The magazines of Saul of March 14, 2011 - Dim or Justice? Coldiretti, Bioregionalism, Italy and the Vatican in Rome SIN, Japan ... The magazines of Saul
Dear, dear,
Mezzano Alexander writes: "When we speak of justice is assumed that the argument concerns what must be understood in the tradition of our law and legal culture that is right for all citizens. Everything that falls outside these parameters is in itself a pretext to attain other objectives other than justice and therefore illegal and fraudulent ... "He continues: alessandro-half-reform-era-or-dimming-of-justice /
Cannata Erika writes: "I gladly forward the press release relating to Terranostra Day, an event organized by Coldiretti Siena on March 27.
There are free buses from Rome to 5 different themed itineraries in the province of Siena. Each tour includes: taste workshops, cooking classes and tasting of farm produce, guided tours of dairies, mills, wineries, stables, gardens and products at kilometer zero. The event is organized to introduce more and more a province that is home to over 1,000 farm holidays, equal to 35% of the regional hospitality industry and one-quarter of farm holidays in Tuscany. Info ass.regiam @ "- More Info:
Writes ass. Free Thought, "March 17, 1861 - March 17, 2011 ITALY has arisen from the Risorgimento to the Resistance. Rome, 17 March 2011 the National Association of Free Thought "Giordano Bruno" set ANPI celebrates the 150th anniversary of the unification 'OF ITALY. Meet: 11.00am - Rome monument Goffredo Mameli the historic Verano cemetery (main entrance, first right), the initiative continues in the afternoon ... "
SIN to Rome:" Until March 20, 2011 is celebrated Italy in the sixteenth edition of the World Brain Awareness Week, an annual celebration dedicated to solicit public awareness about brain research and the participation of the Company Neuroscientifiche di tutto il mondo. Neurologia e donna” uno dei temi portanti di questa edizione. Numerose le iniziative promosse dalla SIN - Società Italiana di Neurologia: reparti aperti, conferenze, dibattiti e lezioni e giochi per i ragazzi delle scuole elementari e medie di tutta Italia. Un’iniziativa rivolta, oltre che al mondo scientifico e agli esperti del settore, al grande pubblico quindi, inclusi i più piccoli"
Scrive Alessandro Curti: “Il Bioregionalismo in Italia, analizzato senza paraocchi... Stralcio di una lettera - testamento di Alessandro Curti, scritta il 28 settembre 2009, qualche mese prima delle dimissioni "ideologiche" di alcuni membri "storici" della Italian Bioregional Network "- Read more:
Antonio Borghesi writes:" What happened in Japan has to reflect also those who are undecided or are supporting the construction of nuclear power plants on the Italian territory. In Japan, contamination from the reactor No. 1 is now a certainty, so that, given the seriousness of the situation, the government has extended 20 kilometers from the area cleared for security reasons "- Then read the letter received from Japan on the impending loss of radioactive -the-bomb-to-watch-the-nuclear-notice-to-mariners /
Circle Futurist writes: "Futurism Vanguard / Avant-garde is the title of Thursday, March 24 to 13 of 16 in the Hall of the Faculty of Humanities at Roma Tre. At the meeting, during which some contributions will also be screened video, will take the art critic Vitaldo Conte, the net-futurist artist Roberto Guerra and two journalists and writers Mario Bernardi Guardi and Adriano Scianca. Modera Valerio Benedetti. Info "
Mannello Vincent writes:" The attitude of the Catholic Church toward the unification of Italy and the transition from heaven to hell, even after the Pope, Cardinal Bagnasco, il responsabile dell'ordine Francescano, scrittori ed altri, oltre ovviamente il conduttore di Oggi2000 radiouno, ci hanno erudito sulle nuove verità delle istituzioni della Chiesa...” - Continua:
Coraggio fratelli, pura stavolta è finita... Ciao, Paolo/Saul
Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:
Ode di odio a tutti i tegami
alle ricette da brava cuoca
e a tutti i ricami.
Non voglio scope
in casa mia o sol per volare
ed andarmene via.
Non voglio casa
not want the roof, but only
forests, mountains, streams and
not have the rejection of the walls.
Graziella Poluzzi
Extinct Because Democracy Disguised
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How To Tell The Difference Between Mono And
11 March 2011 - Earthquakes in view of apparent death, microwave oven, professional recognition, Molfetta, Libya ...
back issues, lost and recovered, the magazines of Saul
Care, dear,
this afternoon I'm going back in the Marches, in Treia, along with Catherine .. we have to play the bureaucratic requirements and practices for the implementation of the refurbishment of the new headquarters of the Club, in anticipation of the inauguration of 8 May 2011. Come on guys .. you can speak again of the doomsday predictions of Raffaele Bendandi and Giordano Bruno. Pending the end of the world "provided by the Maya for 2012: e2% 80% 99akasha-fantasy-and- history% e2% 80% a6 /
Catherine writes: "Dear Paul, I'm glad that this morning you gave me the input to think about my behavior, my reactions towards my fellow men. Sometimes I
salt as a tension inside that "explodes" in a more or less strong and aggressive, taking advantage of any opportunity (an object moved, a response is not acceptable, the answer to which, however, we "support" a load that is in addition, that is there underneath it all, and that's what makes me hurt tendons, badly behind, sometimes a bit 'of an upset stomach). I carry around a burden that I do not know what it depends on and makes me face life in a somewhat 'heavy. Rationally I know that I have a much easier time than many other people, but I often pass these periods when everything seems laborious and difficult and I would run away, yes, even from myself. The good thing is that now I know and I know that is a period that will pass soon, as has already spent more times, each time I hope you never go and who knows, perhaps, indeed, I hope and believe, will happen sooner or later . At times I feared to collapse, but really you're the tree with its roots keep me from crumbling and you're the light that mi nutre e mi consente di far germogliare e svilupparsi la vita che è in me, ma purtroppo le vecchie abitudini, i sensi di colpa, le insicurezze e la mia scarsa autostima mi fanno assumere un atteggiamento difensivo che oltre che essere inutile, è anche controproducente…. Ma in fondo cosa dovrei mai espiare? Ed un passo oggi un passetto domani, la meta sembra più vicina. E oggi, sopra all'orizzonte, si è fatto vedere anche il sole. Una mano tesa, in questo quadro, è tutto ciò che necessita, e c'è…. Ah! Ora mi sento più leggera, ho "dimenticato" il peso!”
Scrive Francesco D’Ingiullo: “Ultimamente sono stato in Turchia ed ho incontrato delle persone che parlavano Esperanto. I was able to attend a lesson in Esperanto for students in a private university. It 'really a beautiful language! If you like to learn (took me a week reading a grammar base to have a conversation with a Japanese!) You can request a free grammar And if you do not agree, then you improve your English! "
know the consequences of budget policy in ASL? Well acted on a matter the Supreme Court:
Donaudi Gianni writes: "FAIR OF SELF , 27 marzo 2011, dalle 11 alle 23. Piazza Municipio, Centro Storico di Molfetta. Un'altra economia è possibile. Imperdibile appuntamento per tutti coloro che hanno in mente un futuro diverso da quello imposto dalle logiche economiche attuali. Il nostro futuro..”
Scrive Claudio: “All'epoca medievale, citata dal discendente aleramico Manfredi Lanza, il Piemonte non esisteva, tutta l'area del Nord Ovest era definita unicamente "Lombardia", per cui la definizione di piemontesi e liguri è solamente semplificativa, utilizzata ai fini di una comprensione attuale, e per far capire che furono soprattutto gli abitanti del Piemonte (del Monferrato e delle altre marche aleramiche in particolare) ad accogliere l'appello a trasferirsi in Sicilia e nel Meridione. Una emigrazione di queste dimensioni, un vero e proprio esodo (le stime fornite dagli storici che si sono occupati di questo fenomeno, variano dalle 100 mila alle 200 mila persone), ha ovviamente richiesto parecchi decenni per compiersi, centinaia di viaggi per mare di flottiglie intere, considerando le scarse dimensioni delle navi dell'epoca (generalmente erano "cocche", al massimo con una stazza di mille tonnellate) e che sicuramente il trasporto fu misto, mercantile ed umano, non esistendo navi per il solo trasporto di persone.. Molto probabilmente partirono da tutti i porti disponibili, non solo quello principalmente "aleramico" di Savona (facente parte della Marca Aleramica del 950 d.c. istituita da re Berengario II, come le altre due, Arduinica e Obertenga), ma anche di Noli, Genova e soprattutto Pisa (cioè tutte le repubbliche marinare disponibili nell'area)”
Scrive Valerio Sgalambro: “Ecco a voi la ricetta per ammalarsi velocemente di cancro, usando ogni giorno il fornetto a microonde..” – Leggete tutto:
Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: “NON C’È STATO ALCUN GENOCIDIO DI MIGLIAIA DI MORTI IN LIBIA: (ansa) MEDICI BENGASI, ALL'EST 400 MORTI E 2.000 FERITI - L'insurrezione nell'est Libya has made at least 400 dead and 2,000 wounded since the beginning of the revolt in mid-February. Said on Thursday the medical coordinator of the Eastern cities controlled by insurgents. "There have been 400 deaths since at Derna, Baida, Brega, Benghazi, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad," said Jabar Salah. One fellow, Jibril Huwaida, responding to a question about higher budget provided by the United Nations and the Association for Human Rights, said that doctors have kept the death toll and injured joints in their hospitals ..
ENOUGH WITH THE LIES OF MILITARY INTERVENTION AIMED NATO, UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN POWERS, WHICH HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROPER OIL. NO TO THE "NO FLY ZONE", INVOLVED IN HIT BY AN ACT OF WAR PLANES AND REAL LIBYAN anti-aircraft artillery. Libya has the right to terminate without interference from their own conflicts. SI On an international commission to seek a negotiated solution to the internal conflict TO LIBYA. IS A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS IN LIBYAN by political-diplomatic "writes
Antonio Pantano, Libya on the same theme:" There are people that you lose a game of trump to stain to the "Systems" thinking to solve them! But how many people still believe the "democratic mission" of NATO and the UN, and "independence" of the so-called European Union? You wake up, the deluded! If the "dominant in finance" of the round Bedouin nomadic Gaddafi is no longer needed (and, after 42 years, now stale, shows its true face as a clown - though someone, groped to "educate" gave the market away from the Italian state assets, undeservedly the "Venus of Cyrene "that for decades was kept in Rome's National Museum of the Baths of Diocletian!), it takes little to get rid of! With or without formality! It also happens to Berlusca Bossi and our own, which will be alternated (with the fake elections) by PD quacquaracquà plate or "cleared the left!"
"No more the medal to be recognized .." Thank goodness ... here are the simple rules simple for professional recognition according to European Directives, issued by the Institute of Applied Bremologia:
Postscript - Catherine today I asked "what's' is bremologia?" - I went to see the site of Valerio Sgalambro and here's what I found: "The challenge began as Bremologia unstructured and destructive, as an indicator of social hypocrisy and exposes, not only intellectual people falsely hiding behind high-sounding names, especially those who know a s'assoggettano fell from a purely rational knowledge and arbitrary power which imposes itself with the domain, rather than with the Love of direct experience, then an attempt to humanize science, making it close, real and vital "
Here we are at the bottom, I greet Saul / Paul
... ... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"The Truth that sets us free is almost always the truth that we do not want to hear, so when we say that something is not true, very often this means that we do not like ..."
(Piero Rossetti)
back issues, lost and recovered, the magazines of Saul
Care, dear,
this afternoon I'm going back in the Marches, in Treia, along with Catherine .. we have to play the bureaucratic requirements and practices for the implementation of the refurbishment of the new headquarters of the Club, in anticipation of the inauguration of 8 May 2011. Come on guys .. you can speak again of the doomsday predictions of Raffaele Bendandi and Giordano Bruno. Pending the end of the world "provided by the Maya for 2012: e2% 80% 99akasha-fantasy-and- history% e2% 80% a6 /
Catherine writes: "Dear Paul, I'm glad that this morning you gave me the input to think about my behavior, my reactions towards my fellow men. Sometimes I
salt as a tension inside that "explodes" in a more or less strong and aggressive, taking advantage of any opportunity (an object moved, a response is not acceptable, the answer to which, however, we "support" a load that is in addition, that is there underneath it all, and that's what makes me hurt tendons, badly behind, sometimes a bit 'of an upset stomach). I carry around a burden that I do not know what it depends on and makes me face life in a somewhat 'heavy. Rationally I know that I have a much easier time than many other people, but I often pass these periods when everything seems laborious and difficult and I would run away, yes, even from myself. The good thing is that now I know and I know that is a period that will pass soon, as has already spent more times, each time I hope you never go and who knows, perhaps, indeed, I hope and believe, will happen sooner or later . At times I feared to collapse, but really you're the tree with its roots keep me from crumbling and you're the light that mi nutre e mi consente di far germogliare e svilupparsi la vita che è in me, ma purtroppo le vecchie abitudini, i sensi di colpa, le insicurezze e la mia scarsa autostima mi fanno assumere un atteggiamento difensivo che oltre che essere inutile, è anche controproducente…. Ma in fondo cosa dovrei mai espiare? Ed un passo oggi un passetto domani, la meta sembra più vicina. E oggi, sopra all'orizzonte, si è fatto vedere anche il sole. Una mano tesa, in questo quadro, è tutto ciò che necessita, e c'è…. Ah! Ora mi sento più leggera, ho "dimenticato" il peso!”
Scrive Francesco D’Ingiullo: “Ultimamente sono stato in Turchia ed ho incontrato delle persone che parlavano Esperanto. I was able to attend a lesson in Esperanto for students in a private university. It 'really a beautiful language! If you like to learn (took me a week reading a grammar base to have a conversation with a Japanese!) You can request a free grammar And if you do not agree, then you improve your English! "
know the consequences of budget policy in ASL? Well acted on a matter the Supreme Court:
Donaudi Gianni writes: "FAIR OF SELF , 27 marzo 2011, dalle 11 alle 23. Piazza Municipio, Centro Storico di Molfetta. Un'altra economia è possibile. Imperdibile appuntamento per tutti coloro che hanno in mente un futuro diverso da quello imposto dalle logiche economiche attuali. Il nostro futuro..”
Scrive Claudio: “All'epoca medievale, citata dal discendente aleramico Manfredi Lanza, il Piemonte non esisteva, tutta l'area del Nord Ovest era definita unicamente "Lombardia", per cui la definizione di piemontesi e liguri è solamente semplificativa, utilizzata ai fini di una comprensione attuale, e per far capire che furono soprattutto gli abitanti del Piemonte (del Monferrato e delle altre marche aleramiche in particolare) ad accogliere l'appello a trasferirsi in Sicilia e nel Meridione. Una emigrazione di queste dimensioni, un vero e proprio esodo (le stime fornite dagli storici che si sono occupati di questo fenomeno, variano dalle 100 mila alle 200 mila persone), ha ovviamente richiesto parecchi decenni per compiersi, centinaia di viaggi per mare di flottiglie intere, considerando le scarse dimensioni delle navi dell'epoca (generalmente erano "cocche", al massimo con una stazza di mille tonnellate) e che sicuramente il trasporto fu misto, mercantile ed umano, non esistendo navi per il solo trasporto di persone.. Molto probabilmente partirono da tutti i porti disponibili, non solo quello principalmente "aleramico" di Savona (facente parte della Marca Aleramica del 950 d.c. istituita da re Berengario II, come le altre due, Arduinica e Obertenga), ma anche di Noli, Genova e soprattutto Pisa (cioè tutte le repubbliche marinare disponibili nell'area)”
Scrive Valerio Sgalambro: “Ecco a voi la ricetta per ammalarsi velocemente di cancro, usando ogni giorno il fornetto a microonde..” – Leggete tutto:
Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: “NON C’È STATO ALCUN GENOCIDIO DI MIGLIAIA DI MORTI IN LIBIA: (ansa) MEDICI BENGASI, ALL'EST 400 MORTI E 2.000 FERITI - L'insurrezione nell'est Libya has made at least 400 dead and 2,000 wounded since the beginning of the revolt in mid-February. Said on Thursday the medical coordinator of the Eastern cities controlled by insurgents. "There have been 400 deaths since at Derna, Baida, Brega, Benghazi, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad," said Jabar Salah. One fellow, Jibril Huwaida, responding to a question about higher budget provided by the United Nations and the Association for Human Rights, said that doctors have kept the death toll and injured joints in their hospitals ..
ENOUGH WITH THE LIES OF MILITARY INTERVENTION AIMED NATO, UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN POWERS, WHICH HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROPER OIL. NO TO THE "NO FLY ZONE", INVOLVED IN HIT BY AN ACT OF WAR PLANES AND REAL LIBYAN anti-aircraft artillery. Libya has the right to terminate without interference from their own conflicts. SI On an international commission to seek a negotiated solution to the internal conflict TO LIBYA. IS A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS IN LIBYAN by political-diplomatic "writes
Antonio Pantano, Libya on the same theme:" There are people that you lose a game of trump to stain to the "Systems" thinking to solve them! But how many people still believe the "democratic mission" of NATO and the UN, and "independence" of the so-called European Union? You wake up, the deluded! If the "dominant in finance" of the round Bedouin nomadic Gaddafi is no longer needed (and, after 42 years, now stale, shows its true face as a clown - though someone, groped to "educate" gave the market away from the Italian state assets, undeservedly the "Venus of Cyrene "that for decades was kept in Rome's National Museum of the Baths of Diocletian!), it takes little to get rid of! With or without formality! It also happens to Berlusca Bossi and our own, which will be alternated (with the fake elections) by PD quacquaracquà plate or "cleared the left!"
"No more the medal to be recognized .." Thank goodness ... here are the simple rules simple for professional recognition according to European Directives, issued by the Institute of Applied Bremologia:
Postscript - Catherine today I asked "what's' is bremologia?" - I went to see the site of Valerio Sgalambro and here's what I found: "The challenge began as Bremologia unstructured and destructive, as an indicator of social hypocrisy and exposes, not only intellectual people falsely hiding behind high-sounding names, especially those who know a s'assoggettano fell from a purely rational knowledge and arbitrary power which imposes itself with the domain, rather than with the Love of direct experience, then an attempt to humanize science, making it close, real and vital "
Here we are at the bottom, I greet Saul / Paul
... ... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"The Truth that sets us free is almost always the truth that we do not want to hear, so when we say that something is not true, very often this means that we do not like ..."
(Piero Rossetti)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Paediatric Advanced Life Support
The magazines of Saul of March 13, 2011 - The Return of the magazines of Saul, Easter without massacres blood, unity of Italy, earthquake and nuclear ... The magazines
Care, dear,
seems that the connection has started to work ... Ieri mattina con Caterina siamo andati a fare vari giretti per sistemare le faccende burocratiche e legali e tecniche relative alla sistemazione della nuova sede del Circolo di Treia e per la manifestazione inaugurale che inizia il 7 maggio e si protrae sino al 15 dello stesso mese. Ricordo a tutti i lettori che coloro che intendono intervenire alla Tavola Rotonda del 7 maggio od all'Incontro Conviviale e Mostra d'Arte che si inaugura l'8 maggio od allo svernissage del 15 maggio, e volessero che il loro nome venga inserito nella locandina ufficiale dell'evento, è bene che ne diano conferma al più presto (in allegato la bozza della locandina suddetta, opera della brava Daniela Spurio). I relatori ed artisti che partecipano all'evento potranno essere ospitati in the new home of the club, carrying a sleeping bag. During the first two days (7 and 8 May) lunches and dinners are self-managed, so who will you please bring some food and drink vegetarian. AVA
writes: "Thursday, March 17 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of vegetarian animals, Asti piazza 5 / Rome, Dr. Paul Ricci conference on" Islam, the monotheistic religions AND ANIMALS. " The controversial thesis of animals relegated to the divine will, subject to the condition for the consumption of man. The speaker will answer questions from the public "
And now read the program for an Easter serene and vegetarian and appeal to people sensitive to avoid massacres of blood near the Easter period. Remember that if the animals continue to suffer and die will also depend on us murder-of-blood /
Almo writes: "In the theater program theater Civil Municipality of Savignano sul Panaro, and coordination of civil lists of the area, we invite all to a comedy show but seriously consumption, ecology water common good. See you on March 13, AT 18, THE THEATRE OF THE VENUS SAVIGNANO "writes Emilia Romagna. "Tuesday, March 15, at 20:30, in Rocca in Bazzano BO, discussion on the theme" STOP THE CONSUMPTION OF TERRITORY. " Marco Aleotti intervene as "observer" and representing the Committee Bazzanese Environment and Health "
writes Marjory Gatta:" I'm speechless in front of the latter earthquake! But I think and believe that, even when everything seems just death and destruction, there is a superior design that uses this to bring to earth the possibility of a new world. It will be difficult, but we will see everything from another perspective, to reinvent the history of humanity ... in a way so different from our attachment to the status quo ... "
Scrive Peter Boom: “Quanto entusiasmo riscosse in noi ragazzini olandesi quando la maestra alle elementari ci raccontò le eroiche gesta di Garibaldi che con soli mille uomini rivoluzionò la storia d’Italia. A noi sembrava uno straordinario ed incredibile miracolo” - Continua:
Scrive Roberto Caivano: “Caro Paolo. Il mio progetto di aprire un associazione culturale vegetariana con annesso uno spaccio bio ed un luogo di ristorazione va avanti...ho individuato il locale in Bracciano (Roma) e siamo nella fase scartoffie. Vorrei approfittare del nostro giornalino per chiedere a tutti Friends of ideas, hints, tips and pats on the back and of course your blessing to you. About this project: "My
rispostina:" Dear Robert, my answer is a strong encouragement to continue to take the lead ... This means "do the right thing." A hug, "writes
Theatre temple in Rome:" We are planning next summer's MUSIC FESTIVAL OF NATIONS (Concerts of the Temple - Rome, Italy). Would you participate? "
Examined at the Accademia dei Georgofili the relationship between agriculture and the environment during the Roman and the Early Middle Ages - Read more:
Vittorio Marinelli writes: "European Consumers, Consumer Associations registered with CRUC of Lazio, with a statement -complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome has highlighted, once again, the dangers of the road surface and the failure of the Capital of Italy "
Salvatore Barbera Greenpeace writes:" From press reports we learn that in Japan (hereinafter the earthquake) were off twenty nuclear reactors in four plants. We are concerned in particular the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which may have damaged the cooling systems of reactors and deposits dei rifiuti radioattivi. Anche se vengono spenti immediatamente, i reattori devono essere raffreddati e servono grandi quantità di acqua per evitare il rischio di surriscaldamento e fusione. Anche se ben progettato, un reattore è vulnerabile ai terremoti e le operazioni di riparazione in una centrale nucleare possono richiedere tempi lunghi e costi non indifferenti. Noi continueremo a monitorare, sperando che le indagini sugli impatti agli impianti vengano condotte in modo indipendente e comunicate al pubblico. Non permettere che il nucleare minacci anche l'Italia. Puoi fermare i piani nucleari del nostro governo votando SI al referendum. Chiedi a Maroni di accorpare l'appuntamento referendario con le elezioni amministrative di maggio"
Scrive Guido Arne Petrangeli: "Guys around you the link to this article in the blog of my colleague and friend, so that reconstructs the incredible story of Silvio and the various Bunga Bunga. Http:// across-the-truth-on-sexygate-of-sb.html - see you soon and let me know what you think ... "
writes Ecological Centre of Culture, "Saturday, March 19, 2011 regular appointment with the market in organic agricultural products at the Center for Ecological Culture Regional Park Urban Aguzzano,
Via Fermo Corni, snc - Rome
Anto writes:". Bini Smaghi .. I spoke with at a party and I looked astonished when I spoke of seigniorage, when I said that central banks are private. Gentlemen, this does not give neinte of what we say. Both have the levers of power in their hands ... "
José de Sousa Saramago writes:" I have always considered myself an atheist because atheism as a quiet public militancy seemed to me something useless, but now I'm changing my mind. At reactionary insults of the Catholic Church must respond with the insolence of intelligence alive, good sense of the word responsible. We can not allow the truth to be offended every day by the alleged representatives of God on earth which really only interested in the power »
Well, if all goes well, you again tomorrow ... hello Saul / Paul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Hell is having the right perception of things
and discover that the truth is not acceptable;
is knowing that the suffering and inner torment
increase the awareness and knowledge that acquire;
is having to play the game of lying hypocrites because
sincerity attorney irritation and often contrasts
is to discover that generosity and altruism are often
of many aspects of the same selfishness
is fighting for a better world
and not even realize that this is shared by all;
is to live in a society in which abound the rogues and scoundrels to know and be honest
isolated and marginalized;
is being whitewashed tombs of the same table and having to meet the
their perversions;
is knowing that every day millions of animals are tortured and killed
and experience their powerlessness to stop this massacre;
is to note that while people talk of respect and peace
contributes his choices to generate hatred and war, it is noted that while
s'invoca sharing and the Justice
young people are educated in the competition and violence, not love. Free
Franco Manco
Care, dear,
seems that the connection has started to work ... Ieri mattina con Caterina siamo andati a fare vari giretti per sistemare le faccende burocratiche e legali e tecniche relative alla sistemazione della nuova sede del Circolo di Treia e per la manifestazione inaugurale che inizia il 7 maggio e si protrae sino al 15 dello stesso mese. Ricordo a tutti i lettori che coloro che intendono intervenire alla Tavola Rotonda del 7 maggio od all'Incontro Conviviale e Mostra d'Arte che si inaugura l'8 maggio od allo svernissage del 15 maggio, e volessero che il loro nome venga inserito nella locandina ufficiale dell'evento, è bene che ne diano conferma al più presto (in allegato la bozza della locandina suddetta, opera della brava Daniela Spurio). I relatori ed artisti che partecipano all'evento potranno essere ospitati in the new home of the club, carrying a sleeping bag. During the first two days (7 and 8 May) lunches and dinners are self-managed, so who will you please bring some food and drink vegetarian. AVA
writes: "Thursday, March 17 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of vegetarian animals, Asti piazza 5 / Rome, Dr. Paul Ricci conference on" Islam, the monotheistic religions AND ANIMALS. " The controversial thesis of animals relegated to the divine will, subject to the condition for the consumption of man. The speaker will answer questions from the public "
And now read the program for an Easter serene and vegetarian and appeal to people sensitive to avoid massacres of blood near the Easter period. Remember that if the animals continue to suffer and die will also depend on us murder-of-blood /
Almo writes: "In the theater program theater Civil Municipality of Savignano sul Panaro, and coordination of civil lists of the area, we invite all to a comedy show but seriously consumption, ecology water common good. See you on March 13, AT 18, THE THEATRE OF THE VENUS SAVIGNANO "writes Emilia Romagna. "Tuesday, March 15, at 20:30, in Rocca in Bazzano BO, discussion on the theme" STOP THE CONSUMPTION OF TERRITORY. " Marco Aleotti intervene as "observer" and representing the Committee Bazzanese Environment and Health "
writes Marjory Gatta:" I'm speechless in front of the latter earthquake! But I think and believe that, even when everything seems just death and destruction, there is a superior design that uses this to bring to earth the possibility of a new world. It will be difficult, but we will see everything from another perspective, to reinvent the history of humanity ... in a way so different from our attachment to the status quo ... "
Scrive Peter Boom: “Quanto entusiasmo riscosse in noi ragazzini olandesi quando la maestra alle elementari ci raccontò le eroiche gesta di Garibaldi che con soli mille uomini rivoluzionò la storia d’Italia. A noi sembrava uno straordinario ed incredibile miracolo” - Continua:
Scrive Roberto Caivano: “Caro Paolo. Il mio progetto di aprire un associazione culturale vegetariana con annesso uno spaccio bio ed un luogo di ristorazione va avanti...ho individuato il locale in Bracciano (Roma) e siamo nella fase scartoffie. Vorrei approfittare del nostro giornalino per chiedere a tutti Friends of ideas, hints, tips and pats on the back and of course your blessing to you. About this project: "My
rispostina:" Dear Robert, my answer is a strong encouragement to continue to take the lead ... This means "do the right thing." A hug, "writes
Theatre temple in Rome:" We are planning next summer's MUSIC FESTIVAL OF NATIONS (Concerts of the Temple - Rome, Italy). Would you participate? "
Examined at the Accademia dei Georgofili the relationship between agriculture and the environment during the Roman and the Early Middle Ages - Read more:
Vittorio Marinelli writes: "European Consumers, Consumer Associations registered with CRUC of Lazio, with a statement -complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome has highlighted, once again, the dangers of the road surface and the failure of the Capital of Italy "
Salvatore Barbera Greenpeace writes:" From press reports we learn that in Japan (hereinafter the earthquake) were off twenty nuclear reactors in four plants. We are concerned in particular the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which may have damaged the cooling systems of reactors and deposits dei rifiuti radioattivi. Anche se vengono spenti immediatamente, i reattori devono essere raffreddati e servono grandi quantità di acqua per evitare il rischio di surriscaldamento e fusione. Anche se ben progettato, un reattore è vulnerabile ai terremoti e le operazioni di riparazione in una centrale nucleare possono richiedere tempi lunghi e costi non indifferenti. Noi continueremo a monitorare, sperando che le indagini sugli impatti agli impianti vengano condotte in modo indipendente e comunicate al pubblico. Non permettere che il nucleare minacci anche l'Italia. Puoi fermare i piani nucleari del nostro governo votando SI al referendum. Chiedi a Maroni di accorpare l'appuntamento referendario con le elezioni amministrative di maggio"
Scrive Guido Arne Petrangeli: "Guys around you the link to this article in the blog of my colleague and friend, so that reconstructs the incredible story of Silvio and the various Bunga Bunga. Http:// across-the-truth-on-sexygate-of-sb.html - see you soon and let me know what you think ... "
writes Ecological Centre of Culture, "Saturday, March 19, 2011 regular appointment with the market in organic agricultural products at the Center for Ecological Culture Regional Park Urban Aguzzano,
Via Fermo Corni, snc - Rome
Anto writes:". Bini Smaghi .. I spoke with at a party and I looked astonished when I spoke of seigniorage, when I said that central banks are private. Gentlemen, this does not give neinte of what we say. Both have the levers of power in their hands ... "
José de Sousa Saramago writes:" I have always considered myself an atheist because atheism as a quiet public militancy seemed to me something useless, but now I'm changing my mind. At reactionary insults of the Catholic Church must respond with the insolence of intelligence alive, good sense of the word responsible. We can not allow the truth to be offended every day by the alleged representatives of God on earth which really only interested in the power »
Well, if all goes well, you again tomorrow ... hello Saul / Paul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Hell is having the right perception of things
and discover that the truth is not acceptable;
is knowing that the suffering and inner torment
increase the awareness and knowledge that acquire;
is having to play the game of lying hypocrites because
sincerity attorney irritation and often contrasts
is to discover that generosity and altruism are often
of many aspects of the same selfishness
is fighting for a better world
and not even realize that this is shared by all;
is to live in a society in which abound the rogues and scoundrels to know and be honest
isolated and marginalized;
is being whitewashed tombs of the same table and having to meet the
their perversions;
is knowing that every day millions of animals are tortured and killed
and experience their powerlessness to stop this massacre;
is to note that while people talk of respect and peace
contributes his choices to generate hatred and war, it is noted that while
s'invoca sharing and the Justice
young people are educated in the competition and violence, not love. Free
Franco Manco
Friday, March 11, 2011
Brown Hair With Chunks Of Blonde
Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps ..... The magazines
(Photo: The sky seen by Gustavo Piccinini)
The magazines of Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps .....
Care, dear,
when you put half of karma there is nothing to do ... I went back to Treia with Catherine, yesterday morning I was to send the magazines but the connection did not work, then Catherine has managed to save the file on a USB key and it sent as an attachment to my address, so I was hoping maybe one of pitervelo incio bit 'late, since we have come to Treia around 19 last night .. S useless .. This computer can not translate the file .. for which the magazines of yesterday is not available .. Sin was a nice number ... In a few days when Catherine returns to Spilamberto re-send it to me with the system of copy-paste and then maybe I can read and post ... late! Patience, karma is karma and it takes a lot of calm .. I hope that you have not suffered too much from the lack of daily news .. In addition it has also stopped the connection also Treia (for you who read last night, tonight for me ..). Today, however, in some ways, we are still on track .. this is now a number of poor, and we suffer when we do not know .... Happy reading!
Nesci Anthony writes: "Among the Secchia and Panaro XVII NATIONAL AWARD
of poetry published and unpublished, June 5, 2011 16:00, Piazza Guido Rossa (Garden Village) Modena Per maggiori informazioni telefonare al Comitato Organizzatore
cell. 339 2812278 Il bando di concorso è consultabile su Monet, il sito Internet del Comune di Modena, all’indirizzo”
Scrive Econews: “Testamento biologico: il primo lo aveva scritto Giuseppe Garibaldi, nel 1882. Da Giuseppe Garibaldi di G. Armani (BUR 1982): “… io dichiaro, che trovandomi in piena ragione oggi, non voglio accettare, in nessun tempo, il ministero odioso, disprezzevole e scellerato d'un prete, che considero atroce nemico del genere umano e dell'Italia in particolare” ……. Il testo è alquanto sgrammaticato, ma chiarissimo: temeva the 'therapeutic obstinacy "spiritual" - Second article: "Green Great Wall in China is the largest ever man-made forest. Half a century of madness, irreversible damage. desertification of farmland, Beijing is likely to die of thirst ": the power of the heir to Maotsetung they realized the ecological disaster they are doing and run for cover: they will plant 300 million trees along the Great Wall, an area equal to Texas ( 250 000 sq km). About 7 billion cost. More>>> "
Marco Bracci writes:" A signature to save the "land for peace" and the lives of lots of animals! Dear animal lovers, on behalf of the International Foundation Gabriele this ad invites you to put your signature to stop a road project in the bud senseless through the suburbs of Würzburg in Germany. The population here is of course against it, but it is also and sorpattutto of nature and animals. Here are the forests and lands known as the "land of peace where they live, more than 10 years, hundreds of animals rescued from slaughterhouses and many wild species, many species of rare birds, bats and butterflies, not only in Germany are endangered. We need many, many signatures. To inform you in detail and put your signature, please consult the web pages: - Grazie di cuore a tutti”
Scrive Noemi Longo: “Ciao Paolo, circolo vegetariano e lettori vari. Leggendo i vari passi e detti raccolti da Giovanna Canzano, posso chiedere a chiunque si sentisse di rispondere esprimendo un pensiero, come va letto e interpretato questo passo del Levitico? Bibbia, Levitico: “Non ti accosterai a donna per scoprire la sua nudità durante l’immondezza mestruale. Se uno ha un rapporto con una donna durante la sua immondezza mestruale e ne scopre la nudità, quel tale ha scoperto la sorgente di lei ed essa ha scoperto la sorgente del proprio sangue; perciò tutti e due saranno eliminati dal loro popolo” Grazie. Mi incuriosiscono le parole usate per la traduzione, premessa che I do not know if and how many translations exist, and any other "
Mannello Vincent writes:" On 13 March 1861, after a long resistance, capitulated to the Royal Citadel Messina. And as a result of the bombing ordered by the much-discussed January Cialdini, the Savoy family and the French language, which, using the power of the new rifled cannon of the Piedmontese army (not Italian, mind you), broken the last resistance and the presence of the soldiers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The 4000 soldiers and officers of the garrison, commanded by Gen. Ferguson, came from the same Cialdini is humiliated by the lack of recognition has insulted the honor of arms (in French) contemptuously by Cialdini himself who called them "animals". Tutti finirono in galera, ospiti dei piemontesi nelle varie fortezze. Alcuni ufficiali addirittura vennero processati come criminali di guerra. Ed andò loro pure bene perché sia a Civitella del Tronto come a Gaeta , Cialdini non aveva esitato a far fuoco sulle abitazioni civili pur di fiaccare la resistenza militare. Senza scrivere dei crimini che avrebbe commesso successivamente ai danni della popolazione civile del Meridione nella repressione, questa si italiana, del "brigantaggio". Di certo non ho la pretesa di darmi arie da "storico revisionista" . Non ne ho titolo e capacità. Ma quanto sopra scritto non credo possa venire contestato storicamente. Possono quindi trarsi delle valutazioni, queste evidentemente opinabili . Civitella, Gaeta e la Cittadella Messina: the examples of how the Southern soldiers were, finding commanders loyal to the oath, able and willing to fight for their country and why not, to their rightful king against a foreign aggression supported by the European powers and internal betrayal at the same Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Same script, irony of history, again and again in July 1943 with the Allied landings in Sicily and the battle fought by those who fought against foreign invaders and domestic traitors. "
Here we are fast after all, best wishes and who knows when, your Paul / Saul
... ........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"You're so proud of your intelligence. You're so proud as the convict who is proud of the breadth of his cell "

(Photo: The sky seen by Gustavo Piccinini)
The magazines of Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps .....
Care, dear,
when you put half of karma there is nothing to do ... I went back to Treia with Catherine, yesterday morning I was to send the magazines but the connection did not work, then Catherine has managed to save the file on a USB key and it sent as an attachment to my address, so I was hoping maybe one of pitervelo incio bit 'late, since we have come to Treia around 19 last night .. S useless .. This computer can not translate the file .. for which the magazines of yesterday is not available .. Sin was a nice number ... In a few days when Catherine returns to Spilamberto re-send it to me with the system of copy-paste and then maybe I can read and post ... late! Patience, karma is karma and it takes a lot of calm .. I hope that you have not suffered too much from the lack of daily news .. In addition it has also stopped the connection also Treia (for you who read last night, tonight for me ..). Today, however, in some ways, we are still on track .. this is now a number of poor, and we suffer when we do not know .... Happy reading!
Nesci Anthony writes: "Among the Secchia and Panaro XVII NATIONAL AWARD
of poetry published and unpublished, June 5, 2011 16:00, Piazza Guido Rossa (Garden Village) Modena Per maggiori informazioni telefonare al Comitato Organizzatore
cell. 339 2812278 Il bando di concorso è consultabile su Monet, il sito Internet del Comune di Modena, all’indirizzo”
Scrive Econews: “Testamento biologico: il primo lo aveva scritto Giuseppe Garibaldi, nel 1882. Da Giuseppe Garibaldi di G. Armani (BUR 1982): “… io dichiaro, che trovandomi in piena ragione oggi, non voglio accettare, in nessun tempo, il ministero odioso, disprezzevole e scellerato d'un prete, che considero atroce nemico del genere umano e dell'Italia in particolare” ……. Il testo è alquanto sgrammaticato, ma chiarissimo: temeva the 'therapeutic obstinacy "spiritual" - Second article: "Green Great Wall in China is the largest ever man-made forest. Half a century of madness, irreversible damage. desertification of farmland, Beijing is likely to die of thirst ": the power of the heir to Maotsetung they realized the ecological disaster they are doing and run for cover: they will plant 300 million trees along the Great Wall, an area equal to Texas ( 250 000 sq km). About 7 billion cost. More>>> "
Marco Bracci writes:" A signature to save the "land for peace" and the lives of lots of animals! Dear animal lovers, on behalf of the International Foundation Gabriele this ad invites you to put your signature to stop a road project in the bud senseless through the suburbs of Würzburg in Germany. The population here is of course against it, but it is also and sorpattutto of nature and animals. Here are the forests and lands known as the "land of peace where they live, more than 10 years, hundreds of animals rescued from slaughterhouses and many wild species, many species of rare birds, bats and butterflies, not only in Germany are endangered. We need many, many signatures. To inform you in detail and put your signature, please consult the web pages: - Grazie di cuore a tutti”
Scrive Noemi Longo: “Ciao Paolo, circolo vegetariano e lettori vari. Leggendo i vari passi e detti raccolti da Giovanna Canzano, posso chiedere a chiunque si sentisse di rispondere esprimendo un pensiero, come va letto e interpretato questo passo del Levitico? Bibbia, Levitico: “Non ti accosterai a donna per scoprire la sua nudità durante l’immondezza mestruale. Se uno ha un rapporto con una donna durante la sua immondezza mestruale e ne scopre la nudità, quel tale ha scoperto la sorgente di lei ed essa ha scoperto la sorgente del proprio sangue; perciò tutti e due saranno eliminati dal loro popolo” Grazie. Mi incuriosiscono le parole usate per la traduzione, premessa che I do not know if and how many translations exist, and any other "
Mannello Vincent writes:" On 13 March 1861, after a long resistance, capitulated to the Royal Citadel Messina. And as a result of the bombing ordered by the much-discussed January Cialdini, the Savoy family and the French language, which, using the power of the new rifled cannon of the Piedmontese army (not Italian, mind you), broken the last resistance and the presence of the soldiers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The 4000 soldiers and officers of the garrison, commanded by Gen. Ferguson, came from the same Cialdini is humiliated by the lack of recognition has insulted the honor of arms (in French) contemptuously by Cialdini himself who called them "animals". Tutti finirono in galera, ospiti dei piemontesi nelle varie fortezze. Alcuni ufficiali addirittura vennero processati come criminali di guerra. Ed andò loro pure bene perché sia a Civitella del Tronto come a Gaeta , Cialdini non aveva esitato a far fuoco sulle abitazioni civili pur di fiaccare la resistenza militare. Senza scrivere dei crimini che avrebbe commesso successivamente ai danni della popolazione civile del Meridione nella repressione, questa si italiana, del "brigantaggio". Di certo non ho la pretesa di darmi arie da "storico revisionista" . Non ne ho titolo e capacità. Ma quanto sopra scritto non credo possa venire contestato storicamente. Possono quindi trarsi delle valutazioni, queste evidentemente opinabili . Civitella, Gaeta e la Cittadella Messina: the examples of how the Southern soldiers were, finding commanders loyal to the oath, able and willing to fight for their country and why not, to their rightful king against a foreign aggression supported by the European powers and internal betrayal at the same Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Same script, irony of history, again and again in July 1943 with the Allied landings in Sicily and the battle fought by those who fought against foreign invaders and domestic traitors. "
Here we are fast after all, best wishes and who knows when, your Paul / Saul
... ........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"You're so proud of your intelligence. You're so proud as the convict who is proud of the breadth of his cell "
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