Monday, March 7, 2011

Plantar Fibroid Tumor

Saul 8 March 2011 - International Women's Day, ecology and yoga , the feast of the unification of Italy, horses Ronciglione landfill in La Spezia

Care, dear, we are now ready to

Women's Day, remember the date for the romantic walk in search of mimosa trees? e2% 80% 9cdonna humanity-man-% e2% 80 % 9d /

Frank writes: "The 'March 8th is becoming now, a day when everyone is allowed to wash his conscience, and then return after the first free"

also another festival is approaching, the unification of Italy, writes about the Russis De Vito: "A few words .. so much confusion! The next will be March 17, 2011 'National Day for the 150th anniversary of' Italy. The people of poets, heroes, scientists, navigators, etc.. born and raised confusion. Confusion instrumentally created to divert attention from the real problems of why people, this recurrence is established, with a few words (which end any debate) "-Continued: Decree-Law-of-22-February-2011-n-5.html

Chicca writes: "Hello Paul, a friend of Sonia. I am very happy with what you're planning to Treia! I'd like to make my contribution if possible and if useful. I start with a lesson in yoga available also to enable families to participate and bring their children to the event. A hug and good luck to all! "

rispostina Mia" Cara Chicca, I'm glad of your letter that shows interest and desire to collaborate in the festival. I believe that yoga is an excellent discipline that can help people to remain healthy and in good humor .. and in fact yoga can be considered a "natural cure" so in keeping with the theme of the event Treia. But I think there will be lots of children .. to care, that does not mean that if you want to participate in the roundtable on May 7 to submit your brief project healthy, you're welcome. If you could, if you want, give a demonstration on 8 May afternoon, the adults ..? However if you are close to Treia meet me and talk, you can call me at 0733/216293 - or from Catherine 333.6023090. I am currently in Spilamberto Treia and go back next week "

Eleonora D'Andrea writes:" Hereby we are pleased to invite you here at the opening of the exhibition Catherine Sbrana & Domenico Grenci. From March 12 to May 1, 2011, Via Gioberti 14 - MEADOW - OPENING Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 17.30 to 21.00. Info "

Antonello Ricci writes:" Thursday, March 10 to 17 second appointment of the third edition of Afternoon Coffee Schenardi. Traveling with Giuseppe Gioachino Belli is the title of the next meeting, the speaker will be Professor. Vincenzo De Caprio, The entrance is free (Info: Vincenzo Ceniti Touring Console, cell. 334.7579879) "writes Juliet

Blue:" Hello beautiful, here we are with the pre invitation then April 17 is the genuine Clandestino in Naples immediately after the CIR from EVA (eco-village self-built houses of straw) to Pescomaggiore, Aquila April 20 to 24 "Continued:

writes Pitelli Committee March 8 all day SIT-IN IN PIAZZA BEVERINO
FLYERS / CALL IN VIEW OF' LAST day of the trial of the century! Pitelli MORE '. Info "

writes Max Steel:" Dear friends, the new issue of secret, with the theme Love, was released. The magazine, as always, is particularly rich contributions of poetry, short stories, reviews and interviews. We thank those who contributed to the magazine. The next theme, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, will be dedicated to our country. Deadline for delivery of text: May 31. The new issue of the magazine can be read online at website "

writes Antonella pedicels in response to the letter of Vincelli Mannello on the condition of public schools in Italy:" Dear Enzo, I respond with pleasure to his remarks and apologize for being late in this, but his speech I had just "escaped"! Meanwhile, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to brush up some personal reflections on the Italian school, but too long to be treated. There are some areas, allow me to point out that she has a little 'rap "in my" venting "a few days ago.' So I ask you about: why I say I have extended my experiences personal assessment of the sector in which it operates? It is not possible, and it is obvious, "do all the same brush! I told ... "Tales" one of my personal experience, as a result of an attack rather "inappropriate" a character "important" and "representative" in my "State"; I extern "emotions" that perhaps, today, may appear trivial , but which allow an individual, any individual, to "feel alive" ... I noted also that respect and "honor", the political figure (above) that represents me, so my speech was not addressed to him "personally" ... She then speaks of "fighting" against this person, Therefore, at this point, maybe it's she who is extending his "personal assessment" (among other things, not even requested) to a wider context ..... There are no "weapons" in my words, only one great desire to implement reflections on the value of a "profession" in which many (not all), they invest their "participation in human life," hoping to "collect" some day, (... the time, unfortunately are not short!) good learning experiences and real. I'd love one of his "intervention" in school, between schools, between boys, teachers among us .. seek confrontation, not the continuing "critical", we want to go to the "discovered" and shouting the silence of so many truths that remain trapped in the cobwebs of "cliches", now devoid of nourishment for the mind and "spirit." Best wishes "

Mario writes:" Hello Paul, I take your magazines to inform all readers that Friday 11/3/2011 at 15:00 there will be a meeting on the transition and the ability to activate a group in Vignola. Info "

Vittorio Marinelli writes:" I send you the press release of the meeting at which we are risking the lynching were present offering to an audience composed also of representatives of pharmaceutical companies, the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry ... .. "

Writes Campaign for the animals: "Saturday, March 12 from 10.30 to 12.30 in Piazza Dante, n ° 0 - Chieri (TO) will be held the inauguration and presentation of the" Veganzetta "territory Chieri. The Documentation Center "The Cube" will be screened on loop "A Life Connected - for people on the planet, to animals," video produced by the United Nonviolence. Free admission

And now a good deed, write a letter to the mayor to stop Ronciglione empty runs March 5 ... us another horse died on the cobblestones .. Read all about it:

We are finishing straight and I greet you, Paul / Saul

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"Putting your foot in what you thought
Was a green herb bush, You Had It Stung By Hornets
till it swelled up big.
regret and Why Should You Pay for This
accidental fault as if It Were
Intentional? "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)


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