Sunday, March 6, 2011

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"Spring in Burgundy: the origin of its cover. Page 40 of 10 Rows

Here I report my opinion as an interesting contribution Posted by Emmanuel Prophete on its website " Winning Writer", about the importance of the cover as part of marketing a book.
In my comment I'm talking about how did the cover of "Spring in Burgundy " ... ..

Hello Emanuele, well also found this week! I obviously agree
with you about what you have stated the importance of the cover of a novel (like the rest of his title).
Wanting to any express my personal opinion about it, even at the risk of "failing to appear at all costs" with color pictures and high-sounding, I am firmly convinced that the cover should be a preview and time both a natural continuation of the contents of the book, however, expressed in images.
Speaking from my own experience, I "found" by chance the cover of "Spring in Burgundy" while on holiday in France when I had finished the novel and I did not know if it would be been published or not.
I was just visiting a winery in the company of some friends when suddenly, turning his gaze to the right, I "saw" the cover of my novel.
Again, I had not the slightest assurance that "Spring in Burgundy " would come to light, but in any case I immediately thought that if he was actually published, I suggested to the publisher just as the cover photo of the view that I had so seriously affected.
In effect, what I managed to capture with my digital camera depicted in pictures, among other quite closely, just what I described in a part of my novel.
Also, in my view, the long perspective of the vineyard could well sum up the contrast between the feeling of peace and tranquility evoked by the title, "Spring in Burgundy " precisely, and noir atmosphere that characterize the development of history .
When I then referred to the evaluation of various acquaintances of the draft of the cover and back cover, I was happy to see that most of the people I interviewed had arrived the message that I wanted to "send" . Of course there are those who have relentlessly "cut off" my choice. Of resto sono pienamente consapevole del fatto che non possiamo accontentare sempre tutti. Ma questa รจ un’altra storia…. : -D

Consiglio inoltre di leggere anche l’intero contributo di Emanuele ed i relativi commenti di alcuni lettori del suo seguitissimo sito. Ecco il link:
27 – Svelati i Segreti delle Copertine dei Best Seller ( col Bunga Bunga ).


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