Saturday, March 12, 2011

Paediatric Advanced Life Support

The magazines of Saul of March 13, 2011 - The Return of the magazines of Saul, Easter without massacres blood, unity of Italy, earthquake and nuclear ... The magazines

Care, dear,

seems that the connection has started to work ... Ieri mattina con Caterina siamo andati a fare vari giretti per sistemare le faccende burocratiche e legali e tecniche relative alla sistemazione della nuova sede del Circolo di Treia e per la manifestazione inaugurale che inizia il 7 maggio e si protrae sino al 15 dello stesso mese. Ricordo a tutti i lettori che coloro che intendono intervenire alla Tavola Rotonda del 7 maggio od all'Incontro Conviviale e Mostra d'Arte che si inaugura l'8 maggio od allo svernissage del 15 maggio, e volessero che il loro nome venga inserito nella locandina ufficiale dell'evento, è bene che ne diano conferma al più presto (in allegato la bozza della locandina suddetta, opera della brava Daniela Spurio). I relatori ed artisti che partecipano all'evento potranno essere ospitati in the new home of the club, carrying a sleeping bag. During the first two days (7 and 8 May) lunches and dinners are self-managed, so who will you please bring some food and drink vegetarian. AVA

writes: "Thursday, March 17 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of vegetarian animals, Asti piazza 5 / Rome, Dr. Paul Ricci conference on" Islam, the monotheistic religions AND ANIMALS. " The controversial thesis of animals relegated to the divine will, subject to the condition for the consumption of man. The speaker will answer questions from the public "

And now read the program for an Easter serene and vegetarian and appeal to people sensitive to avoid massacres of blood near the Easter period. Remember that if the animals continue to suffer and die will also depend on us murder-of-blood /

Almo writes: "In the theater program theater Civil Municipality of Savignano sul Panaro, and coordination of civil lists of the area, we invite all to a comedy show but seriously consumption, ecology water common good. See you on March 13, AT 18, THE THEATRE OF THE VENUS SAVIGNANO "writes Emilia Romagna. "Tuesday, March 15, at 20:30, in Rocca in Bazzano BO, discussion on the theme" STOP THE CONSUMPTION OF TERRITORY. " Marco Aleotti intervene as "observer" and representing the Committee Bazzanese Environment and Health "

writes Marjory Gatta:" I'm speechless in front of the latter earthquake! But I think and believe that, even when everything seems just death and destruction, there is a superior design that uses this to bring to earth the possibility of a new world. It will be difficult, but we will see everything from another perspective, to reinvent the history of humanity ... in a way so different from our attachment to the status quo ... "

Scrive Peter Boom: “Quanto entusiasmo riscosse in noi ragazzini olandesi quando la maestra alle elementari ci raccontò le eroiche gesta di Garibaldi che con soli mille uomini rivoluzionò la storia d’Italia. A noi sembrava uno straordinario ed incredibile miracolo” - Continua:

Scrive Roberto Caivano: “Caro Paolo. Il mio progetto di aprire un associazione culturale vegetariana con annesso uno spaccio bio ed un luogo di ristorazione va avanti...ho individuato il locale in Bracciano (Roma) e siamo nella fase scartoffie. Vorrei approfittare del nostro giornalino per chiedere a tutti Friends of ideas, hints, tips and pats on the back and of course your blessing to you. About this project: "My

rispostina:" Dear Robert, my answer is a strong encouragement to continue to take the lead ... This means "do the right thing." A hug, "writes

Theatre temple in Rome:" We are planning next summer's MUSIC FESTIVAL OF NATIONS (Concerts of the Temple - Rome, Italy). Would you participate? "

Examined at the Accademia dei Georgofili the relationship between agriculture and the environment during the Roman and the Early Middle Ages - Read more:

Vittorio Marinelli writes: "European Consumers, Consumer Associations registered with CRUC of Lazio, with a statement -complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome has highlighted, once again, the dangers of the road surface and the failure of the Capital of Italy "

Salvatore Barbera Greenpeace writes:" From press reports we learn that in Japan (hereinafter the earthquake) were off twenty nuclear reactors in four plants. We are concerned in particular the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which may have damaged the cooling systems of reactors and deposits dei rifiuti radioattivi. Anche se vengono spenti immediatamente, i reattori devono essere raffreddati e servono grandi quantità di acqua per evitare il rischio di surriscaldamento e fusione. Anche se ben progettato, un reattore è vulnerabile ai terremoti e le operazioni di riparazione in una centrale nucleare possono richiedere tempi lunghi e costi non indifferenti. Noi continueremo a monitorare, sperando che le indagini sugli impatti agli impianti vengano condotte in modo indipendente e comunicate al pubblico. Non permettere che il nucleare minacci anche l'Italia. Puoi fermare i piani nucleari del nostro governo votando SI al referendum. Chiedi a Maroni di accorpare l'appuntamento referendario con le elezioni amministrative di maggio"

Scrive Guido Arne Petrangeli: "Guys around you the link to this article in the blog of my colleague and friend, so that reconstructs the incredible story of Silvio and the various Bunga Bunga. Http:// across-the-truth-on-sexygate-of-sb.html - see you soon and let me know what you think ... "

writes Ecological Centre of Culture, "Saturday, March 19, 2011 regular appointment with the market in organic agricultural products at the Center for Ecological Culture Regional Park Urban Aguzzano,
Via Fermo Corni, snc - Rome

Anto writes:". Bini Smaghi .. I spoke with at a party and I looked astonished when I spoke of seigniorage, when I said that central banks are private. Gentlemen, this does not give neinte of what we say. Both have the levers of power in their hands ... "

José de Sousa Saramago writes:" I have always considered myself an atheist because atheism as a quiet public militancy seemed to me something useless, but now I'm changing my mind. At reactionary insults of the Catholic Church must respond with the insolence of intelligence alive, good sense of the word responsible. We can not allow the truth to be offended every day by the alleged representatives of God on earth which really only interested in the power »

Well, if all goes well, you again tomorrow ... hello Saul / Paul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

Hell is having the right perception of things
and discover that the truth is not acceptable;
is knowing that the suffering and inner torment
increase the awareness and knowledge that acquire;
is having to play the game of lying hypocrites because
sincerity attorney irritation and often contrasts
is to discover that generosity and altruism are often
of many aspects of the same selfishness
is fighting for a better world
and not even realize that this is shared by all;
is to live in a society in which abound the rogues and scoundrels to know and be honest
isolated and marginalized;
is being whitewashed tombs of the same table and having to meet the
their perversions;
is knowing that every day millions of animals are tortured and killed
and experience their powerlessness to stop this massacre;
is to note that while people talk of respect and peace
contributes his choices to generate hatred and war, it is noted that while
s'invoca sharing and the Justice
young people are educated in the competition and violence, not love. Free

Franco Manco


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