The magazines of Saul of March 14, 2011 - Dim or Justice? Coldiretti, Bioregionalism, Italy and the Vatican in Rome SIN, Japan ... The magazines of Saul
Dear, dear,
Mezzano Alexander writes: "When we speak of justice is assumed that the argument concerns what must be understood in the tradition of our law and legal culture that is right for all citizens. Everything that falls outside these parameters is in itself a pretext to attain other objectives other than justice and therefore illegal and fraudulent ... "He continues: alessandro-half-reform-era-or-dimming-of-justice /
Cannata Erika writes: "I gladly forward the press release relating to Terranostra Day, an event organized by Coldiretti Siena on March 27.
There are free buses from Rome to 5 different themed itineraries in the province of Siena. Each tour includes: taste workshops, cooking classes and tasting of farm produce, guided tours of dairies, mills, wineries, stables, gardens and products at kilometer zero. The event is organized to introduce more and more a province that is home to over 1,000 farm holidays, equal to 35% of the regional hospitality industry and one-quarter of farm holidays in Tuscany. Info ass.regiam @ "- More Info:
Writes ass. Free Thought, "March 17, 1861 - March 17, 2011 ITALY has arisen from the Risorgimento to the Resistance. Rome, 17 March 2011 the National Association of Free Thought "Giordano Bruno" set ANPI celebrates the 150th anniversary of the unification 'OF ITALY. Meet: 11.00am - Rome monument Goffredo Mameli the historic Verano cemetery (main entrance, first right), the initiative continues in the afternoon ... "
SIN to Rome:" Until March 20, 2011 is celebrated Italy in the sixteenth edition of the World Brain Awareness Week, an annual celebration dedicated to solicit public awareness about brain research and the participation of the Company Neuroscientifiche di tutto il mondo. Neurologia e donna” uno dei temi portanti di questa edizione. Numerose le iniziative promosse dalla SIN - Società Italiana di Neurologia: reparti aperti, conferenze, dibattiti e lezioni e giochi per i ragazzi delle scuole elementari e medie di tutta Italia. Un’iniziativa rivolta, oltre che al mondo scientifico e agli esperti del settore, al grande pubblico quindi, inclusi i più piccoli"
Scrive Alessandro Curti: “Il Bioregionalismo in Italia, analizzato senza paraocchi... Stralcio di una lettera - testamento di Alessandro Curti, scritta il 28 settembre 2009, qualche mese prima delle dimissioni "ideologiche" di alcuni membri "storici" della Italian Bioregional Network "- Read more:
Antonio Borghesi writes:" What happened in Japan has to reflect also those who are undecided or are supporting the construction of nuclear power plants on the Italian territory. In Japan, contamination from the reactor No. 1 is now a certainty, so that, given the seriousness of the situation, the government has extended 20 kilometers from the area cleared for security reasons "- Then read the letter received from Japan on the impending loss of radioactive -the-bomb-to-watch-the-nuclear-notice-to-mariners /
Circle Futurist writes: "Futurism Vanguard / Avant-garde is the title of Thursday, March 24 to 13 of 16 in the Hall of the Faculty of Humanities at Roma Tre. At the meeting, during which some contributions will also be screened video, will take the art critic Vitaldo Conte, the net-futurist artist Roberto Guerra and two journalists and writers Mario Bernardi Guardi and Adriano Scianca. Modera Valerio Benedetti. Info "
Mannello Vincent writes:" The attitude of the Catholic Church toward the unification of Italy and the transition from heaven to hell, even after the Pope, Cardinal Bagnasco, il responsabile dell'ordine Francescano, scrittori ed altri, oltre ovviamente il conduttore di Oggi2000 radiouno, ci hanno erudito sulle nuove verità delle istituzioni della Chiesa...” - Continua:
Coraggio fratelli, pura stavolta è finita... Ciao, Paolo/Saul
Pensiero poetico del dopo Giornaletto:
Ode di odio a tutti i tegami
alle ricette da brava cuoca
e a tutti i ricami.
Non voglio scope
in casa mia o sol per volare
ed andarmene via.
Non voglio casa
not want the roof, but only
forests, mountains, streams and
not have the rejection of the walls.
Graziella Poluzzi
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How To Tell The Difference Between Mono And
11 March 2011 - Earthquakes in view of apparent death, microwave oven, professional recognition, Molfetta, Libya ...
back issues, lost and recovered, the magazines of Saul
Care, dear,
this afternoon I'm going back in the Marches, in Treia, along with Catherine .. we have to play the bureaucratic requirements and practices for the implementation of the refurbishment of the new headquarters of the Club, in anticipation of the inauguration of 8 May 2011. Come on guys .. you can speak again of the doomsday predictions of Raffaele Bendandi and Giordano Bruno. Pending the end of the world "provided by the Maya for 2012: e2% 80% 99akasha-fantasy-and- history% e2% 80% a6 /
Catherine writes: "Dear Paul, I'm glad that this morning you gave me the input to think about my behavior, my reactions towards my fellow men. Sometimes I
salt as a tension inside that "explodes" in a more or less strong and aggressive, taking advantage of any opportunity (an object moved, a response is not acceptable, the answer to which, however, we "support" a load that is in addition, that is there underneath it all, and that's what makes me hurt tendons, badly behind, sometimes a bit 'of an upset stomach). I carry around a burden that I do not know what it depends on and makes me face life in a somewhat 'heavy. Rationally I know that I have a much easier time than many other people, but I often pass these periods when everything seems laborious and difficult and I would run away, yes, even from myself. The good thing is that now I know and I know that is a period that will pass soon, as has already spent more times, each time I hope you never go and who knows, perhaps, indeed, I hope and believe, will happen sooner or later . At times I feared to collapse, but really you're the tree with its roots keep me from crumbling and you're the light that mi nutre e mi consente di far germogliare e svilupparsi la vita che è in me, ma purtroppo le vecchie abitudini, i sensi di colpa, le insicurezze e la mia scarsa autostima mi fanno assumere un atteggiamento difensivo che oltre che essere inutile, è anche controproducente…. Ma in fondo cosa dovrei mai espiare? Ed un passo oggi un passetto domani, la meta sembra più vicina. E oggi, sopra all'orizzonte, si è fatto vedere anche il sole. Una mano tesa, in questo quadro, è tutto ciò che necessita, e c'è…. Ah! Ora mi sento più leggera, ho "dimenticato" il peso!”
Scrive Francesco D’Ingiullo: “Ultimamente sono stato in Turchia ed ho incontrato delle persone che parlavano Esperanto. I was able to attend a lesson in Esperanto for students in a private university. It 'really a beautiful language! If you like to learn (took me a week reading a grammar base to have a conversation with a Japanese!) You can request a free grammar And if you do not agree, then you improve your English! "
know the consequences of budget policy in ASL? Well acted on a matter the Supreme Court:
Donaudi Gianni writes: "FAIR OF SELF , 27 marzo 2011, dalle 11 alle 23. Piazza Municipio, Centro Storico di Molfetta. Un'altra economia è possibile. Imperdibile appuntamento per tutti coloro che hanno in mente un futuro diverso da quello imposto dalle logiche economiche attuali. Il nostro futuro..”
Scrive Claudio: “All'epoca medievale, citata dal discendente aleramico Manfredi Lanza, il Piemonte non esisteva, tutta l'area del Nord Ovest era definita unicamente "Lombardia", per cui la definizione di piemontesi e liguri è solamente semplificativa, utilizzata ai fini di una comprensione attuale, e per far capire che furono soprattutto gli abitanti del Piemonte (del Monferrato e delle altre marche aleramiche in particolare) ad accogliere l'appello a trasferirsi in Sicilia e nel Meridione. Una emigrazione di queste dimensioni, un vero e proprio esodo (le stime fornite dagli storici che si sono occupati di questo fenomeno, variano dalle 100 mila alle 200 mila persone), ha ovviamente richiesto parecchi decenni per compiersi, centinaia di viaggi per mare di flottiglie intere, considerando le scarse dimensioni delle navi dell'epoca (generalmente erano "cocche", al massimo con una stazza di mille tonnellate) e che sicuramente il trasporto fu misto, mercantile ed umano, non esistendo navi per il solo trasporto di persone.. Molto probabilmente partirono da tutti i porti disponibili, non solo quello principalmente "aleramico" di Savona (facente parte della Marca Aleramica del 950 d.c. istituita da re Berengario II, come le altre due, Arduinica e Obertenga), ma anche di Noli, Genova e soprattutto Pisa (cioè tutte le repubbliche marinare disponibili nell'area)”
Scrive Valerio Sgalambro: “Ecco a voi la ricetta per ammalarsi velocemente di cancro, usando ogni giorno il fornetto a microonde..” – Leggete tutto:
Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: “NON C’È STATO ALCUN GENOCIDIO DI MIGLIAIA DI MORTI IN LIBIA: (ansa) MEDICI BENGASI, ALL'EST 400 MORTI E 2.000 FERITI - L'insurrezione nell'est Libya has made at least 400 dead and 2,000 wounded since the beginning of the revolt in mid-February. Said on Thursday the medical coordinator of the Eastern cities controlled by insurgents. "There have been 400 deaths since at Derna, Baida, Brega, Benghazi, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad," said Jabar Salah. One fellow, Jibril Huwaida, responding to a question about higher budget provided by the United Nations and the Association for Human Rights, said that doctors have kept the death toll and injured joints in their hospitals ..
ENOUGH WITH THE LIES OF MILITARY INTERVENTION AIMED NATO, UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN POWERS, WHICH HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROPER OIL. NO TO THE "NO FLY ZONE", INVOLVED IN HIT BY AN ACT OF WAR PLANES AND REAL LIBYAN anti-aircraft artillery. Libya has the right to terminate without interference from their own conflicts. SI On an international commission to seek a negotiated solution to the internal conflict TO LIBYA. IS A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS IN LIBYAN by political-diplomatic "writes
Antonio Pantano, Libya on the same theme:" There are people that you lose a game of trump to stain to the "Systems" thinking to solve them! But how many people still believe the "democratic mission" of NATO and the UN, and "independence" of the so-called European Union? You wake up, the deluded! If the "dominant in finance" of the round Bedouin nomadic Gaddafi is no longer needed (and, after 42 years, now stale, shows its true face as a clown - though someone, groped to "educate" gave the market away from the Italian state assets, undeservedly the "Venus of Cyrene "that for decades was kept in Rome's National Museum of the Baths of Diocletian!), it takes little to get rid of! With or without formality! It also happens to Berlusca Bossi and our own, which will be alternated (with the fake elections) by PD quacquaracquà plate or "cleared the left!"
"No more the medal to be recognized .." Thank goodness ... here are the simple rules simple for professional recognition according to European Directives, issued by the Institute of Applied Bremologia:
Postscript - Catherine today I asked "what's' is bremologia?" - I went to see the site of Valerio Sgalambro and here's what I found: "The challenge began as Bremologia unstructured and destructive, as an indicator of social hypocrisy and exposes, not only intellectual people falsely hiding behind high-sounding names, especially those who know a s'assoggettano fell from a purely rational knowledge and arbitrary power which imposes itself with the domain, rather than with the Love of direct experience, then an attempt to humanize science, making it close, real and vital "
Here we are at the bottom, I greet Saul / Paul
... ... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"The Truth that sets us free is almost always the truth that we do not want to hear, so when we say that something is not true, very often this means that we do not like ..."
(Piero Rossetti)
back issues, lost and recovered, the magazines of Saul
Care, dear,
this afternoon I'm going back in the Marches, in Treia, along with Catherine .. we have to play the bureaucratic requirements and practices for the implementation of the refurbishment of the new headquarters of the Club, in anticipation of the inauguration of 8 May 2011. Come on guys .. you can speak again of the doomsday predictions of Raffaele Bendandi and Giordano Bruno. Pending the end of the world "provided by the Maya for 2012: e2% 80% 99akasha-fantasy-and- history% e2% 80% a6 /
Catherine writes: "Dear Paul, I'm glad that this morning you gave me the input to think about my behavior, my reactions towards my fellow men. Sometimes I
salt as a tension inside that "explodes" in a more or less strong and aggressive, taking advantage of any opportunity (an object moved, a response is not acceptable, the answer to which, however, we "support" a load that is in addition, that is there underneath it all, and that's what makes me hurt tendons, badly behind, sometimes a bit 'of an upset stomach). I carry around a burden that I do not know what it depends on and makes me face life in a somewhat 'heavy. Rationally I know that I have a much easier time than many other people, but I often pass these periods when everything seems laborious and difficult and I would run away, yes, even from myself. The good thing is that now I know and I know that is a period that will pass soon, as has already spent more times, each time I hope you never go and who knows, perhaps, indeed, I hope and believe, will happen sooner or later . At times I feared to collapse, but really you're the tree with its roots keep me from crumbling and you're the light that mi nutre e mi consente di far germogliare e svilupparsi la vita che è in me, ma purtroppo le vecchie abitudini, i sensi di colpa, le insicurezze e la mia scarsa autostima mi fanno assumere un atteggiamento difensivo che oltre che essere inutile, è anche controproducente…. Ma in fondo cosa dovrei mai espiare? Ed un passo oggi un passetto domani, la meta sembra più vicina. E oggi, sopra all'orizzonte, si è fatto vedere anche il sole. Una mano tesa, in questo quadro, è tutto ciò che necessita, e c'è…. Ah! Ora mi sento più leggera, ho "dimenticato" il peso!”
Scrive Francesco D’Ingiullo: “Ultimamente sono stato in Turchia ed ho incontrato delle persone che parlavano Esperanto. I was able to attend a lesson in Esperanto for students in a private university. It 'really a beautiful language! If you like to learn (took me a week reading a grammar base to have a conversation with a Japanese!) You can request a free grammar And if you do not agree, then you improve your English! "
know the consequences of budget policy in ASL? Well acted on a matter the Supreme Court:
Donaudi Gianni writes: "FAIR OF SELF , 27 marzo 2011, dalle 11 alle 23. Piazza Municipio, Centro Storico di Molfetta. Un'altra economia è possibile. Imperdibile appuntamento per tutti coloro che hanno in mente un futuro diverso da quello imposto dalle logiche economiche attuali. Il nostro futuro..”
Scrive Claudio: “All'epoca medievale, citata dal discendente aleramico Manfredi Lanza, il Piemonte non esisteva, tutta l'area del Nord Ovest era definita unicamente "Lombardia", per cui la definizione di piemontesi e liguri è solamente semplificativa, utilizzata ai fini di una comprensione attuale, e per far capire che furono soprattutto gli abitanti del Piemonte (del Monferrato e delle altre marche aleramiche in particolare) ad accogliere l'appello a trasferirsi in Sicilia e nel Meridione. Una emigrazione di queste dimensioni, un vero e proprio esodo (le stime fornite dagli storici che si sono occupati di questo fenomeno, variano dalle 100 mila alle 200 mila persone), ha ovviamente richiesto parecchi decenni per compiersi, centinaia di viaggi per mare di flottiglie intere, considerando le scarse dimensioni delle navi dell'epoca (generalmente erano "cocche", al massimo con una stazza di mille tonnellate) e che sicuramente il trasporto fu misto, mercantile ed umano, non esistendo navi per il solo trasporto di persone.. Molto probabilmente partirono da tutti i porti disponibili, non solo quello principalmente "aleramico" di Savona (facente parte della Marca Aleramica del 950 d.c. istituita da re Berengario II, come le altre due, Arduinica e Obertenga), ma anche di Noli, Genova e soprattutto Pisa (cioè tutte le repubbliche marinare disponibili nell'area)”
Scrive Valerio Sgalambro: “Ecco a voi la ricetta per ammalarsi velocemente di cancro, usando ogni giorno il fornetto a microonde..” – Leggete tutto:
Scrive Francesco Pinerolo: “NON C’È STATO ALCUN GENOCIDIO DI MIGLIAIA DI MORTI IN LIBIA: (ansa) MEDICI BENGASI, ALL'EST 400 MORTI E 2.000 FERITI - L'insurrezione nell'est Libya has made at least 400 dead and 2,000 wounded since the beginning of the revolt in mid-February. Said on Thursday the medical coordinator of the Eastern cities controlled by insurgents. "There have been 400 deaths since at Derna, Baida, Brega, Benghazi, Ras Lanuf and Ben Jawad," said Jabar Salah. One fellow, Jibril Huwaida, responding to a question about higher budget provided by the United Nations and the Association for Human Rights, said that doctors have kept the death toll and injured joints in their hospitals ..
ENOUGH WITH THE LIES OF MILITARY INTERVENTION AIMED NATO, UNITED STATES AND THE EUROPEAN POWERS, WHICH HAVE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROPER OIL. NO TO THE "NO FLY ZONE", INVOLVED IN HIT BY AN ACT OF WAR PLANES AND REAL LIBYAN anti-aircraft artillery. Libya has the right to terminate without interference from their own conflicts. SI On an international commission to seek a negotiated solution to the internal conflict TO LIBYA. IS A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS IN LIBYAN by political-diplomatic "writes
Antonio Pantano, Libya on the same theme:" There are people that you lose a game of trump to stain to the "Systems" thinking to solve them! But how many people still believe the "democratic mission" of NATO and the UN, and "independence" of the so-called European Union? You wake up, the deluded! If the "dominant in finance" of the round Bedouin nomadic Gaddafi is no longer needed (and, after 42 years, now stale, shows its true face as a clown - though someone, groped to "educate" gave the market away from the Italian state assets, undeservedly the "Venus of Cyrene "that for decades was kept in Rome's National Museum of the Baths of Diocletian!), it takes little to get rid of! With or without formality! It also happens to Berlusca Bossi and our own, which will be alternated (with the fake elections) by PD quacquaracquà plate or "cleared the left!"
"No more the medal to be recognized .." Thank goodness ... here are the simple rules simple for professional recognition according to European Directives, issued by the Institute of Applied Bremologia:
Postscript - Catherine today I asked "what's' is bremologia?" - I went to see the site of Valerio Sgalambro and here's what I found: "The challenge began as Bremologia unstructured and destructive, as an indicator of social hypocrisy and exposes, not only intellectual people falsely hiding behind high-sounding names, especially those who know a s'assoggettano fell from a purely rational knowledge and arbitrary power which imposes itself with the domain, rather than with the Love of direct experience, then an attempt to humanize science, making it close, real and vital "
Here we are at the bottom, I greet Saul / Paul
... ... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"The Truth that sets us free is almost always the truth that we do not want to hear, so when we say that something is not true, very often this means that we do not like ..."
(Piero Rossetti)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Paediatric Advanced Life Support
The magazines of Saul of March 13, 2011 - The Return of the magazines of Saul, Easter without massacres blood, unity of Italy, earthquake and nuclear ... The magazines
Care, dear,
seems that the connection has started to work ... Ieri mattina con Caterina siamo andati a fare vari giretti per sistemare le faccende burocratiche e legali e tecniche relative alla sistemazione della nuova sede del Circolo di Treia e per la manifestazione inaugurale che inizia il 7 maggio e si protrae sino al 15 dello stesso mese. Ricordo a tutti i lettori che coloro che intendono intervenire alla Tavola Rotonda del 7 maggio od all'Incontro Conviviale e Mostra d'Arte che si inaugura l'8 maggio od allo svernissage del 15 maggio, e volessero che il loro nome venga inserito nella locandina ufficiale dell'evento, è bene che ne diano conferma al più presto (in allegato la bozza della locandina suddetta, opera della brava Daniela Spurio). I relatori ed artisti che partecipano all'evento potranno essere ospitati in the new home of the club, carrying a sleeping bag. During the first two days (7 and 8 May) lunches and dinners are self-managed, so who will you please bring some food and drink vegetarian. AVA
writes: "Thursday, March 17 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of vegetarian animals, Asti piazza 5 / Rome, Dr. Paul Ricci conference on" Islam, the monotheistic religions AND ANIMALS. " The controversial thesis of animals relegated to the divine will, subject to the condition for the consumption of man. The speaker will answer questions from the public "
And now read the program for an Easter serene and vegetarian and appeal to people sensitive to avoid massacres of blood near the Easter period. Remember that if the animals continue to suffer and die will also depend on us murder-of-blood /
Almo writes: "In the theater program theater Civil Municipality of Savignano sul Panaro, and coordination of civil lists of the area, we invite all to a comedy show but seriously consumption, ecology water common good. See you on March 13, AT 18, THE THEATRE OF THE VENUS SAVIGNANO "writes Emilia Romagna. "Tuesday, March 15, at 20:30, in Rocca in Bazzano BO, discussion on the theme" STOP THE CONSUMPTION OF TERRITORY. " Marco Aleotti intervene as "observer" and representing the Committee Bazzanese Environment and Health "
writes Marjory Gatta:" I'm speechless in front of the latter earthquake! But I think and believe that, even when everything seems just death and destruction, there is a superior design that uses this to bring to earth the possibility of a new world. It will be difficult, but we will see everything from another perspective, to reinvent the history of humanity ... in a way so different from our attachment to the status quo ... "
Scrive Peter Boom: “Quanto entusiasmo riscosse in noi ragazzini olandesi quando la maestra alle elementari ci raccontò le eroiche gesta di Garibaldi che con soli mille uomini rivoluzionò la storia d’Italia. A noi sembrava uno straordinario ed incredibile miracolo” - Continua:
Scrive Roberto Caivano: “Caro Paolo. Il mio progetto di aprire un associazione culturale vegetariana con annesso uno spaccio bio ed un luogo di ristorazione va avanti...ho individuato il locale in Bracciano (Roma) e siamo nella fase scartoffie. Vorrei approfittare del nostro giornalino per chiedere a tutti Friends of ideas, hints, tips and pats on the back and of course your blessing to you. About this project: "My
rispostina:" Dear Robert, my answer is a strong encouragement to continue to take the lead ... This means "do the right thing." A hug, "writes
Theatre temple in Rome:" We are planning next summer's MUSIC FESTIVAL OF NATIONS (Concerts of the Temple - Rome, Italy). Would you participate? "
Examined at the Accademia dei Georgofili the relationship between agriculture and the environment during the Roman and the Early Middle Ages - Read more:
Vittorio Marinelli writes: "European Consumers, Consumer Associations registered with CRUC of Lazio, with a statement -complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome has highlighted, once again, the dangers of the road surface and the failure of the Capital of Italy "
Salvatore Barbera Greenpeace writes:" From press reports we learn that in Japan (hereinafter the earthquake) were off twenty nuclear reactors in four plants. We are concerned in particular the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which may have damaged the cooling systems of reactors and deposits dei rifiuti radioattivi. Anche se vengono spenti immediatamente, i reattori devono essere raffreddati e servono grandi quantità di acqua per evitare il rischio di surriscaldamento e fusione. Anche se ben progettato, un reattore è vulnerabile ai terremoti e le operazioni di riparazione in una centrale nucleare possono richiedere tempi lunghi e costi non indifferenti. Noi continueremo a monitorare, sperando che le indagini sugli impatti agli impianti vengano condotte in modo indipendente e comunicate al pubblico. Non permettere che il nucleare minacci anche l'Italia. Puoi fermare i piani nucleari del nostro governo votando SI al referendum. Chiedi a Maroni di accorpare l'appuntamento referendario con le elezioni amministrative di maggio"
Scrive Guido Arne Petrangeli: "Guys around you the link to this article in the blog of my colleague and friend, so that reconstructs the incredible story of Silvio and the various Bunga Bunga. Http:// across-the-truth-on-sexygate-of-sb.html - see you soon and let me know what you think ... "
writes Ecological Centre of Culture, "Saturday, March 19, 2011 regular appointment with the market in organic agricultural products at the Center for Ecological Culture Regional Park Urban Aguzzano,
Via Fermo Corni, snc - Rome
Anto writes:". Bini Smaghi .. I spoke with at a party and I looked astonished when I spoke of seigniorage, when I said that central banks are private. Gentlemen, this does not give neinte of what we say. Both have the levers of power in their hands ... "
José de Sousa Saramago writes:" I have always considered myself an atheist because atheism as a quiet public militancy seemed to me something useless, but now I'm changing my mind. At reactionary insults of the Catholic Church must respond with the insolence of intelligence alive, good sense of the word responsible. We can not allow the truth to be offended every day by the alleged representatives of God on earth which really only interested in the power »
Well, if all goes well, you again tomorrow ... hello Saul / Paul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Hell is having the right perception of things
and discover that the truth is not acceptable;
is knowing that the suffering and inner torment
increase the awareness and knowledge that acquire;
is having to play the game of lying hypocrites because
sincerity attorney irritation and often contrasts
is to discover that generosity and altruism are often
of many aspects of the same selfishness
is fighting for a better world
and not even realize that this is shared by all;
is to live in a society in which abound the rogues and scoundrels to know and be honest
isolated and marginalized;
is being whitewashed tombs of the same table and having to meet the
their perversions;
is knowing that every day millions of animals are tortured and killed
and experience their powerlessness to stop this massacre;
is to note that while people talk of respect and peace
contributes his choices to generate hatred and war, it is noted that while
s'invoca sharing and the Justice
young people are educated in the competition and violence, not love. Free
Franco Manco
Care, dear,
seems that the connection has started to work ... Ieri mattina con Caterina siamo andati a fare vari giretti per sistemare le faccende burocratiche e legali e tecniche relative alla sistemazione della nuova sede del Circolo di Treia e per la manifestazione inaugurale che inizia il 7 maggio e si protrae sino al 15 dello stesso mese. Ricordo a tutti i lettori che coloro che intendono intervenire alla Tavola Rotonda del 7 maggio od all'Incontro Conviviale e Mostra d'Arte che si inaugura l'8 maggio od allo svernissage del 15 maggio, e volessero che il loro nome venga inserito nella locandina ufficiale dell'evento, è bene che ne diano conferma al più presto (in allegato la bozza della locandina suddetta, opera della brava Daniela Spurio). I relatori ed artisti che partecipano all'evento potranno essere ospitati in the new home of the club, carrying a sleeping bag. During the first two days (7 and 8 May) lunches and dinners are self-managed, so who will you please bring some food and drink vegetarian. AVA
writes: "Thursday, March 17 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of vegetarian animals, Asti piazza 5 / Rome, Dr. Paul Ricci conference on" Islam, the monotheistic religions AND ANIMALS. " The controversial thesis of animals relegated to the divine will, subject to the condition for the consumption of man. The speaker will answer questions from the public "
And now read the program for an Easter serene and vegetarian and appeal to people sensitive to avoid massacres of blood near the Easter period. Remember that if the animals continue to suffer and die will also depend on us murder-of-blood /
Almo writes: "In the theater program theater Civil Municipality of Savignano sul Panaro, and coordination of civil lists of the area, we invite all to a comedy show but seriously consumption, ecology water common good. See you on March 13, AT 18, THE THEATRE OF THE VENUS SAVIGNANO "writes Emilia Romagna. "Tuesday, March 15, at 20:30, in Rocca in Bazzano BO, discussion on the theme" STOP THE CONSUMPTION OF TERRITORY. " Marco Aleotti intervene as "observer" and representing the Committee Bazzanese Environment and Health "
writes Marjory Gatta:" I'm speechless in front of the latter earthquake! But I think and believe that, even when everything seems just death and destruction, there is a superior design that uses this to bring to earth the possibility of a new world. It will be difficult, but we will see everything from another perspective, to reinvent the history of humanity ... in a way so different from our attachment to the status quo ... "
Scrive Peter Boom: “Quanto entusiasmo riscosse in noi ragazzini olandesi quando la maestra alle elementari ci raccontò le eroiche gesta di Garibaldi che con soli mille uomini rivoluzionò la storia d’Italia. A noi sembrava uno straordinario ed incredibile miracolo” - Continua:
Scrive Roberto Caivano: “Caro Paolo. Il mio progetto di aprire un associazione culturale vegetariana con annesso uno spaccio bio ed un luogo di ristorazione va avanti...ho individuato il locale in Bracciano (Roma) e siamo nella fase scartoffie. Vorrei approfittare del nostro giornalino per chiedere a tutti Friends of ideas, hints, tips and pats on the back and of course your blessing to you. About this project: "My
rispostina:" Dear Robert, my answer is a strong encouragement to continue to take the lead ... This means "do the right thing." A hug, "writes
Theatre temple in Rome:" We are planning next summer's MUSIC FESTIVAL OF NATIONS (Concerts of the Temple - Rome, Italy). Would you participate? "
Examined at the Accademia dei Georgofili the relationship between agriculture and the environment during the Roman and the Early Middle Ages - Read more:
Vittorio Marinelli writes: "European Consumers, Consumer Associations registered with CRUC of Lazio, with a statement -complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome has highlighted, once again, the dangers of the road surface and the failure of the Capital of Italy "
Salvatore Barbera Greenpeace writes:" From press reports we learn that in Japan (hereinafter the earthquake) were off twenty nuclear reactors in four plants. We are concerned in particular the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which may have damaged the cooling systems of reactors and deposits dei rifiuti radioattivi. Anche se vengono spenti immediatamente, i reattori devono essere raffreddati e servono grandi quantità di acqua per evitare il rischio di surriscaldamento e fusione. Anche se ben progettato, un reattore è vulnerabile ai terremoti e le operazioni di riparazione in una centrale nucleare possono richiedere tempi lunghi e costi non indifferenti. Noi continueremo a monitorare, sperando che le indagini sugli impatti agli impianti vengano condotte in modo indipendente e comunicate al pubblico. Non permettere che il nucleare minacci anche l'Italia. Puoi fermare i piani nucleari del nostro governo votando SI al referendum. Chiedi a Maroni di accorpare l'appuntamento referendario con le elezioni amministrative di maggio"
Scrive Guido Arne Petrangeli: "Guys around you the link to this article in the blog of my colleague and friend, so that reconstructs the incredible story of Silvio and the various Bunga Bunga. Http:// across-the-truth-on-sexygate-of-sb.html - see you soon and let me know what you think ... "
writes Ecological Centre of Culture, "Saturday, March 19, 2011 regular appointment with the market in organic agricultural products at the Center for Ecological Culture Regional Park Urban Aguzzano,
Via Fermo Corni, snc - Rome
Anto writes:". Bini Smaghi .. I spoke with at a party and I looked astonished when I spoke of seigniorage, when I said that central banks are private. Gentlemen, this does not give neinte of what we say. Both have the levers of power in their hands ... "
José de Sousa Saramago writes:" I have always considered myself an atheist because atheism as a quiet public militancy seemed to me something useless, but now I'm changing my mind. At reactionary insults of the Catholic Church must respond with the insolence of intelligence alive, good sense of the word responsible. We can not allow the truth to be offended every day by the alleged representatives of God on earth which really only interested in the power »
Well, if all goes well, you again tomorrow ... hello Saul / Paul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Hell is having the right perception of things
and discover that the truth is not acceptable;
is knowing that the suffering and inner torment
increase the awareness and knowledge that acquire;
is having to play the game of lying hypocrites because
sincerity attorney irritation and often contrasts
is to discover that generosity and altruism are often
of many aspects of the same selfishness
is fighting for a better world
and not even realize that this is shared by all;
is to live in a society in which abound the rogues and scoundrels to know and be honest
isolated and marginalized;
is being whitewashed tombs of the same table and having to meet the
their perversions;
is knowing that every day millions of animals are tortured and killed
and experience their powerlessness to stop this massacre;
is to note that while people talk of respect and peace
contributes his choices to generate hatred and war, it is noted that while
s'invoca sharing and the Justice
young people are educated in the competition and violence, not love. Free
Franco Manco
Friday, March 11, 2011
Brown Hair With Chunks Of Blonde
Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps ..... The magazines
(Photo: The sky seen by Gustavo Piccinini)
The magazines of Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps .....
Care, dear,
when you put half of karma there is nothing to do ... I went back to Treia with Catherine, yesterday morning I was to send the magazines but the connection did not work, then Catherine has managed to save the file on a USB key and it sent as an attachment to my address, so I was hoping maybe one of pitervelo incio bit 'late, since we have come to Treia around 19 last night .. S useless .. This computer can not translate the file .. for which the magazines of yesterday is not available .. Sin was a nice number ... In a few days when Catherine returns to Spilamberto re-send it to me with the system of copy-paste and then maybe I can read and post ... late! Patience, karma is karma and it takes a lot of calm .. I hope that you have not suffered too much from the lack of daily news .. In addition it has also stopped the connection also Treia (for you who read last night, tonight for me ..). Today, however, in some ways, we are still on track .. this is now a number of poor, and we suffer when we do not know .... Happy reading!
Nesci Anthony writes: "Among the Secchia and Panaro XVII NATIONAL AWARD
of poetry published and unpublished, June 5, 2011 16:00, Piazza Guido Rossa (Garden Village) Modena Per maggiori informazioni telefonare al Comitato Organizzatore
cell. 339 2812278 Il bando di concorso è consultabile su Monet, il sito Internet del Comune di Modena, all’indirizzo”
Scrive Econews: “Testamento biologico: il primo lo aveva scritto Giuseppe Garibaldi, nel 1882. Da Giuseppe Garibaldi di G. Armani (BUR 1982): “… io dichiaro, che trovandomi in piena ragione oggi, non voglio accettare, in nessun tempo, il ministero odioso, disprezzevole e scellerato d'un prete, che considero atroce nemico del genere umano e dell'Italia in particolare” ……. Il testo è alquanto sgrammaticato, ma chiarissimo: temeva the 'therapeutic obstinacy "spiritual" - Second article: "Green Great Wall in China is the largest ever man-made forest. Half a century of madness, irreversible damage. desertification of farmland, Beijing is likely to die of thirst ": the power of the heir to Maotsetung they realized the ecological disaster they are doing and run for cover: they will plant 300 million trees along the Great Wall, an area equal to Texas ( 250 000 sq km). About 7 billion cost. More>>> "
Marco Bracci writes:" A signature to save the "land for peace" and the lives of lots of animals! Dear animal lovers, on behalf of the International Foundation Gabriele this ad invites you to put your signature to stop a road project in the bud senseless through the suburbs of Würzburg in Germany. The population here is of course against it, but it is also and sorpattutto of nature and animals. Here are the forests and lands known as the "land of peace where they live, more than 10 years, hundreds of animals rescued from slaughterhouses and many wild species, many species of rare birds, bats and butterflies, not only in Germany are endangered. We need many, many signatures. To inform you in detail and put your signature, please consult the web pages: - Grazie di cuore a tutti”
Scrive Noemi Longo: “Ciao Paolo, circolo vegetariano e lettori vari. Leggendo i vari passi e detti raccolti da Giovanna Canzano, posso chiedere a chiunque si sentisse di rispondere esprimendo un pensiero, come va letto e interpretato questo passo del Levitico? Bibbia, Levitico: “Non ti accosterai a donna per scoprire la sua nudità durante l’immondezza mestruale. Se uno ha un rapporto con una donna durante la sua immondezza mestruale e ne scopre la nudità, quel tale ha scoperto la sorgente di lei ed essa ha scoperto la sorgente del proprio sangue; perciò tutti e due saranno eliminati dal loro popolo” Grazie. Mi incuriosiscono le parole usate per la traduzione, premessa che I do not know if and how many translations exist, and any other "
Mannello Vincent writes:" On 13 March 1861, after a long resistance, capitulated to the Royal Citadel Messina. And as a result of the bombing ordered by the much-discussed January Cialdini, the Savoy family and the French language, which, using the power of the new rifled cannon of the Piedmontese army (not Italian, mind you), broken the last resistance and the presence of the soldiers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The 4000 soldiers and officers of the garrison, commanded by Gen. Ferguson, came from the same Cialdini is humiliated by the lack of recognition has insulted the honor of arms (in French) contemptuously by Cialdini himself who called them "animals". Tutti finirono in galera, ospiti dei piemontesi nelle varie fortezze. Alcuni ufficiali addirittura vennero processati come criminali di guerra. Ed andò loro pure bene perché sia a Civitella del Tronto come a Gaeta , Cialdini non aveva esitato a far fuoco sulle abitazioni civili pur di fiaccare la resistenza militare. Senza scrivere dei crimini che avrebbe commesso successivamente ai danni della popolazione civile del Meridione nella repressione, questa si italiana, del "brigantaggio". Di certo non ho la pretesa di darmi arie da "storico revisionista" . Non ne ho titolo e capacità. Ma quanto sopra scritto non credo possa venire contestato storicamente. Possono quindi trarsi delle valutazioni, queste evidentemente opinabili . Civitella, Gaeta e la Cittadella Messina: the examples of how the Southern soldiers were, finding commanders loyal to the oath, able and willing to fight for their country and why not, to their rightful king against a foreign aggression supported by the European powers and internal betrayal at the same Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Same script, irony of history, again and again in July 1943 with the Allied landings in Sicily and the battle fought by those who fought against foreign invaders and domestic traitors. "
Here we are fast after all, best wishes and who knows when, your Paul / Saul
... ........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"You're so proud of your intelligence. You're so proud as the convict who is proud of the breadth of his cell "

(Photo: The sky seen by Gustavo Piccinini)
The magazines of Saul of March 12, 2011 - fateful mishaps .....
Care, dear,
when you put half of karma there is nothing to do ... I went back to Treia with Catherine, yesterday morning I was to send the magazines but the connection did not work, then Catherine has managed to save the file on a USB key and it sent as an attachment to my address, so I was hoping maybe one of pitervelo incio bit 'late, since we have come to Treia around 19 last night .. S useless .. This computer can not translate the file .. for which the magazines of yesterday is not available .. Sin was a nice number ... In a few days when Catherine returns to Spilamberto re-send it to me with the system of copy-paste and then maybe I can read and post ... late! Patience, karma is karma and it takes a lot of calm .. I hope that you have not suffered too much from the lack of daily news .. In addition it has also stopped the connection also Treia (for you who read last night, tonight for me ..). Today, however, in some ways, we are still on track .. this is now a number of poor, and we suffer when we do not know .... Happy reading!
Nesci Anthony writes: "Among the Secchia and Panaro XVII NATIONAL AWARD
of poetry published and unpublished, June 5, 2011 16:00, Piazza Guido Rossa (Garden Village) Modena Per maggiori informazioni telefonare al Comitato Organizzatore
cell. 339 2812278 Il bando di concorso è consultabile su Monet, il sito Internet del Comune di Modena, all’indirizzo”
Scrive Econews: “Testamento biologico: il primo lo aveva scritto Giuseppe Garibaldi, nel 1882. Da Giuseppe Garibaldi di G. Armani (BUR 1982): “… io dichiaro, che trovandomi in piena ragione oggi, non voglio accettare, in nessun tempo, il ministero odioso, disprezzevole e scellerato d'un prete, che considero atroce nemico del genere umano e dell'Italia in particolare” ……. Il testo è alquanto sgrammaticato, ma chiarissimo: temeva the 'therapeutic obstinacy "spiritual" - Second article: "Green Great Wall in China is the largest ever man-made forest. Half a century of madness, irreversible damage. desertification of farmland, Beijing is likely to die of thirst ": the power of the heir to Maotsetung they realized the ecological disaster they are doing and run for cover: they will plant 300 million trees along the Great Wall, an area equal to Texas ( 250 000 sq km). About 7 billion cost. More>>> "
Marco Bracci writes:" A signature to save the "land for peace" and the lives of lots of animals! Dear animal lovers, on behalf of the International Foundation Gabriele this ad invites you to put your signature to stop a road project in the bud senseless through the suburbs of Würzburg in Germany. The population here is of course against it, but it is also and sorpattutto of nature and animals. Here are the forests and lands known as the "land of peace where they live, more than 10 years, hundreds of animals rescued from slaughterhouses and many wild species, many species of rare birds, bats and butterflies, not only in Germany are endangered. We need many, many signatures. To inform you in detail and put your signature, please consult the web pages: - Grazie di cuore a tutti”
Scrive Noemi Longo: “Ciao Paolo, circolo vegetariano e lettori vari. Leggendo i vari passi e detti raccolti da Giovanna Canzano, posso chiedere a chiunque si sentisse di rispondere esprimendo un pensiero, come va letto e interpretato questo passo del Levitico? Bibbia, Levitico: “Non ti accosterai a donna per scoprire la sua nudità durante l’immondezza mestruale. Se uno ha un rapporto con una donna durante la sua immondezza mestruale e ne scopre la nudità, quel tale ha scoperto la sorgente di lei ed essa ha scoperto la sorgente del proprio sangue; perciò tutti e due saranno eliminati dal loro popolo” Grazie. Mi incuriosiscono le parole usate per la traduzione, premessa che I do not know if and how many translations exist, and any other "
Mannello Vincent writes:" On 13 March 1861, after a long resistance, capitulated to the Royal Citadel Messina. And as a result of the bombing ordered by the much-discussed January Cialdini, the Savoy family and the French language, which, using the power of the new rifled cannon of the Piedmontese army (not Italian, mind you), broken the last resistance and the presence of the soldiers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The 4000 soldiers and officers of the garrison, commanded by Gen. Ferguson, came from the same Cialdini is humiliated by the lack of recognition has insulted the honor of arms (in French) contemptuously by Cialdini himself who called them "animals". Tutti finirono in galera, ospiti dei piemontesi nelle varie fortezze. Alcuni ufficiali addirittura vennero processati come criminali di guerra. Ed andò loro pure bene perché sia a Civitella del Tronto come a Gaeta , Cialdini non aveva esitato a far fuoco sulle abitazioni civili pur di fiaccare la resistenza militare. Senza scrivere dei crimini che avrebbe commesso successivamente ai danni della popolazione civile del Meridione nella repressione, questa si italiana, del "brigantaggio". Di certo non ho la pretesa di darmi arie da "storico revisionista" . Non ne ho titolo e capacità. Ma quanto sopra scritto non credo possa venire contestato storicamente. Possono quindi trarsi delle valutazioni, queste evidentemente opinabili . Civitella, Gaeta e la Cittadella Messina: the examples of how the Southern soldiers were, finding commanders loyal to the oath, able and willing to fight for their country and why not, to their rightful king against a foreign aggression supported by the European powers and internal betrayal at the same Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Same script, irony of history, again and again in July 1943 with the Allied landings in Sicily and the battle fought by those who fought against foreign invaders and domestic traitors. "
Here we are fast after all, best wishes and who knows when, your Paul / Saul
... ........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"You're so proud of your intelligence. You're so proud as the convict who is proud of the breadth of his cell "
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ridgeline Navi Camera
Saul of March 10, 2011 - After the March 8, Daniele Carcea, Michael Riefler, Social Economy in Pescara, light and peace to Vignola, Milan
Care, dear, writes Catherine
:" Dear Paul thank Francesco D 'Ingiullo for having remembered to wish to Women for March 8 March 8 and out, even without mimosas, which are much more beautiful on their plants! I'd like to do the course of self-production of sandals, Abruzzo Marche is near! "
Want to know what they think the monotheistic religions of the woman? Read the sad collection of sayings grouped by Giovanna Canzano: -l8-March /
Ciro writes: "... it's better now because I took some 'work ... I hear Frank, you and God near you soon, kisses ..." My
rispostina: "Dear Ciro, I am happy to feel relieved and courageous ....
I would be happy if you had the desire and strength to participate in the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Club to be held in Treia 7 and May 8 ... There will be Sonia Milena Auretta, Vittorio Marinelli and many other friends ... If you get will be a good thing for all of us ... Have you seen the program? c2% b0-anniversary-of-circle-vegetarian-vv-tt-le-rose-flower-Wesak- Beltane-May Day-by-7-to-15-May-2011-nellantica-city-dedicated-to-trea-isis / "
Carcea Daniel writes:" Some days ago he released report by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a past relationship in Italy in the wall, broken only by Lettieri and Raimondi Gazette, who took over the 576 pages of full-bodied relationship; " we came first to the conclusion that this crisis was avoidable, "said committee chairman Phil Angelides at a press conference in Washington, noting that the dramatic events were" the result of human actions and omissions to act and could be repeated if you do not can learn from history "- Continue:
writes Maria dilema: "Next presentation of the book Consciousness and Health Michele Riefler. Milan - March 16 (Wednesday) Sala Alessi - Palazzo Marino Conference
FREE, 17.00 "
Francesco D'Ingiullo writes:" I share this invitation and if I can I will go in the evening. Meeting Presentation Social Economy. Saturday, March 19, at 17.00 c / o the Museum of Modern Art V. Column of Pescara, in Abruzzo for the first time there will be a meeting to present some of the most significant experiences of the varied archipelago of the solidarity economy. The People of the solidarity economy: the Fair Trade Shops, Gas (Buying groups solidale ), BioAgriturismi, Aziende biologiche, Banca Etica, Turismo responsabile, Riserve naturali racconteranno, se pur brevemente, la loro storia. L’incontro non è una performance estemporanea, una specie di vetrina, ma un momento interlocutorio in vista del Convegno Nazionale dei GAS a Giugno nella città de L’Aquila. L'incontro del 19 Marzo, oltre al momento di presentazione, nell’atrio del Museo Colonna ci saranno anche diversi banchetti informativi: Bioarchitettura, buone pratiche ambientali come il compostaggio domestico, i GASS gruppi di acquisto solidali e sostenibili ( energie rinnovabili ), le aziende agricole di Fai la spesa in campagna, ecc… Pausa the, performance di Danze Popolari, aperitivo Final round off the full program. Info "
Free Manco Franco writes:" Dear friends, the next National Day of Vegetarian, which reaches its ninth edition, is scheduled for Sunday, May 15 from 9:00 am to pv 22.00, as always in Rome, in Piazza Re di Roma and the theme will be 7 billion vegetarian NEED 'FOR LOVE OR - Continue - 15-May-2011-9-holiday-nazionale.html
Mara Lenz writes: ".. Vignola Saturday night at my house from 20 place to meditate ..... spiritual theme clothing .... what you wear We hold ourselves to the spiritual .... bring all the various foodstuffs together .... mantra ... songs ..... sharing .. and more. LIGHT AND PEACE! Info "
Daniela writes:" Today, Thursday, March 10, 2011, in Civita Castellana, Viterbo Ausl operators will be present in large Ferretti, opposite the hospital Andosilla (again from 9 to 18) and Colasanti at the institute. The people who will go into the workstations of the World Kidney Day will be eligible for a free tour which includes the examination of urine and blood pressure .... spread the word ...."
Goracci Doris writes: "Thursday, 'March 10, 2011 HALL AT 17.30 NARDINI arsenic WATER EFFECTS AND SOLUTIONS ... With the participation of Dr. Litt ANTONELLA ASSOC. Doctors for the Environment will be present: Mayor of Capranica, Mr. PAUL Orono, leaders of the ASL of Viterbo and ARPA "
Enzo Parisi writes:" Saturday, March 26 meeting of the Italian Network for Deep Ecology. Milan, Via Teodosio (a stone's throw from MM2 Piola), from 12.00 to 18.00. Topics of discussion: State of the Network in two months from birth, examination of information tools put in place and their management, prospects and proposals for activities of the Network Info "writes
Antonio Pantano:" The regime usurer has pipers appropriate! Predict that when the omelet is already bowl and tax. Italyland is, sixty, at the mercy of Gaddafi's turn (and complement). The "school" Ciampi / Amato / Dini / Fazio drudge and drag / bewilders singers. In 2001 I organized - EXPLAINER Master Giacinto Auriti and I - a conference in the Piazza (affollatissima!) of the castle of Civitella San Paolo, whose presence, among many, including parliamentarians. Who approved the "Our revelations" sull'imbroglio sottrattaci of monetary sovereignty and the euro on arrival (except, then, be silent, as they do today, the imposition of the great rip-off "eurina!). Only one, deputy, was silent motions of disapproval! I already wrote about Corser Kossiga nephew, still "", was, days ago, mentioned among those who are enjoying a Milan public housing for very low price. Knew thee, Burdel? "
will be time to say goodbye today too? So be it! Hello, Saul / Paul
... ....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Which Is The Mind That Knows matured and enlightened the life of ours is false, imaginary and Purely conceptual in nature. Prolonging That perception is meaningless and without purpose Any "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)
Care, dear, writes Catherine
:" Dear Paul thank Francesco D 'Ingiullo for having remembered to wish to Women for March 8 March 8 and out, even without mimosas, which are much more beautiful on their plants! I'd like to do the course of self-production of sandals, Abruzzo Marche is near! "
Want to know what they think the monotheistic religions of the woman? Read the sad collection of sayings grouped by Giovanna Canzano: -l8-March /
Ciro writes: "... it's better now because I took some 'work ... I hear Frank, you and God near you soon, kisses ..." My
rispostina: "Dear Ciro, I am happy to feel relieved and courageous ....
I would be happy if you had the desire and strength to participate in the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Club to be held in Treia 7 and May 8 ... There will be Sonia Milena Auretta, Vittorio Marinelli and many other friends ... If you get will be a good thing for all of us ... Have you seen the program? c2% b0-anniversary-of-circle-vegetarian-vv-tt-le-rose-flower-Wesak- Beltane-May Day-by-7-to-15-May-2011-nellantica-city-dedicated-to-trea-isis / "
Carcea Daniel writes:" Some days ago he released report by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a past relationship in Italy in the wall, broken only by Lettieri and Raimondi Gazette, who took over the 576 pages of full-bodied relationship; " we came first to the conclusion that this crisis was avoidable, "said committee chairman Phil Angelides at a press conference in Washington, noting that the dramatic events were" the result of human actions and omissions to act and could be repeated if you do not can learn from history "- Continue:
writes Maria dilema: "Next presentation of the book Consciousness and Health Michele Riefler. Milan - March 16 (Wednesday) Sala Alessi - Palazzo Marino Conference
FREE, 17.00 "
Francesco D'Ingiullo writes:" I share this invitation and if I can I will go in the evening. Meeting Presentation Social Economy. Saturday, March 19, at 17.00 c / o the Museum of Modern Art V. Column of Pescara, in Abruzzo for the first time there will be a meeting to present some of the most significant experiences of the varied archipelago of the solidarity economy. The People of the solidarity economy: the Fair Trade Shops, Gas (Buying groups solidale ), BioAgriturismi, Aziende biologiche, Banca Etica, Turismo responsabile, Riserve naturali racconteranno, se pur brevemente, la loro storia. L’incontro non è una performance estemporanea, una specie di vetrina, ma un momento interlocutorio in vista del Convegno Nazionale dei GAS a Giugno nella città de L’Aquila. L'incontro del 19 Marzo, oltre al momento di presentazione, nell’atrio del Museo Colonna ci saranno anche diversi banchetti informativi: Bioarchitettura, buone pratiche ambientali come il compostaggio domestico, i GASS gruppi di acquisto solidali e sostenibili ( energie rinnovabili ), le aziende agricole di Fai la spesa in campagna, ecc… Pausa the, performance di Danze Popolari, aperitivo Final round off the full program. Info "
Free Manco Franco writes:" Dear friends, the next National Day of Vegetarian, which reaches its ninth edition, is scheduled for Sunday, May 15 from 9:00 am to pv 22.00, as always in Rome, in Piazza Re di Roma and the theme will be 7 billion vegetarian NEED 'FOR LOVE OR - Continue - 15-May-2011-9-holiday-nazionale.html
Mara Lenz writes: ".. Vignola Saturday night at my house from 20 place to meditate ..... spiritual theme clothing .... what you wear We hold ourselves to the spiritual .... bring all the various foodstuffs together .... mantra ... songs ..... sharing .. and more. LIGHT AND PEACE! Info "
Daniela writes:" Today, Thursday, March 10, 2011, in Civita Castellana, Viterbo Ausl operators will be present in large Ferretti, opposite the hospital Andosilla (again from 9 to 18) and Colasanti at the institute. The people who will go into the workstations of the World Kidney Day will be eligible for a free tour which includes the examination of urine and blood pressure .... spread the word ...."
Goracci Doris writes: "Thursday, 'March 10, 2011 HALL AT 17.30 NARDINI arsenic WATER EFFECTS AND SOLUTIONS ... With the participation of Dr. Litt ANTONELLA ASSOC. Doctors for the Environment will be present: Mayor of Capranica, Mr. PAUL Orono, leaders of the ASL of Viterbo and ARPA "
Enzo Parisi writes:" Saturday, March 26 meeting of the Italian Network for Deep Ecology. Milan, Via Teodosio (a stone's throw from MM2 Piola), from 12.00 to 18.00. Topics of discussion: State of the Network in two months from birth, examination of information tools put in place and their management, prospects and proposals for activities of the Network Info "writes
Antonio Pantano:" The regime usurer has pipers appropriate! Predict that when the omelet is already bowl and tax. Italyland is, sixty, at the mercy of Gaddafi's turn (and complement). The "school" Ciampi / Amato / Dini / Fazio drudge and drag / bewilders singers. In 2001 I organized - EXPLAINER Master Giacinto Auriti and I - a conference in the Piazza (affollatissima!) of the castle of Civitella San Paolo, whose presence, among many, including parliamentarians. Who approved the "Our revelations" sull'imbroglio sottrattaci of monetary sovereignty and the euro on arrival (except, then, be silent, as they do today, the imposition of the great rip-off "eurina!). Only one, deputy, was silent motions of disapproval! I already wrote about Corser Kossiga nephew, still "", was, days ago, mentioned among those who are enjoying a Milan public housing for very low price. Knew thee, Burdel? "
will be time to say goodbye today too? So be it! Hello, Saul / Paul
... ....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Which Is The Mind That Knows matured and enlightened the life of ours is false, imaginary and Purely conceptual in nature. Prolonging That perception is meaningless and without purpose Any "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)
Linux Touchpad Drivers
"Spring in Burgundy" on
report here the review of "Spring in Burgundy, with its link to the site, published on .
" in front of his eyes passed rapidly in review, as if leafing through an old scrapbook, all that had happened, since that first Saturday in Spring in San Gimignano. "
What's it about" Spring in Burgundy "Luke Terenzoni.
Terenzoni Luke's book entitled" Spring Burgundy " is a story that seems to be an introspective story, but then unfolds into something different ... be followed until the end.
Francis, after being left by what was to be his future wife around the streets of San Gimignano in search of a little 'peace. Meet a man in a wine with which the French league now. The man owns a winery in Burgundy and being fascinated by Francesco offers him a job in its structure.
Despite the star of "Spring in Burgundy" has a good job in Italy, after thinking about it decided to fund to take this opportunity, so that they can call into play and disconnect from everything. It really needs and the fantastic scenery of Burgundy will help you find a bit 'of inner serenity.
"Spring in Burgundy " but it is not a book that quickly shows in her capacity, because despite the paradisiacal beauty of the place, at one point Francis, almost catapulted into reality, he realizes that there is a past dark and disturbing in the life of his employer , which also involves Ludivine, the woman he fell in love.
Francis, after learning that suddenly the wife of his employer's was admitted to a nursing home and no longer able to get in touch with her to know what happened, he began his little investigation, which led him to slowly discover the truth hidden .
"Spring in Burgundy" in simple language and with very detailed descriptions of landscapes and characters of the characters, is a book for everyone, with a final unexpected.

" Quote .
" in front of his eyes passed rapidly in review, as if leafing through an old scrapbook, all that had happened, since that first Saturday in Spring in San Gimignano. "
What's it about" Spring in Burgundy "Luke Terenzoni.
Terenzoni Luke's book entitled" Spring Burgundy " is a story that seems to be an introspective story, but then unfolds into something different ... be followed until the end.
Francis, after being left by what was to be his future wife around the streets of San Gimignano in search of a little 'peace. Meet a man in a wine with which the French league now. The man owns a winery in Burgundy and being fascinated by Francesco offers him a job in its structure.
Despite the star of "Spring in Burgundy" has a good job in Italy, after thinking about it decided to fund to take this opportunity, so that they can call into play and disconnect from everything. It really needs and the fantastic scenery of Burgundy will help you find a bit 'of inner serenity.
"Spring in Burgundy " but it is not a book that quickly shows in her capacity, because despite the paradisiacal beauty of the place, at one point Francis, almost catapulted into reality, he realizes that there is a past dark and disturbing in the life of his employer , which also involves Ludivine, the woman he fell in love.
Francis, after learning that suddenly the wife of his employer's was admitted to a nursing home and no longer able to get in touch with her to know what happened, he began his little investigation, which led him to slowly discover the truth hidden .
"Spring in Burgundy" in simple language and with very detailed descriptions of landscapes and characters of the characters, is a book for everyone, with a final unexpected.
A novel suitable for fans of the classic Italian fiction and for those who love to discover hidden aspects of the stories..
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tailoring Saree Blouse
The magazines of Saul of March 9, 2011 - Biomass and Energy, Terme dei Papi di Viterbo, Alberto Granado is dead, vegan in Macerata, thieves in the bank ... The comic
Care, dear,
usually end up with a poem ... But this time we begin with a poem, the question of the hymn written by the imaginative biomass Benito Castorina, which allegorically sings
writes Veientes Furious , on the Libyan case, "Dear friends, I want to tip the balance, saying ...... I think that Berlusconi has forged a tentative agreement or arrangement for mutual aid sharing of Italian bases ..... and perhaps an agreement on mutual military assistance ..... No coincidence that Putin spoke at a public demonstration outside a rather cryptic phrase in Berlusconi's help ...... and I think in the coming weeks the picture will be much clearer and something along these lines will emerge ..... After all, it is explained why this hasty (in my opinion) staging organized for the sole and only purpose of allowing Anglo American neocons to put your feet on the ground in Libya as soon as possible. True that the Americans have now the "reserve tanks "..... but the rush dave have other urgent and pressing "stimuli." So I think the American hegemony in the Mediterranean (in spite of all appearances to the contrary) has reached a crisis point and ireversibile untenable. Laudetur Priapus, Pan et Sol Invictus ... "- Continue: Scrive
Hari Atma: "Come DICI semper, anche tu, mio \u200b\u200bdolce Paolo ..." the volonté sia \u200b\u200bfatta di Dio! " Felice March 8th magical and mysterious alla tua anima "femminile" e che sa sa free mostrarsi raccogliere grembo dal la vita di Madre Terra! "
Federica Cresci Scrive:" Alberto Granado, the friend and companion of guerrilla Ernesto "Che" Guevara his youth on a motorcycle trip through South America, died today in Havana at the age of 88. Granado, born on August 8, 1922 in Cordoba (Argentina) and living in Cuba since 1961, died of natural causes, said his son Alberto Granado. Granado, a loyal friend of Cuba will be cremated this Saturday in Havana and his ashes will be scattered in Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela, according to his will. Childhood friend of Che, was his companion during a motorcycle trip undertaken in 1952 in South America, a journey that awakened the political consciousness of the Argentine guerrilla. On "La Poderosa" Granado's motorcycle, toured much of the Southern Cone until nine months later, split in Venezuela.Esa vicissitudes was filmed in 2004 in the movie "Motorcycle Diaries", directed by Brazilian Walter Salles and starring Gael García Bernal in the role of Che and Argentine Rodrigo de la Serna as Alberto Granado.Tras that trip Granado regresó a Argentina para trabajar como bioquímico, pero, tras el triunfo de la revolución cubana, el Che le invitó a venir a La Habana y, un año después decidió afincarse en la isla con su esposa, Delia, y sus hijos. En 2008 Alberto Granado viajó a Argentina para participar en las celebraciones del 80 aniversario del nacimiento del Che Guevara en la ciudad de Rosario. Su último viaje al exterior fue a Ecuador hace algunos meses, según dijo a EFE su hijo, quien destacó que su padre fue un “gran revolucionario” y un hombre que amaba mucho la vida”
Scrive Lamberto Cesaroni: “Buongiorno! Dal 14 marzo parte una nuova iniziativa per affrontare l\'argomento funerale more human, intimate, possibly secular. From what I see on your site I think that an article about it ... might be of interest to your visitors - "
Trog Tribe writes:" On 26 February, around 15, we set up a table on a Garibaldi in Macerata. The aim was to make vegan Isa also feel a presence in this city. As they walked along the road numerous fur collars, we began distributing leaflets informing about the real owners of those "garments" and how they were treated "- Continue: -tribe-and-the-appuntamenti.html
Faperdue John writes in an open letter to the Mayor of Viterbo, on the future of the Baths, "If the spa (the Popes) are" our "really, really, and I stress, they should give some small fruit (see tariff reductions) to all Viterbo immediately, without waiting for the biblical times in 2033. Otherwise we have to agree with that someone, like myself, who spoke of termites and Bullicame, has long defined the poor citizens of Viterbo, not owners of the Spa (the Popes), but only servants, horns and blow "- continued: e2% 80% 9cma-spa-of-the-popes-of-Viterbo Viterbo-am-the-% e2% 80 % 9d /
Frigiola Savino writes: "A bank robbery is nothing compared to the robbery of the bankers. This awareness, wonderfully felt by Bertolt Brecht, is spreading with geometrical progression, as well as the perception that most of the current woes are to be charged to them. The only ones to notice are not only just the bankers who continue to work with the old and rusty that strategy worked well when the planned ignorance did not allow the masses to understand their misdeeds. In the face of increased raw materials and energy caused by speculation from their pilots, they claim to support, without any shame, to practice in the interest of the patient, bloodletting for those suffering from anemia. Horned and clubs. More and more people continue to nasare ... "
writes Francesco D'Ingiullo:" Long live women not only on 8 March and not only with the mimosas! We remember the events of March: 19:20: Course of self sandals near Pescara - March 27: Course of bread in my house in Palmoli (Chieti). Info "writes
Antonio Pantano:" DEATH IS NOT 'IN NOT BEING ABLE TO COMMUNICATE, BUT CAN NOT BE MORE IN' FALLING ... "(PPPasolini) - Let me comment, on the fly, dear" fellow Veronese "Pasolini thought this (man of" cinema "who created his most good film in its half of anger, to me, "revealed" to unbelievers and "not aware" - then "Not stated" Italian journalists and filmmakers about twenty-five years ago 'and the other half was of Giovanni Guareschi, and the uncertain Pasolini, a day after the premiere, I got the withdrawal from service, fearing a confrontation with the other, but ignores that both created a large document!)! Death is only drinking every day what is imposed on us, and, drunk, in supporting the swallowed poison! That is, in wanting to be ignorant, resigned to that condition! Ie: to believe without thinking, to discern and understand! The lack of understanding of others (especially the silly and resigned) is often a virtue! Dear saluti1 "
Let's enjoy this fine ... Various Regards, Saul / Paul
... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"In a vision I was shown a bird learning to fly. His efforts
e. .. Rano very weak, but as more and more used to the wings they are reinforced, until he found the freedom of flight and was able to rise to great heights and fly long distances without effort. I heard the words: Faith comes with practice; of faith alive, until it becomes firm, like a rock, and find the true freedom of spirit. "
(Eileen Caddy - The My flight to freedom)
Care, dear,
usually end up with a poem ... But this time we begin with a poem, the question of the hymn written by the imaginative biomass Benito Castorina, which allegorically sings
writes Veientes Furious , on the Libyan case, "Dear friends, I want to tip the balance, saying ...... I think that Berlusconi has forged a tentative agreement or arrangement for mutual aid sharing of Italian bases ..... and perhaps an agreement on mutual military assistance ..... No coincidence that Putin spoke at a public demonstration outside a rather cryptic phrase in Berlusconi's help ...... and I think in the coming weeks the picture will be much clearer and something along these lines will emerge ..... After all, it is explained why this hasty (in my opinion) staging organized for the sole and only purpose of allowing Anglo American neocons to put your feet on the ground in Libya as soon as possible. True that the Americans have now the "reserve tanks "..... but the rush dave have other urgent and pressing "stimuli." So I think the American hegemony in the Mediterranean (in spite of all appearances to the contrary) has reached a crisis point and ireversibile untenable. Laudetur Priapus, Pan et Sol Invictus ... "- Continue: Scrive
Hari Atma: "Come DICI semper, anche tu, mio \u200b\u200bdolce Paolo ..." the volonté sia \u200b\u200bfatta di Dio! " Felice March 8th magical and mysterious alla tua anima "femminile" e che sa sa free mostrarsi raccogliere grembo dal la vita di Madre Terra! "
Federica Cresci Scrive:" Alberto Granado, the friend and companion of guerrilla Ernesto "Che" Guevara his youth on a motorcycle trip through South America, died today in Havana at the age of 88. Granado, born on August 8, 1922 in Cordoba (Argentina) and living in Cuba since 1961, died of natural causes, said his son Alberto Granado. Granado, a loyal friend of Cuba will be cremated this Saturday in Havana and his ashes will be scattered in Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela, according to his will. Childhood friend of Che, was his companion during a motorcycle trip undertaken in 1952 in South America, a journey that awakened the political consciousness of the Argentine guerrilla. On "La Poderosa" Granado's motorcycle, toured much of the Southern Cone until nine months later, split in Venezuela.Esa vicissitudes was filmed in 2004 in the movie "Motorcycle Diaries", directed by Brazilian Walter Salles and starring Gael García Bernal in the role of Che and Argentine Rodrigo de la Serna as Alberto Granado.Tras that trip Granado regresó a Argentina para trabajar como bioquímico, pero, tras el triunfo de la revolución cubana, el Che le invitó a venir a La Habana y, un año después decidió afincarse en la isla con su esposa, Delia, y sus hijos. En 2008 Alberto Granado viajó a Argentina para participar en las celebraciones del 80 aniversario del nacimiento del Che Guevara en la ciudad de Rosario. Su último viaje al exterior fue a Ecuador hace algunos meses, según dijo a EFE su hijo, quien destacó que su padre fue un “gran revolucionario” y un hombre que amaba mucho la vida”
Scrive Lamberto Cesaroni: “Buongiorno! Dal 14 marzo parte una nuova iniziativa per affrontare l\'argomento funerale more human, intimate, possibly secular. From what I see on your site I think that an article about it ... might be of interest to your visitors - "
Trog Tribe writes:" On 26 February, around 15, we set up a table on a Garibaldi in Macerata. The aim was to make vegan Isa also feel a presence in this city. As they walked along the road numerous fur collars, we began distributing leaflets informing about the real owners of those "garments" and how they were treated "- Continue: -tribe-and-the-appuntamenti.html
Faperdue John writes in an open letter to the Mayor of Viterbo, on the future of the Baths, "If the spa (the Popes) are" our "really, really, and I stress, they should give some small fruit (see tariff reductions) to all Viterbo immediately, without waiting for the biblical times in 2033. Otherwise we have to agree with that someone, like myself, who spoke of termites and Bullicame, has long defined the poor citizens of Viterbo, not owners of the Spa (the Popes), but only servants, horns and blow "- continued: e2% 80% 9cma-spa-of-the-popes-of-Viterbo Viterbo-am-the-% e2% 80 % 9d /
Frigiola Savino writes: "A bank robbery is nothing compared to the robbery of the bankers. This awareness, wonderfully felt by Bertolt Brecht, is spreading with geometrical progression, as well as the perception that most of the current woes are to be charged to them. The only ones to notice are not only just the bankers who continue to work with the old and rusty that strategy worked well when the planned ignorance did not allow the masses to understand their misdeeds. In the face of increased raw materials and energy caused by speculation from their pilots, they claim to support, without any shame, to practice in the interest of the patient, bloodletting for those suffering from anemia. Horned and clubs. More and more people continue to nasare ... "
writes Francesco D'Ingiullo:" Long live women not only on 8 March and not only with the mimosas! We remember the events of March: 19:20: Course of self sandals near Pescara - March 27: Course of bread in my house in Palmoli (Chieti). Info "writes
Antonio Pantano:" DEATH IS NOT 'IN NOT BEING ABLE TO COMMUNICATE, BUT CAN NOT BE MORE IN' FALLING ... "(PPPasolini) - Let me comment, on the fly, dear" fellow Veronese "Pasolini thought this (man of" cinema "who created his most good film in its half of anger, to me, "revealed" to unbelievers and "not aware" - then "Not stated" Italian journalists and filmmakers about twenty-five years ago 'and the other half was of Giovanni Guareschi, and the uncertain Pasolini, a day after the premiere, I got the withdrawal from service, fearing a confrontation with the other, but ignores that both created a large document!)! Death is only drinking every day what is imposed on us, and, drunk, in supporting the swallowed poison! That is, in wanting to be ignorant, resigned to that condition! Ie: to believe without thinking, to discern and understand! The lack of understanding of others (especially the silly and resigned) is often a virtue! Dear saluti1 "
Let's enjoy this fine ... Various Regards, Saul / Paul
... ... ... ..
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"In a vision I was shown a bird learning to fly. His efforts
e. .. Rano very weak, but as more and more used to the wings they are reinforced, until he found the freedom of flight and was able to rise to great heights and fly long distances without effort. I heard the words: Faith comes with practice; of faith alive, until it becomes firm, like a rock, and find the true freedom of spirit. "
(Eileen Caddy - The My flight to freedom)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Plantar Fibroid Tumor
Saul 8 March 2011 - International Women's Day, ecology and yoga , the feast of the unification of Italy, horses Ronciglione landfill in La Spezia
Care, dear, we are now ready to
Women's Day, remember the date for the romantic walk in search of mimosa trees? e2% 80% 9cdonna humanity-man-% e2% 80 % 9d /
Frank writes: "The 'March 8th is becoming now, a day when everyone is allowed to wash his conscience, and then return after the first free"
also another festival is approaching, the unification of Italy, writes about the Russis De Vito: "A few words .. so much confusion! The next will be March 17, 2011 'National Day for the 150th anniversary of' Italy. The people of poets, heroes, scientists, navigators, etc.. born and raised confusion. Confusion instrumentally created to divert attention from the real problems of why people, this recurrence is established, with a few words (which end any debate) "-Continued: Decree-Law-of-22-February-2011-n-5.html
Chicca writes: "Hello Paul, a friend of Sonia. I am very happy with what you're planning to Treia! I'd like to make my contribution if possible and if useful. I start with a lesson in yoga available also to enable families to participate and bring their children to the event. A hug and good luck to all! "
rispostina Mia" Cara Chicca, I'm glad of your letter that shows interest and desire to collaborate in the festival. I believe that yoga is an excellent discipline that can help people to remain healthy and in good humor .. and in fact yoga can be considered a "natural cure" so in keeping with the theme of the event Treia. But I think there will be lots of children .. to care, that does not mean that if you want to participate in the roundtable on May 7 to submit your brief project healthy, you're welcome. If you could, if you want, give a demonstration on 8 May afternoon, the adults ..? However if you are close to Treia meet me and talk, you can call me at 0733/216293 - or from Catherine 333.6023090. I am currently in Spilamberto Treia and go back next week "
Eleonora D'Andrea writes:" Hereby we are pleased to invite you here at the opening of the exhibition Catherine Sbrana & Domenico Grenci. From March 12 to May 1, 2011, Via Gioberti 14 - MEADOW - OPENING Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 17.30 to 21.00. Info "
Antonello Ricci writes:" Thursday, March 10 to 17 second appointment of the third edition of Afternoon Coffee Schenardi. Traveling with Giuseppe Gioachino Belli is the title of the next meeting, the speaker will be Professor. Vincenzo De Caprio, The entrance is free (Info: Vincenzo Ceniti Touring Console, cell. 334.7579879) "writes Juliet
Blue:" Hello beautiful, here we are with the pre invitation then April 17 is the genuine Clandestino in Naples immediately after the CIR from EVA (eco-village self-built houses of straw) to Pescomaggiore, Aquila April 20 to 24 "Continued:
writes Pitelli Committee March 8 all day SIT-IN IN PIAZZA BEVERINO
FLYERS / CALL IN VIEW OF' LAST day of the trial of the century! Pitelli MORE '. Info "
writes Max Steel:" Dear friends, the new issue of secret, with the theme Love, was released. The magazine, as always, is particularly rich contributions of poetry, short stories, reviews and interviews. We thank those who contributed to the magazine. The next theme, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, will be dedicated to our country. Deadline for delivery of text: May 31. The new issue of the magazine can be read online at website "
writes Antonella pedicels in response to the letter of Vincelli Mannello on the condition of public schools in Italy:" Dear Enzo, I respond with pleasure to his remarks and apologize for being late in this, but his speech I had just "escaped"! Meanwhile, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to brush up some personal reflections on the Italian school, but too long to be treated. There are some areas, allow me to point out that she has a little 'rap "in my" venting "a few days ago.' So I ask you about: why I say I have extended my experiences personal assessment of the sector in which it operates? It is not possible, and it is obvious, "do all the same brush! I told ... "Tales" one of my personal experience, as a result of an attack rather "inappropriate" a character "important" and "representative" in my "State"; I extern "emotions" that perhaps, today, may appear trivial , but which allow an individual, any individual, to "feel alive" ... I noted also that respect and "honor", the political figure (above) that represents me, so my speech was not addressed to him "personally" ... She then speaks of "fighting" against this person, Therefore, at this point, maybe it's she who is extending his "personal assessment" (among other things, not even requested) to a wider context ..... There are no "weapons" in my words, only one great desire to implement reflections on the value of a "profession" in which many (not all), they invest their "participation in human life," hoping to "collect" some day, (... the time, unfortunately are not short!) good learning experiences and real. I'd love one of his "intervention" in school, between schools, between boys, teachers among us .. seek confrontation, not the continuing "critical", we want to go to the "discovered" and shouting the silence of so many truths that remain trapped in the cobwebs of "cliches", now devoid of nourishment for the mind and "spirit." Best wishes "
Mario writes:" Hello Paul, I take your magazines to inform all readers that Friday 11/3/2011 at 15:00 there will be a meeting on the transition and the ability to activate a group in Vignola. Info "
Vittorio Marinelli writes:" I send you the press release of the meeting at which we are risking the lynching were present offering to an audience composed also of representatives of pharmaceutical companies, the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry ... .. "
Writes Campaign for the animals: "Saturday, March 12 from 10.30 to 12.30 in Piazza Dante, n ° 0 - Chieri (TO) will be held the inauguration and presentation of the" Veganzetta "territory Chieri. The Documentation Center "The Cube" will be screened on loop "A Life Connected - for people on the planet, to animals," video produced by the United Nonviolence. Free admission
And now a good deed, write a letter to the mayor to stop Ronciglione empty runs March 5 ... us another horse died on the cobblestones .. Read all about it:
We are finishing straight and I greet you, Paul / Saul
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Putting your foot in what you thought
Was a green herb bush, You Had It Stung By Hornets
till it swelled up big.
regret and Why Should You Pay for This
accidental fault as if It Were
Intentional? "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)
Care, dear, we are now ready to
Women's Day, remember the date for the romantic walk in search of mimosa trees? e2% 80% 9cdonna humanity-man-% e2% 80 % 9d /
Frank writes: "The 'March 8th is becoming now, a day when everyone is allowed to wash his conscience, and then return after the first free"
also another festival is approaching, the unification of Italy, writes about the Russis De Vito: "A few words .. so much confusion! The next will be March 17, 2011 'National Day for the 150th anniversary of' Italy. The people of poets, heroes, scientists, navigators, etc.. born and raised confusion. Confusion instrumentally created to divert attention from the real problems of why people, this recurrence is established, with a few words (which end any debate) "-Continued: Decree-Law-of-22-February-2011-n-5.html
Chicca writes: "Hello Paul, a friend of Sonia. I am very happy with what you're planning to Treia! I'd like to make my contribution if possible and if useful. I start with a lesson in yoga available also to enable families to participate and bring their children to the event. A hug and good luck to all! "
rispostina Mia" Cara Chicca, I'm glad of your letter that shows interest and desire to collaborate in the festival. I believe that yoga is an excellent discipline that can help people to remain healthy and in good humor .. and in fact yoga can be considered a "natural cure" so in keeping with the theme of the event Treia. But I think there will be lots of children .. to care, that does not mean that if you want to participate in the roundtable on May 7 to submit your brief project healthy, you're welcome. If you could, if you want, give a demonstration on 8 May afternoon, the adults ..? However if you are close to Treia meet me and talk, you can call me at 0733/216293 - or from Catherine 333.6023090. I am currently in Spilamberto Treia and go back next week "
Eleonora D'Andrea writes:" Hereby we are pleased to invite you here at the opening of the exhibition Catherine Sbrana & Domenico Grenci. From March 12 to May 1, 2011, Via Gioberti 14 - MEADOW - OPENING Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 17.30 to 21.00. Info "
Antonello Ricci writes:" Thursday, March 10 to 17 second appointment of the third edition of Afternoon Coffee Schenardi. Traveling with Giuseppe Gioachino Belli is the title of the next meeting, the speaker will be Professor. Vincenzo De Caprio, The entrance is free (Info: Vincenzo Ceniti Touring Console, cell. 334.7579879) "writes Juliet
Blue:" Hello beautiful, here we are with the pre invitation then April 17 is the genuine Clandestino in Naples immediately after the CIR from EVA (eco-village self-built houses of straw) to Pescomaggiore, Aquila April 20 to 24 "Continued:
writes Pitelli Committee March 8 all day SIT-IN IN PIAZZA BEVERINO
FLYERS / CALL IN VIEW OF' LAST day of the trial of the century! Pitelli MORE '. Info "
writes Max Steel:" Dear friends, the new issue of secret, with the theme Love, was released. The magazine, as always, is particularly rich contributions of poetry, short stories, reviews and interviews. We thank those who contributed to the magazine. The next theme, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, will be dedicated to our country. Deadline for delivery of text: May 31. The new issue of the magazine can be read online at website "
writes Antonella pedicels in response to the letter of Vincelli Mannello on the condition of public schools in Italy:" Dear Enzo, I respond with pleasure to his remarks and apologize for being late in this, but his speech I had just "escaped"! Meanwhile, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to brush up some personal reflections on the Italian school, but too long to be treated. There are some areas, allow me to point out that she has a little 'rap "in my" venting "a few days ago.' So I ask you about: why I say I have extended my experiences personal assessment of the sector in which it operates? It is not possible, and it is obvious, "do all the same brush! I told ... "Tales" one of my personal experience, as a result of an attack rather "inappropriate" a character "important" and "representative" in my "State"; I extern "emotions" that perhaps, today, may appear trivial , but which allow an individual, any individual, to "feel alive" ... I noted also that respect and "honor", the political figure (above) that represents me, so my speech was not addressed to him "personally" ... She then speaks of "fighting" against this person, Therefore, at this point, maybe it's she who is extending his "personal assessment" (among other things, not even requested) to a wider context ..... There are no "weapons" in my words, only one great desire to implement reflections on the value of a "profession" in which many (not all), they invest their "participation in human life," hoping to "collect" some day, (... the time, unfortunately are not short!) good learning experiences and real. I'd love one of his "intervention" in school, between schools, between boys, teachers among us .. seek confrontation, not the continuing "critical", we want to go to the "discovered" and shouting the silence of so many truths that remain trapped in the cobwebs of "cliches", now devoid of nourishment for the mind and "spirit." Best wishes "
Mario writes:" Hello Paul, I take your magazines to inform all readers that Friday 11/3/2011 at 15:00 there will be a meeting on the transition and the ability to activate a group in Vignola. Info "
Vittorio Marinelli writes:" I send you the press release of the meeting at which we are risking the lynching were present offering to an audience composed also of representatives of pharmaceutical companies, the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry ... .. "
Writes Campaign for the animals: "Saturday, March 12 from 10.30 to 12.30 in Piazza Dante, n ° 0 - Chieri (TO) will be held the inauguration and presentation of the" Veganzetta "territory Chieri. The Documentation Center "The Cube" will be screened on loop "A Life Connected - for people on the planet, to animals," video produced by the United Nonviolence. Free admission
And now a good deed, write a letter to the mayor to stop Ronciglione empty runs March 5 ... us another horse died on the cobblestones .. Read all about it:
We are finishing straight and I greet you, Paul / Saul
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Putting your foot in what you thought
Was a green herb bush, You Had It Stung By Hornets
till it swelled up big.
regret and Why Should You Pay for This
accidental fault as if It Were
Intentional? "
(Sri Ramana Maharshi)
How To Do Mouth Swab For Thrush
The magazines of Saul of March 7, 2011 - Avenza of Samos, who carries out the Pope's Jews, natural diet, water and arsenic, Agri.Bio, deep ecology The magazines
Care, dear, are
Spilamberto, sorry for the delay but I had to nick this issue today's comic books of Saul stmattina in a hurry ...
Lucilla Casta writes: “Ciao a tutti, sono stata invitata a questa presentazione e posso invitare altri, il curatore della rivista è di Cecina e sarà presente. La presentazione sarà al Centro Samo ad Avenza di Carrara, il centro è vicino all'uscita dell'autostrada di Carrara. Per info 3356093925. La signora che gestisce il Centro, Daniela del Carlo, proviene da Donoratico e ha aperto una Scuola di Counseling ad Avenza, ma lei è un bio architetto da tanti anni a Carrara, che senz'altro sarà interessante conoscere, è possibile portare amici alla presentazione e fare pubblicità ...”
Ci stiamo preparando il discorso sull'alimentazione naturale dell'uomo, in previsione dell'incontro del 7 maggio a Treia, intanto vi step in this exchange of views:
Naomi Longo writes: "Bungi0rno Paul, you turn the mail that h received this morning on a conference on animal rights, vegetarianism, ecology, archeology, vegetarian animal rights organizations in the EU .. UVA experiments presented in collaboration with "animals, Vegetarianism, Ecology, Archaeology" Speakers Massimo Andellini (Bioarchitetto UVA-President), Peter White Massimiliano (APAT Ecologist - Technical and Scientific Committee UVA), The urgency of the History of Vegetarianism knocks at the door: welcome or perish? Dr. Laura VignaAnimalismo nell'antichità. Venerdi' 11 marzo ore 18 Libreria Archeologica Via Sannio, 42/D-E Roma, ingresso libero. Info: 06-70451648”
Scrive Vincenzo Mannello: “Leggo solo oggi l'articolo di Giacomo Galeazzi del 3 scorso sul "Papa che assolve gli ebrei". Da quanto scritto dallo articolista , che riporta frasi di Benedetto XVI, il Pontefice sembrerebbe arrampicarsi sugli specchi per poter dimostrare come non siano stati gli ebrei, in quanto popolo, a far giudicare e condannare Gesù ma solo "parti" di esso che nulla avevano a che fare con il "tutto". Addirittura fa balenare l'idea che siano stati i precursori delle grandi dittature future (magari quella nazista!). Quindi avevano torto gli Apostoli, historians, the church itself, with all the Popes, to the fury of the last wire Jewish Popes. However ill always reciprocated by the Jews themselves, religious or not, which continues with impunity to put forward new demands. And while we're here, would be good to understand why Jesus is regarded as a jew born favorite son of Israel, but as to the guilt of his death, this would affect other "
My comment:" I read a bit 'surprised this letter Vincent ... My feeling is that he wants to say, Pope Ratzinger feels the need to forgive the Jews ... but he himself was pardoned by the Jews? It would appear not! - Then, dear Vincent, I am not at all religious (of any part) and so I can tell you that you have guessed! "
Agri.Bio Emilia Romagna writes:" We inform you that our association is looking to organize some cultural events in the region information in the 'scope of a project that has as its primary objective the encounter between two different dimensions, the town with that of the peasants of the countryside "- Continue: -City-Country /
Marco Bracci writes: "Dear Paul, I would like to take advantage of your magazines to make a report on arsenic pollution of water" potable " which is said to affect mainly Tuscany and Lazio. This problem is solved by adopting the best purifier made in Switzerland Filopur, present in 60 countries for almost 40 years, including the CN filter (anti-nitrates treatment / nitrite ... and arsenic). Filopur prerogative in respect of reverse osmosis filters is that preserves the valuable minerals in the water, thus contributing to the reduction of the blood, the primary cause of the worst human diseases. Also great is the water in and out so much is that, while osmosis you get to download up to 7 liters of water per liter useful. Candelise is the only retailer authorized to sell Filopur in Italy over the Internet. With Filopur you'll save over buying mineral water, it avoids the use of plastic bottles polluting and labor supply. Anyone interested can visit, where you will also find the contact details for further information. Thank you and good day, "Mario Spinetti
writes:" I posted his article on my site to Ecology Prodonda seguenye link: = & = & site = news1_categoria + Deep Ecology & news1_id = 1249147 & local_page =
Sincerely "We
greet us here? Hello, Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Care, dear, are
Spilamberto, sorry for the delay but I had to nick this issue today's comic books of Saul stmattina in a hurry ...
Lucilla Casta writes: “Ciao a tutti, sono stata invitata a questa presentazione e posso invitare altri, il curatore della rivista è di Cecina e sarà presente. La presentazione sarà al Centro Samo ad Avenza di Carrara, il centro è vicino all'uscita dell'autostrada di Carrara. Per info 3356093925. La signora che gestisce il Centro, Daniela del Carlo, proviene da Donoratico e ha aperto una Scuola di Counseling ad Avenza, ma lei è un bio architetto da tanti anni a Carrara, che senz'altro sarà interessante conoscere, è possibile portare amici alla presentazione e fare pubblicità ...”
Ci stiamo preparando il discorso sull'alimentazione naturale dell'uomo, in previsione dell'incontro del 7 maggio a Treia, intanto vi step in this exchange of views:
Naomi Longo writes: "Bungi0rno Paul, you turn the mail that h received this morning on a conference on animal rights, vegetarianism, ecology, archeology, vegetarian animal rights organizations in the EU .. UVA experiments presented in collaboration with "animals, Vegetarianism, Ecology, Archaeology" Speakers Massimo Andellini (Bioarchitetto UVA-President), Peter White Massimiliano (APAT Ecologist - Technical and Scientific Committee UVA), The urgency of the History of Vegetarianism knocks at the door: welcome or perish? Dr. Laura VignaAnimalismo nell'antichità. Venerdi' 11 marzo ore 18 Libreria Archeologica Via Sannio, 42/D-E Roma, ingresso libero. Info: 06-70451648”
Scrive Vincenzo Mannello: “Leggo solo oggi l'articolo di Giacomo Galeazzi del 3 scorso sul "Papa che assolve gli ebrei". Da quanto scritto dallo articolista , che riporta frasi di Benedetto XVI, il Pontefice sembrerebbe arrampicarsi sugli specchi per poter dimostrare come non siano stati gli ebrei, in quanto popolo, a far giudicare e condannare Gesù ma solo "parti" di esso che nulla avevano a che fare con il "tutto". Addirittura fa balenare l'idea che siano stati i precursori delle grandi dittature future (magari quella nazista!). Quindi avevano torto gli Apostoli, historians, the church itself, with all the Popes, to the fury of the last wire Jewish Popes. However ill always reciprocated by the Jews themselves, religious or not, which continues with impunity to put forward new demands. And while we're here, would be good to understand why Jesus is regarded as a jew born favorite son of Israel, but as to the guilt of his death, this would affect other "
My comment:" I read a bit 'surprised this letter Vincent ... My feeling is that he wants to say, Pope Ratzinger feels the need to forgive the Jews ... but he himself was pardoned by the Jews? It would appear not! - Then, dear Vincent, I am not at all religious (of any part) and so I can tell you that you have guessed! "
Agri.Bio Emilia Romagna writes:" We inform you that our association is looking to organize some cultural events in the region information in the 'scope of a project that has as its primary objective the encounter between two different dimensions, the town with that of the peasants of the countryside "- Continue: -City-Country /
Marco Bracci writes: "Dear Paul, I would like to take advantage of your magazines to make a report on arsenic pollution of water" potable " which is said to affect mainly Tuscany and Lazio. This problem is solved by adopting the best purifier made in Switzerland Filopur, present in 60 countries for almost 40 years, including the CN filter (anti-nitrates treatment / nitrite ... and arsenic). Filopur prerogative in respect of reverse osmosis filters is that preserves the valuable minerals in the water, thus contributing to the reduction of the blood, the primary cause of the worst human diseases. Also great is the water in and out so much is that, while osmosis you get to download up to 7 liters of water per liter useful. Candelise is the only retailer authorized to sell Filopur in Italy over the Internet. With Filopur you'll save over buying mineral water, it avoids the use of plastic bottles polluting and labor supply. Anyone interested can visit, where you will also find the contact details for further information. Thank you and good day, "Mario Spinetti
writes:" I posted his article on my site to Ecology Prodonda seguenye link: = & = & site = news1_categoria + Deep Ecology & news1_id = 1249147 & local_page =
Sincerely "We
greet us here? Hello, Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Accepted Range Of Bilirubin Level Of Baby
"Spring in Burgundy: the origin of its cover. Page 40 of 10 Rows
Here I report my opinion as an interesting contribution Posted by Emmanuel Prophete on its website " Winning Writer", about the importance of the cover as part of marketing a book.
In my comment I'm talking about how did the cover of "Spring in Burgundy " ... ..
Hello Emanuele, well also found this week! I obviously agree
with you about what you have stated the importance of the cover of a novel (like the rest of his title).
Wanting to any express my personal opinion about it, even at the risk of "failing to appear at all costs" with color pictures and high-sounding, I am firmly convinced that the cover should be a preview and time both a natural continuation of the contents of the book, however, expressed in images.
Speaking from my own experience, I "found" by chance the cover of "Spring in Burgundy" while on holiday in France when I had finished the novel and I did not know if it would be been published or not.
I was just visiting a winery in the company of some friends when suddenly, turning his gaze to the right, I "saw" the cover of my novel.
Again, I had not the slightest assurance that "Spring in Burgundy " would come to light, but in any case I immediately thought that if he was actually published, I suggested to the publisher just as the cover photo of the view that I had so seriously affected.
In effect, what I managed to capture with my digital camera depicted in pictures, among other quite closely, just what I described in a part of my novel.
Also, in my view, the long perspective of the vineyard could well sum up the contrast between the feeling of peace and tranquility evoked by the title, "Spring in Burgundy " precisely, and noir atmosphere that characterize the development of history .
When I then referred to the evaluation of various acquaintances of the draft of the cover and back cover, I was happy to see that most of the people I interviewed had arrived the message that I wanted to "send" . Of course there are those who have relentlessly "cut off" my choice. Of resto sono pienamente consapevole del fatto che non possiamo accontentare sempre tutti. Ma questa è un’altra storia…. : -D

In my comment I'm talking about how did the cover of "Spring in Burgundy " ... ..
Hello Emanuele, well also found this week! I obviously agree
with you about what you have stated the importance of the cover of a novel (like the rest of his title).
Wanting to any express my personal opinion about it, even at the risk of "failing to appear at all costs" with color pictures and high-sounding, I am firmly convinced that the cover should be a preview and time both a natural continuation of the contents of the book, however, expressed in images.
Speaking from my own experience, I "found" by chance the cover of "Spring in Burgundy" while on holiday in France when I had finished the novel and I did not know if it would be been published or not.
I was just visiting a winery in the company of some friends when suddenly, turning his gaze to the right, I "saw" the cover of my novel.
Again, I had not the slightest assurance that "Spring in Burgundy " would come to light, but in any case I immediately thought that if he was actually published, I suggested to the publisher just as the cover photo of the view that I had so seriously affected.
In effect, what I managed to capture with my digital camera depicted in pictures, among other quite closely, just what I described in a part of my novel.
Also, in my view, the long perspective of the vineyard could well sum up the contrast between the feeling of peace and tranquility evoked by the title, "Spring in Burgundy " precisely, and noir atmosphere that characterize the development of history .
When I then referred to the evaluation of various acquaintances of the draft of the cover and back cover, I was happy to see that most of the people I interviewed had arrived the message that I wanted to "send" . Of course there are those who have relentlessly "cut off" my choice. Of resto sono pienamente consapevole del fatto che non possiamo accontentare sempre tutti. Ma questa è un’altra storia…. : -D
Consiglio inoltre di leggere anche l’intero contributo di Emanuele ed i relativi commenti di alcuni lettori del suo seguitissimo sito. Ecco il link:
27 – Svelati i Segreti delle Copertine dei Best Seller ( col Bunga Bunga ).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
How Remove Orange Tip Desert Eagle
Saul of March 6, 2011 - Women's Day, Moreno Marchi, Goddess Buccilli, Chechnya, public schools, cutting wood sheet ... The magazines
Care, dear, we are here today
Treia to the 8 th meeting with the I Ching and the Chinese Zodiac, in the afternoon we go to Ancona, where I embark on a train to Modena, Spilamberto final destination. I will stop there at the home of my beloved Catherine for a week. Remember that on 8 March, we have a walk "matristic" sul Panaro: -% e2% 80% 9cdonna humanity-man-% e2% 80% 9d /
Scrive Peter Boom: “Caro Paolo, vedo con piacere che sei sempre in piena attività anche nella Tua nuova sede. Mi dispiace tanto di non poter essere presente ai tuoi incontri e salutami allora tutti i vecchi e nuovi amici...”
Scrive Beppe Sini: "L'otto marzo 2011 a Viterbo, presso il centro sociale occupato autogestito "Valle Faul", si terrà una iniziativa per la Giornata della lotta delle donne per la liberazione dell'umanità, contro il maschilismo e il patriarcato, contro la guerra e il razzismo, contro lo sfruttamento che devasta e distrugge le vite umane e la biosfera, contro la mercificazione dei corpi e delle esistenze, contro ogni logica di violenza che umilia, opprime e distrugge. Speaker Antonio Litta, Chairman of the "Nepi for peace" and animator of many initiatives for the rights and the common good, peace and solidarity "
Donaudi Gianni writes:" It's been exactly fourteen years since the death of the writer and scholar Sanremo Moreno Marchi, died March 6, 1997, will be a chance? the same day of the suicide of the writer "collaboration" Frenchman Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, that Moreno was very fond of ... "- Continue:
http://www. e2% 80% 9cin-memory-of-moreno-marks-and-writer-scholar-layman% e2% 80% 9d /
AVA wrote: Thursday, March 10 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of Vegetarian Pets Asti piazza 5 / a Rome conference of Dr. Rosalba Scarlatti, Surgeon, on "Clinical Pathology: MEANING OF THE MAIN LABORATORY TESTS" To interpret the medical language and analysis to cooperate in the recovery of health. The speaker will answer questions from the audience. Info Tel 06.7022863 "
Buccilli Goddess writes:" City of Ortucchio (AQ) - assembly room, day 15 hours 03/06/2011. "Cibus in Primus': Let there be no more suicides from pesticides, dioxins, and GMOs. Organic Agriculture converted to using the huge resources made available by the agri-environment payments Europei nei PSR Regionali”
Programma completo:
Scrive Tra Terra e Cielo: "Passeggiando a PASSIGNANO SUL TRASIMENO (PG). Dal 21 al 26aprile 2011. PANTA REI, tutto scorre durante sei giorni di CUCINA macrobiotica e mediterranea, CAMMINANDO sulle colline fino ai paesi medievali e CONVIVIALITA'. Soggiorno per vivere insieme e cucinare nella struttura con vista lago, in agritur. oppure in albergo. INFO: 0583-356182, -77"
Scrive Veganfest: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), la più grande associazione mondiale per i diritti degli animali, sarà presente al VeganFest EXPO 2011, 22 to 25 April 2011 Capezzano Pianore in the town of Camaiore (LU). Info "
writes in The Way the World:" Continue the preparation for the event on 9 April, against nuclear power. At a time when more and more blowing winds of war, a leading expert on the subject, PROF. Angelo Baracca, physicist, professor at the University of Florence to discuss war and peace with fighters on opposite sides in the conflict between Russia and Chechen ARKADI BABCHENKO, writer of international renown, which has just been released in Italy (March 1) the His book "A Soldier's War in Chechnya", DMITRI FLORIN, journalist, winner of the Reporter calendar year 2010 "and the Andrei Sakharov prize for" Journalism of commitment, "KHUSAIN CHABAEV, former Chechen fighter, the event will also participate, returning from Afghanistan and Chechnya respectively LISA CLARK, historic Italian pacifist, vice president of the" Blessed are the peacemakers "and maximum Bonfatti, in The Way of the World. "
Watch programs for the events of March 12, 2011, for the defense of the Constitution and public schools, which are held in various cities of Italy:
http://altracalcata-altromondo.blogspot .com/2011/03/12-marzo-2011-difesa-della-costituzione.html
Comments received da Vito De Russis sul taglio del bosco di Fogliano (a Faleria): “Scrive Armando, sconsolato per il taglio del sacro bosco di Fogliano, .................. e nella tua rispostina sostieni: “E così ci avevano tratti in inganno......" mentre, come al solito, Giorgio Vitali commenta: “QUESTA LA PRASSI ABITUALE DI LORSIGNORI.........” Ed allora vi dico che: Dopo il ferragosto del 2004 (il 24) in un Municipio di Roma viene presentata la richiesta di disciplinare il traffico dal 28 al 30 agosto nelle vie adiacenti al terreno dove verranno abbattuti degli alberi (con 50 anni di vita). La richiesta non contiene "altri dettagli". A vista viene rilasciata l'autorizzazione all'abbattimento alberi. La successiva Ordinanza che viene affissa nei dintorni di quel terreno riferisce che verranno potati degli alberi. Il 28 mattina presto arrivano coloro i quali - in poche ore - abbattono 48 alberi di alto fusto. Non chiesi delucidazioni sulla duplice e grave trasparente discrepanza per paura di passare quale terrorista di una qualsiasi "ditta" (sconosciuta). Perché, vista l'atmosfera dominante sul "fastidio" che reca colui che chiede chiarimenti, mi avrebbero accusato di sostenere gli incendiari. Perché, sostengono in certi ambienti, gli alberi hanno il potere "provocatorio" di sollecitatori alla violenza e allo spettacolo fuochistico; quindi, meglio abbatterli e sostituirli con un bel po' di cemento. Mi sembrò una ipotesi realistica ............ addio Lugano Bella...” My
rispostina: "Dear Vito ... the tragedy of the sacred forest of leaves and cadastre and property of the town and said "coppice". Only wise administration could change things .. Faleria but over the years, successive left and right and all have seen good start cutting "as prescribed by law" with the blessings of the Forest Guard "- Read this too: / asp-importaUrl% 286028% 29.pdf
So for today we salute you, your Saul / Paul
... ..........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"A man loves Sacred silence surrounds you as in a blanket, a silence that speaks with a loud voice like thunder, who taught him many things. A shaman want to be in a place where you hear only the hum of insects. He sits with his face to the west, and asks for help. Speak with plants, and they respond.
Listen carefully to the voices of animals. Become one of them. From every creature pouring something into him. He also exudes something: how and what I do not know, but it is. I've lived. A shaman must belong to the earth, to read nature as a white man can read a book. "
(Lame Deer - Sioux)
Care, dear, we are here today
Treia to the 8 th meeting with the I Ching and the Chinese Zodiac, in the afternoon we go to Ancona, where I embark on a train to Modena, Spilamberto final destination. I will stop there at the home of my beloved Catherine for a week. Remember that on 8 March, we have a walk "matristic" sul Panaro: -% e2% 80% 9cdonna humanity-man-% e2% 80% 9d /
Scrive Peter Boom: “Caro Paolo, vedo con piacere che sei sempre in piena attività anche nella Tua nuova sede. Mi dispiace tanto di non poter essere presente ai tuoi incontri e salutami allora tutti i vecchi e nuovi amici...”
Scrive Beppe Sini: "L'otto marzo 2011 a Viterbo, presso il centro sociale occupato autogestito "Valle Faul", si terrà una iniziativa per la Giornata della lotta delle donne per la liberazione dell'umanità, contro il maschilismo e il patriarcato, contro la guerra e il razzismo, contro lo sfruttamento che devasta e distrugge le vite umane e la biosfera, contro la mercificazione dei corpi e delle esistenze, contro ogni logica di violenza che umilia, opprime e distrugge. Speaker Antonio Litta, Chairman of the "Nepi for peace" and animator of many initiatives for the rights and the common good, peace and solidarity "
Donaudi Gianni writes:" It's been exactly fourteen years since the death of the writer and scholar Sanremo Moreno Marchi, died March 6, 1997, will be a chance? the same day of the suicide of the writer "collaboration" Frenchman Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, that Moreno was very fond of ... "- Continue:
http://www. e2% 80% 9cin-memory-of-moreno-marks-and-writer-scholar-layman% e2% 80% 9d /
AVA wrote: Thursday, March 10 at 17.30 hours at the headquarters of Vegetarian Pets Asti piazza 5 / a Rome conference of Dr. Rosalba Scarlatti, Surgeon, on "Clinical Pathology: MEANING OF THE MAIN LABORATORY TESTS" To interpret the medical language and analysis to cooperate in the recovery of health. The speaker will answer questions from the audience. Info Tel 06.7022863 "
Buccilli Goddess writes:" City of Ortucchio (AQ) - assembly room, day 15 hours 03/06/2011. "Cibus in Primus': Let there be no more suicides from pesticides, dioxins, and GMOs. Organic Agriculture converted to using the huge resources made available by the agri-environment payments Europei nei PSR Regionali”
Programma completo:
Scrive Tra Terra e Cielo: "Passeggiando a PASSIGNANO SUL TRASIMENO (PG). Dal 21 al 26aprile 2011. PANTA REI, tutto scorre durante sei giorni di CUCINA macrobiotica e mediterranea, CAMMINANDO sulle colline fino ai paesi medievali e CONVIVIALITA'. Soggiorno per vivere insieme e cucinare nella struttura con vista lago, in agritur. oppure in albergo. INFO: 0583-356182, -77"
Scrive Veganfest: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), la più grande associazione mondiale per i diritti degli animali, sarà presente al VeganFest EXPO 2011, 22 to 25 April 2011 Capezzano Pianore in the town of Camaiore (LU). Info "
writes in The Way the World:" Continue the preparation for the event on 9 April, against nuclear power. At a time when more and more blowing winds of war, a leading expert on the subject, PROF. Angelo Baracca, physicist, professor at the University of Florence to discuss war and peace with fighters on opposite sides in the conflict between Russia and Chechen ARKADI BABCHENKO, writer of international renown, which has just been released in Italy (March 1) the His book "A Soldier's War in Chechnya", DMITRI FLORIN, journalist, winner of the Reporter calendar year 2010 "and the Andrei Sakharov prize for" Journalism of commitment, "KHUSAIN CHABAEV, former Chechen fighter, the event will also participate, returning from Afghanistan and Chechnya respectively LISA CLARK, historic Italian pacifist, vice president of the" Blessed are the peacemakers "and maximum Bonfatti, in The Way of the World. "
Watch programs for the events of March 12, 2011, for the defense of the Constitution and public schools, which are held in various cities of Italy:
http://altracalcata-altromondo.blogspot .com/2011/03/12-marzo-2011-difesa-della-costituzione.html
Comments received da Vito De Russis sul taglio del bosco di Fogliano (a Faleria): “Scrive Armando, sconsolato per il taglio del sacro bosco di Fogliano, .................. e nella tua rispostina sostieni: “E così ci avevano tratti in inganno......" mentre, come al solito, Giorgio Vitali commenta: “QUESTA LA PRASSI ABITUALE DI LORSIGNORI.........” Ed allora vi dico che: Dopo il ferragosto del 2004 (il 24) in un Municipio di Roma viene presentata la richiesta di disciplinare il traffico dal 28 al 30 agosto nelle vie adiacenti al terreno dove verranno abbattuti degli alberi (con 50 anni di vita). La richiesta non contiene "altri dettagli". A vista viene rilasciata l'autorizzazione all'abbattimento alberi. La successiva Ordinanza che viene affissa nei dintorni di quel terreno riferisce che verranno potati degli alberi. Il 28 mattina presto arrivano coloro i quali - in poche ore - abbattono 48 alberi di alto fusto. Non chiesi delucidazioni sulla duplice e grave trasparente discrepanza per paura di passare quale terrorista di una qualsiasi "ditta" (sconosciuta). Perché, vista l'atmosfera dominante sul "fastidio" che reca colui che chiede chiarimenti, mi avrebbero accusato di sostenere gli incendiari. Perché, sostengono in certi ambienti, gli alberi hanno il potere "provocatorio" di sollecitatori alla violenza e allo spettacolo fuochistico; quindi, meglio abbatterli e sostituirli con un bel po' di cemento. Mi sembrò una ipotesi realistica ............ addio Lugano Bella...” My
rispostina: "Dear Vito ... the tragedy of the sacred forest of leaves and cadastre and property of the town and said "coppice". Only wise administration could change things .. Faleria but over the years, successive left and right and all have seen good start cutting "as prescribed by law" with the blessings of the Forest Guard "- Read this too: / asp-importaUrl% 286028% 29.pdf
So for today we salute you, your Saul / Paul
... ..........
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"A man loves Sacred silence surrounds you as in a blanket, a silence that speaks with a loud voice like thunder, who taught him many things. A shaman want to be in a place where you hear only the hum of insects. He sits with his face to the west, and asks for help. Speak with plants, and they respond.
Listen carefully to the voices of animals. Become one of them. From every creature pouring something into him. He also exudes something: how and what I do not know, but it is. I've lived. A shaman must belong to the earth, to read nature as a white man can read a book. "
(Lame Deer - Sioux)
Coconut Oil Replace Butter In Baking
Saul of March 5, 2011 - UFO 1 Turin and bioregional Milan, end of herbal medicine dates referendum, Giordano Bruno, Fogliano
Care, dear, we
theme of syncretism intergalactic life! Esistono altre vite nell'Universo e Ida Di Donato ci invita a prendere coscienza di ciò ed a renderci pronti all'incontro... Al proposito scrive anche Amleto: "Carissimi... ricevuto interessante avviso di Ida che vi invito a leggere... perché ritengo sia di grande importanza per coloro che cercano la poliedrica Verità... Fraterni saluti. Namasté" –Continua:
Scrive Mauro: “Salve Paolo, sono andato sul sito della Rete Bioregionale a cercare una qualche indicazione di un libro da voi pubblicato e che mi interesserebbe leggere: Nanao Sakaki - "With your feet in the mud," Please, I want to know if this book is still available, if you can book through you (how?) Or if it is also possible through a common library. Since we're here, take this opportunity to find out if you present with your booth at the "Do the Right Thing" - Milan 26/27 March. Thank you for your kind feedback and my best regards "My
rispostina:" Dear Maureen, thanks for your message. Giro your mail to Stephen Panzarasa that deals with environmental education and book publishing. Thanks for the invitation to the Fair "Do the right thing "in Milan, which result in our magazines of Saul, to inform members (near Lombard) initiative Ah .. there, in Turin there are two co-founders of Bioregional Network, Claudio Daniel Viano and the restaurant La Crescent, you know them? If you want I can put you in the mailing list of the magazines so you can be informed on all ongoing initiatives in various regions of Italy "
Cospito Nicola writes:" The news yesterday beat the other news agencies about the dates set by government in local elections and the referendum on privatization of water, the nuclear and such failure, shows once again, as if proof were needed, that the current government in office is a government of swindlers and rogues. Elections In fact, administrative and referendums will be held on different dates, the first il 15/16 maggio, i referendum il 12 giugno, cosa che costerà non solo all'erario, ma anche e soprattutto agli italiani, svariate centinaia di milioni di euro in più. Il governo infatti ha inteso stabilire date diverse per affossare i referendum, sperando in tal modo di impedire il raggiungimento del quorum necessario a renderlo valido. Un altro tentativo, insomma, soprattutto in relazione al legittimo impedimento, di salvare il cosiddetto premier dai suoi processi. E questo, mentre agli italiani si chiedono sacrifici enormi, mentre si licenziano i precari, mentre non vengono rinnovati i contratti del pubblico impiego, mentre la disoccupazione giovanile raggiunge il 29 %"
Scrive Noemi: “Cia0 Pa0l0, ric0rd0 di aver parlat0 c0n te di faceb00k, i0 mi s0n0 da p0c0 iscritta e mi chiedev0 se il circ0l0 avesse un su0 tal cas0 v0rrei che ci 0spitassim0 vicendev0lmente”
Mia rispostina: “Abbiamo un gruppo che si chiama "Bioregionalismo ed Ecologia Profonda", lo riconosci subito perché ci sono i nostri articoli, se vuoi puoi iscriverti:!/home.php?sk=group_196354403713283 “
Scrive Armando, sconsolato per il taglio del bosco: “Il taglio del sacro bosco di Fogliano è iniziato. Ci avevano preso in giro diffondendo false notizie sull'eventuale rimando. Ho esaurito le parole: tanto non glie ne frega un ca..o a nessuno. Scusate”
rispostina Mia: "And so we were misled ... releasing false information about the impossibility of cutting the forest in Faleria Fogliano, due to bureaucratic reasons, it was a trap for us to write that the forest was saved ... instead. I am sorry .... Well at least you can expose their shame ... "Comment by Giorgio Vitali
the cutting of the forest:" THIS IS THE USUAL PRACTICE OF LORSIGNORI. They know that things go on like this and still believe that the naive. But then wonder after the fact ... "writes Giorgio
Bellitti, talking about his new book:" I have never seen the theatrical one meter for the pain. Goodbyes does not move me, and not verso più aride lacrime. Mi affascinano invece i meccanismi e le degenerazioni sottostanti, per questo ho sempre amato le partenze solitarie. AMORI POLARI Edizioni Tabula fati”
Scrive Michele Proclamato, in un suo dialogo immaginario con Giordano Bruno: “Mente, Intelletto, Amore, saprete allora che in quel mondo di pura immaginazione avrete avuto come me la fortuna immensa di aver incontrato l’unico il vero
Dormitantium Animorum Excubitor...” - Continua:
Scrive Rosy Di Mauro: “Un ettaro coltivato a soia (non transgenica) produce 1,800 chili di proteine vegetali, lo same pasture and livestock produces only 60. Forty percent of the grain produced worldwide is used to feed animals for meat. According to the FAO and the "Worldwatch Institute carnivores are destroying the Earth. There is enough food for everyone. "If we were all vegetarian, world hunger would be defeated. We must ask why at this point, despite the millions of years of evolution, man as a cannibal does not give up devouring his weaker brothers? "
Writes Annalisa Rinaldi:" Started the sales of concert tickets Divan Orchestra with Barenboim in Santa Cecilia (Rome). Daniel Barenboim will be May 18 at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia (hours 21:00 Sala Santa Cecilia - Auditorium Parco della Musica). The proceeds from the evening will be to support the educational projects of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Info: 06.8082058 - "Jole Dessi
writes:" It is not possible in San Marino to make any kind of animal experiments: San Marino is the first state in the world where vivisection is prohibited by law!. .. "
Giuseppe Nacci wrote:" Our freedom of choice about how to cure ourselves is in grave danger. Millions of people around the world, increasingly in Europe are successfully using natural remedies, not only as a means of prevention and wellness, but also to deal with very serious health problems. Presto, se non agiamo subito e in tanti, questo non sarà più possibile. Dal 1 aprile 2011 tutte le erbe medicinali diventeranno praticamente illegali nell'Unione Europea" - Continua:
Commento di Caterina sull'articolo soprastante: “.... vedo che sono citati molti studi "scientifici" bene, potranno essere utilizzati (forse) per l'autorizzazione dell'uso di questa o quella erba. Comunque, a parere mio, non si può divulgare la notizia o la conoscenza che un'erba ha proprietà antitumorali se non c'è una documentazione dietro, poi se qualsiasi persona perché gliel'ha detto caio guy or believes that grass is good against a tumor (or other) must be free to use it provided that it is aware that the effect remains to be shown (if it was not) "
This time in addition to my greetings, in closing, there are those of Catherine, hello Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Good People Sometimes forsake May
The Seeker Following His Own Conscience,
Then Should he heed, not hush, His pure voice and Inner
wend His lonely way"
(Sri Ramana Maharshi )
Care, dear, we
theme of syncretism intergalactic life! Esistono altre vite nell'Universo e Ida Di Donato ci invita a prendere coscienza di ciò ed a renderci pronti all'incontro... Al proposito scrive anche Amleto: "Carissimi... ricevuto interessante avviso di Ida che vi invito a leggere... perché ritengo sia di grande importanza per coloro che cercano la poliedrica Verità... Fraterni saluti. Namasté" –Continua:
Scrive Mauro: “Salve Paolo, sono andato sul sito della Rete Bioregionale a cercare una qualche indicazione di un libro da voi pubblicato e che mi interesserebbe leggere: Nanao Sakaki - "With your feet in the mud," Please, I want to know if this book is still available, if you can book through you (how?) Or if it is also possible through a common library. Since we're here, take this opportunity to find out if you present with your booth at the "Do the Right Thing" - Milan 26/27 March. Thank you for your kind feedback and my best regards "My
rispostina:" Dear Maureen, thanks for your message. Giro your mail to Stephen Panzarasa that deals with environmental education and book publishing. Thanks for the invitation to the Fair "Do the right thing "in Milan, which result in our magazines of Saul, to inform members (near Lombard) initiative Ah .. there, in Turin there are two co-founders of Bioregional Network, Claudio Daniel Viano and the restaurant La Crescent, you know them? If you want I can put you in the mailing list of the magazines so you can be informed on all ongoing initiatives in various regions of Italy "
Cospito Nicola writes:" The news yesterday beat the other news agencies about the dates set by government in local elections and the referendum on privatization of water, the nuclear and such failure, shows once again, as if proof were needed, that the current government in office is a government of swindlers and rogues. Elections In fact, administrative and referendums will be held on different dates, the first il 15/16 maggio, i referendum il 12 giugno, cosa che costerà non solo all'erario, ma anche e soprattutto agli italiani, svariate centinaia di milioni di euro in più. Il governo infatti ha inteso stabilire date diverse per affossare i referendum, sperando in tal modo di impedire il raggiungimento del quorum necessario a renderlo valido. Un altro tentativo, insomma, soprattutto in relazione al legittimo impedimento, di salvare il cosiddetto premier dai suoi processi. E questo, mentre agli italiani si chiedono sacrifici enormi, mentre si licenziano i precari, mentre non vengono rinnovati i contratti del pubblico impiego, mentre la disoccupazione giovanile raggiunge il 29 %"
Scrive Noemi: “Cia0 Pa0l0, ric0rd0 di aver parlat0 c0n te di faceb00k, i0 mi s0n0 da p0c0 iscritta e mi chiedev0 se il circ0l0 avesse un su0 tal cas0 v0rrei che ci 0spitassim0 vicendev0lmente”
Mia rispostina: “Abbiamo un gruppo che si chiama "Bioregionalismo ed Ecologia Profonda", lo riconosci subito perché ci sono i nostri articoli, se vuoi puoi iscriverti:!/home.php?sk=group_196354403713283 “
Scrive Armando, sconsolato per il taglio del bosco: “Il taglio del sacro bosco di Fogliano è iniziato. Ci avevano preso in giro diffondendo false notizie sull'eventuale rimando. Ho esaurito le parole: tanto non glie ne frega un ca..o a nessuno. Scusate”
rispostina Mia: "And so we were misled ... releasing false information about the impossibility of cutting the forest in Faleria Fogliano, due to bureaucratic reasons, it was a trap for us to write that the forest was saved ... instead. I am sorry .... Well at least you can expose their shame ... "Comment by Giorgio Vitali
the cutting of the forest:" THIS IS THE USUAL PRACTICE OF LORSIGNORI. They know that things go on like this and still believe that the naive. But then wonder after the fact ... "writes Giorgio
Bellitti, talking about his new book:" I have never seen the theatrical one meter for the pain. Goodbyes does not move me, and not verso più aride lacrime. Mi affascinano invece i meccanismi e le degenerazioni sottostanti, per questo ho sempre amato le partenze solitarie. AMORI POLARI Edizioni Tabula fati”
Scrive Michele Proclamato, in un suo dialogo immaginario con Giordano Bruno: “Mente, Intelletto, Amore, saprete allora che in quel mondo di pura immaginazione avrete avuto come me la fortuna immensa di aver incontrato l’unico il vero
Dormitantium Animorum Excubitor...” - Continua:
Scrive Rosy Di Mauro: “Un ettaro coltivato a soia (non transgenica) produce 1,800 chili di proteine vegetali, lo same pasture and livestock produces only 60. Forty percent of the grain produced worldwide is used to feed animals for meat. According to the FAO and the "Worldwatch Institute carnivores are destroying the Earth. There is enough food for everyone. "If we were all vegetarian, world hunger would be defeated. We must ask why at this point, despite the millions of years of evolution, man as a cannibal does not give up devouring his weaker brothers? "
Writes Annalisa Rinaldi:" Started the sales of concert tickets Divan Orchestra with Barenboim in Santa Cecilia (Rome). Daniel Barenboim will be May 18 at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia (hours 21:00 Sala Santa Cecilia - Auditorium Parco della Musica). The proceeds from the evening will be to support the educational projects of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Info: 06.8082058 - "Jole Dessi
writes:" It is not possible in San Marino to make any kind of animal experiments: San Marino is the first state in the world where vivisection is prohibited by law!. .. "
Giuseppe Nacci wrote:" Our freedom of choice about how to cure ourselves is in grave danger. Millions of people around the world, increasingly in Europe are successfully using natural remedies, not only as a means of prevention and wellness, but also to deal with very serious health problems. Presto, se non agiamo subito e in tanti, questo non sarà più possibile. Dal 1 aprile 2011 tutte le erbe medicinali diventeranno praticamente illegali nell'Unione Europea" - Continua:
Commento di Caterina sull'articolo soprastante: “.... vedo che sono citati molti studi "scientifici" bene, potranno essere utilizzati (forse) per l'autorizzazione dell'uso di questa o quella erba. Comunque, a parere mio, non si può divulgare la notizia o la conoscenza che un'erba ha proprietà antitumorali se non c'è una documentazione dietro, poi se qualsiasi persona perché gliel'ha detto caio guy or believes that grass is good against a tumor (or other) must be free to use it provided that it is aware that the effect remains to be shown (if it was not) "
This time in addition to my greetings, in closing, there are those of Catherine, hello Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Good People Sometimes forsake May
The Seeker Following His Own Conscience,
Then Should he heed, not hush, His pure voice and Inner
wend His lonely way"
(Sri Ramana Maharshi )
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What Should A Dying Wart Look Like
The magazines of Saul of March 4, 2011 - Francesca, aid to Libya, No wind in Piansano, peasant agriculture, TV and Franco Augello, Naomi ... The magazines
Care, dear, dear Sister
our spiritual Francesca, companion Cyrus, left the mortal body, communicates it to Cyrus himself: "Francesca ... has left the body the day before yesterday ... for respiratory failure, renal and cardiac ... 9 months later of lung disease and rheumatic pain ... I can not believe it ... pray for us, thanks to you soon ... kisses "- I reply: My dear brother Cyrus, the face of pain felt when the companion of life leaves the body ... The words do not need. My heart clings to your hoping to convey warmth and peace. I also think his daughter Francesca to be upset .. and also she is my benevolent thought. That the departure of Frank has taken place near the Shivaratri gives me hope for his noble soul. Be firm in faith! Your brother.
to say no to 270 wind turbines that will destroy the ecosystem and the landscape of Piansano (VT), writes in the Loggia: "Here is the text of open letter, so please give the widest possible dissemination. A similar test with the adjustments necessary, was prepared for the people of the area of \u200b\u200breference. Thank you very much for your cooperation and solidarity "- Read more: e2% 80% 9cper-say-no -to-heavy-slaughter-environmental-of-270-wind-towers-in-common-to-Tuscan-canine-cell-Arlena-of-castro-Tessennano-% e2% 80% 9d-and-known-addition /
writes Gianfranco Spiezia: "The blood of the South's Unification and anti-historical brigandage. The appointment is for Monday, March 7, 2011 at 18:30 in the Multipurpose Room of the Museum Crocetti, Via Cassia 492 Rome. Info "- Remarks on the left by Giorgio Vitali:" I will surely present in this particular event. I take this opportunity to recall that the truth finally unveiling our Risorgimento confirm the position of all those, improper or insulting called conspiracy theorists, that to understand events, far from clear, recent history, making use of all information. okkultate Especially those "
writes Greenpeace Italy: "Hello Paul, between April 15 and June 15 we will vote in a referendum that will stop the return of nuclear power in Italy. We ask the Honourable Minister of Interior Roberto Maroni referendum to merge the event with the local elections to be held in many cities in May. (cyber) & = & utm_content SilverpopMailing utm_source = "
Vittorio Marinelli writes:" A round table on water, public good and quality service 'will be held on March 8, 2011 at 10:30 am in the Conference Hall of the Chamber of Deputies (Via del Pozzetto 158)"
Scrive Serenella Ballore: “Carissimi, vi comunico che in partenership con l'associazione "Forza Vitale" di Ardea Roma, stiamo organizzando il corso di L.A.C. Logo Armonia Consapevole "La comunicazione dal Cuore" Utile ad imparare a creare la propria realtà desiderata! Un meraviglioso abbraccio di luce 3935802828”
Scrive Tmnews: "Germania: Dona seme a coppia lesbica, ora gli chiedono alimenti. Una donazione costata cara: un professore tedesco di 52 anni potrebbe presto dover pagare gli alimenti a un figlio nato da una coppia lesbica alla quale aveva donato lo sperma..." - Commento di Giorgio Vitali: "IN QUESTI CASI LA CURA CI SAREBBE: QUANDO QUALCUNO è PRESO DAL DELIRIO LEAVE YOUR SEED FOR CHARITY, AND SHOULD TAKE the victim, RIVOLTATOLO WITH EASY STEPS TO KARATE learn from Chuck Norris, DENUDATOLO, backside INSERT IN SOME OF HIS BLOOD OF A JOINT BLACK PEPPER PEPPER. THE END OF THE TREATMENT BY CHARGED FOR A FEW DAYS, THE YOUTH WILL BE FULLY RESTORED TO GOOD PRACTICES Heterosexuals, especially without charitable impulses. Great benefit to humanity ... "
Econews writes:" Two planes left for France in Benghazi with doctors, nurses and medical supplies: will be the beginning of a massive humanitarian support to the people of liberated territory . So Francois Fillon said on the radio (head of government French). He went on: it is considering the adoption of military measures. France will be the best friend the next Government Libya? "
part of the political campaign 'Agriculture and rural migrant seasonal work' next March 11 to 17 a delegation of trade unionists, farmers, associations, lawyers and researchers from five countries Europeans, in fact-finding mission will travel to Calabria, where resides a volunteer from November, which monitors the situation of migrant agricultural workers and has made contact with local realities. - Continue: Bioregionalism-e-Agriculture-contadina.html
Augello Franco writes: "Dear amici, mi riferisco alla osservazione di Vincenzo Mannello che trovo utile come occasione di riflessione. La TV è uno degli strumenti di comunicazione straordinario, a differenza di cinema libri e giornali arriva direttamente nelle case ogni giorno in ogni momento della giornata, questa la sua forza ed il suo pericolo. Per questo motivo il pericolo aumenta quando il possesso delle emittenti è concentrato nelle mani di poche persone. I telegiornali, che sono visti e rivisti ogni giorno da almeno l'80% degli Italiani sono strumento di informazione? Per venire alla maggioranza di noi, credo, c'è una informazione che circola poco nelle TV, la recente legge che attribuisce ai privati la distribuzione e la vendita dell'acqua potabile. L'ACQUA POTABILE! The most vital asset we have with air. If the technology enabling it to harness even the air ...? Perhaps it is true that the majority of authors of books is on the left, the authors do not care the publishers (who pays the advertising costs are the publishers of course) is for us to understand what is served up. I wonder how he managed to expand the thinking of the left where the levers of power centers of communication and training (publishers, producers and film distributors, ministries of education and communication)
largely in the hands of the right. Just a thought "
Some of our readers objected:" You are always there to denounce this or that injustice, this or that bullshit law, etc.. etc. But what are your alternatives? "Here's some advice that finally comes to us unexpectedly ....; html
Gloria on comments received from above: "Dear Paul, very interesting. I have almost all the practical points that Joseph mentioned - I do not see in most television for almost 8 years! I live very well, reading newspapers a practice that is less passive than watching television. Also, try to understand why we got here, which I've had enough clear. Because if we do not have what are these errors, will be difficult not to take others. You may want to read it on G. Germani, Tiziano Terzani: the revolution within ourselves, Longanesi 2008. See you soon! "My
rispostina:" Gloria, thanks for expressing your opinion, this is also a sign of sharing label ... be able to communicate with each other and pass on their life experiences and feelings ... For example what you said on TV I own, the always handy and I always thought that the TV-it-is completely useless (a passive information system) and is certainly preferable to ask here on the web ... Provided they do not become a habit, such as chat or woof of the pissy pissy fesbucco ... "
Noemi writes: "... nu ... and 'the unic0 m0d0 to fend quand0 n0n funzi0nan0 keys on the keyboard .... shhhhh .... 0ppure p0ssiam0 st0 c0dificand0 say that a linear nu0va B. .. giust0 giust0 public transportation here in the R0ma nemmen0 garantisc0n0 A! Cia0 Saul. S0rrisi you and Catherine "
With that I greet you, see you tomorrow, hello Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Words like
wires protrude into the void
they 'know how
save lives.
Stupid as stupid as the moon
they do cry.
(Aloisi Ricciardo)
Care, dear, dear Sister
our spiritual Francesca, companion Cyrus, left the mortal body, communicates it to Cyrus himself: "Francesca ... has left the body the day before yesterday ... for respiratory failure, renal and cardiac ... 9 months later of lung disease and rheumatic pain ... I can not believe it ... pray for us, thanks to you soon ... kisses "- I reply: My dear brother Cyrus, the face of pain felt when the companion of life leaves the body ... The words do not need. My heart clings to your hoping to convey warmth and peace. I also think his daughter Francesca to be upset .. and also she is my benevolent thought. That the departure of Frank has taken place near the Shivaratri gives me hope for his noble soul. Be firm in faith! Your brother.
to say no to 270 wind turbines that will destroy the ecosystem and the landscape of Piansano (VT), writes in the Loggia: "Here is the text of open letter, so please give the widest possible dissemination. A similar test with the adjustments necessary, was prepared for the people of the area of \u200b\u200breference. Thank you very much for your cooperation and solidarity "- Read more: e2% 80% 9cper-say-no -to-heavy-slaughter-environmental-of-270-wind-towers-in-common-to-Tuscan-canine-cell-Arlena-of-castro-Tessennano-% e2% 80% 9d-and-known-addition /
writes Gianfranco Spiezia: "The blood of the South's Unification and anti-historical brigandage. The appointment is for Monday, March 7, 2011 at 18:30 in the Multipurpose Room of the Museum Crocetti, Via Cassia 492 Rome. Info "- Remarks on the left by Giorgio Vitali:" I will surely present in this particular event. I take this opportunity to recall that the truth finally unveiling our Risorgimento confirm the position of all those, improper or insulting called conspiracy theorists, that to understand events, far from clear, recent history, making use of all information. okkultate Especially those "
writes Greenpeace Italy: "Hello Paul, between April 15 and June 15 we will vote in a referendum that will stop the return of nuclear power in Italy. We ask the Honourable Minister of Interior Roberto Maroni referendum to merge the event with the local elections to be held in many cities in May. (cyber) & = & utm_content SilverpopMailing utm_source = "
Vittorio Marinelli writes:" A round table on water, public good and quality service 'will be held on March 8, 2011 at 10:30 am in the Conference Hall of the Chamber of Deputies (Via del Pozzetto 158)"
Scrive Serenella Ballore: “Carissimi, vi comunico che in partenership con l'associazione "Forza Vitale" di Ardea Roma, stiamo organizzando il corso di L.A.C. Logo Armonia Consapevole "La comunicazione dal Cuore" Utile ad imparare a creare la propria realtà desiderata! Un meraviglioso abbraccio di luce 3935802828”
Scrive Tmnews: "Germania: Dona seme a coppia lesbica, ora gli chiedono alimenti. Una donazione costata cara: un professore tedesco di 52 anni potrebbe presto dover pagare gli alimenti a un figlio nato da una coppia lesbica alla quale aveva donato lo sperma..." - Commento di Giorgio Vitali: "IN QUESTI CASI LA CURA CI SAREBBE: QUANDO QUALCUNO è PRESO DAL DELIRIO LEAVE YOUR SEED FOR CHARITY, AND SHOULD TAKE the victim, RIVOLTATOLO WITH EASY STEPS TO KARATE learn from Chuck Norris, DENUDATOLO, backside INSERT IN SOME OF HIS BLOOD OF A JOINT BLACK PEPPER PEPPER. THE END OF THE TREATMENT BY CHARGED FOR A FEW DAYS, THE YOUTH WILL BE FULLY RESTORED TO GOOD PRACTICES Heterosexuals, especially without charitable impulses. Great benefit to humanity ... "
Econews writes:" Two planes left for France in Benghazi with doctors, nurses and medical supplies: will be the beginning of a massive humanitarian support to the people of liberated territory . So Francois Fillon said on the radio (head of government French). He went on: it is considering the adoption of military measures. France will be the best friend the next Government Libya? "
part of the political campaign 'Agriculture and rural migrant seasonal work' next March 11 to 17 a delegation of trade unionists, farmers, associations, lawyers and researchers from five countries Europeans, in fact-finding mission will travel to Calabria, where resides a volunteer from November, which monitors the situation of migrant agricultural workers and has made contact with local realities. - Continue: Bioregionalism-e-Agriculture-contadina.html
Augello Franco writes: "Dear amici, mi riferisco alla osservazione di Vincenzo Mannello che trovo utile come occasione di riflessione. La TV è uno degli strumenti di comunicazione straordinario, a differenza di cinema libri e giornali arriva direttamente nelle case ogni giorno in ogni momento della giornata, questa la sua forza ed il suo pericolo. Per questo motivo il pericolo aumenta quando il possesso delle emittenti è concentrato nelle mani di poche persone. I telegiornali, che sono visti e rivisti ogni giorno da almeno l'80% degli Italiani sono strumento di informazione? Per venire alla maggioranza di noi, credo, c'è una informazione che circola poco nelle TV, la recente legge che attribuisce ai privati la distribuzione e la vendita dell'acqua potabile. L'ACQUA POTABILE! The most vital asset we have with air. If the technology enabling it to harness even the air ...? Perhaps it is true that the majority of authors of books is on the left, the authors do not care the publishers (who pays the advertising costs are the publishers of course) is for us to understand what is served up. I wonder how he managed to expand the thinking of the left where the levers of power centers of communication and training (publishers, producers and film distributors, ministries of education and communication)
largely in the hands of the right. Just a thought "
Some of our readers objected:" You are always there to denounce this or that injustice, this or that bullshit law, etc.. etc. But what are your alternatives? "Here's some advice that finally comes to us unexpectedly ....; html
Gloria on comments received from above: "Dear Paul, very interesting. I have almost all the practical points that Joseph mentioned - I do not see in most television for almost 8 years! I live very well, reading newspapers a practice that is less passive than watching television. Also, try to understand why we got here, which I've had enough clear. Because if we do not have what are these errors, will be difficult not to take others. You may want to read it on G. Germani, Tiziano Terzani: the revolution within ourselves, Longanesi 2008. See you soon! "My
rispostina:" Gloria, thanks for expressing your opinion, this is also a sign of sharing label ... be able to communicate with each other and pass on their life experiences and feelings ... For example what you said on TV I own, the always handy and I always thought that the TV-it-is completely useless (a passive information system) and is certainly preferable to ask here on the web ... Provided they do not become a habit, such as chat or woof of the pissy pissy fesbucco ... "
Noemi writes: "... nu ... and 'the unic0 m0d0 to fend quand0 n0n funzi0nan0 keys on the keyboard .... shhhhh .... 0ppure p0ssiam0 st0 c0dificand0 say that a linear nu0va B. .. giust0 giust0 public transportation here in the R0ma nemmen0 garantisc0n0 A! Cia0 Saul. S0rrisi you and Catherine "
With that I greet you, see you tomorrow, hello Paul / Saul
poetic thought of the after magazines:
Words like
wires protrude into the void
they 'know how
save lives.
Stupid as stupid as the moon
they do cry.
(Aloisi Ricciardo)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Optive For Use With Contact Lenses
Saul of March 3, 2011 - TV false, american default, build biological Chieti, eco-village in Piedmont, banks and gold 3 ... The magazines
Care, dear,
Mannello Vincent writes: "TV and tips for buying ... The radio and television broadcasts, irrespective of the bias that often characterize them but do not address today, more and more advertising tool for almost all guests. Obviously, friends and friends of friends, mostly the left, who are or are cited for their works: books, movies, music, theater and professional activities more diverse (from the chef to tenured). All absolutely free (except for rare exceptions) the fact promotional messages that question! Is this a correct observation? Just listen to the radio or watch the various TV shows to give a sincere response. Strangely, some people seem not to look at all: the institutional bodies responsible and for some reason, all the press. Strange, newspapers Campania advertising .. But many journalists write books! "My
rispostina:" Dear Vincent. That are left mostly do not know what to say, as I do not know what to say about the mash television in general ... I do not have TV sets, I never stop to watch TV ... even when I enter a bar with the machine running, do not know. This is also a "council" se vuoi liberarti da certi pesi... e pubblicità invasive. Per l'informazione e la cultura plurale bastano i giornali ed internet..”
Scrive Noemi: “...tr0v0 m0lt bell0 il pensier0 p0etic0 di ieri. Ci riflett0 un po'... ...E salut0 il circ0l0!”
Mia rispostina: “...cos'è... poesia visiva o labbro leporino..?”
Scrive Daniele Carcea: “Il debito degli Stati Uniti vola verso i 15.000 miliardi di dollari, con una percentuale rispetto al Pil di quasi il 100%, se si somma il debito degli Stati Federali, il debito privato delle famiglie, delle banche, delle imprese si arriva quasi al 400% del Pil, quasi 60.000 miliardi di dollari, pari all'intero Pil mondiale. And to make matters worse some federal states are technically bankrupt ..... And Italy? "- Continue:
Marco Bracci writes:" About the tax withdraw cash. Banca Intesa, for a long time, € 2 fee applies to withdrawals at the counter less than 500 €. Once the ATM was out, I went to the door and the cashier gave me € 510. Asked why, I discovered the history of the fee of 2 €. Reflection: The objective of the masters of the world is to have all-electronic, without more "waste paper" (uhh, it makes sense! The touch and everyone who knows how many germs!?). So before they said "if you open an account online I'll give you 3% of net interest income." Then they said "if I remove the counter picks up € 2. ... And then ... until one day there will only be e-money and those who do not want to write no beast in the forehead or hand say "no ID and password to you" and so, as Revelation says, "can no longer either sell or buy." Today, promote credit cards, prepaid cards, etc.. tomorrow will put the chip handyman. In fact, even the doctors today do not look more and explain your symptoms, being intent on writing on the PC, connected to a server with all data of all patients (which bello !!!, se mi succederà un incidente sapranno già di che sangue ho bisogno, che intolleranze e allergie ho,....), ma potranno anche dire: questo è un sovversivo, dichiariamolo in coma irreversibile e togliamogli qualche organo, che ne abbiamo bisogno!".
Scrive Stephania: “Ciao a tutti, insieme a un gruppo di amici stiamo lavorando ormai da due anni ad un progetto per la creazione di un ecovillaggio, recuperando una borgata abbandonata in Val di Susa. Essendo la mia però al momento l'unica famiglia con bambini presente, sento sempre più grande esigenza di trovare altri nuclei familiari con bimbi, che possano unirsi al progetto, considerando fondamentale creare un gruppo consistente di bambini nella township. Clearly the reality of this type is combined very well with the experience of homeschooling, so I am writing to request your help to raise awareness of our project to your friends or whoever you think could potentially be affected, so you have more chances to finally find other families that make live again with us this hamlet in the woods. For more information: "
writes Antonella proposed to forecast seismic Raffaele Bendandi (" ... I must confess that a little ' these predictions, I have created quite a stir .... when I do not know what to think, But surely the figure of Bendandi his theory deserves attention and should be seriously considered. Once again I realize that "official science" is still one of the times of Galileo and Giordano Bruno .. but this is useless to repeat it! "My
rispostina:" Knowledge is always imperfect world ... only self-knowledge is absolute and total "
Writes a couple of guys" Bioregionalism, "moved in Abruzzo:" Dear friends, seeking advice and information when the possibility of self-build a small house without going through a procedure allowed heavy build, but do any construction that remain within the law "- Continue:
Marco Bracci writes:" Paul, I insert in the discussion sales of gold. Currently I am buying and selling commodities, and lately I've been offered deals on gold sales, including one for 5000 and 2 tons from 6000 tons. I became aware of each and offer for sale of 10,000 T. Huge quantities. It is said that the Vatican, the richest state in the world, it has 1,600, possible that there are at least 3 other owners of gold that have put together, 17,000? I think there is much that in a good hoax. Put into service offers to sell such high only serves to drive down the price and, instead, get it up without the gold actually exists in reality "Writes
Free Franco Manco:" The vast majority of people are convinced that the means of information (television, print media ...) are serving the people and that the advertisements or the statements of "experts" are on duty for the benefit of the people ...." He continues:
http://www.circolovegetarianocalcata .it/2011/03/02/vegetarismo-mass-media-e-morte-dellinformazione-libera /
Today is Shivaratri, a day of prayer, meditation and celebration, which can lead change and blessing. We will celebrate in conjunction with the appointment for the study of the I Ching and the Chinese zodiac, which is held in Treia March 6, 2001, to h. 10, the meeting is free and everyone is invited to bring vegetarian food to be shared fraternally. Information phone 0733/216293 - Full program:
Au \u200b\u200brevoir, to demain, Saul / Paul
... .....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Those Well Established in the Self
True Being, will never pursue the world's Vile
ways. Such
For Descent Into The False allurement of the World
Is yielding to the weakness animal
Sense For Pleasure "
(Sri Murugan)
Care, dear,
Mannello Vincent writes: "TV and tips for buying ... The radio and television broadcasts, irrespective of the bias that often characterize them but do not address today, more and more advertising tool for almost all guests. Obviously, friends and friends of friends, mostly the left, who are or are cited for their works: books, movies, music, theater and professional activities more diverse (from the chef to tenured). All absolutely free (except for rare exceptions) the fact promotional messages that question! Is this a correct observation? Just listen to the radio or watch the various TV shows to give a sincere response. Strangely, some people seem not to look at all: the institutional bodies responsible and for some reason, all the press. Strange, newspapers Campania advertising .. But many journalists write books! "My
rispostina:" Dear Vincent. That are left mostly do not know what to say, as I do not know what to say about the mash television in general ... I do not have TV sets, I never stop to watch TV ... even when I enter a bar with the machine running, do not know. This is also a "council" se vuoi liberarti da certi pesi... e pubblicità invasive. Per l'informazione e la cultura plurale bastano i giornali ed internet..”
Scrive Noemi: “...tr0v0 m0lt bell0 il pensier0 p0etic0 di ieri. Ci riflett0 un po'... ...E salut0 il circ0l0!”
Mia rispostina: “...cos'è... poesia visiva o labbro leporino..?”
Scrive Daniele Carcea: “Il debito degli Stati Uniti vola verso i 15.000 miliardi di dollari, con una percentuale rispetto al Pil di quasi il 100%, se si somma il debito degli Stati Federali, il debito privato delle famiglie, delle banche, delle imprese si arriva quasi al 400% del Pil, quasi 60.000 miliardi di dollari, pari all'intero Pil mondiale. And to make matters worse some federal states are technically bankrupt ..... And Italy? "- Continue:
Marco Bracci writes:" About the tax withdraw cash. Banca Intesa, for a long time, € 2 fee applies to withdrawals at the counter less than 500 €. Once the ATM was out, I went to the door and the cashier gave me € 510. Asked why, I discovered the history of the fee of 2 €. Reflection: The objective of the masters of the world is to have all-electronic, without more "waste paper" (uhh, it makes sense! The touch and everyone who knows how many germs!?). So before they said "if you open an account online I'll give you 3% of net interest income." Then they said "if I remove the counter picks up € 2. ... And then ... until one day there will only be e-money and those who do not want to write no beast in the forehead or hand say "no ID and password to you" and so, as Revelation says, "can no longer either sell or buy." Today, promote credit cards, prepaid cards, etc.. tomorrow will put the chip handyman. In fact, even the doctors today do not look more and explain your symptoms, being intent on writing on the PC, connected to a server with all data of all patients (which bello !!!, se mi succederà un incidente sapranno già di che sangue ho bisogno, che intolleranze e allergie ho,....), ma potranno anche dire: questo è un sovversivo, dichiariamolo in coma irreversibile e togliamogli qualche organo, che ne abbiamo bisogno!".
Scrive Stephania: “Ciao a tutti, insieme a un gruppo di amici stiamo lavorando ormai da due anni ad un progetto per la creazione di un ecovillaggio, recuperando una borgata abbandonata in Val di Susa. Essendo la mia però al momento l'unica famiglia con bambini presente, sento sempre più grande esigenza di trovare altri nuclei familiari con bimbi, che possano unirsi al progetto, considerando fondamentale creare un gruppo consistente di bambini nella township. Clearly the reality of this type is combined very well with the experience of homeschooling, so I am writing to request your help to raise awareness of our project to your friends or whoever you think could potentially be affected, so you have more chances to finally find other families that make live again with us this hamlet in the woods. For more information: "
writes Antonella proposed to forecast seismic Raffaele Bendandi (" ... I must confess that a little ' these predictions, I have created quite a stir .... when I do not know what to think, But surely the figure of Bendandi his theory deserves attention and should be seriously considered. Once again I realize that "official science" is still one of the times of Galileo and Giordano Bruno .. but this is useless to repeat it! "My
rispostina:" Knowledge is always imperfect world ... only self-knowledge is absolute and total "
Writes a couple of guys" Bioregionalism, "moved in Abruzzo:" Dear friends, seeking advice and information when the possibility of self-build a small house without going through a procedure allowed heavy build, but do any construction that remain within the law "- Continue:
Marco Bracci writes:" Paul, I insert in the discussion sales of gold. Currently I am buying and selling commodities, and lately I've been offered deals on gold sales, including one for 5000 and 2 tons from 6000 tons. I became aware of each and offer for sale of 10,000 T. Huge quantities. It is said that the Vatican, the richest state in the world, it has 1,600, possible that there are at least 3 other owners of gold that have put together, 17,000? I think there is much that in a good hoax. Put into service offers to sell such high only serves to drive down the price and, instead, get it up without the gold actually exists in reality "Writes
Free Franco Manco:" The vast majority of people are convinced that the means of information (television, print media ...) are serving the people and that the advertisements or the statements of "experts" are on duty for the benefit of the people ...." He continues:
http://www.circolovegetarianocalcata .it/2011/03/02/vegetarismo-mass-media-e-morte-dellinformazione-libera /
Today is Shivaratri, a day of prayer, meditation and celebration, which can lead change and blessing. We will celebrate in conjunction with the appointment for the study of the I Ching and the Chinese zodiac, which is held in Treia March 6, 2001, to h. 10, the meeting is free and everyone is invited to bring vegetarian food to be shared fraternally. Information phone 0733/216293 - Full program:
Au \u200b\u200brevoir, to demain, Saul / Paul
... .....
poetic thought of the after magazines:
"Those Well Established in the Self
True Being, will never pursue the world's Vile
ways. Such
For Descent Into The False allurement of the World
Is yielding to the weakness animal
Sense For Pleasure "
(Sri Murugan)
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