Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Do Mouth Swab For Thrush

The magazines of Saul of March 7, 2011 - Avenza of Samos, who carries out the Pope's Jews, natural diet, water and arsenic, Agri.Bio, deep ecology The magazines

Care, dear, are

Spilamberto, sorry for the delay but I had to nick this issue today's comic books of Saul stmattina in a hurry ...

Lucilla Casta writes: “Ciao a tutti, sono stata invitata a questa presentazione e posso invitare altri, il curatore della rivista è di Cecina e sarà presente. La presentazione sarà al Centro Samo ad Avenza di Carrara, il centro è vicino all'uscita dell'autostrada di Carrara. Per info 3356093925. La signora che gestisce il Centro, Daniela del Carlo, proviene da Donoratico e ha aperto una Scuola di Counseling ad Avenza, ma lei è un bio architetto da tanti anni a Carrara, che senz'altro sarà interessante conoscere, è possibile portare amici alla presentazione e fare pubblicità ...”

Ci stiamo preparando il discorso sull'alimentazione naturale dell'uomo, in previsione dell'incontro del 7 maggio a Treia, intanto vi step in this exchange of views:

Naomi Longo writes: "Bungi0rno Paul, you turn the mail that h received this morning on a conference on animal rights, vegetarianism, ecology, archeology, vegetarian animal rights organizations in the EU .. UVA experiments presented in collaboration with "animals, Vegetarianism, Ecology, Archaeology" Speakers Massimo Andellini (Bioarchitetto UVA-President), Peter White Massimiliano (APAT Ecologist - Technical and Scientific Committee UVA), The urgency of the History of Vegetarianism knocks at the door: welcome or perish? Dr. Laura VignaAnimalismo nell'antichità. Venerdi' 11 marzo ore 18 Libreria Archeologica Via Sannio, 42/D-E Roma, ingresso libero. Info: 06-70451648”

Scrive Vincenzo Mannello: “Leggo solo oggi l'articolo di Giacomo Galeazzi del 3 scorso sul "Papa che assolve gli ebrei". Da quanto scritto dallo articolista , che riporta frasi di Benedetto XVI, il Pontefice sembrerebbe arrampicarsi sugli specchi per poter dimostrare come non siano stati gli ebrei, in quanto popolo, a far giudicare e condannare Gesù ma solo "parti" di esso che nulla avevano a che fare con il "tutto". Addirittura fa balenare l'idea che siano stati i precursori delle grandi dittature future (magari quella nazista!). Quindi avevano torto gli Apostoli, historians, the church itself, with all the Popes, to the fury of the last wire Jewish Popes. However ill always reciprocated by the Jews themselves, religious or not, which continues with impunity to put forward new demands. And while we're here, would be good to understand why Jesus is regarded as a jew born favorite son of Israel, but as to the guilt of his death, this would affect other "

My comment:" I read a bit 'surprised this letter Vincent ... My feeling is that he wants to say, Pope Ratzinger feels the need to forgive the Jews ... but he himself was pardoned by the Jews? It would appear not! - Then, dear Vincent, I am not at all religious (of any part) and so I can tell you that you have guessed! "

Agri.Bio Emilia Romagna writes:" We inform you that our association is looking to organize some cultural events in the region information in the 'scope of a project that has as its primary objective the encounter between two different dimensions, the town with that of the peasants of the countryside "- Continue: -City-Country /

Marco Bracci writes: "Dear Paul, I would like to take advantage of your magazines to make a report on arsenic pollution of water" potable " which is said to affect mainly Tuscany and Lazio. This problem is solved by adopting the best purifier made in Switzerland Filopur, present in 60 countries for almost 40 years, including the CN filter (anti-nitrates treatment / nitrite ... and arsenic). Filopur prerogative in respect of reverse osmosis filters is that preserves the valuable minerals in the water, thus contributing to the reduction of the blood, the primary cause of the worst human diseases. Also great is the water in and out so much is that, while osmosis you get to download up to 7 liters of water per liter useful. Candelise is the only retailer authorized to sell Filopur in Italy over the Internet. With Filopur you'll save over buying mineral water, it avoids the use of plastic bottles polluting and labor supply. Anyone interested can visit, where you will also find the contact details for further information. Thank you and good day, "Mario Spinetti

writes:" I posted his article on my site to Ecology Prodonda seguenye link: = & = & site = news1_categoria + Deep Ecology & news1_id = 1249147 & local_page =
Sincerely "We

greet us here? Hello, Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:



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