Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Optive For Use With Contact Lenses

Saul of March 3, 2011 - TV false, american default, build biological Chieti, eco-village in Piedmont, banks and gold 3 ... The magazines

Care, dear,

Mannello Vincent writes: "TV and tips for buying ... The radio and television broadcasts, irrespective of the bias that often characterize them but do not address today, more and more advertising tool for almost all guests. Obviously, friends and friends of friends, mostly the left, who are or are cited for their works: books, movies, music, theater and professional activities more diverse (from the chef to tenured). All absolutely free (except for rare exceptions) the fact promotional messages that question! Is this a correct observation? Just listen to the radio or watch the various TV shows to give a sincere response. Strangely, some people seem not to look at all: the institutional bodies responsible and for some reason, all the press. Strange, newspapers Campania advertising .. But many journalists write books! "My

rispostina:" Dear Vincent. That are left mostly do not know what to say, as I do not know what to say about the mash television in general ... I do not have TV sets, I never stop to watch TV ... even when I enter a bar with the machine running, do not know. This is also a "council" se vuoi liberarti da certi pesi... e pubblicità invasive. Per l'informazione e la cultura plurale bastano i giornali ed internet..”

Scrive Noemi: “...tr0v0 m0lt bell0 il pensier0 p0etic0 di ieri. Ci riflett0 un po'... ...E salut0 il circ0l0!”

Mia rispostina: “...cos'è... poesia visiva o labbro leporino..?”

Scrive Daniele Carcea: “Il debito degli Stati Uniti vola verso i 15.000 miliardi di dollari, con una percentuale rispetto al Pil di quasi il 100%, se si somma il debito degli Stati Federali, il debito privato delle famiglie, delle banche, delle imprese si arriva quasi al 400% del Pil, quasi 60.000 miliardi di dollari, pari all'intero Pil mondiale. And to make matters worse some federal states are technically bankrupt ..... And Italy? "- Continue:

Marco Bracci writes:" About the tax withdraw cash. Banca Intesa, for a long time, € 2 fee applies to withdrawals at the counter less than 500 €. Once the ATM was out, I went to the door and the cashier gave me € 510. Asked why, I discovered the history of the fee of 2 €. Reflection: The objective of the masters of the world is to have all-electronic, without more "waste paper" (uhh, it makes sense! The touch and everyone who knows how many germs!?). So before they said "if you open an account online I'll give you 3% of net interest income." Then they said "if I remove the counter picks up € 2. ... And then ... until one day there will only be e-money and those who do not want to write no beast in the forehead or hand say "no ID and password to you" and so, as Revelation says, "can no longer either sell or buy." Today, promote credit cards, prepaid cards, etc.. tomorrow will put the chip handyman. In fact, even the doctors today do not look more and explain your symptoms, being intent on writing on the PC, connected to a server with all data of all patients (which bello !!!, se mi succederà un incidente sapranno già di che sangue ho bisogno, che intolleranze e allergie ho,....), ma potranno anche dire: questo è un sovversivo, dichiariamolo in coma irreversibile e togliamogli qualche organo, che ne abbiamo bisogno!".

Scrive Stephania: “Ciao a tutti, insieme a un gruppo di amici stiamo lavorando ormai da due anni ad un progetto per la creazione di un ecovillaggio, recuperando una borgata abbandonata in Val di Susa. Essendo la mia però al momento l'unica famiglia con bambini presente, sento sempre più grande esigenza di trovare altri nuclei familiari con bimbi, che possano unirsi al progetto, considerando fondamentale creare un gruppo consistente di bambini nella township. Clearly the reality of this type is combined very well with the experience of homeschooling, so I am writing to request your help to raise awareness of our project to your friends or whoever you think could potentially be affected, so you have more chances to finally find other families that make live again with us this hamlet in the woods. For more information: "

writes Antonella proposed to forecast seismic Raffaele Bendandi (" ... I must confess that a little ' these predictions, I have created quite a stir .... when I do not know what to think, But surely the figure of Bendandi his theory deserves attention and should be seriously considered. Once again I realize that "official science" is still one of the times of Galileo and Giordano Bruno .. but this is useless to repeat it! "My

rispostina:" Knowledge is always imperfect world ... only self-knowledge is absolute and total "

Writes a couple of guys" Bioregionalism, "moved in Abruzzo:" Dear friends, seeking advice and information when the possibility of self-build a small house without going through a procedure allowed heavy build, but do any construction that remain within the law "- Continue:

Marco Bracci writes:" Paul, I insert in the discussion sales of gold. Currently I am buying and selling commodities, and lately I've been offered deals on gold sales, including one for 5000 and 2 tons from 6000 tons. I became aware of each and offer for sale of 10,000 T. Huge quantities. It is said that the Vatican, the richest state in the world, it has 1,600, possible that there are at least 3 other owners of gold that have put together, 17,000? I think there is much that in a good hoax. Put into service offers to sell such high only serves to drive down the price and, instead, get it up without the gold actually exists in reality "Writes

Free Franco Manco:" The vast majority of people are convinced that the means of information (television, print media ...) are serving the people and that the advertisements or the statements of "experts" are on duty for the benefit of the people ...." He continues:
http://www.circolovegetarianocalcata .it/2011/03/02/vegetarismo-mass-media-e-morte-dellinformazione-libera /

Today is Shivaratri, a day of prayer, meditation and celebration, which can lead change and blessing. We will celebrate in conjunction with the appointment for the study of the I Ching and the Chinese zodiac, which is held in Treia March 6, 2001, to h. 10, the meeting is free and everyone is invited to bring vegetarian food to be shared fraternally. Information phone 0733/216293 - Full program:

Au \u200b\u200brevoir, to demain, Saul / Paul

... .....

poetic thought of the after magazines:

"Those Well Established in the Self
True Being, will never pursue the world's Vile
ways. Such
For Descent Into The False allurement of the World
Is yielding to the weakness animal
Sense For Pleasure "

(Sri Murugan)


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