Saturday, February 19, 2011

Glory Hole Manchester

Saul of February 20, 2011 - Grain of infinity, I Ching to Treia 27th Festival of precursors, water and arsenic, berluscones 2 AVA .. The magazines

Care, dear,

Naomi Longo writes: "Some time ago I think it was right to highlight the unnecessary Giorgio Vitali media campaign in which the media have bombarded the Italian population, which reserves to the Prime Minister and his private life Always be careful. The phenomenon of Berlusconi (Berlusconi, beautifully as I read the article) is helpful to distract attention from more serious events ... and perhaps even to grow the Italian people and all the intellectuals, who reached on the knowledge and against the various reflections on the matter, should admit as Mr Berlusconi is not a saint, but even then this virus compelling ... In politics, philosophy and other disciplines real do not work very well in the short time because they are not accessible to everyone, but if I allow myself a moment of reality and utopia on the premise that the universe is a single body moving in harmony and interaction with the rest ... resent so much with Berlusconi would be to have a constant stomach ache, a circle or head to a sprained foot? I do not go beyond and not within the substance of the question because I know nothing about politics but I think that wanting to tackle the world really Italian Berlusconi diagnosis could be endless ... Buonagiornata all "My

rispostina:" Remarks accettabilissime, dear Noemi ... Yesterday I happened to eye on an article the Courier in reference to the blow of Wikileaks ... The U.S. do not like Berlusconi but "choose" ... to safeguard their interests in Afghanistan but also to open a front on entering of GMOs in Italy ... That says a lot about the real intentions of the policy ... Ah other information, provided by the Messenger (even pages and pages) on the appearance of Benigni on TV (Sanremo), all devoted to the unity of Italy ... I would say an apparition pilot (given the cachet of 250,000 €) ... Well, maybe you better not interested in politics, hello "

writes Catherine Regazzi Boar on Earth faces a year Hare Metal:" The Boar basks of acorns and hazelnuts, and that other one need for survival. E 'should be an aging, has to learn kindness and good manners, to develop a framework of expression. Instead of "grunt" should express his emotions in a more polite ...." - Next: html

Announcement of the 27th Festival of precursors, which is held in Treia May 7 to 15 201: "Towards the end of July 2010 I left football," kidnapped "from my beloved Caterina Regazzi, and from August 3rd I taken to address Treia. Then I wrote an article "From a Treja Treia" in which he announced his departure from the shores of Treja moving, the river that surrounds Football, Treia mound, in the province of Macerata. Continue:

Panzarasa comments received from Stephen: "Dear Paul, I answer while as all ii'm making bread at dawn on Saturdays and I wait to finish the first rise. Meanwhile I am also uploading the first video on Youtube to Live with Care 2010 with Antonio D'Andrea, who teaches at dawn to do the laundry ecological ... (Do not you think a good example of multi-activity?). I read the article about Calcata and I got three of them want to participate because of the deep friendship that binds us now for more ... I wanted to suggest that my presence would have been a surprise in that it is a period that I can not move easily and then I want to live fully in the area where I live and not go too easily as it once here and there ... Then I read the end of the letter and I have seen already in the program ... Of course, knowing you could well imagine ... However, it remains possible for the surprise ... Best wishes "

Other Caterina Regazzi comment:" I read it, Love, but it's a novel! I already know what you think and what, perhaps, answer me, but when I read about this from your past with a capital P, I tremble at the thought. Or maybe not, maybe someone who has lived so also your current situation, it is a challenge (?) can be addictive. And what do you do you a life so simple, simple people: me, Dumi, Valeria, Crispian, Lucilla, Thomas, Claudio mason, Sonia, Gigetto the Mayor, when did you meet beautiful women and fascinating, as well as intelligent precursors and political philosophies of life like you, but they are quiet, do not worry, I love you for who you are NOW and what you're with me, not for what you have been (which always you). If fate would have it, we met at that time, there is a reason. And if love will be with us, as I wish, for the rest of our lives, we live what life holds for us. You and me. And who wants to be "My

rispostina" For what does it matter? My love ... we are all the same person said Luciano Laffont ... and stated Nisargadatta are one that looks like a lot .. Then my darlin 'Love is the need to feel uncomfortable .. and then it is only setting .. nothing more, the important thing is the experience that each of us is able to take home from the events experienced. Be calm and sure of yourself, you are the high point! I still wanted to do an overview of "fast" (I'm still 30 years) on the history of the club so that we perceive the sense of continuity here in Treia "

Sini Beppe writes:" The irresponsible charlatans da anni ci avvelenano costringendoci a bene acqua con una elevata concentrazione di arsenico (quando la più elementare ragionevolezza vorrebbe che nell'acqua potabile di arsenico non ve ne fosse né poco né punto) ormai smascherati tentano un'ultima frode, un'ultima soperchieria. Invece di rispettare la legge, ed attenersi quindi al limite massimo consentito dei 10 microgrammi di arsenico per litro di acqua (che peraltro implica già un ingerire veleno, ed è il doppio della soglia tollerabile secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, che fissa il limite massimo ammissibile a 5 microgrammi/litro), certi pubblici amministratori da mesi rinviano interventi necessari ed urgenti, ed adottano tre squallide strategie di ignobile mistificazione che si risolvono in danno certo per la popolazione ed in palese violazione della legge..."

Scrive Mario Romeo: “Un link per rispondere a Nicola Cospito!/note.php?note_id=185026681535411&id=125017774179718 “

Scrive Giorgio Vitali: “Caro Cavalier Saul Arpino (Alias Paolo D'Arpini), avendo notato  il tuo bell'articolo sull'argomento "berluscones", vi avevo risposto non ricordando che i commenti sono disabilitati. Lo rifaccio ora qui: Il caso è eclatante. Nel senso che, per qualsiasi studioso di sociologia e antropologia la cosa dovrebbe costituire un elemento più di conferma che study. We are immersed in a "system" that fully expresses himself ...." He continues: a-journey-in-gossip-and-the-joke-screen /

AVA writes: "Thursday 24 February at 17.30 at the headquarters of Vegetarian Pets Asti piazza 5 / a Rome conference of the dr . ssa Veronica White, Naturopath: BACH FLOWERS AND REIKI: THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF EMOTIONAL STATES. Fight the fear, anxiety and panic attacks through reiki and flowers. The speaker will answer questions from the public - free admission - Info Tel 06 7022863 "

E qui concludo pure oggi e vi saluto, Saul/Paolo


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:

"Remaining in Silence does not mean shutting your mouth and not speaking any words.
That Serene Silence is a state, which is not influenced by your faculty of speech and its associated mind. Focus your attention on one single thought and practice that ceaselessly to find out the roots of that.
That stillness of silence can be attained with that single pointed devotion.
When that practice becomes a natural quality for you, then that will take you and transform you into that serene state of stillness.
The meditation in which there is no mental activity is called as Silent stillness. The Conquering Efforts for controlling and mind are Called as Meditation "

(Sri Ramana Maharshi)


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