Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dutch Masters Wholesale

The magazines of Saul of March 14, 2011 - Dim or Justice? Coldiretti, Bioregionalism, Italy and the Vatican in Rome SIN, Japan ... The magazines of Saul

Dear, dear,

Mezzano Alexander writes: "When we speak of justice is assumed that the argument concerns what must be understood in the tradition of our law and legal culture that is right for all citizens. Everything that falls outside these parameters is in itself a pretext to attain other objectives other than justice and therefore illegal and fraudulent ... "He continues: alessandro-half-reform-era-or-dimming-of-justice /

Cannata Erika writes: "I gladly forward the press release relating to Terranostra Day, an event organized by Coldiretti Siena on March 27.
There are free buses from Rome to 5 different themed itineraries in the province of Siena. Each tour includes: taste workshops, cooking classes and tasting of farm produce, guided tours of dairies, mills, wineries, stables, gardens and products at kilometer zero. The event is organized to introduce more and more a province that is home to over 1,000 farm holidays, equal to 35% of the regional hospitality industry and one-quarter of farm holidays in Tuscany. Info ass.regiam @ "- More Info:

Writes ass. Free Thought, "March 17, 1861 - March 17, 2011 ITALY has arisen from the Risorgimento to the Resistance. Rome, 17 March 2011 the National Association of Free Thought "Giordano Bruno" set ANPI celebrates the 150th anniversary of the unification 'OF ITALY. Meet: 11.00am - Rome monument Goffredo Mameli the historic Verano cemetery (main entrance, first right), the initiative continues in the afternoon ... "

SIN to Rome:" Until March 20, 2011 is celebrated Italy in the sixteenth edition of the World Brain Awareness Week, an annual celebration dedicated to solicit public awareness about brain research and the participation of the Company Neuroscientifiche di tutto il mondo. Neurologia e donna” uno dei temi portanti di questa edizione. Numerose le iniziative promosse dalla SIN - Società Italiana di Neurologia: reparti aperti, conferenze, dibattiti e lezioni e giochi per i ragazzi delle scuole elementari e medie di tutta Italia. Un’iniziativa rivolta, oltre che al mondo scientifico e agli esperti del settore, al grande pubblico quindi, inclusi i più piccoli"

Scrive Alessandro Curti: “Il Bioregionalismo in Italia,  analizzato senza paraocchi... Stralcio di una lettera - testamento di Alessandro Curti, scritta il 28 settembre 2009, qualche mese  prima delle dimissioni "ideologiche" di alcuni  membri "storici" della Italian Bioregional Network "- Read more:

Antonio Borghesi writes:" What happened in Japan has to reflect also those who are undecided or are supporting the construction of nuclear power plants on the Italian territory. In Japan, contamination from the reactor No. 1 is now a certainty, so that, given the seriousness of the situation, the government has extended 20 kilometers from the area cleared for security reasons "- Then read the letter received from Japan on the impending loss of radioactive -the-bomb-to-watch-the-nuclear-notice-to-mariners /

Circle Futurist writes: "Futurism Vanguard / Avant-garde is the title of Thursday, March 24 to 13 of 16 in the Hall of the Faculty of Humanities at Roma Tre. At the meeting, during which some contributions will also be screened video, will take the art critic Vitaldo Conte, the net-futurist artist Roberto Guerra and two journalists and writers Mario Bernardi Guardi and Adriano Scianca. Modera Valerio Benedetti. Info "

Mannello Vincent writes:" The attitude of the Catholic Church toward the unification of Italy and the transition from heaven to hell, even after the Pope, Cardinal Bagnasco, il responsabile dell'ordine Francescano, scrittori ed altri, oltre ovviamente il conduttore di Oggi2000 radiouno, ci hanno erudito sulle nuove verità delle istituzioni della Chiesa...” - Continua:

Coraggio fratelli, pura stavolta è finita... Ciao, Paolo/Saul


Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:


Ode di odio a tutti i tegami
alle ricette da brava cuoca
e a tutti i ricami.
Non voglio scope
in casa mia o sol per volare
ed andarmene via.
Non voglio casa
not want the roof, but only
forests, mountains, streams and

not have the rejection of the walls.

Graziella Poluzzi


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