Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Should A Dying Wart Look Like

The magazines of Saul of March 4, 2011 - Francesca, aid to Libya, No wind in Piansano, peasant agriculture, TV and Franco Augello, Naomi ... The magazines

Care, dear, dear Sister

our spiritual Francesca, companion Cyrus, left the mortal body, communicates it to Cyrus himself: "Francesca ... has left the body the day before yesterday ... for respiratory failure, renal and cardiac ... 9 months later of lung disease and rheumatic pain ... I can not believe it ... pray for us, thanks to you soon ... kisses "- I reply: My dear brother Cyrus, the face of pain felt when the companion of life leaves the body ... The words do not need. My heart clings to your hoping to convey warmth and peace. I also think his daughter Francesca to be upset .. and also she is my benevolent thought. That the departure of Frank has taken place near the Shivaratri gives me hope for his noble soul. Be firm in faith! Your brother.

to say no to 270 wind turbines that will destroy the ecosystem and the landscape of Piansano (VT), writes in the Loggia: "Here is the text of open letter, so please give the widest possible dissemination. A similar test with the adjustments necessary, was prepared for the people of the area of \u200b\u200breference. Thank you very much for your cooperation and solidarity "- Read more: e2% 80% 9cper-say-no -to-heavy-slaughter-environmental-of-270-wind-towers-in-common-to-Tuscan-canine-cell-Arlena-of-castro-Tessennano-% e2% 80% 9d-and-known-addition /

writes Gianfranco Spiezia: "The blood of the South's Unification and anti-historical brigandage. The appointment is for Monday, March 7, 2011 at 18:30 in the Multipurpose Room of the Museum Crocetti, Via Cassia 492 Rome. Info "- Remarks on the left by Giorgio Vitali:" I will surely present in this particular event. I take this opportunity to recall that the truth finally unveiling our Risorgimento confirm the position of all those, improper or insulting called conspiracy theorists, that to understand events, far from clear, recent history, making use of all information. okkultate Especially those "

writes Greenpeace Italy: "Hello Paul, between April 15 and June 15 we will vote in a referendum that will stop the return of nuclear power in Italy. We ask the Honourable Minister of Interior Roberto Maroni referendum to merge the event with the local elections to be held in many cities in May. (cyber) & = & utm_content SilverpopMailing utm_source = "

Vittorio Marinelli writes:" A round table on water, public good and quality service 'will be held on March 8, 2011 at 10:30 am in the Conference Hall of the Chamber of Deputies (Via del Pozzetto 158)"

Scrive Serenella Ballore: “Carissimi, vi comunico che in partenership con l'associazione "Forza Vitale" di Ardea Roma, stiamo organizzando il corso di L.A.C. Logo Armonia Consapevole "La comunicazione dal Cuore" Utile ad imparare a creare la propria realtà desiderata! Un meraviglioso abbraccio di luce 3935802828”

Scrive Tmnews: "Germania: Dona seme a coppia lesbica, ora gli chiedono alimenti. Una donazione costata cara: un professore tedesco di 52 anni potrebbe presto dover pagare gli alimenti a un figlio nato da una coppia lesbica alla quale aveva donato lo sperma..." - Commento di Giorgio Vitali: "IN QUESTI CASI LA CURA CI SAREBBE: QUANDO QUALCUNO è PRESO DAL DELIRIO LEAVE YOUR SEED FOR CHARITY, AND SHOULD TAKE the victim, RIVOLTATOLO WITH EASY STEPS TO KARATE learn from Chuck Norris, DENUDATOLO, backside INSERT IN SOME OF HIS BLOOD OF A JOINT BLACK PEPPER PEPPER. THE END OF THE TREATMENT BY CHARGED FOR A FEW DAYS, THE YOUTH WILL BE FULLY RESTORED TO GOOD PRACTICES Heterosexuals, especially without charitable impulses. Great benefit to humanity ... "

Econews writes:" Two planes left for France in Benghazi with doctors, nurses and medical supplies: will be the beginning of a massive humanitarian support to the people of liberated territory . So Francois Fillon said on the radio (head of government French). He went on: it is considering the adoption of military measures. France will be the best friend the next Government Libya? "

part of the political campaign 'Agriculture and rural migrant seasonal work' next March 11 to 17 a delegation of trade unionists, farmers, associations, lawyers and researchers from five countries Europeans, in fact-finding mission will travel to Calabria, where resides a volunteer from November, which monitors the situation of migrant agricultural workers and has made contact with local realities. - Continue: Bioregionalism-e-Agriculture-contadina.html

Augello Franco writes: "Dear amici, mi riferisco alla osservazione di Vincenzo Mannello che trovo utile come occasione di riflessione. La TV è uno degli strumenti di comunicazione straordinario, a differenza di cinema libri e giornali arriva direttamente nelle case ogni giorno in ogni momento della giornata, questa la sua forza ed il suo pericolo. Per questo motivo il pericolo aumenta quando il possesso delle emittenti è concentrato nelle mani di poche persone. I telegiornali, che sono visti e rivisti ogni giorno da almeno l'80% degli Italiani sono strumento di informazione? Per venire alla maggioranza di noi, credo, c'è una informazione che circola poco nelle TV, la recente legge che attribuisce ai privati la distribuzione e la vendita dell'acqua potabile. L'ACQUA POTABILE! The most vital asset we have with air. If the technology enabling it to harness even the air ...? Perhaps it is true that the majority of authors of books is on the left, the authors do not care the publishers (who pays the advertising costs are the publishers of course) is for us to understand what is served up. I wonder how he managed to expand the thinking of the left where the levers of power centers of communication and training (publishers, producers and film distributors, ministries of education and communication)
largely in the hands of the right. Just a thought "

Some of our readers objected:" You are always there to denounce this or that injustice, this or that bullshit law, etc.. etc. But what are your alternatives? "Here's some advice that finally comes to us unexpectedly ....; html

Gloria on comments received from above: "Dear Paul, very interesting. I have almost all the practical points that Joseph mentioned - I do not see in most television for almost 8 years! I live very well, reading newspapers a practice that is less passive than watching television. Also, try to understand why we got here, which I've had enough clear. Because if we do not have what are these errors, will be difficult not to take others. You may want to read it on G. Germani, Tiziano Terzani: the revolution within ourselves, Longanesi 2008. See you soon! "My

rispostina:" Gloria, thanks for expressing your opinion, this is also a sign of sharing label ... be able to communicate with each other and pass on their life experiences and feelings ... For example what you said on TV I own, the always handy and I always thought that the TV-it-is completely useless (a passive information system) and is certainly preferable to ask here on the web ... Provided they do not become a habit, such as chat or woof of the pissy pissy fesbucco ... "

Noemi writes: "... nu ... and 'the unic0 m0d0 to fend quand0 n0n funzi0nan0 keys on the keyboard .... shhhhh .... 0ppure p0ssiam0 st0 c0dificand0 say that a linear nu0va B. .. giust0 giust0 public transportation here in the R0ma nemmen0 garantisc0n0 A! Cia0 Saul. S0rrisi you and Catherine "

With that I greet you, see you tomorrow, hello Paul / Saul


poetic thought of the after magazines:

Words like

wires protrude into the void

they 'know how


save lives.

Stupid as stupid as the moon





they do cry.

(Aloisi Ricciardo)


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