano un reale bisogno d'aiuto...non mi dilungo in questo racconto, perché, credo sia arrivato il momento di "toccare con mano" certe situazioni e, per chi ne ha voglia e volontà, "andare", cercare, vivere le storie che vengono raccontate sui giornali! In quella scuola la mattina, noi insegnanti, spesso, "facevamo lo shampo" ai bambini ROM che frequentavano le nostre lezioni... Quel "tutti" di cui parlavo all'inizio rimane un valore, un grande e unico valore su cui non si "deve" assolutamente infierire, al quale si "deve" rispetto e onore.... e soprattutto RISPETTO si deve ad un lavoro "pubblico" che io spero, un giorno, possa raccogliere una comprensione forte e vera da parte di tutti!”

Mia rispostina: “Cara Antonella, queste dichiarazioni out of my head but made a knight by the institutional context
Silvio Berlusconi once again show how necessary regulatory and physical examination on the real mental and emotional capacities of those people who intend to hold public office ... "He continues:
http: / /

And yet on the culture involved in the dot friend Danilo D'Antonio: "Universities then become a catalyst to forge the continuous human development and social evolution of that, aware of that change that represent the very meaning of the word culture ...." He continues:

Scrive Benito Castorina: "Ad Aprilia le primarie del PD si fanno con la compravendita delle tessere così la selezione avviene con sistemi peggiori di quelli mafiosi perché non si uccide una persona, ma un intero Paese. L’Italia, i popoli del mediterraneo e il mondo hanno bisogno di ben altro, Lascio nella memoria un’amore finito e mi resta la speranza che qualcuno accolga la proposta che le coalizioni si ridefiniscano in Governo e Proposizione, unico modo per far emergere i creativi e superare una mediocrità sconvolgente..."

A commento della lettera soprastante scrive Giuseppe Altieri: " selezione politicians is the will of the maneuvers of the Bilderberg Group .. Reconstructed from the base, close the left and save your children, especially from pesticides and GMOs "

News Group Iris writes:" On March 3, the Academy of Leviathan, together with the Foundation CARICIV, presents the 2nd public meeting gannet whales Tyrrhenian Sea - monitoring cetaceans between Civitavecchia and Sardinia. Among the research findings is confirmed by the Tyrrhenian central area of \u200b\u200bhigh population density of cetaceans and the presence of populations of Cuvier's beaked whale (dolphin rare in the Mediterranean). They have also been several sightings of whales just off Civitavecchia. Info "

Giorgio Vitali writes about the facts Libyans: "WHILE THE USUAL BALLS THAT MISSISTI usually called, I can not see through the crotch, THE FACTS IN THE GEOPOLITICS unfolds before our eyes. A website of news intelligence confirms: French soldiers landed , British and Americans in Benghazi by HMS CUMBERLAND. They are the vanguard of a landing in force which seems to be associated with Egypt: - News of The Debka Israeli source is the 14 February 25 and has the exclusive "

Additionally intervenes on Libyan Vincent Marinelli, who writes:" Humanitarian Intervention in western Libya? No thanks, especially if armed! We know what he means the West for "goodness": Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan have taught him well the whole world. With heartfelt thanks and Al Qaeda members. The beautiful film Africa Addio guilty only to highlight faults and virtues of colonialism, however, was prophetic about how he would have reduced the 'Africa (rightly) free. That should be able to solve their problems without external intervention, particularly "humane" and in particular the West. Just to avoid the world hate us even more. And finally, forgive me the kind readers, we may never know why the democratic Western governments do not intervene, even in words, China, North Korea, (ex) and Burma, in my opinion, even Israel? Thank You "

The food ready for our pets is often a tasty meal just for the manufacturers, that the shadow of strategies appropriately masked move around a billionaire businessman. One would wonder to be involved, for once, were not the same multinational notorious for the exploitation of natural resources and human unconditional, since the pet food industry is just one branch and the landing point of a global marketing strategy, designed to optimize profits .... Continue:

writes Animalista born: "Hello, Saturday, March 4 at The overrunning (The Bag district) in Ivrea (TO), there will be a debate on animal experiments. There will also be a documentary, a vision of a small exhibition on the theme and various material. Introduction to Green Hill campaign stop and call for expression of the following day in Milan. Offer will be followed by a cocktail prepared by Tecla Free & Jlenia. FREE ADMISSION AND GRATEFUL! Info "

Castorina Benito writes:" The immunity becomes a standard warranty for the honest (remember the story of Enzo Tortora!) If the candidates are controlled by a Board of Trustees of the parties that they Put in the list, composed from a number of members not less than 12, who go to jail immediately, when the certainty of the crime is detected, while there should be elected at the end of the mandate. In a country where laws bipartisan allow notaries to misrepresent with impunity, for banks to practice usury, do not amnesties from the moment the law is enforceable, but a few years earlier to allow the recurrence of crimes, a civil case exceed 15 years, and so on, must protect and defend the honest and hardworking. Parliamentary immunity without these guarantees, it becomes a way to avoid jail "

Submitted by Angelo Saracini a petition for the control of public debt:
"Following the example Greek initiative for the establishment of an independent commission to effectively control the greek government debt after the intervention of the International Monetary Fund in Greece and after a steady deterioration of social conditions and also because of Italy's economic inappropriate behavior of a political class to give positive solutions for the future of the nation and especially to the younger generation. Petition Italian: "

Here, last but not least, another salacious comment, came from Rino Tripodi on declarations of school anti-Berlusconi e2% 80% 9cil-called Prime Minister- silvio-berlusconi-save-itself-the-eyes-of-vatican-destroying-the-cultural-pluralist-of-the-public-school% e2% 80% 9d /

Well, well ... this time we sfangata Hello, Paul / Saul

... ..............

poetic thought of the after magazines:

One type creates its cage to protect themselves;
and then at the end of the cage, is his prison.
And in the end put:
"Dedicated to those who are free to communicate
and does not need cages."
(Franco Farina)

... ..

"Learning Which is auspicious, Which Can Be Acquired beckons attention even from the low-born. The Supreme Dharma can be learnt even from a Candal, and even a bride can be accepted from a family of ill-repute, if she is a jewel of a lady. " (Manusmṛti 2.269)


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