Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Difference Carl Zeiss And Sony Lens

Saul of March 2, 2011 - Anti-mafia Caravan, clouds, water and arsenic, psychohistory and the I Ching, two gold, Deputies, banks and schools

Care, dear, writes

Caravan International Anti-Mafia:" On March 2, the Caravan arrive in Viterbo: from 15 campers will support two to Theatre Square with their loads of information materials, publications and mafia activity to promote the rule of law. At 16, in the Conference Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, will host a meeting with the citizens with the screening of the documentary film The Fifth Mafia, "writes

Sant'Innovazio from the Internet:" The attacks of our picturesque Chairman of the Board to state school and the referral of complaints to state that hold it hostage help us understand the paradoxical situation in which we find ourselves prisoners ordinary citizens ... "He continues: http://altracalcata-altromondo.blogspot. com/2011/03/attacchi-alla-scuola-pubblica-un-parere.html

Antonio Borghesi writes: "I am the deputy who works harder," writes

Antonio Pantano, about the gold sold by the banks .. "you start to sell ....????? OR HAVE A CASE NUMBER? Who wrote" if a state starts selling "NOTHING HAS GOT IT! It is not" state ", but very private central bank of the same name it, that "sells" (Perhaps at its governor, in private! Or his aunt!) To "market" in any "transparency" (as the news spread quietly anxiety). Good sleep! ... and then, the ITALIAN (from legendary GOLD OF THE BANK OF ITALY, never left Italy during the war, but removed May 5, 1945 the victorious Allies, and then "brought back" against debt of U.S. $ 700,000,000 by Einaudi in 1948-49) they know nothing and need to know! That's why were glad when Ciampi Band'Italia risen from politics! Best wishes (and "hold me at gunpoint," between 10 days !)..."

Charles writes about AIDS Council: "My dear, you're right Daniele Bricchi, the real cause of AIDS is lifestyle, HIV has nothing to do, say it also three Nobel laureates, AZT has killed a lot of people, see my website at "counter-AIDS." Hello "

Marica Di Pierri writes:" Attention, attention, March 3 to h. 11 will be in Rome in Piazza Montecitorio a garrison for the public water and anti-nuclear, compact, act "- Press Release: 2011-defense-in-piazza.html

writes Maria Mantello: "IF THE FREE STATE SCHOOL - Sunday, March 6, 2011 - 10:30 - Rome - Via Andrea Doria 79 (MA - Cyprus) (room del circolo Giustizia e Libertà). La scuola statale è comunità educante e dialogante, luogo di esercizio del pluralismo, del confronto, della dialettica, del pensiero divergente.
Scuola democratica perché laica. Scuola di rispetto e di fiducia nell’emancipazione individuale attraverso la cultura. E cultura è ricerca. Capacità di rompere i circoli dell’identico, compresi i condizionamenti del gruppo originario di appartenenza. Scuola di libertà d’insegnamento e d’apprendimento nel metodo scientifico. Scuola che educa ad essere padroni della propria mente nell’esercizio e sviluppo delle capacità analitico-critiche. Compiti alti e delicati che solo una scuola che non ha padroni né fideismi can perform. This free school is the only state school. A school that bothers those who want only to citizens but subjects. FREE ENTRY. Info: 3297481111; liberopensiero.giordanobruno @ "

Osvaldo Ercoli writes:" Lifting his head in the sand and face the reality we must realize that our water for human consumption contain arsenic at high rates as analysis confirms many ... " Continue: e2% 80% e2% 80%% 9cl 99arsenico-nellacqua-and-a-poison-it-to-read -no-you-can-they-will-fall-neutralize-% e2% 80% 9d /

writes Savino Frigiola: "Withdraw money at the counter" physical "of the bank, instead of ATM? Caution, can be a bloodletting. He's spreading the 'tax on cash." To withdraw their money from the account, very often, now you pay for. For the current account BNL's letters have just arrived. The bank led by Fabio Gallia announced that, from April 18, any sampling of liquids in the agency, less than 2 thousand euro, will have to pay € 3. That is to say that whoever takes it collects only 97 € 100 . The rest - 3%, in this case - ends at the bank. Worse than the salt tax, All quiet? "

writes Adele Caprio Cloud: "You are invited to the symposium entitled" Let's talk about death to speak of Life "that avrà luogo a Modena dal 1° al 3 aprile 2011 e a cui parteciperemo in qualità di relatori... con un interessante contributo sui significati nascosti delle fiabe, una lettura esoterica dell'opera di Shakespeare e una riflessione sull'energia dei colori... pensieri di luce a tutti. Info.”

Che ci sia un'attinenza indiscutibile fra l'emissione energetica e la materia è un fatto conosciuto da chiunque, prima ancora delle scoperte della fisica quantica. Basti vedere l'azione dell'energia solare e della sua captazione utile ai processi vitali sulla Terra… Energia e materia sono strettamente interconnesse ed a un certo livello indistinguibili l'una dall'altra. Ed alla base del loro apparire in specifiche forme e modi c'è la mutazione costante e continua, una sorta di saliscendi che fra l'una e l'altra polarità che consente la manifestazione dell'universo conosciuto. - Continua:

Commento di Caterina Regazzi al testo soprastante: “... Ma, come si fa a "spogliarsi della separazione che ci impedisce di percepire l’insieme di cui siamo parte integrante"? E' una cosa che va e viene, a volte pare senza motivo, a volte pare che una spintarella un qualcosa ce lo possa dare, per esempio il bene, l'affetto che mi susciti e che non si ferma a te, ma che trasborda e va oltre...”

My rispostina: "I just love. For what Ramana said, "that is achieved with the awareness that at the beginning when the effort becomes stable is called creation ...". Sweet love, our true nature is to be accepted for
able to recognize as our true nature ... The mind has always a tendency to separate, because that's the way it "knows" the objects ... We accept the truth cloaked in quiet mode (ie not make it our own) .. Consciousness was never actually separates perception is simple ... "

With that I greet you affectionately, your Saul / Paul

... .....

poetic thought of the after magazines

AS IN A MIRROR We find in the other

what's inside of us.

If we see around us is because there is only mud

mud in some part of us.
When we are truly changed,

everything will be changed around us.

(the mother)


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