Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tailoring Saree Blouse

The magazines of Saul of March 9, 2011 - Biomass and Energy, Terme dei Papi di Viterbo, Alberto Granado is dead, vegan in Macerata, thieves in the bank ... The comic

Care, dear,

usually end up with a poem ... But this time we begin with a poem, the question of the hymn written by the imaginative biomass Benito Castorina, which allegorically sings http://retebioregionale.ilcannocchiale.it/2011/03/08/bioregionalismo_ed_energia_dal.html

writes Veientes Furious , on the Libyan case, "Dear friends, I want to tip the balance, saying ...... I think that Berlusconi has forged a tentative agreement or arrangement for mutual aid sharing of Italian bases ..... and perhaps an agreement on mutual military assistance ..... No coincidence that Putin spoke at a public demonstration outside a rather cryptic phrase in Berlusconi's help ...... and I think in the coming weeks the picture will be much clearer and something along these lines will emerge ..... After all, it is explained why this hasty (in my opinion) staging organized for the sole and only purpose of allowing Anglo American neocons to put your feet on the ground in Libya as soon as possible. True that the Americans have now the "reserve tanks "..... but the rush dave have other urgent and pressing "stimuli." So I think the American hegemony in the Mediterranean (in spite of all appearances to the contrary) has reached a crisis point and ireversibile untenable. Laudetur Priapus, Pan et Sol Invictus ... "- Continue: http://altracalcata-altromondo.blogspot.com/2011/03/libia-italia-interconnessioni-e.html Scrive

Hari Atma: "Come DICI semper, anche tu, mio \u200b\u200bdolce Paolo ..." the volonté sia \u200b\u200bfatta di Dio! " Felice March 8th magical and mysterious alla tua anima "femminile" e che sa sa free mostrarsi raccogliere grembo dal la vita di Madre Terra! "

Federica Cresci Scrive:" Alberto Granado, the friend and companion of guerrilla Ernesto "Che" Guevara his youth on a motorcycle trip through South America, died today in Havana at the age of 88. Granado, born on August 8, 1922 in Cordoba (Argentina) and living in Cuba since 1961, died of natural causes, said his son Alberto Granado. Granado, a loyal friend of Cuba will be cremated this Saturday in Havana and his ashes will be scattered in Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela, according to his will. Childhood friend of Che, was his companion during a motorcycle trip undertaken in 1952 in South America, a journey that awakened the political consciousness of the Argentine guerrilla. On "La Poderosa" Granado's motorcycle, toured much of the Southern Cone until nine months later, split in Venezuela.Esa vicissitudes was filmed in 2004 in the movie "Motorcycle Diaries", directed by Brazilian Walter Salles and starring Gael García Bernal in the role of Che and Argentine Rodrigo de la Serna as Alberto Granado.Tras that trip Granado regresó a Argentina para trabajar como bioquímico, pero, tras el triunfo de la revolución cubana, el Che le invitó a venir a La Habana y, un año después decidió afincarse en la isla con su esposa, Delia, y sus hijos. En 2008 Alberto Granado viajó a Argentina para participar en las celebraciones del 80 aniversario del nacimiento del Che Guevara en la ciudad de Rosario. Su último viaje al exterior fue a Ecuador hace algunos meses, según dijo a EFE su hijo, quien destacó que su padre fue un “gran revolucionario” y un hombre que amaba mucho la vida”

Scrive Lamberto Cesaroni: “Buongiorno! Dal 14 marzo parte una nuova iniziativa per affrontare l\'argomento funerale more human, intimate, possibly secular. From what I see on your site I think that an article about it ... might be of interest to your visitors - http://www.funeralealternativo.org "

Trog Tribe writes:" On 26 February, around 15, we set up a table on a Garibaldi in Macerata. The aim was to make vegan Isa also feel a presence in this city. As they walked along the road numerous fur collars, we began distributing leaflets informing about the real owners of those "garments" and how they were treated "- Continue:
http://paolodarpini.blogspot.com/2011/03/troglodita -tribe-and-the-appuntamenti.html

Faperdue John writes in an open letter to the Mayor of Viterbo, on the future of the Baths, "If the spa (the Popes) are" our "really, really, and I stress, they should give some small fruit (see tariff reductions) to all Viterbo immediately, without waiting for the biblical times in 2033. Otherwise we have to agree with that someone, like myself, who spoke of termites and Bullicame, has long defined the poor citizens of Viterbo, not owners of the Spa (the Popes), but only servants, horns and blow "- continued:
http://www.circolovegetarianocalcata.it/2011/03/08/giovanni-faperdue-% e2% 80% 9cma-spa-of-the-popes-of-Viterbo Viterbo-am-the-% e2% 80 % 9d /

Frigiola Savino writes: "A bank robbery is nothing compared to the robbery of the bankers. This awareness, wonderfully felt by Bertolt Brecht, is spreading with geometrical progression, as well as the perception that most of the current woes are to be charged to them. The only ones to notice are not only just the bankers who continue to work with the old and rusty that strategy worked well when the planned ignorance did not allow the masses to understand their misdeeds. In the face of increased raw materials and energy caused by speculation from their pilots, they claim to support, without any shame, to practice in the interest of the patient, bloodletting for those suffering from anemia. Horned and clubs. More and more people continue to nasare ... "

writes Francesco D'Ingiullo:" Long live women not only on 8 March and not only with the mimosas! We remember the events of March: 19:20: Course of self sandals near Pescara - March 27: Course of bread in my house in Palmoli (Chieti). Info figliodelnibbio@libero.it "writes

Antonio Pantano:" DEATH IS NOT 'IN NOT BEING ABLE TO COMMUNICATE, BUT CAN NOT BE MORE IN' FALLING ... "(PPPasolini) - Let me comment, on the fly, dear" fellow Veronese "Pasolini thought this (man of" cinema "who created his most good film in its half of anger, to me, "revealed" to unbelievers and "not aware" - then "Not stated" Italian journalists and filmmakers about twenty-five years ago 'and the other half was of Giovanni Guareschi, and the uncertain Pasolini, a day after the premiere, I got the withdrawal from service, fearing a confrontation with the other, but ignores that both created a large document!)! Death is only drinking every day what is imposed on us, and, drunk, in supporting the swallowed poison! That is, in wanting to be ignorant, resigned to that condition! Ie: to believe without thinking, to discern and understand! The lack of understanding of others (especially the silly and resigned) is often a virtue! Dear saluti1 "

Let's enjoy this fine ... Various Regards, Saul / Paul

... ... ... ..

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"In a vision I was shown a bird learning to fly. His efforts
e. .. Rano very weak, but as more and more used to the wings they are reinforced, until he found the freedom of flight and was able to rise to great heights and fly long distances without effort. I heard the words: Faith comes with practice; of faith alive, until it becomes firm, like a rock, and find the true freedom of spirit. "

(Eileen Caddy - The My flight to freedom)


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