Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Tell The Difference Between Mono And

11 March 2011 - Earthquakes in view of apparent death, microwave oven, professional recognition, Molfetta, Libya ...

back issues, lost and recovered, the magazines of Saul

Care, dear,

this afternoon I'm going back in the Marches, in Treia, along with Catherine .. we have to play the bureaucratic requirements and practices for the implementation of the refurbishment of the new headquarters of the Club, in anticipation of the inauguration of 8 May 2011. Come on guys .. you can speak again of the doomsday predictions of Raffaele Bendandi and Giordano Bruno. Pending the end of the world "provided by the Maya for 2012: e2% 80% 99akasha-fantasy-and- history% e2% 80% a6 /

Catherine writes: "Dear Paul, I'm glad that this morning you gave me the input to think about my behavior, my reactions towards my fellow men. Sometimes I
salt as a tension inside that "explodes" in a more or less strong and aggressive, taking advantage of any opportunity (an object moved, a response is not acceptable, the answer to which, however, we "support" a load that is in addition, that is there underneath it all, and that's what makes me hurt tendons, badly behind, sometimes a bit 'of an upset stomach). I carry around a burden that I do not know what it depends on and makes me face life in a somewhat 'heavy. Rationally I know that I have a much easier time than many other people, but I often pass these periods when everything seems laborious and difficult and I would run away, yes, even from myself. The good thing is that now I know and I know that is a period that will pass soon, as has already spent more times, each time I hope you never go and who knows, perhaps, indeed, I hope and believe, will happen sooner or later . At times I feared to collapse, but really you're the tree with its roots keep me from crumbling and you're the light that mi nutre e mi consente di far germogliare e svilupparsi la vita che è in me, ma purtroppo le vecchie abitudini, i sensi di colpa, le insicurezze e la mia scarsa autostima mi fanno assumere un atteggiamento difensivo che oltre che essere inutile, è anche controproducente…. Ma in fondo cosa dovrei mai espiare? Ed un passo oggi un passetto domani, la meta sembra più vicina. E oggi, sopra all'orizzonte, si è fatto vedere anche il sole. Una mano tesa, in questo quadro, è tutto ciò che necessita, e c'è…. Ah! Ora mi sento più leggera, ho "dimenticato" il peso!”

Scrive Francesco D’Ingiullo: “Ultimamente sono stato in Turchia ed ho incontrato delle persone che parlavano Esperanto. I was able to attend a lesson in Esperanto for students in a private university. It 'really a beautiful language! If you like to learn (took me a week reading a grammar base to have a conversation with a Japanese!) You can request a free grammar And if you do not agree, then you improve your English! "

know the consequences of budget policy in ASL? Well acted on a matter the Supreme Court:

Donaudi Gianni writes: "FAIR OF SELF , 27 marzo 2011, dalle 11 alle 23. Piazza Municipio, Centro Storico di Molfetta. Un'altra economia è possibile. Imperdibile appuntamento per tutti coloro che hanno in mente un futuro diverso da quello imposto dalle logiche economiche attuali. Il nostro futuro..”

Scrive Claudio: “All'epoca medievale, citata dal discendente aleramico Manfredi Lanza, il Piemonte non esisteva, tutta l'area del Nord Ovest era definita unicamente "Lombardia", per cui la definizione di piemontesi e liguri è solamente semplificativa, utilizzata ai fini di una comprensione attuale, e per far capire che furono soprattutto gli abitanti del Piemonte (del Monferrato e delle altre marche aleramiche in particolare) ad accogliere l'appello a trasferirsi in Sicilia e nel Meridione. Una emigrazione di queste dimensioni, un vero e proprio esodo (le stime fornite dagli storici che si sono occupati di questo fenomeno, variano dalle 100 mila alle 200 mila persone), ha ovviamente richiesto parecchi decenni per compiersi, centinaia di viaggi per mare di flottiglie intere, considerando le scarse dimensioni delle navi dell'epoca (generalmente erano "cocche", al massimo con una stazza di mille tonnellate) e che sicuramente il trasporto fu misto, mercantile ed umano, non esistendo navi per il solo trasporto di persone.. Molto probabilmente partirono da tutti i porti disponibili, non solo quello principalmente "aleramico" di Savona (facente parte della Marca Aleramica del 950 d.c. istituita da re Berengario II, come le altre due, Arduinica e Obertenga), ma anche di Noli, Genova e soprattutto Pisa (cioè tutte le repubbliche marinare disponibili nell'area)”

Scrive Valerio Sgalambro: “Ecco a voi la ricetta per ammalarsi velocemente di cancro, usando ogni giorno il fornetto a microonde..” – Leggete tutto:

Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: “NON C’È STATO ALCUN GENOCIDIO DI MIGLIAIA DI MORTI IN LIBIA: (ansa) MEDICI BENGASI, ALL'EST 400 MORTI E 2.000 FERITI - L'insurrezione nell'est Libya has made at least 400 dead and 2,000 wounded since the beginning of the revolt in mid-February. Said on Thursday the medical coordinator of the Eastern cities controlled by insurgents. "There have been 400 deaths since at Derna, Baida, Brega, Benghazi, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad," said Jabar Salah. One fellow, Jibril Huwaida, responding to a question about higher budget provided by the United Nations and the Association for Human Rights, said that doctors have kept the death toll and injured joints in their hospitals ..
ENOUGH WITH THE LIES OF MILITARY INTERVENTION AIMED NATO, UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN POWERS, WHICH HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROPER OIL. NO TO THE "NO FLY ZONE", INVOLVED IN HIT BY AN ACT OF WAR PLANES AND REAL LIBYAN anti-aircraft artillery. Libya has the right to terminate without interference from their own conflicts. SI On an international commission to seek a negotiated solution to the internal conflict TO LIBYA. IS A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS IN LIBYAN by political-diplomatic "writes

Antonio Pantano, Libya on the same theme:" There are people that you lose a game of trump to stain to the "Systems" thinking to solve them! But how many people still believe the "democratic mission" of NATO and the UN, and "independence" of the so-called European Union? You wake up, the deluded! If the "dominant in finance" of the round Bedouin nomadic Gaddafi is no longer needed (and, after 42 years, now stale, shows its true face as a clown - though someone, groped to "educate" gave the market away from the Italian state assets, undeservedly the "Venus of Cyrene "that for decades was kept in Rome's National Museum of the Baths of Diocletian!), it takes little to get rid of! With or without formality! It also happens to Berlusca Bossi and our own, which will be alternated (with the fake elections) by PD quacquaracquà plate or "cleared the left!"

"No more the medal to be recognized .." Thank goodness ... here are the simple rules simple for professional recognition according to European Directives, issued by the Institute of Applied Bremologia:

Postscript - Catherine today I asked "what's' is bremologia?" - I went to see the site of Valerio Sgalambro and here's what I found: "The challenge began as Bremologia unstructured and destructive, as an indicator of social hypocrisy and exposes, not only intellectual people falsely hiding behind high-sounding names, especially those who know a s'assoggettano fell from a purely rational knowledge and arbitrary power which imposes itself with the domain, rather than with the Love of direct experience, then an attempt to humanize science, making it close, real and vital "
Here we are at the bottom, I greet Saul / Paul

... ... ... ... ..

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"The Truth that sets us free is almost always the truth that we do not want to hear, so when we say that something is not true, very often this means that we do not like ..."
(Piero Rossetti)


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